The party meets with Overseer Ling Qi, acquiring a letter of passage, and an escort to the Khan. They encounter and kill a manticore, and locate its lair, also battling snakes.
<<< root has joined >>> <<< 07:53:12 PM >>> Albrecht: suppose I'd best start work on dinner too root: I need more pizza Albrecht: i need to decide on food Albrecht: because neither the chili nor the bolognese sauce is to be dinner tonight root: pizza always good <<< Nikolai has joined >>> <<< 07:56:21 PM >>> Nikolai: Obormót: Just want to state for the record right here that if I have to keep poking people for rolls or responses every 5 minutes I will in fact go berserk DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: We're one person short DM of Da: And someone will have to run Vasilol Nikolai: ok Albrecht: any notable problems with my responsiveness will be due to teh intarwebs being slow <<< Sven has joined >>> <<< 07:57:47 PM >>> <<< Nikolai has joined >>> <<< 07:58:00 PM >>> <<< Nikolai is now known as Vasilol >>> DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: ROLL CALL root: yo Nikolai: yo Albrecht: yo Sven: yo DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: First of all welcome back Flynn DM of Da: Change your name if possible DM of Da: And speaking of welcome back Nikolai: congratulations sir DM of Da: Indeed so Sven: word. DM of Da: Can someone summarize real quick the past two sessions DM of Da: Such that everyone may be up to speed Nikolai: well Nikolai: we set out to crimea Nikolai: and the goblins were jerks DM of Da: It Nikolai: and then there were some dudes DM of Da: It's true they were root: I need a decent Linux client that works on Gentoo and I'm unlazy enough to actually install Nikolai: who wanted our money Albrecht: and they were jerks too root: and/or find DM of Da: Then they passed through some territories of some Cuman Atamans DM of Da: At least 12 of them DM of Da: Maybe 200 root: I heard there was some paying, some killing, and all in all everyone had a grand old time if they survived DM of Da: Yeah DM of Da: Grand and old DM of Da: Now the most recent events DM of Da: Place the party at the southernmost reaches of the steppes DM of Da: Not too far from the peninsula of Crimea itself Sven: most recent events have me quickly grabbing some dinner DM of Da: Where you saw a behir, a massive scaled serpentine monster that breathes lightning DM of Da: It was being pursued, hunted you might say, by human warriors riding giant wasp-type bugs root: (oh, if anyone cares, some of the pictures have inevitably ended up on facebook. I'll direct people to em later if anyone wants to see) DM of Da: Bugs commonly known as spider eaters DM of Da: These warriors turned out to be Mongols Nikolai: brb DM of Da: And the session ended just as three of these riders approached on their bug mounts the spot where the party made camp for the night DM of Da: Two circle above DM of Da: Whereas one has descended to hover at ground level and spoke something in a language you don't understand, but reasonably believe to be Mongol. root: sounds like fun. <<< Aerial Rider has joined >>> <<< 08:07:16 PM >>> DM of Da: So DM of Da: The first question is DM of Da: What do you all do? Albrecht: quizzical look of "yeah I have no idea what you said"? DM of Da: You're being spoken to in a language you do not understand, by a guy riding a giant bug DM of Da: k DM of Da: Anything else? root: say "Russian?" Nikolai: ah yes Nikolai: I remember this part Nikolai: this is the part where I'm convinced we will die DM of Da: k Nikolai: well Nikolai: we say stuff in russian DM of Da: The rider sees that you do not understand DM of Da: And breaks off DM of Da: He begins gesturing, his gestures punctuated by brief words or phrases in his language DM of Da: Roll Sense Motive. root: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 2 = 17 Sven: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13 Nikolai: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 5 = 10 *** Sven is dumb Albrecht: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 4 = 24 DM of Da: Ok root: // Albrecht senses all motives DM of Da: You get the gist of what he's conveying, which is for you to stay here until... some unspecified thing happens, you don't really catch what Albrecht: well DM of Da: After repeating the gestures a couple times and seeing a look of general comprehension on your faces, the rider spurs his mount and takes off Albrecht: could be until they bring an interpreter Nikolai: btw vasily gets... Albrecht: or enough people to kill the intruders Vasilol: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasilol : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 7 = 12 DM of Da: He and his two companions fly off to the south. DM of Da: So. What now? Sven: we've made camp for the night, right? Nikolai: well Nikolai: they didn't try to kill us DM of Da: Yep Nikolai: so let's just stay here DM of Da: Camp for the night Nikolai: hopefully they will be nice root: any generic hiding spells available that last several hours and would protect the mounts? Nikolai: not really. Albrecht: just keep watch normally I guess Sven: forrizzle. root: I guess we rest DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Roll Listen Nikolai: yeah let's hope they are actually as friendly as I think Nikolai: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 3 = 17 Sven: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 3 = 18 Albrecht: /try 0 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 0 = 8 root: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 7 = 9 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: The night passes fairly uneventfully, except for the fact that you periodically hear a loud crackling sound in the distance, a sort of cross between a thunderclap and a loud popping, such as of a dry branch DM of Da: These sounds always come in groups - a crack will sound, then another, and another, they'll stop for a while - then again DM of Da: Roll Knowledge: Nature Sven: /try 12 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 12 = 13 DM of Da: Failure *** Sven is dumb DM of Da: Ok root: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 4 = 24 DM of Da: Also failure Nikolai: well Nikolai: damn root: boooo DM of Da: As I said, other than these sounds, the night passes uneventfully DM of Da: Early in the morning, at the crack of dawn, you hear the sound of approaching horses <<< Aerial Rider has left >>> <<< 08:18:52 PM >>> DM of Da: And see, coming from the south, a group of mounted warriors, with curved swords at their belts and bows on their backs DM of Da: As they approach, they spread out, taking up a somewhat triangular formation the point of which is 50 feet away from you Nikolai: they look like mongols then? DM of Da: From everything you've heard them described as, these are unquestionably Mongols. DM of Da: The one who appears to be their leader yells something out Sven: is it in moonspeak? root: "I can't believe they fell for that!" DM of Da: All the warriors but the leader and the one to his left draw and nock their bows, pointing at you Nikolai: lol DM of Da: The leader himself holds out his hands, which are empty, spreading them Nikolai: uh Nikolai: does he want us to drop our weapons root: shouldnt we take action? Sven: burning hands? DM of Da: He says something else, and he and the warriors to his left approach you slowly DM of Da: Both of them are holding their hands out to their sides Albrecht: might just be to show they're unarmed, despite the armed escort DM of Da: *warrior to his left Nikolai: that makes little sense root: maybe he wants a hug? Nikolai: ok so... I shrug at them to show we don't understand <<< Mongol Riders has joined >>> <<< 08:23:03 PM >>> DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: something like "we aren't attacking, see, no weapons in our hands. But if you mess with us, those guys behind us will shoot you" Nikolai: maybe Nikolai: i also show I am unarmed Vasilol: as am I DM of Da: Ok Sven: that was my interpretation Sven: moi aussi. Nikolai: because I am in fact unarmed DM of Da: There are 10 warriors in total, in case I didn't say that before Sven: thanks for that. DM of Da: The two approaching you come to a stop; the leader nods to the warrior accompanying him, who speaks, in Russian, with a heavy accent Mongol Riders: We greet you travelers to our lands. You from land of Russia are yes? Nikolai: Yes. Nikolai: We are. Mongol Riders: What is purpose of you here? Trader? Nikolai: We are on our way to Crimea. Nikolai: We are messengers. Mongol Riders: Yes, our land is Crimea. What is purpose of you to Crimea? DM of Da: During this exchange the 8 warriors that remain in formation continue to point arrows at you, their expressions unreadable, while their leader watches you with narrowed eyes. Mongol Riders: Messengers? Mongol Riders: Traders? What is messengers? Vasilol: Yes, we carry messages. Vasilol: Uhm Mongol Riders: For who is message? Vasilol: //do we tell them? Albrecht: // don't really see why not Sven: //unless you have a better idea Vasilol: //yeah we're gonna end up there eventually nayway Vasilol: We carry a message for the Khan root: / yeah, just say "their llustrious leader" or whatever is appropriate DM of Da: At this, the interpreter furrows his brow a bit and casts a doubtful glance at his superior, who looks back at him and raises one eyebrow just slightly Vasilol: He has dealings with some Russian merchants Vasilol: We carry a message from them DM of Da: The interpreter looks even more doubtful and confused now, and asks, carefully, as if doubting whether one or both sides are indeed comprehending the conversation... Mongol Riders: Nogai Khan? Khan of Crimea? You message is for Exalted One? Sven: //oh, there were many Khans, weren't there . . . Vasilol: //uhm Vasilol: //sandy is that true Vasilol: //sounds right DM of Da: //Well no if you say to the Mongols "we have a message for the Khan" that is pretty unambiguous Vasilol: //that is what I thought Vasilol: //there's just the one khan Vasilol: of crimea Vasilol: right? DM of Da: //So this guy's confusion isn't stemming from some sort of identity disparity DM of Da: //Yes Sven: ok Vasilol: k Sven: //I get it now. Vasilol: Yes, exalted one Nogai Khan Vasilol: We have a message for him *** Mongol Riders leans over to the leader and they exchange several sentences, during which the leader acquires a doubtful cast to his face, eyeing you suspiciously Vasilol: We mean no harm root: (should we show them the message?) DM of Da: The leader continues surveying you in silence for a good two minutes, after which he says something else DM of Da: And the interpreter continues Mongol Riders: We will take you to house of our Noyan. In your language is... prince. There it will be decide what do with you. Come, prepare to come with us. Vasilol: And then after we will deliver message to your Khan, yes? DM of Da: The interpreter gives you an odd look, glancing again at his superior before answering Mongol Riders: It will be decide what do with you. Come. DM of Da: Sense Motive plz k thx Albrecht: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 4 = 20 DM of Da: Anyone else? Vasilol: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasilol : *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 7 = 19 Nikolai: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 5 = 14 DM of Da: k Sven: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 3 = 19 DM of Da: Well, you get the feeling that the interpreter does not take your words at face value DM of Da: You can't quite tell whether he simply thinks you're lying or thinks you're crazy, but it could be either Nikolai: ok fine we'll convince them later DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: You guys come with them? Nikolai: yeah Albrecht: not much other choice DM of Da: Ok. root: lets go. He probably thinks we're lying because we're crazy Sven: we go Sven: I mean, who goes to talk to the Khan DM of Da: Alright Nikolai: no one ever! Nikolai: lol. root: the real question we'll have to deal with soon enough is who gets to see this message besides the Khan DM of Da: The warriors split up as you begin riding DM of Da: Four, including the leader, ride out in front of you, leading the way DM of Da: And three riders follow behind, one on each flank Albrecht: well guys... were we told it was for the khan's eyes only? Nikolai: I think so Nikolai: but Nikolai: the more important point Nikolai: is that it's magically sealed Albrecht: and officially we don't know what's inside Nikolai: yep Albrecht: and if it the seal is broken, it's over our protests, and the right people will get served Nikolai: yep root: would be convenient to have it pass though someone's hands, you know, just in case DM of Da: You ride for two days, crossing a narrow isthmus and entering Crimea proper. DM of Da: Your escorts, in this entire time, do not speak to you at all, except to announce stopping to make camp and resuming travels DM of Da: You are surprised to occasionally catch some of the warriors shooting you looks of what appears to be admiration DM of Da: But none of them approach or make any attempt to interact with you Nikolai: ... Nikolai: k... Sven: hmm . . . *** root is sexy DM of Da: By late morning of the third day, which is now May 4th of 1275, you begin to see evidence of settlement root: jsut to be sure, we are traveling in the right direction? DM of Da: Yeah root: cool DM of Da: You are riding now on a well-maintained road, and pass encampments of tents surrounding small fortresses DM of Da: And by noon of this day, you see, looming in the distance ahead, a walled stronghold of distinctly different design than you've seen anywhere in Europe or the Russian lands, but nonetheless obviously well-constructed and maintained DM of Da: A group of warriors guarding the gates rides out to meet you, and they exchange words with the ones escorting you DM of Da: The gates are opened, and you are led through a wide courtyard, which is filled with wooden platforms, spikes, and similar constructions, each of which holds what appears to be key body parts of massive creatures DM of Da: Heads of slain behirs figure prominently in these arrangements, though there are also trophies from insectoid creatures such as you've never seen, and hulking carapaces of beasts that you can't begin to identify Sven: aww Nikolai: lol DM of Da: The leader of the warriors escorting you and the one serving as your interpreter dismount, handing off their horses to stablehands, and nod to the guards standing at the massive doors to the fortress' main structure DM of Da: The doors are opened, and you are led inside DM of Da: After passing through several tall corridors, you arrive in a wide chamber, at the far end of which is a tall dais with three raised, elaborate chairs DM of Da: The walls of this chamber are draped with silks and tapestries; you note that they are of varying designs and origins, some even being made in the Russian style DM of Da: Of the three raised chairs on the dais, the two on each side are currently empty, but the highest of the three is occupied by a very old man in an elaborate robe DM of Da: He is nearly bald, but has a long white beard, very well-cared-for Sven: //there is no way this is a prince. DM of Da: His facial features place him as not quite Mongol... but you are unable to identify his nationality Nikolai: //yeah I think his translation was poor Sven: //poorgasmic. DM of Da: Occupying a low seat at the foot of the dais is a young man, in his early 20s at most, with long black hair tied back in a ponytail; his clothing is simple but nonetheless not poor; he has the same cast to his face as the old man in the high seat - in fact, you notice a resemblance, perhaps caused by blood relation Sven: //that, on the other hand . . . DM of Da: Rows of guards with elaborately carved scimitars occupy the sides of the great hall DM of Da: The two warriors who brought you in take several steps toward the dais and take low bows, after which the interpreter turns to you and says... Mongol Riders: The Noyan with his party is away on hunting trip north. In his stead his domain rules his highest advisor, Overseer Ling Qi, before whom you stand. Nikolai: //what Albrecht: // this is some guy Mongol Riders: Know you that Overseer Ling is most respected honored servant of Exalted Khan, served the Great Batu Khan and his great General Subutai. Albrecht: // i suppose we should bow Mongol Riders: It is he that created great Mongol machines of war with which we have destroyed many of your cities. Bow before Overseer! Nikolai: //as I recall we won that war... *** Nikolai bows *** Vasilol bows *** Sven bows *** Albrecht bows Vasilol: We have a message for the Khan. Vasilol: We've been instructed to deliver it to him directly. DM of Da: The interpreter cuts you off with a peremptory wave of his hand Mongol Riders: Speak for you now will grand son of Overseer, Ling Jian. Mongol Riders: I go. Vasilol: //why are they chinese Albrecht: // where do you think the mongols come from? Vasilol: //i mean I get the geography Sven: // DM of Da: //Nah DM of Da: The young man seated at the foot of the dais gives you a short nod *** root also bowed before DM of Da: The two warriors bow again to the Overseer, and exit <<< Mongol Riders has left >>> <<< 09:10:49 PM >>> <<< Overseer Ling Qi has joined >>> <<< 09:10:56 PM >>> <<< Ling Jian has joined >>> <<< 09:11:00 PM >>> Vasilol: Well, then... Vasilol: It is an honor, your overseership Vasilol: As I was saying... *** Ling Jian stands up, taking a step toward you Vasilol: We have a message that needs to be delivered to the Khan directly. Vasilol: It is from russian merchants that he has business with. DM of Da: As you speak, the young man speaks quickly to the old Overseer, who listens attentively, his face betraying nothing DM of Da: After the translation is done, the Overseer looks you over, his glance passing across all of you in turn, and then bursts out in laughter DM of Da: The young man, Ling Jian, maintains a straight face, looking at you in silence DM of Da: Finally, after his laughter subsides, the Overseer wipes the tears from his eyes with a silk cloth and speaks, his words harsh and clipped DM of Da: And when Ling Jian speaks up to translate, it is in perfect and almost unaccented Russian. Sven: //we will be here all week? Ling Jian: The Overseer says that those such as you have no business with the Exalted Khan. Sven: //apparently we are some sort of comedy act. Vasilol: Uh Ling Jian: The Overseer says that the Exalted Khan may not be bothered with every merchant who passes through our lands and believes his business is important enough to warrant the Khan's attention. Vasilol: We are not merchants. Vasilol: We have a message from merchants he already is doing business with., Vasilol: Danil and Anastas of Kiev *** Vasilol takes the box out of the pack *** Vasilol shows Ling Jian: The Overseer informs you that he as the high advisor to the Noyan of this domain, whom the Khan has granted power over all who pass through his holdings, the Overseer has authority to conduct all dealings on behalf of the Mongol people of Crimea. *** Ling Jian looks at his grandfather briefly, who nods *** Ling Jian steps forward to examine the box *** Ling Jian turns around and says something in Mongol to the Overseer, who responds with the same harshness as before Vasilol: Well in that case, hopefully the Khan has informed the Overseer of this matter. DM of Da: After another round of back and forth between the two, the young man turns back to you and says... Ling Jian: The Overseer wishes you to tell him the nature of this business, and informs you once more that your business dealings should be conducted with him. Ling Jian: He says that he knows nothing of this matter, and speculates that you are lying in order to seem less insignificant than you truly are. *** Albrecht grits his teeth DM of Da: After this they both fall silent *** Sven sighs DM of Da: Ling Jian stands impassively, whereas the Overseer cocks his head slightly, narrowing his eyes and watching you carefully. DM of Da: Anyone got a response? root: / how much does Oliver actually know about this deal? DM of Da: Um Vasilol: //sorry Vasilol: //had to go get stuff from the kitchen DM of Da: //a wise plan DM of Da: //I will do that while you formulate some sort of reply DM of Da: Stuff's gotten DM of Da: Let's get some verbal action going people Sven: //I really have no idea how to prove significance to this guyy Sven: //I mean, who cares about mesengers Vasilol: k Albrecht: // hell, we let him look at it, over our objections and we just see how the message works out Vasilol: The nature of the business is that there is an existing business deal between our employers and the Khan Vasilol: We are not priveleged to the details of this deal Sven: //wasn't it magically sealed or something? Vasilol: We were just hired to deliver the message DM of Da: //magically sealed indeed Sven: //may as well show them as much, I guess. Vasilol: //well they can see the box Vasilol: //and that it is sealed DM of Da: Ling Jian turns and translates your words, which send the Overseer into another laughing fit, though one not quite as lengthy as the previous one. DM of Da: After he is done chortling at your expense, the Overseer holds up his hand and speaks for some time, during which his grandson is silent DM of Da: He even leans forward in his seat for emphasis DM of Da: Finally, at length, the Overseer concludes and leans back, stroking his beard as he peers at you DM of Da: Long Jian translates. Ling Jian: The Overseer informs you, with respect, that you are fools and know nothing. Vasilol: //haha. Albrecht: // we sort of told him that. Sven: //I'm guessing they won't let us be on our way, then. root: / know nothing yes. Fools....only some of us Ling Jian: If you were not, you would know that one so powerful as the Exalted Khan does not conduct business dealings with any Russian merchants, and to suggest that he might have anything to gain from such dealings is a great insult. Ling Jian: You are fortunate that the Overseer is not the Khan and you have not insulted the Exalted One to his face, and in any case it is not the Mongol way to hold messengers responsible for the folly of the message. *** root bows...seems appropriate as an appology or something Ling Jian: The Overseer speculates that the message you believe to contain business instructions in fact contains information the nature of which you are not privileged to know, much less the content, and you have been told this lie about a business deal so you would not show undue curiosity. Ling Jian: The Overseer believes this to be obvious even to a child, yet he nonetheless does not expect such reasoned thinking from a backward and undeveloped people such as yours. Vasilol: Regardless of whether the overseer's speculation is correct, we were instructed to deliver the package to the Khan and await a response, to then bring back to our employers. *** Ling Jian nods *** Ling Jian turns to his grandfather and translates DM of Da: At this, the Overseer adopts an expression of great indifference and makes a dismissive wave with his hand as he replies DM of Da: His interest in this matter appears to have ended, as he ceases to pay you any attention and beckons one of the guards to his side, discussing something with the guard in hushed tones Ling Jian: The Overseer states that travel within Crimea is of course permitted for those without hostile intent, and if you wish to travel to Tmutarakan to appear before the Khan himself, that is your prerogative. Ling Jian: He will give you a letter which will guarantee your passage. Vasilol: The overseer is most generous and understanding Sven: //the Mongols are a more civilized people without a bastard dragon running around in their shit. DM of Da: At this point, the impassive expression that Ling Jian has maintained throughout this meeting drops from his face, and he seems to consider for a second Ling Jian: But... Vasilol: //yes Albrecht: // very much so *** Ling Jian hesitates, then turns to his grandfather and says something *** Overseer Ling Qi interrupts his conversation with the guard, turning to his grandson in surprise *** Overseer Ling Qi says something DM of Da: There is a short exchange between them; the Overseer seems angry at first, but then chuckles with mild amusement and nods. *** Ling Jian turns back to the party Ling Jian: You should know that the Exalted Khan's court is not as forgiving as that of a Noyan, and not all who rule the domains between here and Tmutarakan are as generous as my grandfather. Ling Jian: I would greatly advise that you find for yourself a guide to instruct you best in the manner of dealing with those who rule this land. Ling Jian: I... if you wish, I volunteer myself for this duty. Ling Jian: I will require no payment. Albrecht: he just got served by grandpa *** Nikolai scratches his head Nikolai: It would be useful to have a translator Nikolai: at the very least Ling Jian: My knowledge of the Russian tongue is second to none that I have met in this land. *** Ling Jian looks proud Sven: //this could be useful. Nikolai: Thank you for your kind offer Albrecht: // i think he's just offering to take some time to teach us their customs, not to travel with us root: / true, though he could also be a spy. Still better to have someone who speaks the language though Vasilol: //he was? DM of Da: //No he's definitely offering to travel Sven: //sho nuff. DM of Da: //that's what "guide" means Vasilol: //that's what I heard. *** Vasilol bows to Ling Jian Vasilol: Thank you sir we would be most grateful for your guidance. *** Ling Jian nods Ling Jian: I will prepare to depart immediately. Ling Jian: Come, I will take you to guest quarters. We will leave at dawn tomorrow. DM of Da: The "guest quarters" you're led to are little more than several beds in a small room, and you suspect that Ling Jian was speaking euphemistically <<< Overseer Ling Qi has left >>> <<< 09:49:04 PM >>> DM of Da: Nonetheless you are not bothered for the remainder of the day DM of Da: Anything anyone want to do before departing this particular fortress? Vasilol: is there anything to do DM of Da: Not really anything extrinsically no Vasilol: right DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Well Sven: nope. DM of Da: The rest of the day passes with a total absence of eventfulness DM of Da: Now before we proceed DM of Da: Taking a step to a meta-level for a second DM of Da: Someone asked "why are they Chinese" root: hah root: I liked the response of "look at a map" Vasilol: see that part I get DM of Da: The answer, which has been mentioned in passing a couple of times previously in this and the last campaign, is that the invading Mongol Horde, in addition to the two thousand or so actual warriors, contained among the myriad of the support personnel a great number of people from conquered nations Vasilol: ok DM of Da: The Mongols had a habit of conscripting various specialists from nations they defeated into their army DM of Da: And Chinese siege engineers were among the most crucial of such specialists DM of Da: Seems this Ling Qi was an accomplished such specialist DM of Da: To the extent that he was given a position of power in the feudal structure of Crimea after the remnants of the Horde established a presence there DM of Da: Now DM of Da: At dawnbreak the next day, you are awakened by Ling Jian DM of Da: Who informs you that it is time to get going DM of Da: He tells you the journey to Tmutarakan will take at least a week DM of Da: Depending on weather conditions and whether there are any delays DM of Da: He also brings you the letter, written in the local prince's name and signed by the Overseer, which guarantees you safe passage throughout Mongol holdings in Crimea DM of Da: As you leave the fortress, the young man strikes up a conversation. Ling Jian: There is something I should tell you... Ling Jian: Though I have said that I require no payment, and in regard to gold or other wealth I remain true to my word, my services will not come entirely free. *** Nikolai raises an eyebrow Nikolai: What do you mean? Ling Jian: You have traveled much, yes? In the Russian lands and beyond? Nikolai: Somewhat. Albrecht: // haha we're going to be telling him and Siran all sorts of stuff Nikolai: //yeah I was just thinking that Ling Jian: I myself am not able to travel beyond Crimea. I have duties here... yet what I have heard of the world interests me much. All I ask of you is that you tell me of your travels, the places you've seen... in return I will give you all the information you need to accomplish here whatever it is you came for. Albrecht: // goddamnit I'm hungry again *** Nikolai laughs Sven: //diplomacy is hungry work Nikolai: I see no harm in that. *** Ling Jian nods, smiling slightly *** Vasilol tells him all sorts of crap *** Vasilol but nothing too sensitive DM of Da: Yep Vasilol: The national currency of Kiev is the grizzly bear. DM of Da: ... Vasilol: It gets cumbersome to carry around so many of them Vasilol: But it prevents counterfeiting. DM of Da: rotfl. Vasilol: //sorry I had to make an oliveresque comment Sven: //*ba dum tshizzle* DM of Da: //That was brilliant and spot-on DM of Da: //Which is what made it so funny. Vasilol: //I know Vasilol: //I am teh genius Albrecht: // total applause DM of Da: The young man listens for a while, wide-eyed, stopping you often to ask questions root: / good job :) root: / Godless currency DM of Da: After you've told him a lot and pause to catch your breath, he shakes his head in wonder Ling Jian: This is incredible! If only I could... but, that is not the matter at hand. Ling Jian: I feel compelled, without delay, to instruct you on something of critical importance in regards to your behavior when... if you meet the Khan himself, should he decide to receive you. Ling Jian: You must know that Mongol custom holds the Khan to be above mortals such as ourselves. Sven: Oooohhhhhh. *** Sven is dumb. Ling Jian: He is said to be the Son of the Sky, chosen of Tengri, who is the Endless Blue Sky and all that the Mongol people worship. Ling Jian: As such... Ling Jian: There are certain rules you must follow if there is any chance of the Khan considering whatever it is you have to say, or the message you bear. Nikolai: //which is totally why he worked with the demon of fire and storm DM of Da: //Though if you'll note DM of Da: //nm DM of Da: //Yes DM of Da: //Anyway Ling Jian: For one thing... Ling Jian: Whatever it is you believe you are here for... Ling Jian: Never suggest to the Khan that your purpose is any sort of business deal. Ling Jian: Never propose deals, exchanges, or any other such thing. Ling Jian: To imply that the Exalted Khan can have anything to gain from dealings with one of lesser station than himself is a great insult. Ling Jian: If you wish to get anything from him, the correct thing is to offer the Khan gifts, tribute to his lofty station, making sure always to stress that what you offer is inadequate Ling Jian: For nothing you could give could truly honor the Khan Ling Jian: Subsequently, you must appeal to his famed generosity and greatness of spirit, asking for whatever it is you desire. Ling Jian: He may refuse. Ling Jian: In such a case your discussion is concluded. Ling Jian: There can be no bargaining or negotiation. Ling Jian: Do you understand? *** Sven nods Vasilol: I think so. Ling Jian: If you do not conduct yourselves in this way your lives may be forfeit. I have seen it myself. Nikolai: Ok then. Ling Jian: Now, I greatly wish to hear more about ... what... there! Look! Nikolai: //who thought it was a good idea to have maple story ads. *** Nikolai looks Sven: //not I Nikolai: //seriously Nikolai: //wtf Albrecht: // they should die DM of Da: Stopping mid-sentence, the young man points upwards, to a spot in the sky some distance away, in the direction of highlands to the south DM of Da: It's a small dot, growing larger and approaching - some sort of flying something. Sven: //oh god. Sven: //not again. DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Roll Spot everyone Sven: /try 10 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 10 = 16 Nikolai: hm Nikolai: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 3 = 8 Albrecht: /try 0 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 0 = 3 Vasilol: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasilol : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 1 = 18 root: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 7 = 15 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: It is a winged creature, currently about 200 feet away Sven: great. DM of Da: It has the head of a vaguely humanoid beast, the body of a lion, and the wings of a dragon. DM of Da: The creature's back is set with curved barbs, and its long tail ends in a cluster of deadly spikes. Ling Jian: Great ancestors! It is *** Ling Jian uses a word in Mongol Nikolai: //do we recognize this DM of Da: Knowledge: Arcana! Nikolai: i has that DM of Da: k roll it Nikolai: does spellcraft give a synergy bonus on K:A Nikolai: or the other way around DM of Da: Other way I think Nikolai: k Nikolai: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 9 = 17 Vasilol: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasilol : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 8 = 18 Vasilol: sigh. DM of Da: Fail and fail DM of Da: Anyone else DM of Da: Aaaanyone? DM of Da: k then! Nikolai: doubt it DM of Da: It's a something. *** Sven is dumb <<< Creature has joined >>> <<< 10:20:16 PM >>> Nikolai: :/ Albrecht: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 5 = 12 DM of Da: FAIL root: Ive got nothing Nikolai: haha *** Creature gives a piercing, sharp hiss, snapping its tail back and forth as it approaches, clumsily beating its massive wings DM of Da: You see the color drain from Ling Jian's face, as he slowly backs his horse up Nikolai: Hey diplomat, ever been in a fight before. Ling Jian: I... I have trained with the Noyan's warriors, but... you have not heard of <Mongol word he used before>?? Nikolai: It would be in your best interest to tell us all about it Ling Jian: It is a terrible monster, a killer of travelers! It strips their skin and eats their flesh. It is said that in its lair lie the weapons and armor of slain warriors, enough to equip a host! Ling Jian: I know nothing else... none have faced it and survived! Albrecht: so... Albrecht: We should wound it and track it back to its lair then, if we can *** Ling Jian looks at Albrecht as if the latter was utterly insane Nikolai: Heh Albrecht: // distance and speed, roughly? Albrecht: // so I can decide bow or sword for pre-combat Nikolai: I'll settle for getting out of this alive thanks DM of Da: Meanwhile, the creature is closing, with a malevolent glint in its eyes Sven: alive is good. DM of Da: Fly speed is approx. 50 DM of Da: Distance is 200 DM of Da: Roll initiative. Albrecht: // that's bow out then root: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 8 = 21 Albrecht: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 5 = 11 Sven: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 1 = 19 Nikolai: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 1 = 19 Vasilol: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasilol : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 1 = 19 Vasilol: wow Vasilol: we're gonna suck Vasilol: so hard Sven: umm. root: wait a minute Nikolai: agreed Creature: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 2 = 3 root: pft Nikolai: yeah this is gonna go poorly for us DM of Da: lol DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Who's Mr. Dex here of the 19s Nikolai: not us mages Nikolai: we are teh puny dex DM of Da: Ok root: they both have +1 bonuses DM of Da: Boris go Albrecht: // uh... if you all have +1 you probably all have the same dex Nikolai: yeah root: it's 200 feet away you say? Nikolai: yeah we do DM of Da: 200 yep Nikolai: readying is probably a good plan Sven: //whopping 12 dex here. *** root looks up range increment on MW short bows Albrecht: 60 DM of Da: 60 yep root: readying a shot for when it's within 120 feet (so -2 penalty if I remember this right) DM of Da: So that is like a -your_face_sucks penalty DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Um DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Someone of the 19s DM of Da: Go first DM of Da: I don't care who. Albrecht: alphabetize them or something Nikolai: sven, you go first Sven: very well Sven: I start a summon. Sven: next,. Nikolai: good shit Nikolai: 200 eh DM of Da: Yes Albrecht: that's out of medium still Nikolai: sadly, yes Nikolai: ok Nikolai: I' Nikolai: I'll put Nikolai first *** Nikolai mage armors himself *** Vasilol invisibility's himself DM of Da: k DM of Da: Albrecht! Albrecht: shortbow, ready arrow for <120 feet as well DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Ling Jian is frozen in fear, trembling, and takes no actions DM of Da: Meanwhile DM of Da: The creature's turn. root: /you know what we should have done? scattered Nikolai: //how would that help DM of Da: It continues its approach, and when it gets to within 150 feet, it snaps its tail at you sharply, and six of the spikes on its tail detach, whistling through the air as they fly toward you DM of Da: Each person gets 1 spike shot at them Nikolai: //k Nikolai: //fair enough Nikolai: //not that we knew that would happen DM of Da: This is in strict vertical order of userlist DM of Da: Your guide is last Creature: /try 8 8 8 8 8 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 8 = 10 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 8 = 24 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 8 = 15 *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 8 = 11 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 8 = 20 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 8 = 14 DM of Da: k DM of Da: Who here got hit DM of Da: Raise your hand root: I guess I got hit by the second one Albrecht: missed me Vasilol: I'm invisible. DM of Da: k DM of Da: 2 spikes at Nikolai instead then Sven: *insert commentary about broadsides of barns here* Nikolai: You missed me. Nikolai: ... Nikolai: hate you DM of Da: What about a 14 DM of Da: Does that hit Nikolai: no DM of Da: k DM of Da: Sven gets hit eh Sven: nope. DM of Da: And Boris eh DM of Da: Oh DM of Da: A 20's a miss? DM of Da: er Sven: a 20? DM of Da: Whoops an 11 Sven: I see an 11. DM of Da: A 20 is a hit on Nikolai though DM of Da: Right Nikolai: yes Nikolai: it is DM of Da: k. Nikolai: but all that proves is that you're a cock DM of Da: Ling Jian is also hit DM of Da: lol DM of Da: Like that needed proving :P Nikolai: :P Nikolai: shoulda have shot two at meatbag mc diplomat Creature: /roll 1d8+2;Boris *** DM rolls dice for Creature: (Boris) 1d8 < 3 = 3 > + 2 = 5 Creature: /roll 1d8+2;Nikolai *** DM rolls dice for Creature: (Nikolai) 1d8 < 2 = 2 > + 2 = 4 Creature: /roll 1d8+2;Jian *** DM rolls dice for Creature: (Jian) 1d8 < 4 = 4 > + 2 = 6 *** Ling Jian cries out in pain, clutching his shoulder DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Boris your turn again DM of Da: It's 150 feet away DM of Da: Still readying or otherwise? Sven: also, how large is this thing? root: still readying DM of Da: 10 feet long from head to tail spike root: unless everyone wants to charge ahead 30 feet and start the madness now Nikolai: so medium then DM of Da: Large DM of Da: It in fact is Large. Nikolai: k DM of Da: Sven DM of Da: What's up *** root goes to get food Sven: there is now a hippogryph 35 ft away from me between thingy and myself DM of Da: Like zomg Sven: in mid-air. DM of Da: A hippogryph. DM of Da: k. DM of Da: What do you do, what does your hippogryph do, and what, if anything, does your panther do. Sven: how high up is the guy, by the way? Sven: the "Creature", if you will. DM of Da: 50 feet up Nikolai: if it keeps shooting us we may need to ride towards it Sven: so by that I mean the hippogryph is 35 ft above me, and subsequently charges. DM of Da: Ok. Sven: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 8 = 14 Sven: hooray for sucking. Nikolai: grapple it! DM of Da: Indeed that is teh sukc, because the hippogryph's claws fail to pierce the creature's thick hide. DM of Da: What about yourself? Sven: meanwhile, I'm going to go to diplo-mcworthless and tap him with a wand. DM of Da: Ok Sven: /roll 1d8+1 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 3 = 3 > + 1 = 4 DM of Da: Jian nods gratefully DM of Da: Nikolai? Sven: my panther does not sprout wings and charge. DM of Da: k. Sven: next. Nikolai: ok Nikolai: well Nikolai: I'll make with the readying this round Nikolai: but if it gets tied up with the hippogryph Nikolai: we should move up DM of Da: Ok. Nikolai: readying a Magic Missile for within 120 ft root: agreed DM of Da: Vasilol? Vasilol: readying a Scorching Ray for within 35 ft Vasilol: wait Vasilol: 30ft Vasilol: there we go DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Albrecht! Albrecht: ride forward 30 feet and take a shot Albrecht: well, 60 Albrecht: why not, same speed on the horse DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Roll Albrecht: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 4 = 9 DM of Da: And don't forget your -2 penalty for ranged attacking on a moving mount Albrecht: well, even worse miss DM of Da: k whatever that is a massive failure anyhow : DM of Da: :P DM of Da: So DM of Da: Ling Jian finally gets his act together DM of Da: And rolls init Ling Jian: /try 0 *** DM rolls attempts for Ling Jian : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 0 = 17 DM of Da: He'll go on the next round. Sven: he must be happy he remembered to bring his d20 with him. DM of Da: Yes. DM of Da: The creature clumsily makes a turn in mid-air, coming within 120 feet as it snaps its tail again and lets loose another volley of tail spikes DM of Da: But I understand some readied actions go off now DM of Da: Right? Sven: also an AoO? root: didnt e hypogryph charge? root: exactly DM of Da: True! An AoO. DM of Da: Roll. Nikolai: grappl eit! Sven: can I use this to initiate a grapple? Nikolai: graaaaapple Nikolai: yes Nikolai: ian says so and thus it is so root: lol, grapple Sven: I'll assume that by Ian's enthusiasm that he isn't making shit up. DM of Da: It's true you can use an AoO to make a normal melee attack Nikolai: I am in fact not making shit up DM of Da: And a normal melee attack can be substituted for with a grapple DM of Da: Or a disarm or trip. Sven: very well Sven: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 6 = 21 DM of Da: That hits touch DM of Da: Grapple check plz Sven: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 11 = 19 Creature: /try 15 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 15 = 21 DM of Da: lolsauce Sven: oh well. Nikolai: well root: ouch Nikolai: it was a good try DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: Now DM of Da: What's the readied stuff Nikolai: next time roll better DM of Da: A bow and a magic missile or what Sven: haha, roll better. Nikolai: yep Sven: comedizzle. Nikolai: magic missile root: lots of bow shots Nikolai: so Nikolai: /roll 2d4+2 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 2d4 < 2 1 = 3 > + 2 = 5 Nikolai: there's my missile DM of Da: Ok root: /try 8;ShortBow *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM (ShortBow) 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 8 = 10 root: oy DM of Da: You are teh miss DM of Da: Anyways Nikolai: //hermes and hermes's wife on futurama still make me giggle DM of Da: Creature throws spikes at: Nikolai, Sven, Boris, and Albrecht DM of Da: 2, 2, 1, 1 respectively Creature: /try 8 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 8 = 12 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 8 = 9 Creature: /try 8 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 8 = 9 *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 8 = 19 Creature: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 8 = 18 Nikolai: so uh Creature: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 8 = 16 Nikolai: the first two was me Nikolai: right? DM of Da: Yes. Nikolai: good DM of Da: Anyone get hit there? Sven: I guess some sort of spike hits me Nikolai: NOT ME root: why does it know exactly what my AC is DM of Da: Haha DM of Da: Albrecht? DM of Da: 16 is a miss I hope? root: someone should have cast barkskin on me or some such DM of Da: RIGHT?!? DM of Da: k I'll assume it is Albrecht: of course Creature: /roll 1d8+2;Sven *** DM rolls dice for Creature: (Sven) 1d8 < 3 = 3 > + 2 = 5 Creature: /roll 1d8+2;Boris *** DM rolls dice for Creature: (Boris) 1d8 < 7 = 7 > + 2 = 9 DM of Da: There. DM of Da: Boris your turn. Sven: ow my junk. DM of Da: It is currently 150 feet away from most of the party DM of Da: I don't recall if you rode closer or not DM of Da: I think not though DM of Da: So 150 feet root: 100 feet? DM of Da: What root: cause didnt we just wait for it to move within 120 root: or did it double back DM of Da: Double back root: right then Albrecht: sorry, typing lefthanded while eating bread with that spread you bought a bunch of weeks ago is slow root: ...did it double back into melee with the hypogryph? (and as such give me -4 to any ranged attakcs) DM of Da: Yes. DM of Da: It did indeed. root: either way there's some cursing and riding forward DM of Da: k. root: whats the move speed on this thing, 60? Move ahead and take a shot at it after the move root: so -6 to the shot iirc,,, root: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 2 = 7 root: and whatever DM of Da: Move speed on the creature is 50 DM of Da: But yah DM of Da: How far forward did you ride btw root: that was the 60 I was guessing at DM of Da: Oh DM of Da: Yeah your horse is 60. DM of Da: Anyways root: I move X, where X is the horses speed DM of Da: Sven go Sven: so I'm a little confused Sven: where is he in relation to my summon? DM of Da: In melee DM of Da: With the hippogryph Sven: I see. Nikolai: grapple it! Sven: so I can use my full attack routine to grappe. Sven: grapple, even Nikolai: don't suck this time./ Sven: yes? DM of Da: Yes. Sven: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 6 = 19 Sven: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 11 = 15 Sven: :/ Nikolai: oh god Sven: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 6 = 23 Sven: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 11 = 17 Sven: :/ *** Nikolai cry Nikolai: wait Nikolai: let him make the grapple checks Sven: 15 is his bouns. Sven: bonus, even Nikolai: true root: come ooooon 1 Sven: he could roll a one on this one. Nikolai: but that second one Nikolai: could be a 1 Nikolai: eh, eh?? DM of Da: So that's 4 attempts? DM of Da: k let's see Sven: no DM of Da: ?? Nikolai: that was 2 attempts Sven: that's 2 attempts DM of Da: Oh Nikolai: touch; grapple check Albrecht: 2 touch and 2 grapple Nikolai: touch; grapple check Sven: the first fails. root: the +11s being the grapples Nikolai: now he's waiting for you to roll a grapple check Creature: /try 15 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 15 = 35 DM of Da: lol. Sven: yeah. Sven: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 1 = 16 Sven: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 11 = 31 Nikolai: touch Nikolai: nice. Nikolai: beat that root: bwahahaha Nikolai: sucker DM of Da: ooh Creature: /try 15 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 15 = 26 Nikolai: haha Sven: grappled. DM of Da: :O Nikolai: bitch DM of Da: Damn root: can hypogryphs hover? Sven: now I cast produce flame. Sven: also, I ride forward. Nikolai: we need to ride underneath them now *** Creature hisses angrily at the hippogryph as it struggles with it Sven: my panther follows. Sven: the end. DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Nikolai Nikolai: ok Nikolai: how high off the ground is it DM of Da: 50 root: presumably still 50 feet Nikolai: damn Nikolai: and horizontal distance is? root: 150 Nikolai: ok well my horse double moves Nikolai: and I cast a magic missile DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: /roll 2d4+2 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 2d4 < 4 2 = 6 > + 2 = 8 DM of Da: The creature seems to barely notice the missiles hitting it. DM of Da: Vasily? Vasilol: anger Vasilol: my horse rides up Vasilol: same as nikoplai Vasilol: hm DM of Da: k *** Vasilol applies Mage Armor to himself DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Ling Jian goes! DM of Da: His hands trembling, he nonetheless manages to draw his shortbow, riding forward as well, and fires off an arrow. Ling Jian: /try -4 *** DM rolls attempts for Ling Jian : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 0 - 4 = 4 DM of Da: The arrow misses wildly. DM of Da: Albrecht! Albrecht: so it hasn't moved but I had... Albrecht: eh I'll ride forward another 60 feet Albrecht: so no range, just the movement penalty DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 4 = 20 Albrecht: well? DM of Da: A hit! Albrecht: /roll 1d6+1 *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 1d6 < 5 = 5 > + 1 = 6 Albrecht: nonlethal Sven: xmas-day miracle. Albrecht: also roll me DC 11 will Creature: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 3 = 18 DM of Da: Its turn. Albrecht: eh, was worth a go root: i thought about it *** Creature attempts to disentangle itself from the hippogryph's grasp Creature: /try 15;grapple *** DM rolls attempts for Creature : *** DM (grapple) 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 15 = 35 DM of Da: Roll Vasilol: rofl. Sven: well that succeeds. root: done DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: However DM of Da: Having been grappled, it failed to maintain its movement Vasilol: lol clumsy DM of Da: And now, flapping its wings in clumsy and futile motions, it falls to the ground. Nikolai: where we pwn it Albrecht: quite *** Creature strikes the earth with a thud *** Creature takes damage Creature: /roll 5d6 *** DM rolls dice for Creature: 5d6 < 4 3 5 1 4 = 17 > = 17 root: ...does that count as prone? Nikolai: oh yes DM of Da: Yes root: victory is ours Nikolai: it sure is *** Creature uses its remaining action to right itself, spreading its wings and hisses in anger and fear DM of Da: Boris. root: boooo Nikolai: just pwn it root: I just hope it misses as I charge in then Nikolai: your question should be does it have reach Nikolai: it looks large (long) to me. root: which it totally won't...I charge it, dropping the short bow and srawing a short sword as I go Nikolai: also you're on a horse Nikolai: which is large root: it has a tail though Nikolai: true Nikolai: good point root: /try 10;charge *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM (charge) 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 10 = 21 DM of Da: A hit! root: w00t root: /roll 1d6+1 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d6 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3 root: take that Nikolai: lol DM of Da: The creature now looks significantly bruised and battered DM of Da: Black blood oozes from several wounds DM of Da: Sven. Sven: does my hippogryph similarly plummet? *** Nikolai is it's flight clumsy Nikolai: er Sven: it's average Nikolai: then I think it's fine DM of Da: It's fine Sven: very well Sven: it charges DM of Da: Ok. Sven: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 8 = 13 Sven: and sucks. root: here, charging = cannonballig Sven: meanwhile, how far away am I by now? Nikolai: entangle the mofo DM of Da: I dunno how many moves did you take DM of Da: Is it 2 DM of Da: If it's 2 then you;re 30 feet away Sven: 1. Nikolai: actually screw it Nikolai: it's got plenty of damage Nikolai: and you have a produce flame up DM of Da: Then you're 90 ft away Sven: 90, eh Sven: I chuck flames Sven: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 4 = 15 Sven: I presume that hits touch. DM of Da: It does Sven: /roll 1d6+4 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 3 = 3 > + 4 = 7 Sven: my panther and I also advance 30 ft. Sven: because this bitch is just outside of charging range. DM of Da: The creature cries out in pain, making a noise like that of an injured cat, as your burst of flame strikes it and singes its hide. DM of Da: Nikolai! Sven: snuff this bitch. Nikolai: delay Vasilol: MEANWHILE Vasilol: vasily is within 30 ft yes? DM of Da: Yes Vasilol: Scorching ray Vasilol: he's been waiting for this DM of Da: zomg pwn it DM of Da: PWWWWWWN Sven: thou shalt not suck. Vasilol: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasilol : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 2 = 17 Vasilol: touch root: hah Sven: hooray DM of Da: Hit obviously Sven: dead. DM of Da: Roll dmg Vasilol: /roll 4d6 *** DM rolls dice for Vasilol: 4d6 < 3 6 4 5 = 18 > = 18 Vasilol: /roll 1d6;sneak *** DM rolls dice for Vasilol: (sneak) 1d6 < 4 = 4 > = 4 root: pwned root: lol DM of Da: ... wow DM of Da: It's 100% dead Vasilol: it sure is Vasilol: sucker root: but the question is root: with scorching ray *** Vasilol is no longer invisible root: is it cooked? DM of Da: Heh DM of Da: It's burnt. root: meh <<< Creature has left >>> <<< 11:18:11 PM >>> Sven: hippogryph poofs. *** Ling Jian rides forward, gaping in awe at the creature's corpse Ling Jian: You... Ling Jian: It... *** Albrecht checks his brow *** root pulls out spikes Albrecht: didn't even break a sweat. Ling Jian: You have killed a <unpronounceable Mongol word>!! *** root gets bow Ling Jian: I... root: ever see a dead <mangled unpronounceable Mongol word> before? Albrecht: I think we should take a trophy Nikolai: What, do you think we were hired for our message carrying skill? Ling Jian: I did not know people of your lands could be such warriors. Albrecht: and offer it to the Khan Nikolai: Well I didn't know people of your lands could speak fluent russian. Nikolai: Looks like we're all surprised here eh? Ling Jian: Ah... *** Ling Jian looks somewhat uncomfortable Sven: Seems there is much to be learned all around. Ling Jian: Yes, that is true. Ling Jian: But, sirs, if indeed the tales are true... Ling Jian: Then somewhere around here must be its lair! Surely it would be filled with... unimaginable treasure! Vasilol: I could imagine it. *** Ling Jian looks at Vasily, somewhat confused Vasilol: I have a good imagination. root: I do like treasure Nikolai: So Albrecht: Well... we know what direction it came from Albrecht: Shall we detour to look for it? Nikolai: //is it possible to figure out where its lair might be Albrecht: Also... Nikolai: //possibly with some sort of survival checks root: / i have survival checks! Albrecht: You mentioned that that we should offer the Khan a gift. root: /but I donno how to track something that flies Ling Jian: Yes, that is customary. Sven: I wouldn't mind at all. Albrecht: I don't believe I have anything... but perhaps this beast has provided us with such a gift. Ling Jian: It is a necessity if you are to ask anything of him. Nikolai: I believe that our employers have already made a gift to him. *** Vasilol shakes the box *** Vasilol rattle rattle Ling Jian: I have no doubt the Khan would be impressed by such a trophy. These beasts are known to be vicious killers. Albrecht: // and we have plenty of spare horses Vasilol: well that's easy then *** Nikolai nods Nikolai: Let's take its head Albrecht: tail as well, I think Nikolai: Sure Nikolai: go for it man-with-sword *** root hecks at head *** root also hacks *** Albrecht attempts carving with a sword totally not made for this type of carving DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: You extract its tail and head DM of Da: Ling Jian informs you that nobody's ever actually seen the lair of one of these beasts, but popular legend usually portrays it as some sort of cave Albrecht: well, we don't have much to go on, but we'll work with what we have Nikolai: Any ideas how we could find it? DM of Da: And one of the most well-known fables concerning this creature speaks of the hero of the fable having to scale sheer cliffs and brave narrow mountain passes to find the creature's lair, which is a cave reachable only by air root: any caves nearby? DM of Da: So DM of Da: Let's have some Survival checks Sven: /try 16 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 16 = 30 root: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 4 = 15 root: I assist DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: You ride south a bit, in the direction the creature came from, and take some time to survey the highlands that lie before you Nikolai: //omfg robot chicken is doing japanese mr. rogers DM of Da: After about an hour of searching, Sven identifies several possible locations for a lair as described by Ling Jian Nikolai: //that was awesome Albrecht: // yes that was root: / that was really awesome DM of Da: The most likely one is deep-set cave entrance on a high ledge, tucked in a deep fissure between two rises Nikolai: ok can we get to it? DM of Da: The most direct path is an almost vertical climb up the side of the rise Sven: //see, I can amount to something occasionally :-P root: we need that hypogryph again DM of Da: Assuming there's a path up the hillside from reverse, it may also be possible to ride around and descend to the ledge, but that will take at least half a day DM of Da: What is teh plan root: might just have to go around, unless we can fly up somehow Sven: well Sven: how much time do we plan to spend on this detour? Nikolai: sadly we have no flying DM of Da: Well DM of Da: Anyone have Climb ranks? Sven: my cat. Sven: :-P root: none Albrecht: ranks no, strength yes root: any wizards with spider climb? Nikolai: nope Sven: I can prep a few tomorrow. DM of Da: Well, if someone wants to try climbing up... else decide whether you're going around, ascending by some means, or abandoning this and continuing Albrecht: our last resort is to just mark this on a map Sven: but only a few. Nikolai: Well Nikolai: Climbing seems like a bad idea Nikolai: or is it Albrecht: shall we start by riding enough to see if there's a non-climbing path? Nikolai: what would the check be DM of Da: It would be... DM of Da: 25 root: I cant even make a 25 climb check...anyone with pitons? Sven: haha, no. root: Im thinking we shoudl just return with a few fly spells Nikolai: sounds good Albrecht: well spider climb would get us u[ Nikolai: well we could return with that too Albrecht: or we can look for a non-climb bath up Nikolai: since we don't have iut. Sven: I can have 3 of them tomorrow. root: 3 of what? Sven: spider climb spells root: ....should we just camp here then? Nikolai: spider climbs? Nikolai: yeah why not Albrecht: we don't have a truly serious time constraint DM of Da: Ok. Nikolai: I'll prep some feather falls too DM of Da: Make camp here for the night eh DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: /roll 1d5 *** DM rolls dice for DM of Da: 1d5 < 5 = 5 > = 5 DM of Da: Vasily roll Listen Nikolai: k Vasilol: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasilol : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 1 = 12 DM of Da: Alright. DM of Da: During the night, while you stand watch, you hear nothing except the sounds of flowing water from somewhere within the fissure - perhaps a waterfall, perhaps a stream somewhere within the hill DM of Da: Until... DM of Da: You hear, very close to you, a slithering sound DM of Da: Followed by hissing DM of Da: You look around DM of Da: And see that the campsite is surrounded by snakes. DM of Da: They look like vipers DM of Da: 3 that are Medium in size *** Vasilol yells really loud root: snakes.... DM of Da: But one that is much larger - Huge - it coils up, easily rising to half again the height of a human root: why does it always have to be snakes DM of Da: The snakes hiss, revealing forked tongues DM of Da: Roll Init. root: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 8 = 10 root: ugh Albrecht: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 5 = 6 Sven: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3 Ling Jian: .try 0 Ling Jian: /try 0 *** DM rolls attempts for Ling Jian : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 0 = 4 Nikolai: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 1 = 6 Vasilol: /try 12 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasilol : *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 12 = 31 Vasilol: er Vasilol: 20. DM of Da: And Sven?! <<< Big Snake has joined >>> <<< 11:50:30 PM >>> root: +12??? Big Snake: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Big Snake : *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 6 = 18 <<< Small Snakes has joined >>> <<< 11:50:45 PM >>> Small Snakes: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Small Snakes : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 3 = 23 Sven: I rolled, fool. Sven: an almighty 3. DM of Da: Ah DM of Da: THE SNAKES GO FIRST. DM of Da: /roll 3d6 *** DM rolls dice for DM of Da: 3d6 < 3 2 1 = 6 > = 6 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: The three Medium vipers strike out at Nikolai, Boris, and Albrecht DM of Da: Respectively: Small Snakes: /try 4 4 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Small Snakes : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12 *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 4 = 22 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 4 = 21 DM of Da: Any of those hits? root: joy Nikolai: yep root: /try 6;Fort *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM (Fort) 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 6 = 14 DM of Da: Albrecht? Albrecht: yes DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Roll Fort DM of Da: Nikolai too Albrecht: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 6 = 25 Small Snakes: /roll 1d4-1;Nikolai *** DM rolls dice for Small Snakes: (Nikolai) 1d4 < 3 = 3 > - 1 = 2 Small Snakes: /roll 1d4-1;Boris *** DM rolls dice for Small Snakes: (Boris) 1d4 < 2 = 2 > - 1 = 1 Small Snakes: /roll 1d4-1;Albrecht *** DM rolls dice for Small Snakes: (Albrecht) 1d4 < 3 = 3 > - 1 = 2 DM of Da: Ok that's damage DM of Da: Nikolai still needs to roll his save DM of Da: And then it's Vasily's turn. Nikolai: k Nikolai: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 5 = 14 Nikolai: and 2 damage? DM of Da: Yes DM of Da: And Vasily's turn Nikolai: Sven, we healed up after last time DM of Da: All saves succeed btw Nikolai: right? Sven: sure Nikolai: i would think it silly to have not Nikolai: ok well Nikolai: are the little snakes in range of a sleep DM of Da: Yes DM of Da: Well DM of Da: They're in melee with you guys Albrecht: so? Albrecht: lowest HD first DM of Da: So yeah ok true Vasilol: good enough for me Vasilol: save dc 14 Small Snakes: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Small Snakes : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 1 = 5 DM of Da: Heh Vasilol: kerslept DM of Da: Two of the snakes fall asleep. DM of Da: /roll 1d3 *** DM rolls dice for DM of Da: 1d3 < 3 = 3 > = 3 DM of Da: The one on Nikolai remains awakwe. DM of Da: -w. Vasilol: of course Nikolai: this is neither new or novel DM of Da: It's only natural imo DM of Da: :P Nikolai: sure DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Big snake goes DM of Da: /roll 1d3 *** DM rolls dice for DM of Da: 1d3 < 1 = 1 > = 1 DM of Da: Sven is attacked. DM of Da: The viper lunges forward and strikes. Big Snake: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Big Snake : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 6 = 11 DM of Da: I guess it misses. DM of Da: Boris' turn! Sven: that is indeed a miss root: ah root: I should make with teh stabbing Big Snake: Which are you stabbing DM of Da: er DM of Da: Yeah root: the one that bit me DM of Da: The one that bit you is asleep root: bting Boris...that's a stabbin root: oh...the big one's awake? DM of Da: There is one awake small snake DM of Da: And one big snake Nikolai: yeah root: stab the big one DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Roll. root: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 8 = 18 root: /roll 1d6+1 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d6 < 4 = 4 > + 1 = 5 DM of Da: k. root: ...I dont suppose I can retroactively say I'm flanking it DM of Da: No :P root: bah DM of Da: Have Sven's cat flank it with you next time or something DM of Da: Nikolai or Albrecht DM of Da: Whoever wins the dex battle DM of Da: Go. root: next time sneak attack die, next time Nikolai: uh Nikolai: hows that dex albrecht Albrecht: probably same Nikolai: yeah Nikolai: so then Albrecht: 13 actually Nikolai: oh Nikolai: 12 here DM of Da: gogo Albrecht: quickdraw sword. Albrecht: move around big snake to flank with Boris Albrecht: attack. DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: assuming sufficient movement is available DM of Da: Well DM of Da: Yes but DM of Da: Doing so will provoke DM of Da: Actually no DM of Da: You can move further around DM of Da: Ignore me. DM of Da: Roll! Albrecht: k Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 11 = 13 root: ouch DM of Da: Miss! Albrecht: screw you, dice DM of Da: Heh DM of Da: Nikolai! Nikolai: k Nikolai: 5 foot a bit away from the snake on me DM of Da: k Nikolai: and magic missile it DM of Da: k Nikolai: /roll 2d4+2 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 2d4 < 3 2 = 5 > + 2 = 7 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Ling Jian goes Nikolai: so it has more than 7 hp? DM of Da: Yes Nikolai: wow Albrecht: it's Huge DM of Da: It's Medium Nikolai: oh DM of Da: The big one is Huge. Nikolai: ok then Nikolai: I misunderstood Nikolai: can I take that back Albrecht: that's me getting snakes mixed up Nikolai: for some reason DM of Da: Um Nikolai: I thought you said DM of Da: I guess? Nikolai: 3 small snakes DM of Da: What do you want to do instead Nikolai: and 1 medium Nikolai: and not 1 huge and 3 medium DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: instead Nikolai: I want to cast color spray Nikolai: save DC 14 Small Snakes: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Small Snakes : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 1 = 9 Small Snakes: :( *** Small Snakes is pwned in assorted ways DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: lol assorted ways Nikolai: what kind of pwned is it DM of Da: I dunno DM of Da: The kind that makes you not care DM of Da: About it DM of Da: For the remainder of all time Nikolai: unconscious then? Nikolai: :p DM of Da: Yeah Nikolai: lol Nikolai: k *** Ling Jian draws his bow and shoots at the big snake Ling Jian: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for Ling Jian : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 2 = 19 Ling Jian: /roll 1d6 *** DM rolls dice for Ling Jian: 1d6 < 1 = 1 > = 1 DM of Da: Sven's turn. DM of Da: Only the Huge snake remains. Sven: right next to me and my cat? root: and me DM of Da: Yes Sven: my cat will move to flank DM of Da: Ok Sven: was this more than 5 ft? Albrecht: it is already flanked by me and boris Sven: oh, you guys have flanking set up already Sven: fuck that. Sven: cat full attacks DM of Da: Ok Sven: I get a spear and follow suit DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Rollllls Sven: /try 6 1 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 6 = 15 *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 1 = 19 *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 1 = 15 DM of Da: That is 3 hits Sven: (cat) Sven: ok Sven: /roll 1d6+3+1d3+1+1d3+1 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 1 = 1 > + 3 + 1d3 < 3 = 3 > + 1 + 1d3 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 11 DM of Da: k Sven: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 7 = 11 DM of Da: Failure Sven: ok. DM of Da: Vasily's turn again! Sven: that's all I has Nikolai: k DM of Da: The snake looks somewhat battered but angry Vasilol: Magic Missiles Vasilol: /roll 2d4+2 *** DM rolls dice for Vasilol: 2d4 < 1 2 = 3 > + 2 = 5 DM of Da: k DM of Da: Snake's turn. DM of Da: It bites the cat. Big Snake: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Big Snake : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 6 = 8 DM of Da: Or maybe not. Sven: that smells like abject failure to me. DM of Da: Then it retreats, provoking AoOs from everyone and also those people's mothers. DM of Da: i.e. Albrecht, Boris, Sven, and cat. DM of Da: Roll some attacks. Albrecht: that flanking, yes Sven: /try 7;Sven 6;cat *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM (Sven) 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 7 = 19 *** DM (cat) 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 6 = 17 DM of Da: Hit and hit Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 11 = 21 root: my mom gets one? DM of Da: Hit root: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 8 = 20 DM of Da: And hit. Sven: /roll 1d8+4+1d6+3 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 5 = 5 > + 4 + 1d6 < 2 = 2 > + 3 = 14 root: /roll 2d6+1 *** DM rolls dice for root: 2d6 < 5 5 = 10 > + 1 = 11 Albrecht: /roll 1d10+4 *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 1d10 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12 Sven: toast. DM of Da: The snake is torn to shreds in a flurry of blades and claws DM of Da: It is all the dead ever. Sven: we snuff remaining bitches. DM of Da: Yep. Sven: ta da. DM of Da: And that's our session for tonight DM of Da: Tune in next time for: Sven: *pose* Sven: everyone gets some healing if they need it. Albrecht: 2 hp = meh root: I sneak attack them all DM of Da: Do our adventurers find the fearsome beast's lair? And if so... what do they find?? Vasilol: also 2hp root: counting tonight's rest....I'm down 11 Sven: hopefully not a mate and family. DM of Da: Does the party reach the court of the Exalted Khan... and what happens to them there? Sven: /roll 1d8+1 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 4 = 4 > + 1 = 5 root: I'll sooth the wife the only way I know how Sven: /roll 1d8+1 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 4 = 4 > + 1 = 5 Sven: you get that. root: yay Nikolai: that was actually nikolai who was missing hp DM of Da: And what other fascinating adventures take place on their journey? Nikolai: so yes DM of Da: All that and more on the next episode of... Beyond Ragnarok. Nikolai: more precious chunks of xp Nikolai: also give us xp Nikolai: :P Sven: am I a bear yet? DM of Da: Donations can be made to your local DM. Sven: :-P root: yes, precious XP DM of Da: Here's what I need you all to do root: then we can flyyyyyyyy DM of Da: Send me an email wherein you remind me of all encounters that have happened since Kiev DM of Da: Er DM of Da: No DM of Da: Not since Kiev DM of Da: Actually yes DM of Da: So send me that DM of Da: Such that I may recall DM of Da: Calculate DM of Da: And assign Nikolai: oh god Sven: hah. Nikolai: didn't I predict this root: ....we killed the Tourasque DM of Da: Maybe you did and maybe on the other hand you didn't DM of Da: Who knows Nikolai: last xp was escaping the goblins with siran's help DM of Da: Yep Nikolai: ok this will be difficult Nikolai: help me out here guys root: we killed one <unpronounceable Mongol word> Nikolai: ok so today Nikolai: we killed that monster root: buncha snakes Nikolai: and some snakes DM of Gaia: In case you're curious DM of Gaia: It was a manticore. Albrecht: that it was Nikolai: k Nikolai: so 1 manticore Nikolai: 1 huge snake + 3 medium snakes Nikolai: that was today Nikolai: last time Nikolai: we killed some goblins Nikolai: and uhm Nikolai: come on Nikolai: help Albrecht: lots of cumans Albrecht: goblins were actually 2 sessions back Nikolai: we did get some cumans Nikolai: hm Nikolai: we avoided some Nikolai: paid some off Nikolai: and then killed some other ones using SOP tactics Nikolai: hm Nikolai: and before that was the goblins Nikolai: sandy please tell me you have notes on this DM of Gaia: Yeah yeah notes Nikolai: arrrr DM of Gaia: Well I do Albrecht: well i have session logs DM of Gaia: Now that you reminded me, I have the numbers DM of Gaia: My encounters of standardized shit like goblins or Cumans are prefabricated Nikolai: adam can you check to make sure I didn't leave out anything DM of Gaia: It makes it simpler and more logical when dealing with an enemy that employs organizational tactics DM of Gaia: And incidentally DM of Gaia: Easier to subsequently calculate XP DM of Gaia: So yeah DM of Gaia: I'll send it Nikolai: yay Nikolai: xp for me DM of Gaia: So are you guys close enough to leveling that you might level DM of Gaia: Is that what you're telling me Nikolai: depends on how much xp we get Nikolai: I have 2500 to go DM of Gaia: Hm DM of Gaia: So we could have a bear by next session DM of Gaia: Intriguing Nikolai: also a lolpriest DM of Gaia: lol = ur? Nikolai: yes DM of Gaia: k Albrecht: right now, no Albrecht: well i'm at a pretty similar point to most of the party I think Albrecht: so I think it's about 3.6 for sven Albrecht: and 2.5 for nikolai Nikolai: wait Nikolai: shouldn't sven be ahead of me Nikolai: like Nikolai: the goblin thing got them mroe xp than uys Albrecht: well you guys were even until we got captured Albrecht: then I think you and I got more xp than they did root: I need 3 Nikolai: hm Nikolai: my sheet says 7526 Nikolai: vasily's says 6478 Nikolai: then again vasily ended up with less at the beginning Albrecht: yeah this sets up about where I think it should be Albrecht: I have 6,480 root: XP: 7080 root: ok..lemme know in an email. I'm off. root: pics <<< Sven has left >>> <<< 12:32:03 AM >>> Nikolai: i alomost feel like I should have my sheet in version control root: we're working on collecting them all on snapfish root:'s actually brilliant root: RCS for Character Sheets Nikolai: seriously Nikolai: I should just stick it in SVN now. *** root downloads RCS Nikolai: RCS? root: a largely useless version controll system that really only works if nobody else is working ont he project root: works great for something you want to keep local though root: I think CVS is built on top of it Nikolai: svn sounds superior to me root: ...if you have a CVS or SVN server up though...hell, I'll check Boris in root: SVN is *** root uses SVN at work Nikolai: well Nikolai: what I need to do then Nikolai: is open the port up Nikolai: and also fucking set it up to start on system start root: hah, fuck it then Nikolai: I'll let you know root: well root: the only reason for you to do that root: would be "Hey, Flynn's not here....well, he checked in his character sheet last month...." Nikolai: yep Nikolai: it's actually fairly useful Nikolai: when you think about it root: yup Nikolai: I mean Oliver's already doing something along those lines Nikolai: keeping his sheet on his webserver Nikolai: but this solves multiple problems Nikolai: ok off I go root: ok. Facebook has some wedding pics if anyone cares. I can send off a disc if anyone wants a bunch of em root: Night folks <<< root has left >>> <<< 12:37:34 AM >>>