(redirected from Restoration, Lesser)
Conjuration (Healing)
- Level
- Cleric 2, druid 2
- Components
- V, S, M
- Casting Time
- 3 rounds
- Range
- Touch
- Target
- Creature touched
- Duration
- Instantaneous
- Saving Throw
- Will negates (harmless)
- Spell Resistance
- Yes (harmless)
Lesser restoration has one of the following four effects (chosen at the time of casting).
(Regardless of which effects you choose, a character may only benefit from any of the restoration spells—including the lesser and greater versions—once per day.)
Dispel magical penalties to ability scores
When used in this way, lesser restoration acts as the targeted version of dispel magic (except for the range), but only affects spells or magical effects that reduce the target’s ability scores (such as ray of enfeeblement). After successfully dispelling one such effect, the spell ends.
Cure ability damage
When used in this way, lesser restoration reduces the severity of the ability damage (but not ability drain) to one of the subject’s ability scores (your choice, if multiple scores are affected) by one step.
Treat disease
When used in this way, lesser restoration can reverse the progression of a disease, improving the subject’s condition by one step on the disease track. (If the disease has not been removed, via remove disease or heal, lesser restoration cannot improve the subject beyond the latent/carrier step, if the disease has one.)
If the target is afflicted with multiple diseases, all diseases are affected by a single casting of lesser restoration.
Remove fatigue
When used in this way, lesser restoration eliminates any fatigue suffered by the character, and improves an exhausted condition to fatigued.
Material Component
Diamond dust worth 25 gp that is sprinkled over the target.