Session Logs» Session 2007-09-30

The party continues its journey to Crimea?, passing a tower built by the Cumans? of Ataman Serkan, battling ankhegs, and eventually encountering Mongols? riding giant hornets, hunting a behir.

 <<<  Vasily o/ Couch has joined  >>>
 <<< 03:57:19 PM >>>
 Vasily o/ Cou:  /stroll 5
  *** Vasily o/ Couch makes a check for Vasily o/ Cou: < 7 4 9 8 6 > 3
 Vasily o/ Cou:  /stroll 5 8
  *** Vasily o/ Couch makes a check for Vasily o/ Cou: < 7 8 8 3 4 > 2
 Vasily o/ Cou:  /stroll 5 5
  *** Vasily o/ Couch makes a check for Vasily o/ Cou: < 5 5 6 9 8 > 5
 <<< Vasily o/ Couch has left >>>
 <<< 03:57:47 PM >>>
 <<< DM of Gaia has left >>>
 <<< 09:07:06 AM >>>
 <<< Albrecht is now known as Albrecht is at his parents >>>
 <<<  DM of Gaia has joined  >>>
 <<< 07:26:16 PM >>>
 <<<  Vasily has joined  >>>
 <<< 07:34:10 PM >>>
 <<<  Nikolai has joined  >>>
 <<< 07:59:39 PM >>>
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  This needs a Sven to be complete
 <<<  Graynjahhh has joined  >>>
 <<< 08:01:42 PM >>>
 <<< Graynjahhh is now known as Sven >>>
          Sven:  so we're doing this -2?
    DM of Gaia:  For the moment
    DM of Gaia:  Adam will be joining us
    DM of Gaia:  Alright
    DM of Gaia:  ROLL CALL!
          Sven:  up in hurr
    DM of Gaia:  k that's 1
        Vasily:  sup. 
    DM of Gaia:  k
    DM of Gaia:  And comrade Nikolai?
       Nikolai:  here\
       Nikolai:  eating
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  Anyone have any questions?
    DM of Gaia:  Or possibly
    DM of Gaia:  Comments?
          Sven:  did we get e-mail about that loot?
    DM of Gaia:  No!
    DM of Gaia:  I'll do that now.
    DM of Gaia:  You guys killed 3 goblin worg riders
          Sven:  very well.
    DM of Gaia:  While you got your shit bombed
       Nikolai:  and a cleric
    DM of Gaia:  By goblin bat riders
    DM of Gaia:  Yes a cleric also
    DM of Gaia:  The following loots accrued from this
    DM of Gaia:  Small morningstar x3 (1d6/x2) (24 gp), Small lance x3
 (1d6/x3) (30 gp), Small javelin x10 coated with drow poison (1d4/x2)
 (760 gp), Small studded leather armor x3 (+3 AC) (75 gp), tanglefoot bag
 x9 (450 gp), potions: cure moderate wounds x9 (900 gp), bull's strength
 x3 (300 gp), haste x3 (600 gp); goblin's exit x3 (1080 gp), 450 gp.
    DM of Gaia:  All gold numbers are totals
    DM of Gaia:  That's the riders
    DM of Gaia:  The cleric is...
    DM of Gaia:  /roll 1d100
  *** DM rolls dice for DM of Gaia: 1d100 < 50 = 50 > = 50 
  *** Vasily rolls dice for DM of Gaia : 1d100 < 21 = 21 > = 21
    DM of Gaia:  Disable that
        Vasily:  /disable-diebot 
  *** Vasily is disabled
    DM of Gaia:  Small morningstar (1d6/x2) (8 gp), Small studded leather
 armor (+3 AC) (25 gp), wooden holy symbol of Volos (stylized bull's
 head), potions: cure light wounds x3 (150 gp), eagle's splendor x2 (200
 gp), invisibility x2 (200 gp); scrolls: color spray x2 (50 gp), magic
 missile x2 (50 gp), sleep x2 (50 gp), 80 gp. 
    DM of Gaia:  Remember, all Small items are sold for one-quarter
 market price instead of half
    DM of Gaia:  Now.
    DM of Gaia:  sec phone
    DM of Gaia:  Adam will be back at 10
    DM of Gaia:  So!
    DM of Gaia:  As you will recall
    DM of Gaia:  The last session ended with you guys... making it to the
 forest's edge, isn't that right?
       Nikolai:  yeah I think so
       Nikolai:  also we avoided some bat riders
        Vasily:  "Potion of Goblin's Exit"? 
    DM of Gaia:  No
    DM of Gaia:  Goblin's exit is an item
    DM of Gaia:  It's an eggshell
          Sven:  oh right, the effing ninja smokebombs
    DM of Gaia:  When thrown at the ground or otherwise broken, it
 quickly releases a gaseous substance that expands into an Obscuring Mist
 centered on your position
    DM of Gaia:  Caster level 1
        Vasily:  The scrolls are Cleric Scrolls I assume?
        Vasily:  err, divine that is. 
    DM of Gaia:  The scrolls are arcane
       Nikolai:  those are all arcane spells
        Vasily:  Off a cleric?
    DM of Gaia:  Yes
        Vasily:  jinkies. 
       Nikolai:  Magic domain
        Vasily:  Indeed.
        Vasily:  Wanna split the scrolls? 
    DM of Gaia:  Yep Volos grants the Magic domain among others
      DM of Da:  So
        Vasily:  We both take one of each: Color Spray, Magic Missile,
       Nikolai:  yep
       Nikolai:  CL 1?
      DM of Da:  Yah
        Vasily:  And those prices are sale or base? 
      DM of Da:  Base.
      DM of Da:  Now.
      DM of Da:  You've been traveling for 8 days
      DM of Da:  Along the western shore of the Dnieper, through the
      DM of Da:  You have about 10 more days' travel along the river, at
 which point the river turns west - this is where you'll cross the
 Dnieper, leaving it behind, and traverse the steppes due south
      DM of Da:  Entering the Crimean peninsula
      DM of Da:  Which is Mongol territory
      DM of Da:
      DM of Da:  er
      DM of Da:
      DM of Da:  Take a look at the bottom part of that map for a
 reminder if you wish
      DM of Da:  So
      DM of Da:  You set off along the shore
      DM of Da:  (and when I said due south I meant south-southeast but
      DM of Da:  The first day's travels are relatively uneventful...
        Vasily:  (brb)
      DM of Da:  A couple of times, you see what appear to be gnolls in
 the hills, further inland
      DM of Da:  But they avoid you
      DM of Da:  As the sun begins to set, however, and you prepare to
 make camp for the night, you spot a group of six riders
      DM of Da:  They are coming up the shore, from the south
      DM of Da:  By now you are familiar with their dress and armaments,
 and easily recognize them as Cuman warriors
 <<<  Cuman Riders has joined  >>>
 <<< 08:25:10 PM >>>
      DM of Da:  They hail you in Russian; one of them moves forward,
 while the rest stay back, their hands on their sword hilts.
          Sven:  oh boy.
      DM of Da:  He addresses you in accented Russian
  Cuman Riders:  Halt!
        Vasily:  Hail! 
        Vasily:  Can we help you gentlemen?
  Cuman Riders:  We greet you in the name of Ataman Ozgur. 
          Sven:  //that's a new name, right?
      DM of Da:  You
        Vasily:  And we greet you in the name of peace. 
      DM of Da:  You've met his men before; they "saved" you from the
 gnoll ambush right before that sandstorm
      DM of Da:  When you met Taras and had some dragon issues
       Nikolai:  right
  Cuman Riders:  Tell me, my friends, what are travelers like yourselves
 doing here, so far from the road?
        Vasily:  (is he friends with Mr. Khan?)
      DM of Da:  Is who what
          Sven:  (insert obligatory Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan remark here)
       Nikolai:  (the ataman)
      DM of Da:  Are you asking if this here Ataman is allied with the
 Crimean Khan?
       Nikolai:  (do we know anything about him)
       Nikolai:  (yeah)
        Vasily:  (We're traveling to deliver a package.  Do we have
 reason to suspect that these gents might not be inclined to let us carry
 about our business?) 
      DM of Da:  Unlikely - you are still hundreds of miles from Crimea
      DM of Da:  From what you've seen, the steppes between Kievan
 territory and Oleshie are ruled by a number of Atamans, each apparently
 out for himself
       Nikolai:  ok let's just dust them
       Nikolai:  Sandy we're not going to let them surround us
      DM of Da:  Ok
        Vasily:  (no need for violence)
      DM of Da:  So far they've made no attempt to do so
       Nikolai:  (go ahead and talk)
       Nikolai:  (but I don't want to be in a shitty position)
        Vasily:  Well, we were hired to deliver a parcel, but ran across
 a few goblins. 
        Vasily:  We barely managed to escape from them.
          Sven:  (I would prefer not to have to be on the wrong side of
 every Ataman between Kiev and Crimea)
  Cuman Riders:  Well, I am sorry to hear that. Perhaps you are in need
 of protection, yes? 
        Vasily:  Still, we were taken a bit out of our way, so we figured
 we'd try the direct route. 
        Vasily:  Nay, we're out of goblin territory now, so we should be
 able to take care of ourselves.
        Vasily:  Thank you for the offer though, it is most kind. 
  Cuman Riders:  Well, suit yourselves... as long as you all pay us the
 toll for crossing the Ataman's lands, we have no reason for quarrel with
        Vasily:  what might that toll be?
  Cuman Riders:  Ten gold pieces per person - generous indeed, as we, the
 Ataman's warriors, fight to protect travelers against the vile beasts
 that inhabit these steppes. 
       Nikolai:  (eh that's not so bad)
        Vasily:  (70g?  We can pull that) 
       Nikolai:  (wanna pay it?)
       Nikolai:  (70?)
       Nikolai:  (50)
        Vasily:  (err, right)
       Nikolai:  (ok pay em)
        Vasily:  (Out of curiosity, how many territories will we be
 passing through?) 
          Sven:  (sounds good.)
      DM of Da:  You have no idea
        Vasily:  (rough estimate?  under 10?)
      DM of Da:  The main road from Kiev to Oleshie passes through the
 territories of three Atamans
        Vasily:  (ok, we can probably swing 150-250g) 
      DM of Da:  Whether those domains extend as far east as the river's
 course will take you, you are unsure
      DM of Da:  Could be more, could be less
      DM of Da:  Ok so you pay them eh
        Vasily:  Of course good sirs.  Might I ask one thing though...
        Vasily:  If we meet another band of... protectors...  
  Cuman Riders:  Do not worry, you need pay the toll only once per
       Nikolai:  (we need a receipt)
        Vasily:  Is there a token of some sort you might give us that we
 may use to show that we have honored the Ataman's law?
       Nikolai:  (rofl)
  Cuman Riders:  Your faces and clothes will be described to all our
        Vasily:  (*coughreceiptcough* 
       Nikolai:  (ok just give him the cash)
        Vasily:  Of course.  Thank you.
          Sven:  (we needs a badge or some shit)
          Sven:  (find me a black sherriff)
  *** Vasily hands over the currency. 
        Vasily:  (I don't suppose they take cash in goblin equipment
 form, do they?)
  Cuman Riders:  And be warned... further along the river's course are
 the holdings of Ataman Serkan, and he is a ruthless man, not nearly so
 generous as the one we serve.
  Cuman Riders:  Cross his lands with care. 
        Vasily:  (umm... we're not following the river, are we?) 
      DM of Da:  You are for like 9 more days
        Vasily:  (ahh)
        Vasily:  We'll be sure to watch out.  Thank you for the warning. 
  Cuman Riders:  Safe travels to you!
        Vasily:  And you.
       Nikolai:  Thank you sirs
  *** Sven nods
  *** Cuman Riders ride past you and continue north 
 <<< Cuman Riders has left >>>
 <<< 08:40:51 PM >>>
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Someone connect a Boris and an Albrecht
      DM of Da:  In case we need to have some combat
        Vasily:  I guess I'll take B. 
          Sven:  "You go down the river. You find combat."
 <<<  Boris has joined  >>>
 <<< 08:41:55 PM >>>
      DM of Da:  Ok
       Nikolai:  uhm
      DM of Da:  Someone get Albrecht
      DM of Da:  Meanwhile
       Nikolai:  did albrecht leave a char sheet?
      DM of Da:  No
 <<<  Nikolai has joined  >>>
 <<< 08:43:16 PM >>>
      DM of Da:  Improvise
 <<< Nikolai is now known as Lolbrecht >>>
      DM of Da:  lol
 <<< Boris is now known as lolis >>>
 <<< lolis is now known as Lolris >>>
      DM of Da:  Ok
 <<< Sven is now known as Slol >>>
      DM of Da:  Stop that :P
          Slol:  :-P
 <<< Vasily is now known as Vasilol >>>
 <<< Slol is now known as Sven >>>
 <<< Vasilol is now known as Vasily >>>
      DM of Da:  The night passes without attack
          Sven:  like some sort of Xmas day miracle.
      DM of Da:  Though you hear canine howling from the distance
        Vasily:  /equip Steak
      DM of Da:  And several times, you think you see vaguely humanoid
 shapes stalking through the dry grass
      DM of Da:  A merchant vessel passes you at dawn, sailing down the
 river, but it pays you no attention
        Vasily:  (SOP is to hide) 
       Nikolai:  so far so good
          Sven:  I would hate to think one of those boats might start
 shooting cannons 'n shit
      DM of Da:  There are no cannons
        Vasily:  I'm more concerned with our descriptions being described
 in Oleshie. 
      DM of Da:  The only thing that could be shot is either ranged
 weaponry from occupants
      DM of Da:  Oooor if it's a Byzantine vessel... Greek fire
      DM of Da:  aka
      DM of Da:  Alchemist's pwnage
      DM of Da:  Anyways
      DM of Da:  For the next couple of days
      DM of Da:  Your travels are uneventful
          Sven:  hooray for not having to deal with bullshit
      DM of Da:  You encounter bands of Ozgur's men, but as promised,
 they've been informed that you paid the toll
      DM of Da:  Every night, you continue to hear howling
      DM of Da:  And get the feeling that you're being watched and/or
          Sven:  do we ever spot specific shit around our camp sites?
      DM of Da:  Roll some Spot checks
          Sven:  /try 10
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 10 = 25
  *** Lolris rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** Lolris 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 10 = 19 
          Sven:  err . . .
        Vasily:  /try 1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 1 = 4 
  *** Lolris rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** Lolris 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 1 = 17 
        Vasily:  err...
      DM of Da:  Disable that
        Lolris:  /disable-diebot 
  *** Vasily is disabled
  *** Lolris is disabled 
      DM of Da:  Thank you
      DM of Da:  Spot checks for Nikolai?
      DM of Da:  Also for Boris
      DM of Da:  In fact
      DM of Da:  Whatever
      DM of Da:  Sven succeeded sufficiently
      DM of Da:  It's gnolls
       Nikolai:  k
        Lolris:  /try 6
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 6 = 10
       Nikolai:  /try 3
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 3 = 4 
      DM of Da:  The stuff that's watching you during the night is gnolls
       Nikolai:  lol.
      DM of Da:  They do not attack
          Sven:  how many each night?
        Lolris:  We wave. 
       Nikolai:  ok next time we encounter some of those men, we inform
 them about the gnolls
      DM of Da:  At least several
      DM of Da:  The Cuman warriors tell you that yes, gnolls are a
      DM of Da:  And again offer to escort you through Ozgur's territory
      DM of Da:  For a price, of course
       Nikolai:  We tell them no thanks, we can handle ourselves, but we
 just wanted them to be aware.
        Vasily:  Well, can't hurt to ask.  What price?
          Sven:  (hahaha)
      DM of Da:  A mere hundred gold
      DM of Da:  Which compares favorably with death, you are informed
        Vasily:  Nah, it's ok.  We should be able to handle ourselves. 
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  On the fifth day...
          Sven:  God created an encounter?
      DM of Da:  Yep
        Vasily:  We encounter a partridge in a pear tree?
      DM of Da:  No
      DM of Da:  But as you ride along the river shore
      DM of Da:  You see, in the distance, a sizable wooden tower,
 apparently half-constructed
          Sven:  . . . are we getting tower rushed?
       Nikolai:  the peons, they build too fast!
      DM of Da:  Surrounding it are a number of tents and several hastily
 erected sheds
      DM of Da:  And, situated near the water, two crudely built but
 fairly large catapults
       Nikolai:  oh crap
       Nikolai:  siege damage
          Sven:  glad I don't have any buildings.
        Vasily:  'sok.  We're not buildings. 
       Nikolai:  it does plenty of damage to heroes. :/
      DM of Da:  The camp around the tower contains at least two dozen
 people that you can see
      DM of Da:  Cuman warriors mostly
      DM of Da:  And another half-dozen warriors, on horseback, patrol
 the camp's outskirts
          Sven:  I'm too worthless to be a hero :/
      DM of Da:  When they see you approaching, they yell to each other
       Nikolai:  well
       Nikolai:  that's great
      DM of Da:  The six mounted warriors take off in your direction at a
      DM of Da:  And the others begin to grab their weapons, armor, etc.
 from the tents
       Nikolai:  oy.
          Sven:  oh jeez.
       Nikolai:  I don't want to fight 18 people without adam here. ;/
      DM of Da:  Several men begin scaling the tower
          Sven:  it might be time to turn and bounce.
       Nikolai:  especially if they have siege weapons
      DM of Da:  By 18 you mean like 30
       Nikolai:  oh
       Nikolai:  2 dozen
      DM of Da:  Yep
       Nikolai:  my bad
      DM of Da:  Anyway.
 <<<  Cuman Riders has joined  >>>
 <<< 09:01:20 PM >>>
      DM of Da:  Do you want to do anything while they're getting to you?
        Vasily:  Well, question...
      DM of Da:  Yo
        Vasily:  I get that they're not likely to want to stop for
 afternoon tea, but does it look like they're going to ask questions
 before they try to kill us? 
          Sven:  are these guys in the same uniforms or outfits or gang
 colors or whatnot as the previous folks?
        Vasily:  Or will they ask questions after they try to kill us?
      DM of Da:  All the Cuman warriors you've ever seen wear essentially
 the same thing
      DM of Da:  You can't really tell their allegiance by looking at
      DM of Da:  As for the other question
      DM of Da:  They have not drawn swords or bows
      DM of Da:  So they don
      DM of Da:  don't SEEM immediately hostile
      DM of Da:  But they're coming at you pretty fast
      DM of Da:  Full run in fact
      DM of Da:  What's the plan?
       Nikolai:  Ok well
       Nikolai:  Let's see what happens
          Sven:  oh brother.
        Vasily:  Fair enough.  I'll pull out a smoke bomb and ready an
 action to poof it if they take any hostile actions against us. 
      DM of Da:  Very well.
  *** Cuman Riders yell something at you in Cuman
        Vasily:  "I'm sorry, we don't understand you."
  *** Cuman Riders come to a stop 100 feet away, drawing shortbows as
 they do so, nock arrows, and take aim, but do not fire 
       Nikolai:  ah, here we go
      DM of Da:  One of them yells out in accented Russian
        Vasily:  I suggest we back up 10 ft. 
       Nikolai:  backing up is a good idea
          Sven:  forrizzle.
  Cuman Riders:  Who are you? What is your business in these lands?
       Nikolai:  We are just passing through!
       Nikolai:  We mean no harm!
        Vasily:  We're peaceful travelers.  We're only passing through.
  Cuman Riders:  Do you know whose realm this is, strangers? 
       Nikolai:  uh, no?
        Vasily:  Ataman Ozgur (correct?) if my knowledge of geography
  *** Cuman Riders laughs derisively
        Vasily:  (am I correct?)
      DM of Da:  Seems not!
          Sven:  (I'm betting on no.)
          Sven:  (Ataman MeanGuy, more likely)
  Cuman Riders:  The fool Ozgur wishes he could claim this territory for
        Vasily:  It's possible my knowledge is a bit out of date. 
        Vasily:  Then please tell us the name of our generous host.
  Cuman Riders:  Nor has he ever held it! This land belongs to Ataman
       Nikolai:  Is it.. Ataman Serkan?
       Nikolai:  Aha
        Vasily:  (damnit... all these atamans have names reminiscent of
          Sven:  er
        Vasily:  (cucumber, cheese)
          Sven:  (Is it milks?)
        Vasily:  (I want an Ataman sandwich) 
  Cuman Riders:  I warn you! We are suspicious of armed strangers,
 traveling so far from any roads, coming upon this camp. 
        Vasily:  Ah, well then.  It seems I missed a landmark somewhere. 
 Thank you for your guidance.
  Cuman Riders:  Tell me.
        Vasily:  Of course, any fool would be. 
        Vasily:  err...
  Cuman Riders:  Are you spies for Kiev? Perhaps you are here to sabotage
 the tower? 
        Vasily:  V would have phrased that better 
  Cuman Riders:  Who sent you! Speak.
        Vasily:  Of course, even a fool would be.
       Nikolai:  We are not here to sabotage anything and we are not
       Nikolai:  We are JUST travellers
       Nikolai:  We want nothing to do with you and just wish to pass
        Vasily:  We're messengers out of Oleshie.  Goblins captured us
 and took us north.  We managed to escape, but ended up a considerable
 ways off course. 
        Vasily:  All we want is to travel south.
  Cuman Riders:  Messengers? To whom? 
      DM of Da:  Meanwhile you guys roll Diplomacy
        Vasily:  Khan whatshisface. 
        Vasily:  /try 6;grumble,needsmemysynergybonus
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM (grumble,needsmemysynergybonus)  1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 6 = 8
        Vasily:  ... 
          Sven:  (khan whatshisbuckets?)
        Vasily:  goddamn die.
       Nikolai:  well
       Nikolai:  /try 0
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 0 = 10 
       Nikolai:  haha.
          Sven:  /try 0
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 0 = 13
        Vasily:  hah 
      DM of Da:  Nogai Khan of Crimea
          Sven:  (wtf is talking)
  *** Cuman Riders laughs 
  Cuman Riders:  Tell me, what do you think is more unlikely...
  Cuman Riders:  That such a band of misfits as you would ever be allowed
 to the court of Nogai Khan himself... 
  Cuman Riders:  Or that we would believe this tale of yours?
       Nikolai:  Hey, I resent that misfit remark
        Vasily:  Sir.  I'll have you know that my tailor went over every
 inch of my suit in precise detail.
       Nikolai:  We are travellers, and I don't see why you have any
 reason to disbelieve us
       Nikolai:  (rofl)
       Nikolai:  We've done nothing to you
          Sven:  (wow.)
      DM of Da:  As you're saying all of that, one of the other riders
 says something to the one that's been talking
       Nikolai:  Our weapons are for our own protection against the
 creatures of the land
       Nikolai:  Nothing more
        Vasily:  We're more than willing to give your tower a wide berth
 since you seem to value its defense. 
        Vasily:  Escort us away from it if you don't trust us.
      DM of Da:  And by this time, the other warriors in the camp have
 got their gear on and are on horseback
       Nikolai:  figures
          Sven:  fantastic.
        Vasily:  Right.  Still thumbing the eggshell. 
      DM of Da:  The tower and the camp around it are about 800 feet
 downriver from you
      DM of Da:  And the six warriors that are facing you now are, I
 remind you, 110 feet away
      DM of Da:  The rider who's been talking listens to what his comrade
 had to say and says to you:
        Vasily:  So... what do you say?  We're more than willing to pay
 any reasonable toll for traveling through your lands.
  Cuman Riders:  We can't let you tell anyone of this... 
  *** Cuman Riders indicates the tower with a nod of his head
        Vasily:  Sigh. 
        Vasily:  Alright.
  Cuman Riders:  My friend here thinks it would be best if we killed you
 and threw your bodies into the river... and I agree. 
        Vasily:  *whisper*eggshell? 
  *** Cuman Riders yells out a command in Cuman
        Vasily:  Right.  Eggshell.
       Nikolai:  do it
          Sven:  yeah.
      DM of Da:  Ok
          Sven:  it's time we bounce.
      DM of Da:  As you do this, the riders release their arrows
      DM of Da:  So
      DM of Da:  Roll Init
          Sven:  /try 1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 1 = 5 
          Sven:  damn I'm nice.
        Vasily:  /try 1 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 1 = 15
        Vasily:  (does the readied action go off before init happens?)
      DM of Da:  No because technically you can't ready actions outside
 of combat
        Vasily:  (I'd say the phrase "We're going to kill you now"
 qualifies as a hostile action) 
      DM of Da:  Well the init roll will determine whether they shoot
 first or the gas takes effect first
      DM of Da:  So
      DM of Da:  Init for the rest please
       Nikolai:  /try 1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3 
     Lolbrecht:  uh
        Lolris:  /try 7
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 7 = 16
     Lolbrecht:  what's my init
      DM of Da:  WHO KNOWS
      DM of Da:  Make it 1
     Lolbrecht:  uhm
     Lolbrecht:  /try 1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolbrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 1 = 16 
  Cuman Riders:  /try 0
  *** DM rolls attempts for Cuman Riders :
  *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 0 = 20 
        Lolris:  ... 
      DM of Da:  lolol
     Lolbrecht:  oh fuck you
      DM of Da:  Ok.
        Lolris:  So...
      DM of Da:  Six arrows fly out toward you.
      DM of Da:  1 at each of you except Vasily who gets two
      DM of Da:  Just 'cause
       Nikolai:  lol
        Vasily:  Of course. 
  Cuman Riders:  /try -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Cuman Riders :
  *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 0 - 1 = 18
  *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 0 - 1 = 5
  *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 0 - 1 = 19
  *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 0 - 1 = 4
  *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 0 - 1 = 11
  *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 0 - 1 = 1 
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Looks like 1 hits Vasily
      DM of Da:  1 threatens a crit at Nikolai
      DM of Da:  And nobody else
  Cuman Riders:  /roll 1d6
  *** DM rolls dice for Cuman Riders: 1d6 < 2 = 2 > = 2 
        Vasily:  The 11?
      DM of Da:  The 18
        Vasily:  Ah 
  Cuman Riders:  /try -1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Cuman Riders :
  *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 0 - 1 = 3 
  Cuman Riders:  /roll 1d6
  *** DM rolls dice for Cuman Riders: 1d6 < 1 = 1 > = 1 
      DM of Da:  2 damage for V, 1 for N
      DM of Da:  Boris is next
      DM of Da:  Then Albrecht
  *** Nikolai takes 1 damage
        Lolris:  Hmm... why not.  The grasses are tall hereabouts, right?
  *** Lolris makes with the hiding 
          Sven:  uhh
          Sven:  shouldn't we be bouncing?
      DM of Da:  Yes there's some grass but you can't Hide In PLain Sight
        Lolris:  Hmm... we're mounted, aren't we.
      DM of Da:  And yes
       Nikolai:  we are.
          Sven:  yeah.
      DM of Da:  Horses
      DM of Da:  Mounted
       Nikolai:  runt he fuck away imo
       Nikolai:  or we could like
        Lolris:  In that case, boris will delay until Vasily goes. 
      DM of Da:  k
       Nikolai:  try to incapacitate them all
      DM of Da:  Albrecht?
        Lolris:  (delay)
       Nikolai:  he also delays
      DM of Da:  k
      DM of Da:  Vasily! Eggshell ok
        Vasily:  Drop the eggshell and spur the horse to move away. 
      DM of Da:  You crush the eggshell, and a thick mist spreads out
 around you guys
       Nikolai:  in the opposite direction of them
      DM of Da:  You hear exclamations of surprise and anger from the
        Vasily:  That's the plan.
       Nikolai:  albrecht undelays and follows
      DM of Da:  And you ride back north eh
      DM of Da:  Ok
       Nikolai:  yes
  *** Lolris undelays and follows as well 
      DM of Da:  Light horses is what you've got?
       Nikolai:  i think they're light warhorses
      DM of Da:  Oh yes
        Vasily:  yep.
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  The mist blocks you from view; from what you can tell,
 the hapless Cumans charge into the mist, searching therein for a bit; by
 the time they realize you've escaped, it's far too late
      DM of Da:  They hurl insults and epithets at you from a distance,
 but soon break off the pursuit
       Nikolai:  ok so
       Nikolai:  we need to give that area a wiiiiiide
       Nikolai:  wide wide wide
          Sven:  time to get off the river.
       Nikolai:  yes
       Nikolai:  that
        Vasily:  Yeah.  That seems like a plan. 
       Nikolai:  go way around them
        Vasily:  Other side of the river seems like a good idea.
        Vasily:  Wait... 
        Vasily:  We're not traveling down the east bank?
      DM of Da:  West
        Vasily:  How... exactly were we planning to cross the river at
 the bend? 
      DM of Da:  I dunno, that's really up to you, isn't it?
        Vasily:  I kinda figured we'd start on the east bank.
      DM of Da:  I was going to ask that when you got there
        Vasily:  Because you know... that would make sense. 
      DM of Da:  Well, it was definitely specified way back that you were
 traveling down the west back
        Vasily:  o.O
      DM of Da:  And someone asked about crossing and concluded it to be
 unnecessary and/or unfeasible 
        Vasily:  Crossing at Kiev? 
      DM of Da:  I
      DM of Da:  I'm just telling you what was decided by you guys
      DM of Da:  Anyways
          Sven:  I don't remember this conversation
          Sven:  though wouldn't we hit the same problem many times with
 the tributaries?
      DM of Da:  I don't see any of the major tributaries intersecting
 your course
          Sven:  not on our current bank, no.
      DM of Da:  And yes you probably would
       Nikolai:  wait, why do we have to cross the river now
        Vasily:  We planned this thing out pretty thoroughly, I can't
 believe we didn't have a plan for crossing the river.
       Nikolai:  let's just avoid their tower
       Nikolai:  we figured we'd find something to allow us passage when
 we got there
      DM of Da:  Yeah
        Vasily:  o.O 
        Vasily:  /shrug ok.
        Vasily:  Let's go around then. 
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  Do you plan to return to the river and follow it the
 rest of the previously planned way?
      DM of Da:  Or just go across the steppes?
          Sven:  if we give them a day's berth we should probably be able
 to go back to the river, right?
        Vasily:  Aye.
      DM of Da:  Ok.
        Vasily:  And we need to start looking for passage across the
      DM of Da:  You give the tower a wide berth...
      DM of Da:  Your path takes you across a wide, especially flat part
 of the steppes
      DM of Da:  By the afternoon of that day, when you are about to head
 back to the river's shore, you spot a single hill jutting out of the
 landscape a bit further inland, about a mile's distance from you
      DM of Da:  Standing on top of the hill is what appears to be a
 massive, walled fortress
          Sven:  uhh . . . we probably need to go further.
       Nikolai:  no wait
       Nikolai:  that's inland
      DM of Da:  Yep
       Nikolai:  so we want to go to the shore to avoid it.
          Sven:  oh
          Sven:  inland.
      DM of Da:  As you turn away from it and start heading more
 eastward, toward the river, a group of mounted warriors come out of the
 gates and head directly for you
      DM of Da:  It seems you have been spotted.
        Vasily:  Sigh.
        Vasily:  The things we do for 100g. 
      DM of Da:  Hmm?
        Vasily:  Shall we drop another eggshell?
       Nikolai:  sure
       Nikolai:  I say just do it
          Sven:  yeah.
          Sven:  no need to go through this again.
        Vasily:  Bamf 
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Once again, this tactic seems to shake off your pursuers
          Sven:  are we rolling in eggshells?
     Lolbrecht:  we have 1 more
        Vasily:  2
       Nikolai:  ah
       Nikolai:  ok
      DM of Da:  You reach the river without incident, and follow it
        Vasily:  I saved 1 from earlier. 
       Nikolai:  well
       Nikolai:  if it becomes a continuous problem
       Nikolai:  I will just cast the spell myself
          Sven:  I will prep.
          Sven:  or that.
       Nikolai:  nah
        Vasily:  Once we run out of eggshells, we've got 4 more black
 volcanic rocks.
       Nikolai:  you prep something useful
       Nikolai:  like entangle
        Vasily:  We can pull this trick off 6 more times. 
        Vasily:  Without screwing with our spell selections.
      DM of Da:  Alright.
       Nikolai:  meh my L1s aren't specifically important
       Nikolai:  I mean like
       Nikolai:  I can afford one slot
       Nikolai:  we have lots of scrolls
        Vasily:  True 'nuff. 
      DM of Da:  In the next 5 days
      DM of Da:  You travel along the shore
      DM of Da:  You come upon no other towers, camps, or similar
      DM of Da:  You do encounter Ataman Serkan's warriors twice more,
 and each time the Obscuring Mist trick works like a charm
        Vasily:  Hmm...
        Vasily:  Question. 
      DM of Da:  Wassup
        Vasily:  If they're not backed up by anyone...
        Vasily:  We can probably take 6 of them. 
       Nikolai:  Yeah I was about to say
       Nikolai:  there is no reason we should run from 6 people
          Sven:  . . . that wasn't even remotely a question.
        Vasily:  Agreed.
      DM of Da:  Very well
      DM of Da:  If you wish
      DM of Da:  You can just kill them
        Vasily:  Well... 
      DM of Da:  And since you're all badass and have shit like Entangle
        Vasily:  We'll parlay with them first.
      DM of Da:  We can SOP that
       Nikolai:  k
       Nikolai:  also color spray and sleep
      DM of Da:  What we can also SOP is that this Ataman's warriors are
 not the parlaying type
       Nikolai:  we take their shit
        Vasily:  Fair enough. 
          Sven:  yup.
      DM of Da:  Turns out they just plunder people's stuff
      DM of Da:  Now
        Vasily:  Smite & Yoink.
       Nikolai:  haha counterplunder
      DM of Da:  On the fifth day
      DM of Da:  Oh I forgot to say
      DM of Da:  Two different ships pass you, heading north
      DM of Da:  A Kievan merchant ship and a Byzantine war vessel
      DM of Da:  But on the fifth day
          Sven:  war vessel . . .
      DM of Da:  Yes
      DM of Da:  They are called
      DM of Da:  Something that I forget
      DM of Da:  It's a Greek word
          Sven:  trireme?
      DM of Da:  Maybe? No I don't think so
          Sven:  not that this matters.
      DM of Da:  Whatever, it's got soldiers, it's equipped with
 ballistae, a ram...
          Sven:  I was more concerned that a war vessel was running
 around at all.
      DM of Da:  Neither ship pays you any attention
      DM of Da:  On the fifth day, you spot a ship, of Russian design
 (probably from Kiev as well), heading south
        Vasily:  The variety of ships mentioned in the Alexiad by Anna
 Comnena is most striking: monoremes, biremes, triremes, corsairs,
 dromons (a generic term for warships), galleys (including one set apart
 for the use of empresses), merchantmen of heavy tonnage, cargo vessels,
 horse-transports, skiffs, dinghies, sermones (the exact nature of which
 eludes us, but they were probably fast, small craft), rowboats,
 scout-ships, tiny boats for use on river or lake, fire-ships with
 flame-throwing apparatus for Greek fire and the vessel reserved for the
 `Second Count' and called by the sailors eveoussaton.  
        Vasily:  Dromons?
      DM of Da:  Yeah
      DM of Da:  That's the one.
      DM of Da:  Anyway
      DM of Da:  This Russian ship
      DM of Da:  Heading south
      DM of Da:  What you also see is that it is damaged
      DM of Da:  Significantly
      DM of Da:  One mast is smashed
      DM of Da:  There are huge holes in the hull, more or less repaired
        Vasily:  Does it look burnt? 
      DM of Da:  Nope
      DM of Da:  There is no fire damage
      DM of Da:  This is the sort of damage that might be done by impact
      DM of Da:  By, say, catapults
          Sven:  I guess someone came across the "secret" tower?
        Vasily:  Mr Cheese seems to be having some fun with his tower.
      DM of Da:  This vessel, too, pays you no mind whatsoever
        Vasily:  Of course.  We're hiding. 
      DM of Da:  And at the end of this day - the 24th of April - you
 come to the bend in the Dnieper
      DM of Da:  It's time to cross.
      DM of Da:  Got any plans for doing so?
        Vasily:  Is there a Jesus or Moses in the house?
      DM of Da:  There are neither jesuses nor moseses.
 <<< Albrecht is at his parents is now known as Albrecht >>>
     Lolbrecht:  fantastic
 <<< Lolbrecht has left >>>
 <<< 09:57:04 PM >>>
      DM of Da:  Perhaps you should use that Ring of Water Walking that
 you have!
      DM of Da:  Ehh?
      Albrecht:  I see Ian and sandy forgot they had access to my
 character sheet.
       Nikolai:  PERHAPS DIE
       Nikolai:  uh
       Nikolai:  shit
       Nikolai:  right
  *** Lolris feels odd 
       Nikolai:  google docs
      Albrecht:  well, I don't appear to have died.
  *** Lolris feels like someone's controlling his mind
       Nikolai:  nah we avoided combat
      Albrecht:  yeah I just skimmed
  *** Lolris obeys Vasily's will and puts on the ring. 
  *** Lolris thinks Vasily looks like a famous tenor.
        Vasily:  Ok... 
      Albrecht:  ok, so how difficult would it be for us to ford the
 river with our horses?
      DM of Da:  100% impossible
        Vasily:  How raftable is the water?
        Vasily:  Can we chop down a few trees and slap something
        Vasily:  Alternatively, are there villages nearby?
      DM of Da:  If you're asking whether the river is too fast to raft -
 the answer is no, not at this point of it
      DM of Da:  The problem is that you are in the steppes
      DM of Da:  And trees are nowhere to be found
      Albrecht:  so we need to either construct a boat/raft, or find one
      DM of Da:  There are no villages.
        Vasily:  Yay for forethought. 
          Sven:  then we can fashion them into . . . steps, right? *ba
 dum tsh*
      DM of Da:  ...
      DM of Da:  Wandering damage kills you.
          Sven:  :(
        Vasily:  Well, if we can get them to use the lavoratory.
      Albrecht:  ok, let's see
        Vasily:  See, in order to do that, they'd have to get rid of some
      Albrecht:  we could follow the river on this side while looking for
 a way to cross.
        Vasily:  *pe
        Vasily:  (brb) 
          Sven:  do my survival skills know shit about shit for this?
      DM of Da:  Let's see!
      DM of Da:  Roll Survival.
          Sven:  /try 16
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 16 = 26
          Sven:  how very average.
       Nikolai:  go go survival
      DM of Da:  Well
      DM of Da:  Your knowledge of steppes in general tells you that what
 few trees there are can be found near streams, lakes, etc.
      DM of Da:  And you so happen to have spotted the beginnings of a
 small stream a couple miles back
      DM of Da:  So somewhere along it there's probably some trees
          Sven:  so I suppose we better look into that.
      DM of Da:  Ok
       Nikolai:  so even if we find those
       Nikolai:  is it possible for us to cross
          Sven:  we'll make a raft
          Sven:  depending on quantity of wood
      DM of Da:  Yes, as I said, the river is sufficiently calm at the
 bend in it to raft across
      DM of Da:  It does not take you long to find a small grove of
 short, wind-twisted trees
      DM of Da:  There are just enough of them to make a sizable raft
      DM of Da:  Assuming you have the rope to tie them together
          Sven:  I has rope.
      Albrecht:  I have some too
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      Albrecht:  specifically I have 50 ft
      DM of Da:  Night's about to fall, so you can't do this today
      DM of Da:  And it takes you most of the next day to chop down the
 trees, get the lumber to the river, and construct the raft
          Sven:  should I throw wood shapes at this to speed it up?
      DM of Da:  Sure why not
      DM of Da:  How many of those do you have
          Sven:  given a day to prep, I could have 3
          Sven:  rather, given the night we took.
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  The time for this whole thing is now halved
      DM of Da:  It will take 2 trips to get all of you and your horses
      DM of Da:  While you're crossing the river...
      DM of Da:  No hydras attack you.
          Sven:  hooray.
       Nikolai:  yay
          Sven:  any Not-A-Hydras?
      DM of Da:  Not even those.
          Sven:  excellent.
      DM of Da:  You cross uneventfully.
      DM of Da:  Now your course will take you south-southeast
      DM of Da:  You have about...
      DM of Da:  A week of traveling before you reach the peninsula of
      DM of Da:  The first day passes uneventfully
      DM of Da:  In the middle of the second day...
      DM of Da:  As you ride, in midmorning
      DM of Da:  You all suddenly roll Listen checks
          Sven:  ruh roh.
          Sven:  /try 3
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 3 = 18 
      Albrecht:  /try 0
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 0 = 7
       Nikolai:  /try 3
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 3 = 4 
       Nikolai:  wow
        Vasily:  (sorry)
        Lolris:  /try 6 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 6 = 24
        Vasily:  /try 1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 1 = 20 
          Sven:  hey look
          Sven:  someone with a listen check.
      DM of Da:  In-credible
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  As you ride, you begin to hear... a sort of low rumbling
        Vasily:  Horses? 
        Vasily:  Cookies?
        Vasily:  Thunder? 
          Sven:  oh right, rumbling cookies.
      DM of Da:  Not horses...
      DM of Da:  It seems to be coming...
      DM of Da:  From the ground itself
      DM of Da:  In front of you
          Sven:  nature?
       Nikolai:  uh
      DM of Da:  As you ride, the rumbling gets louder...
      DM of Da:  Roll
       Nikolai:  great
          Sven:  /try 12
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 12 = 19
          Sven:  :/
      DM of Da:  /roll 1d4
  *** DM rolls dice for DM of Da: 1d4 < 4 = 4 > = 4 
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  Sven, you have heard of this before
      DM of Da:  This rumbling is likely caused by some sort of burrowing
          Sven:  Watch yourselves guys . . . some sort of burrowing
      DM of Da:  It is getting louder now, coming from the ground all
 around you
          Sven:  Trickery is affot.
          Sven:  afoot, even
      DM of Da:  What is your marching order?
        Vasily:  middle for me.
      DM of Da:  All in a line? Two by two or somesuch? Or...?
          Sven:  2-1-2, perhaps?
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Who's where
       Nikolai:  I'm in the middle
      Albrecht:  front
          Sven:  or 1-2-2, I guess
      Albrecht:  it's my job as meatshield
          Sven:  myself and lolris bringing up the rear
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  So
      DM of Da:  A
      DM of Da:  NV
      DM of Da:  SB
      DM of Da:  More or less
      DM of Da:  Except horses have a 10ft space so yeah
      DM of Da:  Regardless
      DM of Da:  Suddenly, there are four explosions of dirt and soil,
 all around you
          Sven:  panther to my left.
       Nikolai:  sigh
      DM of Da:  And four insectoid creatures, each the size of a bear,
 burst out
      DM of Da:  They snap their huge mandibles, which drip with an
 acidic slime
      DM of Da:  And attack Nikolai's horse, Vasily's horse, Boris'
 horse, and Sven's cat.
          Sven:  do I recognize these things better now?
        Vasily:  (When did we get to hellfire?) 
      DM of Da:  Roll more Know: nature
          Sven:  /try 12
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 12 = 20
      Albrecht:  // damn crust bursters
          Sven:  //I feel marauded.
       Nikolai:  // aqgreed
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  These are ankhegs
      DM of Da:
          Sven:  fugly as balls.
      Albrecht:  yep
      DM of Da:  All you really know about them is that they can grab
 people in their massive jaws and they can spit acid
      DM of Da:  And their bite is also acidic
          Sven:  also, the size of which bears?
 <<< Cuman Riders has left >>>
 <<< 10:24:25 PM >>>
 <<<  Ankhegs has joined  >>>
 <<< 10:24:28 PM >>>
      DM of Da:  The size of grizzly bears.
      Albrecht:  Totally crust bursters.
            DM:  /try 9;Nikolai's horse 
  *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
  *** DM (Nikolai's)  1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 9 = 11
  *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 0 = 14
          Sven:  so Large then.
      DM of Da:  Ok that's an 11
      DM of Da:  Yes large
      DM of Da:  Horse AC is what?
            DM:  /try 9;Vasily_horse 
  *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
  *** DM (Vasily_horse)  1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 9 = 12
       Nikolai:  uh
       Nikolai:  dunno
            DM:  /try 9;Boris_horse 
  *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
  *** DM (Boris_horse)  1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 9 = 23
       Nikolai:  some number that is the AC of a horse
      DM of Da:  14
      Albrecht:  14
        Vasily:  14
      DM of Da:  13 FF
            DM:  /try 9;Sven's_cat 
  *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
  *** DM (Sven's_cat)  1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 9 = 25
          Sven:  el hitto.
      DM of Da:  22 hp is a horse
      DM of Da:  So.
      DM of Da:  Boris' mount takes:
          Sven:  also, would you say we were surprised?
        Vasily:  (btw... 
      DM of Da:  Yes
          Sven:  because I don't feel very surprised.
      DM of Da:  Very surprised
      DM of Da:  All the surprised ever
          Sven:  even though I knew this was coming?
          Sven:  interesting.
        Vasily:  (Presumably, among the loot we stole from the Cumans was
 a fair number of horses, yes?)
      DM of Da:  They charged at you from a position where you could not
 perceive them directly
          Sven:  I see.
      DM of Da:  I dunno, how many horses are you taking with you
      DM of Da:  Are you like
      DM of Da:  Trailing a herd of horses
        Vasily:  Damn skippy. 
      DM of Da:  Seriously?
      Albrecht:  why the hell not?
      DM of Da:  No reason, I suppose
      Albrecht:  1.  good for riding fast, 2.  good for carrying loot, 3.
 good for selling later
      DM of Da:  I guess you have 12 more light warhorses then
      Albrecht:  4.  good for replacing losses
      DM of Da:  So
      DM of Da:  Boris' horse takes damage.
            DM:  /roll 2d6+7+1d4 
  *** DM rolls dice for DM: 2d6 < 3 2 = 5 > + 7 + 1d4 < 3 = 3 > = 15
      DM of Da:  So does Sven's panther.
            DM:  /roll 2d6+7+1d4 
  *** DM rolls dice for DM: 2d6 < 4 2 = 6 > + 7 + 1d4 < 3 = 3 > = 16
      DM of Da:  Roll init.
      Albrecht:  /try 5
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 5 = 18 
       Nikolai:  /try 1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 1 = 20
       Nikolai:  hah
          Sven:  thanks.
            DM:  /try 0 
  *** DM rolls attempts for DM :
  *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 0 = 17
          Sven:  /try 1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 1 = 11 
        Vasily:  /try 1
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 1 = 20
        Lolris:  /try 7 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 7 = 21 
      DM of Da:  Wow
      DM of Da:  Ok Boris
      DM of Da:  Go for it
      DM of Da:  There is a massive insectoid monster chomping into your
      DM of Da:  WHAT DO YOU DO?!
        Lolris:  Indeed there is.  Would I get flanking if I hopped off?
      DM of Da:  No
        Lolris:  (from the horse that is) 
      DM of Da:  I know what you meant
      DM of Da:  No
        Lolris:  Ok... hop off anyway, draw shortsword, smack.
      DM of Da:  Alright
        Lolris:  /try 6 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 6 = 8
      DM of Da:  Failure!
        Lolris:  boo.
      DM of Da:  Vasily.
        Vasily:  Grr... what're rules for casting from horseback again? 
      Albrecht:  trivial if nothing is going on, I believe
        Vasily:  Something is.
      DM of Da:  You can cast from horseback with no roll if the horse is
        Vasily:  What about a 30 ft move? 
      DM of Da:  DC 10
      DM of Da:  Er
      DM of Da:  10 + spell lvl I guess
        Vasily:  Ok, horsie withdraws.
        Vasily:  60 ft away.  I magic missile. 
        Vasily:  /try 5;concentrate
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM (concentrate)  1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 5 = 17 
      DM of Da:  Very well.
        Vasily:  /roll 2d4+2 
  *** DM rolls dice for Vasily: 2d4 < 3 1 = 4 > + 2 = 6
      DM of Da:  The ankheg barely seems to feel that
      DM of Da:  Nikolai!
       Nikolai:  ok
       Nikolai:  hm
       Nikolai:  so we got one hit
       Nikolai:  glitterdust time.
       Nikolai:  can I hit 2 of them
      DM of Da:  Yes
       Nikolai:  but 3 of them would not work
       Nikolai:  right?
      DM of Da:  Nope
      DM of Da:  Not unless you want to glitterdust yourself
      DM of Da:  In the face.
       Nikolai:  right
       Nikolai:  2 of them, glitterdusted
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Save DC?
       Nikolai:  15
       Ankhegs:  /try 2 2 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 2 = 18
  *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 2 = 18
       Nikolai:  oh wtf.
      DM of Da:  rofl+waffles=what
       Nikolai:  hatred
          Sven:  utter boutroscopy.
      Albrecht:  I concur
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Albrecht!
      Albrecht:  one next to me?
      DM of Da:        A
      DM of Da:     k N   k
      DM of Da:   k c S B k
      DM of Da:  k = Ankheg
      DM of Da:  And Vasily is off 60ft away
      Albrecht:  so no, then
      DM of Da:  c = cat
      Albrecht:  that appears to give room for a charge at the one by
      DM of Da:  Negative
      DM of Da:  Remember, you're all on horseback
      DM of Da:  So Nikolai's horse blocks you
      DM of Da:  From a straight charge
      DM of Da:  You can move and attack, though
      Albrecht:  ah
      Albrecht:  but I could charge the other one
      DM of Da:  Certainly you could.
      Albrecht:  and that's the one who ate an MM, yes?
      Albrecht:  it is time to initiate charging
      DM of Da:  Sure is
      Albrecht:  /try 11
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 11 = 14 
      Albrecht:  sigh
      DM of Da:  Epic fail.
       Nikolai:  really
      DM of Da:  Ankhegs' turn.
       Nikolai:  less fail please
      Albrecht:  yes, please
      DM of Da:  The one Albrecht just attacked rears up on its hind legs
 and snaps at him.
       Ankhegs:  /try 7
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 7 = 10 
      Albrecht:  epic fail.
          Sven:  ain't nobody can roll up in this bitch.
      DM of Da:  Nikolai's horse gets another attack...
       Ankhegs:  /try 7
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 7 = 15 
       Ankhegs:  /roll 2d6+7+1d4
  *** DM rolls dice for Ankhegs: 2d6 < 6 3 = 9 > + 7 + 1d4 < 3 = 3 > = 19

      Albrecht:  (and this is why we have multiple horses :P)
          Sven:  wtf infinite damage.
      DM of Da:  It is grievously wounded, and whinnies in pain.
      DM of Da:  Sven's cat gets the same treatment...
       Ankhegs:  /try 7
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 7 = 10 
      DM of Da:  Or not.
          Sven:  or not.
      DM of Da:  And Boris' horse
       Ankhegs:  /try 7
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 7 = 20 
       Ankhegs:  /roll 2d6+7+1d4
  *** DM rolls dice for Ankhegs: 2d6 < 6 4 = 10 > + 7 + 1d4 < 3 = 3 > =
      DM of Da:  Is head.
          Sven:  rull head.
      DM of Da:  It crumples to the ground. Boris, roll Ride to land
      DM of Da:  *dead
        Lolris:  /try 3;untrained
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM (untrained)  1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 3 = 4
      Albrecht:  wait
      Albrecht:  didn't boris hop off already>
        Lolris:  That he did. 
      DM of Da:  Oh he did
      DM of Da:  Whoopstastic
      DM of Da:  Well, Boris' horse is teh dead
      DM of Da:  Jim
      DM of Da:  Sven!
          Sven:  what's that? a turn?
          Sven:  I'm going to take a page out of vasily's book
          Sven:  in which my horse withdraws and I cast some joint
      DM of Da:  Alright
      DM of Da:  Pick a spell and roll Con
      DM of Da:  centration
      DM of Da:  lolol
          Sven:  producing flame.
      DM of Da:  Interrupting your regular programming
      DM of Da:  "I think that both bears and gorillas should both get
 dash in the next patch. I looked it up and in real life a grizzly bear
 can run at 30 mph the same speed as a wort hog and while I wasn't able
 to find a top speed for a gorilla they should be at least as fast as
 humans and the fastest human are only a little slower than bears. "
          Sven:  /try 8
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 8 = 19 
          Sven:  rofl.
      DM of Da:  Ok
          Sven:  the cat similarly withdraws.
      DM of Da:  Ok.
  *** Lolris runs at at least 40 mph
      DM of Da:  Roll attack
      DM of Da:  For the flame
      DM of Da:  That you are producing
          Sven:  /try 4
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 4 = 23
      DM of Da:  Outstanding
      DM of Da:  Roll damage
          Sven:  same guy that got nailed with magic thingy.
          Sven:  /roll 1d6+4
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 5 = 5 > + 4 = 9 
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Boris' turn again.
        Lolris:  Roight. 
        Lolris:  Hmm...
        Lolris:  Ok, Draw the other shortsword... 
        Lolris:  And presumably, I can only attack with the first since
 drawing's a MA?
      DM of Da:  k
      DM of Da:  Unless you have QD, correct
        Lolris:  Ok, attack the one that's being smited and then 5ft
        Lolris:  /try 6
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 6 = 7
        Lolris:  ... 
        Lolris:  /try 9;ref
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM (ref)  1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 9 = 26 
      DM of Da:  k
      DM of Da:  Awesome
      DM of Da:  Vasily!
        Vasily:  Magic Missile the thingie. 
        Vasily:  /roll 2d4+2
  *** DM rolls dice for Vasily: 2d4 < 2 3 = 5 > + 2 = 7
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  Looks like the barrage of spells has almost got that one
 - he recoils from the damage, swaying uncertainly
      DM of Da:  Nikolai!
       Nikolai:  k
       Nikolai:  my horse, which is still alive somehow
       Nikolai:  withdraws
       Nikolai:  I cast me some scorching ray on the one we've actually
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Roll Conc
       Nikolai:  /try 9
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 9 = 10 
       Nikolai:  wow
      DM of Da:  That is shockingly incredible
          Sven:  I don't even know what to say about that.
      DM of Da:  Albrecht!
       Nikolai:  I might want to die
          Sven:  you might have your chance.
      Albrecht:  I will attempt to finish it myself
      DM of Da:  Yep
      Albrecht:  /try 9
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 9 = 17
      DM of Da:  Fail
      Albrecht:  goddamnit
      DM of Da:  You hit not quite hard enough to penetrate the monster's
 thick carapace
      DM of Da:  Their turn.
      DM of Da:  The wounded ankheg withdraws into its tunnel,
 disappearing from view
      Albrecht:  AoO?
      Albrecht:  no, withdraw
      DM of Da:  DM of Da: withdraws
      DM of Da:  The one next to Boris attacks Boris
      DM of Da:  The one next to Albrecht attacks Albrecht
      DM of Da:  And the third one... we'll see
      Albrecht:  huh
      DM of Da:  what
      Albrecht:  I thought the one next to me was the wounded one
      DM of Da:  Well
      DM of Da:  Another one moves over to you.
      DM of Da:  Because why not.
       Ankhegs:  /try 7 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 7 = 27
       Ankhegs:  /try 7 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 7 = 17
      DM of Da:  That's for Boris
      Albrecht:  non-cr
      DM of Da:  Non, eh
      Albrecht:  ah, poor boris
      DM of Da:  What's Boris' AC
       Nikolai:  this is terrible
        Vasily:  ... 
        Vasily:  d'oh
        Vasily:  That's a crit, just barely. 
      Albrecht:  he has chain shirt, and he has lots of dex
      Albrecht:  damn
      DM of Da:  kerpwned
       Ankhegs:  /roll 4d6+14+1d4 
  *** DM rolls dice for Ankhegs: 4d6 < 2 5 3 5 = 15 > + 14 + 1d4 < 3 = 3
 > = 32
      DM of Da:  How's he doing
      Albrecht:  I really hope he's not dead
          Sven:  probably fucked.
        Vasily:  er...
      DM of Da:  Is he dead
 <<< Lolris is now known as Deadris >>>
       Nikolai:  sigh
       Deadris:  wait... 
  *** DM of Da waits
       Deadris:  hmm...
       Deadris:  This sheet is out of date. 
      DM of Da:  k
      DM of Da:  How out of date
       Deadris:  L3
      DM of Da:  And will being up to date save him
      Albrecht:  how much was he dead by by?
       Deadris:  Sec. 
      DM of Da:  k
      DM of Da:  Meanwhile
      DM of Da:  Albrecht:
       Nikolai:  wait, it's out of date?
       Ankhegs:  /try 7 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 7 = 26
       Nikolai:  didn't he say he was sending a recent one
       Ankhegs:  /roll 2d6+7+1d4 
  *** DM rolls dice for Ankhegs: 2d6 < 3 3 = 6 > + 7 + 1d4 < 1 = 1 > = 14
  *** Deadris isn't quite dead
       Nikolai:  uh
       Deadris:  aha... 
  *** Deadris wasn't crit
       Nikolai:  the one you sent me oliver
       Nikolai:  is L4
      Albrecht:  ouch.  Not dead by any means, but that hurt more than I
 like for one hit
      DM of Da:  You weren't crit eh
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  So then...
      DM of Da:  Subtract 15 damage
      DM of Da:  Anyways
      DM of Da:  The third ankheg retreats into its burrow as well
      DM of Da:  Sven's turn.
          Sven:  hmm
      DM of Da:  k you're here good
          Sven:  so two bitches in sight?
      DM of Da:  Two!
          Sven:  deadris not actually dead
      DM of Da:  Not actually dead.
          Sven:  ok
          Sven:  well
          Sven:  have either of the two up ones been damaged yet?
 <<< Deadris is now known as Lolris >>>
      DM of Da:  Not even a little.
          Sven:  ok
  *** Lolris has 12hp 
          Sven:  Lolris should probably withdraw :-P
      DM of Da:  So, Sven
          Sven:  so
          Sven:  I'm chucking flame\
          Sven:  is albrecht in reach of any of them?
          Sven:  or both?
      DM of Da:  Both!
          Sven:  k.
      DM of Da:  Flame eh
      DM of Da:  Roll
          Sven:  I throw flame at the one attacking boris
      DM of Da:  Ok.
          Sven:  /try 4
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 4 = 15 
      DM of Da:  Success
          Sven:  touch.
          Sven:  /roll 1d6+4
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 4 = 4 > + 4 = 8
      Albrecht:  oh that's going to hurt me
      DM of Da:  The ankheg is seared
      DM of Da:  Boris' turn.
          Sven:  my horse also moves forward 30 ft
          Sven:  my panther follows me.
          Sven:  (or, you know, whatever movement puts me within 30 ft of
 the front line.
      DM of Da:  k.
      DM of Da:  Boris!
      DM of Da:  gogogo
        Lolris:  ok.
        Lolris:  How's stuff look atm? 
        Lolris:  We've only got this one here, right?
      Albrecht:  2
        Lolris:  err... 
      DM of Da:  2.
        Lolris:  Ok.
  *** Lolris withdraws. 
      Albrecht:  then you can shoot them
        Lolris:  that is the plan.
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  Vasily!
  *** Lolris also draws his bow. 
  *** Vasily scorches the one Boris just withdrew from.
      DM of Da:  Very well
      DM of Da:  Roll!
        Vasily:  /try 2 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 2 = 6 
        Vasily:  ...
        Vasily:  bloody hell. 
      DM of Da:  lol
       Nikolai:  yeah this is pretty terrible
      DM of Da:  Nikolai!
       Nikolai:  hey well
       Nikolai:  this scorching ray requires no conc check
       Nikolai:  so there
      DM of Da:  Yes
      DM of Da:  But it does require an attack roll
      DM of Da:  So there.
  *** Vasily mutters
       Nikolai:  /try 3
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 3 = 6
          Sven:  . . .
       Nikolai:  ...
       Nikolai:  why am I here
      Albrecht:  why am I here?
  *** Vasily To botch touch attacks? 
      DM of Da:  rofl
      DM of Da:  waffles
  *** Nikolai cries
      DM of Da:  copters
      DM of Da:  skates
       Nikolai:  skates
       Nikolai:  damn
      DM of Da:  Albrecht.
      Albrecht:  so I will now miss the one which is damaaged
      Albrecht:  /try 9
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 9 = 17 
      Albrecht:  yep/
      DM of Da:  You guys rock
          Sven:  essentially.
      DM of Da:  pure pwnage
       Nikolai:  /weep
      DM of Da:  Ankhegs' turn.
      DM of Da:  One attacks Albrecht... and one charges Sven's horse.
       Ankhegs:  /try 7
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 7 = 13 
       Ankhegs:  /try 7
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 7 = 14 
      DM of Da:  Horse gets hit!
       Ankhegs:  /roll 2d6+7+1d4
  *** DM rolls dice for Ankhegs: 2d6 < 1 6 = 7 > + 7 + 1d4 < 2 = 2 > = 16

      DM of Da:  And takes damage.
      DM of Da:  Bam.
      DM of Da:  Sven's turn.
          Sven:  hmm.
          Sven:  well.
          Sven:  I guess it'll be more horse withdrawal followed by
      DM of Da:  k.
      DM of Da:  Roll and roll
       Nikolai:  this just gets terribler by the turn
          Sven:  /try 4
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 4 = 24
       Nikolai:  wow
          Sven:  can flame balls crit?
      Albrecht:  yep
          Sven:  /try 4
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 4 = 8 
      DM of Da:  They can crit but what about your Concentration check
          Sven:  wow.
          Sven:  what concentration check?
      DM of Da:  To cast a spell on a moving horse
      DM of Da:  DC 10+lvl
          Sven:  who's casting?
      DM of Da:  Ohh
      DM of Da:  Right right
      DM of Da:  Throwing multiple shit
      DM of Da:  From yes
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Well, roll dmg
          Sven:  crit or no?
      DM of Da:  Nope.
          Sven:  aww.
          Sven:  /roll 1d6+4
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 2 = 2 > + 4 = 6
          Sven:  panther similarly withdraws.
      DM of Da:  k.
      DM of Da:  Boris!
  *** Lolris bows before the thingie
        Lolris:  /try 8 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 8 = 18 
      DM of Da:  Hit!
        Lolris:  ...
        Lolris:  really? 
        Lolris:  wow
        Lolris:  /roll 1d6 
  *** DM rolls dice for Lolris: 1d6 < 1 = 1 > = 1
        Lolris:  figures.
      DM of Da:  Ahaha
       Nikolai:  yeah this shit needs to end
        Vasily:  Ok, there's a scroll with magic missile's name on it. 
        Vasily:  /roll 2d4+2
  *** DM rolls dice for Vasily: 2d4 < 4 3 = 7 > + 2 = 9 
      DM of Da:  Ok!
      DM of Da:  That one is almost dead.
      DM of Da:  Nikolai!
       Nikolai:  hey how about the spell that requires no rolls to hit
       Nikolai:  fuckers.
       Nikolai:  /roll 2d4+21
  *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 2d4 < 3 4 = 7 > + 21 = 28
          Sven:  how about that.
       Nikolai:  lol
       Nikolai:  I fail at typing
          Sven:  his magic missile was so angry
       Nikolai:  but it does that much damage
          Sven:  it got a +21 bonus.
        Vasily:  (brb) 
       Nikolai:  so yeah that was 9
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  It's dead, Jim.
      DM of Da:  Albrecht!
      DM of Da:  You've got 1 in front of you.
      DM of Da:  Totally unwounded.
      Albrecht:  yeah I miss it again
      Albrecht:  /try 9
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 9 = 15 
      DM of Da:  You sure do.
          Sven:  well played.
      DM of Da:  Their turn.
      DM of Da:  The ankheg attacks Albrecht.
       Ankhegs:  /try 7
  *** DM rolls attempts for Ankhegs :
  *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 7 = 13 
      DM of Da:  Aww.
          Sven:  everybody sucks.
      DM of Da:  You hear more rumbling coming from the ground.
      DM of Da:  Sven!
          Sven:  ok, who is in pain?
       Nikolai:  my horse
  *** Lolris is hurted
      DM of Da:  A&B&N_Horse
          Sven:  albrecht is a ways away
          Sven:  so I go to where boris is and tap him with a wand.
      DM of Da:  k
          Sven:  /roll 1d8+5
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 6 = 6 > + 5 = 11
      DM of Da:  Sounds good
      DM of Da:  Boris' turn!
          Sven:  panther follows, of course.
      DM of Da:  Of course.
          Sven:  this puts me how far from albrecht?
          Sven:  60?\
      DM of Da:  Yeah
          Sven:  ok.
        Lolris:  err 
        Lolris:  sorry.
  *** Lolris shoots again. 
      DM of Da:  k
      DM of Da:  roll
      DM of Da:  Don't suck
        Lolris:  /try 8
  *** DM rolls attempts for Lolris :
  *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 8 = 12 
      DM of Da:  What did I just say
  *** Lolris sucks like yo momma. 
      DM of Da:  lol
      DM of Da:  Vasily
        Vasily:  Ok.  Scroll #2
       Nikolai:  we're all gonna die from the d20s hating us
        Vasily:  /roll 1d4+1 
  *** DM rolls dice for Vasily: 1d4 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3
      DM of Da:  Nikolai!
       Nikolai:  k
       Nikolai:  missiles
       Nikolai:  pew pew
       Nikolai:  /roll 2d4+2
  *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 2d4 < 4 4 = 8 > + 2 = 10 
       Nikolai:  hah
       Nikolai:  sucker.
          Sven:  zomg an actual roll.
      DM of Da:  Albrecht!
      Albrecht:  /try 9
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 9 = 18
          Sven:  hey, a mother fucking hit.
      Albrecht:  about goddamn time.
      Albrecht:  /roll 1d10+4
  *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 1d10 < 7 = 7 > + 4 = 11 
      DM of Da:  The ankheg is almost dead!
      DM of Da:  It retreats into the ground, disappearing from sight
      DM of Da:  Withdrawing, naturally
      DM of Da:  The rumbling sound gets more and more distant and
      DM of Da:  And eventually ceases
      DM of Da:  The encounter is over.
  *** Nikolai cries
       Nikolai:  my spells
          Sven:  I immediately hook shit up with heals.
      DM of Da:  Ok
          Sven:  who wants some
          Sven:  albrecht:
        Vasily:  A couple of horses.
          Sven:  /roll 1d8+1
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 4 = 4 > + 1 = 5
          Sven:  again:
          Sven:  /roll 1d8+1
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 7 = 7 > + 1 = 8 
          Sven:  my horse:
          Sven:  /roll 1d8+1
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 3 = 3 > + 1 = 4
          Sven:  and again:
          Sven:  /roll 1d8+1
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3 
          Sven:  nikolai's horse:
          Sven:  /roll 1d8+1
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 4 = 4 > + 1 = 5
       Nikolai:  mmm horsey
       Nikolai:  how we doing on charges
          Sven:  38 on the smaller wand
          Sven:  29 on the larger.
       Nikolai:  good
      Albrecht:  so
      Albrecht:  is there any reason to dissect these corpses?
      Albrecht:  well, the one
      DM of Da:  Not that you know of.
      Albrecht:  guess we ride
      DM of Da:  Ok.
       Nikolai:  so
          Sven:  oh, my cat.
       Nikolai:  we run away
       Nikolai:  to make a raft
          Sven:  /roll 2d8+2
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 2d8 < 3 1 = 4 > + 2 = 6 
          Sven:  /roll 1d8+1
  *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 8 = 8 > + 1 = 9
      DM of Da:  Run away to make a raft?
      DM of Da:  What
      DM of Da:  I'm confused
      DM of Da:  You've already crossed the river
      DM of Da:  And are traversing the steppes again
      DM of Da:  Why do you need a raft
          Sven:  /try 16
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 16 = 36 
      DM of Da:  What is this
          Sven:  survival tells me that rafts don't traverse steppes.
       Nikolai:  oh
      DM of Da:  It's true
        Vasily:  Indeed. 
       Nikolai:  I fail at chronology
      DM of Da:  Yes
      DM of Da:  Yes you do
      DM of Da:  Ok.
       Nikolai:  it was like RIGHT after we crossed
      DM of Da:  Yes
      DM of Da:  On the first day of post-river travels
       Nikolai:  that is why I got confused
      DM of Da:  The next four days pass fairly uneventfully
      DM of Da:  You encounter a lone ankheg on the next day
      DM of Da:  But manage to drive it off
      DM of Da:  And none after that.
      DM of Da:  Sven's knowledge tells him there was probably a nest of
 them that you passed directly over
  *** Sven flexes
      DM of Da:  You encounter no Cumans or anyone else here
      DM of Da:  Seems this region is relatively uninhabited
      Albrecht:  brb
      Albrecht:  eh, actually nm
      DM of Da:  And on the morning of the sixth day of your travels, you
 discover why that is so...
      DM of Da:  Roll Spot checks
          Sven:  /try 10
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 10 = 13
      Albrecht:  /try 0
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 0 = 14 
       Nikolai:  /try 3
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 3 = 4
       Nikolai:  hahaha
        Vasily:  /try 6;boris 1;me
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM (boris)  1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 6 = 14
  *** DM (me)  1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 1 = 6 
      DM of Da:  Awesome
          Sven:  wtf is eyeballs
        Vasily:  err, that's a 15 for boris. 
      DM of Da:  Listen checks?
          Sven:  /try 6;pantherspot
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM (pantherspot)  1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 6 = 23
          Sven:  rofl.
        Vasily:  /try 7;boris 1;me
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM (boris)  1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 7 = 19
  *** DM (me)  1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 1 = 15 
      Albrecht:  /try 0;listen
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM (listen)  1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 0 = 13
          Sven:  /try 3;sven 6;panther
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM (sven)  1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 3 = 6
  *** DM (panther)  1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 6 = 10 
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  You're riding through a totally flat region, with
 nothing, not a tree or a hill, for miles around
      DM of Da:  When suddenly, Sven's panther begins to growl
          Sven:  and still can't see a damn thing :-P
      DM of Da:  It stops, its ears pricking up, and growls again
          Sven:  hmm . . .
      DM of Da:  It appears to be looking at something to the east
          Sven:  I look to the east
      DM of Da:  The panther's hair begins to stand on end
      DM of Da:  You squint and barely make out, far to the east, a shape
 that appears vaguely serpentine, slithering across the ground at great
          Sven:  /try 12;nature
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM (nature)  1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 12 = 31
      DM of Da:  As it approaches, you recognize the monster from tales
 other druids told you, as it is not native to your homeland
      DM of Da:  It is a behir, a powerful, reptilian monster that can
 breathe lightning
       Nikolai:  noooooooo
          Sven:  oh jesus.
      DM of Da:  Like snakes, behirs prefer to swallow their prey whole
 and digest it as such
      DM of Da:  It is moving toward you
          Sven:  /con behir
        Vasily:  I'm thinking avoidance is in order. 
      DM of Da:  Wtf is /con
      DM of Da:  Anyway
          Sven:  I don't think we want to mess with that.
       Nikolai:  /consider
      DM of Da:  As the behir approaches, covering the distance between
 you fairly quickly, you spot something else
      Albrecht:  // does it have a rider?
      DM of Da:  Flying toward the behir from the south are a group of
 large, flying, insectoid creatures
       Nikolai:  run the fuck away imo
          Sven:  now I know we're bouncing.
          Sven:  Bounceunt.
      DM of Da:  They appear like enormous, two-legged hornets with
 massive stingers, a pair of small forelimbs, and huge bat wings
      Albrecht:  sounds like behir v. things
      DM of Da:  There are about 10 of them
      DM of Da:  And these do have riders
      DM of Da:  Warriors armed with shortbows
      DM of Da:  Anyone have Knowledge: Geography?
       Nikolai:  no
      DM of Da:  Ok.
        Vasily:  nyet
          Sven:  hell no.
      DM of Da:  The behir spots the flying creatures, rears up on six of
 its twelve short legs, and gives a terrible screech
       Nikolai:  waity.
       Nikolai:  the flying things have riders?
      DM of Da:  That's what I said, yes
       Nikolai:  what sort of riders
      DM of Da:  Guys with bows
       Nikolai:  humans?
      DM of Da:  HUmans.
       Nikolai:  riding bug things?
      DM of Da:  Yeah
        Vasily:  (time to call za paper) 
      DM of Da:  Anyway
       Nikolai:  (possibly)
      DM of Da:  The behir resumes its run, but turns northward, away
 from the riders
      DM of Da:  But they fly faster, and are slowly catching up
      DM of Da:  They begin firing volleys of arrows at it as they get
 within range
      DM of Da:  Fire arrows, in fact
      DM of Da:  Many miss, but some strike the behir's thick, scaly
 hide, scorching it
      DM of Da:  The creature screeches in pain, but continues retreating
      DM of Da:  Once it rears up, breathing a massive, forking bolt of
 lightning, which strikes one of the riders directly
      DM of Da:  He screams and falls off his bug mount, to his death
      DM of Da:  Several of the other creatures are glanced by it
      DM of Da:  At this point
      DM of Da:  One of the riders notices you
      DM of Da:  And breaks off, heading in your direction.
      DM of Da:  What do you do in the meantime?
      Albrecht:  I think we were already riding away
          Sven:  that's what I had thought.
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  The warrior who noticed you continues his aerial pursuit
      DM of Da:  He is yelling something at you, but he's much too far
 away to make out
      DM of Da:  The insectoid flyer he rides moves at the same speed as
 your horses, so eventually he gives up
      Albrecht:  // hmm I swear we encountered these two things
 seperately in the previous campaign
      DM of Da:  The rest of the day's travels pass uneventfully.
      DM of Da:  Yes you sure did
      DM of Da:  You encountered them during your first trip to
 Cherkessia, as I recall
      Albrecht:  feels more like on the way back
      DM of Da:  Maybe
      DM of Da:  But given that you're approaching that general region of
 the world, this makes sense
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  That night, as you're making camp
      DM of Da:  You see three flying shapes in the darkening sky
      DM of Da:  Much like those you saw earlier
      DM of Da:  They are approaching.
      DM of Da:  Going to do anything?
  *** Lolris will conceal himself
      Albrecht:  make sure my weapons are available and my armor is on,
 but that's all for me
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Anyone else?
      Albrecht:  // that amounts to nothing
          Sven:  hang on
  *** DM of Da hangs on
          Sven:  I do the same as albrecht.
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Anyway, it's three of those giant bugs, and just as
 before, they are ridden by warriors with elaborate, composite shortbows
 and quivers of arrows on their backs.
      DM of Da:  Two of them circle above, while one descends, hovering
 just above the ground.
      DM of Da:  He faces you, maintaining a position about 20 feet away
      DM of Da:  The warrior speaks... and though none of you can
 understand him, you are fairly sure the language is Mongol.
      DM of Da:  And that's where we'll end tonight.
        Vasily:  indeed 
          Sven:  very well
 <<< Lolris has left >>>
 <<< 12:11:17 AM >>>
 <<< Vasily has left >>>
 <<< 12:11:24 AM >>>
 <<< Ankhegs has left >>>
 <<< 12:11:28 AM >>>
       Nikolai:  well
       Nikolai:  shit