The party plunders the manticore's lair, and treats with Nogai Khan.?
<<< DM of Gaia has joined >>> <<< 08:01:05 PM >>> DM of Gaia: Vasily of bus eh DM of Gaia: I'm not here yet, I'll be here in 5-10min <<< Nikolai has joined >>> <<< 08:01:05 PM >>> Nikolai: . DM of Gaia: .. <<< root has joined >>> <<< 08:01:36 PM >>> root: yo? Nikolai: yo Nikolai: I think we're waiting on people in WoW. Albrecht: not me root: people still play that madness? DM of Gaia: Well DM of Gaia: I'm killing dragons while I want DM of Gaia: *wait DM of Gaia: Anyone know ETA on Oliver? Nikolai: No clue Nikolai: what about chris? Nikolai: is he still on? <<< Graynjahhh has joined >>> <<< 08:04:49 PM >>> <<< Graynjahhh is now known as Sven >>> Nikolai: so DM of Gaia: Ok DM of Gaia: Good stuff Nikolai: we have everyone but oliver DM of Gaia: Let me text Oliver DM of Gaia: And ask him ETA root: Boise State's on! Yay football Sven: I don't think I've ever heard of anyone root for this so-called "Boise State" in my life. root: I would be the first then DM of Gaia: Now let's see here DM of Gaia: As I recall Albrecht: sandy, you did in fact leave screwdrivers here DM of Gaia: k I'll get em next time DM of Gaia: So DM of Gaia: We left off when you guys went to look for the manticore's treasure, found out what (according to popular legend) was likely to be its lair, went to sleep to prepare Spider Climb, and got attacked by snakes. Nikolai: yep Nikolai: snakes Nikolai: most of the small ones out of comission. root: sounds about right DM of Gaia: You defeated the snakes DM of Gaia: All of them Nikolai: oh Nikolai: k root: sneak attacking sleeping snakes usually results in a new wallet Albrecht: assuming we took our CdG actions, that is Nikolai: which we did Nikolai: undoubtedly Albrecht: of course, SOP Nikolai: well in that case Nikolai: is it the next day? DM of Gaia: Oliver says 20 min-ish Nikolai: cool Nikolai: we can start w/o him DM of Gaia: We'll start without him yes DM of Gaia: So DM of Gaia: ROLL CALL! Nikolai: hai Sven: so if I say I've had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane Albrecht: ja root: I can has die rolling? Sven: does that require some sort of divine ability to take care of? DM of Gaia: Yes Sven: k. DM of Gaia: Salient Divine Ability: Samuel L. Jackson Nikolai: so Nikolai: /roll 1d8 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 1d8 < 1 = 1 > = 1 root: Can't we just ask for divine intervention? Nikolai: ... Sven: I can't shoot a hole in the Prime Material Plane and have them all get sucked out, can I . . . Nikolai: /roll 1d8 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 1d8 < 4 = 4 > = 4 Nikolai: :p Nikolai: fuck you dice Sven: whatever root: just add the two rolls together DM of Gaia: Alright so Nikolai: heh Sven: at least you're not 120 xp off from level 5. DM of Gaia: It is teh next day Sven: :-P root: agreed root: Sandy already shot down my idea of finding a sack of 120 XP first thing this morning root: I guess only AMir can do that Nikolai: haha Nikolai: no he couldn't Nikolai: remember, we tried that every session DM of Gaia: Now then root: no, I got it once DM of Gaia: How many Spider Climbs do you guys now have root: anyhoo, I suggest spider climb Sven: I can has 3. DM of Gaia: Meanwhile someone connect a temporary Vasilol Nikolai: sigh Nikolai: someone else do it *** Sven finger to nose Albrecht: Manny will play him Nikolai: Hey Sven Nikolai: How many of those cure wands do you have <<< Albrecht has joined >>> <<< 08:13:26 PM >>> Sven: 2 <<< Albrecht is now known as Vasilol >>> Nikolai: Cool Nikolai: Let me hang on to one DM of Gaia: Alright Sven: I'll even hand you the beefier one. Nikolai: awesome. Sven: it has 29 charges. Nikolai: CL? Sven: I guess it's 5 Nikolai: ok Nikolai: noted Sven: you can smash it for mass CLW with targets=charges Sven: if you wish. Nikolai: k DM of Da: Well, like I said, you've got a fissure in the hillside... the walls of the fissure form sheer vertical rock walls, and about 100 feet up one of them is a ledge with a recessed cave entrance DM of Da: Who's going to climb up there and look Sven: suggestions? Albrecht: well I have being sturdy, but I won't spot, listen, or search a damn thing. root: Is there anybody besides the people casting spider climb who shouldnt go? Sven: I am the only people casting spider climb. root: I'll go then Sven: so albrecht, boris, and . . . who is the best third choice Nikolai: Vasilol. Albrecht: some caster. Sven: vasilol it is. Albrecht: ok Nikolai: He has levels of search DM of Da: Ok. Sven: they get spider clumb. Albrecht: we may need to beat a hasty retreat and grab your healing Albrecht: hmm Albrecht: also we take all the rope we have root: good point DM of Da: Well, climbing up is now trivial due to your newfound 20 ft climb speed DM of Da: You make it up there without incident Sven: but if they can let rope down root: yes, but dispel magic is a bitch Sven: it'll be awesome. Nikolai: if you guys hit dispel magic Nikolai: then like Albrecht: assuming we reach the top without issue. Nikolai: gg Nikolai: for a lot of reasons. Sven: forrizzle. DM of Da: You let rope down? Nikolai: yes Nikolai: they do Albrecht: yes DM of Da: k there is now rope <<< Big Snake has left >>> <<< 08:18:41 PM >>> <<< Small Snakes has left >>> <<< 08:18:43 PM >>> Sven: I assume there was something sturdy to attach that bitch to. DM of Da: Yeah Sven: excellent DM of Da: There's some rocks and stuffs Sven: so really, at this point we can all go. DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: Ling Jian appears hesitant, and looks like he's about to object, but gathers his courage and comes with you. DM of Da: Here is what you see. Nikolai: Good work Ling Jian DM of Da: As I said, it's a rocky ledge with a recessed cave entrance DM of Da: The ledge itself is littered with corpses DM of Da: They look like they've been picked clean by carrion birds Sven: gotta love those carrion birds. DM of Da: Tattered remnants of Mongol-style clothing indicate that the victims were a mix of Mongol warriors and civilians DM of Da: You see nothing of value. DM of Da: Assuming you enter the cave... Albrecht: time to look inside the cave root: indeed DM of Da: What's your marching order Nikolai: beefy first Nikolai: squishy next root: I think I'm going first what with trap finding Nikolai: roguey last Nikolai: or maybe swap beefy and roguey Nikolai: that makes more sense Sven: dimensions of formation? Albrecht: we have two people with trapfinding root: size of passage is? Albrecht: hmm DM of Da: The opening's about 5 feet wide Albrecht: Boris & Albrecht, Nikolai & Vasilol, Sven & cat DM of Da: You'll have to stoop to get through Sven: boo stooping. DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: The inside of the cave is dark DM of Da: Listen checks please. Sven: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 3 = 20 root: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 7 = 27 Nikolai: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 3 = 16 DM of Da: Sufficient root: we still have those Ion stones with continual light cast on them, yes? I'm guessing we use those DM of Da: Yes Albrecht: oh yes DM of Da: You hear a soft mewling, like kittens DM of Da: The source is quickly revealed... in the corner, upon a pile of scraps of clothing, are three tiny, miniature versions of the creature you killed root: oo, dinner Nikolai: I'm not eating that Albrecht: me either Nikolai: So DM of Da: They are apparently blind, hairless, and their back and tail spines are soft and flexible Sven: now that's what I call an offering. root: you've just never tried Nikolai: Let's do a full search Nikolai: and put these creatures out of their misery root: ssearch modifier is +9 if we're takign 20 DM of Da: Very well Nikolai: anyone have any objections? Sven: wait a minute root: hmm... root: just remember spider climb probably wears off by then Sven: picture for a moment Sven: if the khan could have one of these to raise as his own. Albrecht: we still have the rope for now Nikolai: oooh. Sven: as I said Nikolai: Ling Jian says? root: there goes dinner Sven: this looks like an offering to me. Sven: but yes Sven: what does ling jian think Nikolai: as a question for when Ling Jian is not listening... Nikolai: hm Nikolai: no there's no way the diplomacy angle could work Albrecht: ? Nikolai: I was thinking Ling Jian: Though the Khan's wealth is unimaginable as it is, for him to have such a fierce guardian would truly strike terror into the hearts of his enemies... indeed this would please him, I believe. Nikolai: what if we could find a way to get on the Khan's good side and find the location of the hoard for ourselves that way Nikolai: but there's no way we could actually pull that off Albrecht: well... Albrecht: we don't have to give the hoard if we give this, I think root: giving him 3 <unpronounciable Mongol Word>s would be a good start Albrecht: 1-3 baby manticores root: (I know) Nikolai: yeah it would be a good start Nikolai: but Nikolai: the qwuestion then is how do we turn the good will there into "hey we hear you have a cave full of gems" Nikolai: "can we has it" Nikolai: and I don't see that working out Nikolai: no matter how we spin it root: that's called lots of hide and listen checks Nikolai: especially given the hidden message on the note Albrecht: well let's see what the treasure is first Nikolai: yes DM of Da: Alright Nikolai: onto the treasure DM of Da: Your searching reveals: DM of Da: A crudely concealed opening, little more than a large rock rolled over a down-sloping tunnel, with some dirt piled in the cracks DM of Da: Do you investigate? root: of course DM of Da: k. Albrecht: what sort of adventurers would we be if we didn't? DM of Da: The tunnel is as narrow as the cave entrance - 5 feet across - and leads to a smaller cavern Sven: the smart kind? DM of Da: Arrayed around the walls of the cavern are a great number of bladed weapons - swords, for the most part - and various styles of helmets from a variety of armors root: do go on DM of Da: There are many Mongol scimitars, several cavalry sabers of Cuman or similar design, a few distinctly Cherkess daggers, a short sword similar to those used by ancient Greek hoplite warriors, a longsword of Russian design, and a tremendous Seljuk shamsir DM of Da: The various helmets essentially match the swords in terms of origin Sven: tremendous? Albrecht: I believe someone should detect magic Nikolai: I do so! Nikolai: Detection up! DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: None of the helmets are magical root: I believe either way, I have a new short sword Nikolai: looking around Nikolai: for anything magic Nikolai: at all ever DM of Da: sec DM of Da: The Greek short sword, one of the Cherkess daggers, and the shamsir radiate faint transmutation. Albrecht: who had party loot> root: don't tell me it's Oliver Albrecht: ah, vasilol Sven: of course it's oliver. Nikolai: it's cool Nikolai: his char sheet is available Albrecht: I have noted those DM of Da: Alright. DM of Da: There are no other sources of magic. Nikolai: ok Nikolai: we collect the lot of stuff Nikolai: throw it in our bag of lolding Albrecht: i'll make him update the sheet itself, but i'm noting it here root: I hold onto the short sword Nikolai: and bounce root: unless someone else wants a short sword Nikolai: it's yours. *** root treats it as masterwork for now Sven: I don't want any of this nasty metallic crap. Albrecht: anything nonmagical, non sword/armor, that looks like it might be valuable DM of Da: Do not treat the short sword as masterwork root: ok DM of Da: It is in fact fairly crudely made root: interesting DM of Da: And the blade is pocked and pitted, as if from multiple battles DM of Da: Additionally DM of Da: You notice that the shamsir has inscriptions on it DM of Da: Much of the blade is covered in a curving script you do not recognize Albrecht: well Albrecht: i think we'll be finishing off that wand of identify root: sounds about right Nikolai: obviousl <<< Vasily (of bus) is now known as Vasily >>> Sven: a ha. Albrecht: yo Vasily: yo. <<< Vasilol has left >>> <<< 08:44:36 PM >>> Albrecht: you can now update the party loot Vasily: No, not a Ha. A Him. DM of Da: Outstanding Vasily: I can? Excellent. Nikolai: yep Nikolai: Sandy I assume you'll send a email Nikolai: with the loot DM of Da: I will send nothing Albrecht: well as soon as we're not moving around we'll work that wand DM of Da: Yeah DM of Da: Anyways DM of Da: What now Vasily: sounds good Nikolai: you'll send nothing Nikolai: what about all the mundan shit DM of Da: What mundane shit Sven: all the weaponry and armor that didn't radiate shit Nikolai: ok so DM of Da: I mean Nikolai: you said: Albrecht: and anything else that might be around Nikolai: DM of Da: There are many Mongol scimitars, several cavalry sabers of Cuman or similar design, a few distinctly Cherkess daggers, a short sword similar to those used by ancient Greek hoplite warriors, a longsword of Russian design, and a tremendous Seljuk shamsir Vasily: #s? Nikolai: right Nikolai: we're taking it all. Nikolai: so I want a detailed list. Nikolai: with numbers. DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Will do Nikolai: and the helmets Nikolai: if they have worth Nikolai: everything Nikolai: of value DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: Anyway DM of Da: What do you do now Nikolai: so Nikolai: that's a full search Nikolai: ? DM of Da: Yeah Albrecht: devise a way to transport and feed three baby manticores. DM of Da: Totally full Nikolai: let's bounce then Nikolai: sven uses druid powers Nikolai: somehow DM of Da: Roll Knowledge: Nature Sven: /try 12 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 12 = 16 root: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 4 = 13 root: wow Sven: boy do I rule. root: next we will use Wild Empathy to calm them down DM of Da: Alright Sven: they're probably too smart for wild empathy Sven: or that. DM of Da: Not when they're babies they're not DM of Da: Try it Sven: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 6 = 7 DM of Da: Wow. Sven: I am the fucking man. DM of Da: Well, they're definitely not calmed down root: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 2 = 22 DM of Da: OR MAYBE THEY ARE root: take that Sven: excellent Albrecht: Worst. Albrecht: Druid. Albrecht: Ever. Sven: you can handle them. Nikolai: seriously Nikolai: sven Nikolai: you're fired root: COrrection - root: THat's a 21, not a 22 DM of Da: Boris can handle them root: stupid Charisma modifier Nikolai: you're getting outdruided by a rogue Sven: yup. Sven: woe is me. Nikolai: (/ranger but that's funnier) root: (rogue ranger) Nikolai: (it's funnier if we don't mention the ranger part. Vasily: (road runner?) *** root waves his arms shouting "WILD EMPATHY" *** Sven quietly sobs in a corner DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: So DM of Da: You bounce eh Albrecht: well then... seems we're bouncing. DM of Da: And continue on your way Albrecht: with 3 pets. Nikolai: yes Vasily: Indeed. root: aye Albrecht: and now we will make tracks towards the Khan DM of Da: You've got about... DM of Da: 5 days of travel left root: ...we travel for 5 days? Vasily: Time passes. DM of Da: Some time does indeed pass Vasily: Everyone dies (of old age) DM of Da: As you travel root: we name the Manticores Larry, Curly and Moe DM of Da: Ling Jian continues to make conversation... Albrecht: we also wave that wand until we've either ID'd all three weapons or run out of charges Vasily: (What's his craft(banter) rating?) DM of Da: (handling identification in a bit) Ling Jian: Before we arrive, I feel I must instruct you further on the appropriate manner of addressing the Khan. root: (+10 - +3 charisma, 5 Ranks, and +2 circumstances for being too young to know when to shut up) Ling Jian: Many a petitioner to his court has been turned away, in shame and disgrace, for offending his exalted person, or worse - put to death for a mortal insult. Vasily: Always nice to know who we'll be dealing with. What can we expect? Ling Jian: I should very much dislike that to happen to you. Vasily: oh my. Ling Jian: The first thing you must remember is to speak only when you are spoken to. Vasily: but... Ling Jian: By speaking out of turn in the Exalted Khan's presence, you place yourself as equals to the Khan, of which there obviously can be none. Ling Jian: Pay him the utmost respect and reverence; maintain eye contact, but do not address the Khan directly; you must say instead "Does His Exalted Supremeness wish..." or "I would like to offer His Exalted Supremeness...", and so on in that vein. Ling Jian: Realize also this. Ling Jian: It is almost certain that the Khan will say nothing himself; he generally relies on his advisors to voice his will. Yet know that you are speaking with the Khan, and not with the advisors; do not address them unless they speak for themselves explicitly. Ling Jian: Do you understand all this? *** Nikolai nods Vasily: indeed Ling Jian: Good... I do sincerely wish you luck in whatever your business here is. Ling Jian: I have already had, thanks to you, adventures such as I could not dream of! Albrecht: . DM of Da: .. Sven: ... Albrecht: . DM of Da: Ok so DM of Da: A couple days' travel pass uneventfully DM of Da: At some point you Identify shit? DM of Da: How many charges do you have Nikolai: a good question Vasily: between 1 and 6. You've never specified exactly how many charges it had. DM of Da: Mmhm DM of Da: /roll 1d6 *** DM rolls dice for DM of Da: 1d6 < 3 = 3 > = 3 DM of Da: Bam DM of Da: You exhaust all your charges on the 3 weapons DM of Da: Wand is now empty. Vasily: Bam. DM of Da: So Albrecht: urgh DM of Da: Let's start with the ancient Greek short sword Albrecht: wireless is being difficult DM of Da: More properly this weapon is called a falcata; it has a single curved edge and a simple grip. DM of Da: Feel free to google it for a pic. DM of Da: Identify tells you that it possesses no enhancement bonuses or special abilities whatsoever. Nikolai: but it is magical Nikolai: somehow Vasily: indeed. Sven: that is a strange-looking sword. DM of Da: Seems that way root: anyone have a dispel magic available? Nikolai: ... Nikolai: dude Nikolai: pay attention to our levels DM of Da: k DM of Da: Next up DM of Da: We've got the massive shamsir DM of Da: Identify informs you that it is +1 keen, but you also get the distinct sense that there is more magical power within it, in some sort of dormant state Albrecht: yoink Sven: rofl. DM of Da: Perhaps, if you could decipher the engraved writing on it, you would know more... but moving on. Albrecht: at some point we should blow a comprehend languages on it DM of Da: The Cherkess dagger. Vasily: Deeecipher script? root: yes, would decipher script do anything DM of Da: Comprehend Languages is the way to go here, yes. Vasily: perhaps read magic? Vasily: So... out of curiosity, is there actually a purpose to decipher script? DM of Da: Deciphering magical writings Vasily: besides prereq filling? DM of Da: And such DM of Da: So DM of Da: Anyone got a Comprehend? Vasily: Easy enough to prep. DM of Da: You've had like 2 days of uneventful travel so if someone wanted to prepare it Vasily: Yeah. DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: Sure Nikolai: why not Albrecht: there is a purpose... but it's pretty heavily outshone by a 1st level spell Albrecht: unless it lets you do more than read stuff DM of Da: The language used here is flowery and poetic, and says, more or less... Albrecht: but yeah, we can try your +10 as well Vasily: (Sandy just said it wouldn't work :P) Vasily: (and eh, frees up skill points in the future) Albrecht: // if available, exact text is probably good DM of Da: "This weapon, bane of infidels, has been forged in the flame of jihad, consecrated by the Imam of Anatolia. Akhmet, the Blade of Allah, is its chosen bearer. May it serve him in faith and in truth even as he serves the Almighty." root: interesting DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: The Cherkess dagger Albrecht: ah I see, decipher would theoretically allow one to draw a conclusion from text DM of Da: It possesses no enhancement bonus, but does have the following unique power: DM of Da: If a spellcaster wields the dagger while casting a spell, the dagger obfuscates his actions, serving to increase the Spellcraft DC for anyone trying to identify what he's casting by 10. Vasily: cute. Sven: silly cherkess. Albrecht: not extremely useful, but not useless either DM of Da: Additionally it acts as a Ring of Counterspelling - but again, only while it is wielded. Nikolai: cool root: Hah!....that is cute Nikolai: that's pretty badass. Albrecht: well then Vasily: Ring of Counterspelling does what Nikolai: you give it a spell root: counterspell is awesome DM of Da: You cast a spell into it Nikolai: like a spell storing DM of Da: And when it's cast at you Vasily: Ah, but in reverse. Nikolai: and then it will autocounter that spell DM of Da: It's automatically countered Sven: that's actually pretty hot. Nikolai: it is an amazing item yes Albrecht: yes Albrecht: one of you two should take it I suppose root: someone cast holy word into that Nikolai: yep Vasily: Hmm... DM of Da: I believe there's a level cap Vasily: preference? root: (yeah, probably) Sven: there is, yes DM of Da: Yes L6 DM of Da: Is the max Sven: which is still plenty of use. DM of Da: Anyways Nikolai: yep DM of Da: Moving on DM of Da: brb a sec Vasily: hmm. Albrecht: yay 15-20 crit range Vasily: Well, I assume Nikolai is interested in the dagger... Nikolai: I guess Nikolai: I mean Nikolai: if you want it Nikolai: I dunno the counter spelling part is pretty much awesom,e Nikolai: the spellcraft checks is meh Vasily: The other part is something I could probably put to good use... DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: You guys can figure this out amongst yourselves root: is it one of those "if it targets you" items, or would it work against area affect spells? DM of Da: Targeted Vasily: In fact... I vaguely recall asking how I might do this with skills or whatnot. DM of Da: Yes you did inquire about this Nikolai: fine you take it DM of Da: Now then Nikolai: but when I get killed by some sort of death attack Nikolai: it's your fault DM of Da: lol Vasily: :P DM of Da: l2deathward imo Nikolai: working on it Vasily: s'rsly DM of Da: Now, the rest of the trip is also fairly uneventful DM of Da: Several times you are met and confronted by Mongol warriors, out hunting, on patrol, or traveling DM of Da: But the letter of passage you received does its job flawlessly Sven: flawless victory. DM of Da: Just one time a particularly ornery warrior doubts your word, but Ling Jian invokes his grandfather's name, and that of his master the prince, and you are allowed on your way root: good bye XP, we'll meet again Sven: hah. Albrecht: now, before I get served in combat... Albrecht: I try that new sword out DM of Da: Finally, you see the a coast in front of you; you have come to a narrow strait, and looking out across it, you can see a fortress of immense size on the other side DM of Da: You try the sword out eh DM of Da: It is very sharp DM of Da: Also well-balanced DM of Da: The blade is in fact flawless root: have vasilly prestidigitate and apple or two to cleave Vasily: I prestidigitate a small bushel up and start tossing them. DM of Da: k Vasily: Juggle a few while I'm at it. DM of Da: Yeah it's pretty much a +1 keen shamsir Albrecht: good, i'm not getting served for being an infidel DM of Da: ANyway, as I was saying, you've come to this straight DM of Da: Across it is an immense fortress, a series of fortifications, towers, walls around an extremely elaborate palace of marble and granite DM of Da: It stands on a tall cliff, overlooking the coast DM of Da: It seems the Mongols operate ferries at various points along the strait Ling Jian: We have arrived! Ling Jian: The stronghold of Tmutarakan... I have been here once, as a boy, and was not allowed within the palace. Ling Jian: Come... the closest ferry is this way. Nikolai: ok guys Nikolai: whats' the plan root: take the ferry and walk right in? Vasily: Sounds good. We're just messengers, yes? Albrecht: with some pretty impressive gifts for his exalted supremeness Nikolai: ok so Nikolai: then what. Nikolai: i mean Nikolai: our general plan is obvious Nikolai: what's our secret plan Nikolai: like Nikolai: are we just going to see what he says Vasily: (said away from Jian) Well, we want to find out where this treasure is. Nikolai: or should we figure out where his gems are coming from somehow root: good point...I suppose we're keeping an eye and ear open for any knowledge about where the hoard is Nikolai: (yes obviously we are whispering amongst ourselves here) Vasily: Definitely try to steer the conversation in the right direction... Nikolai: from what ling jian has said, it will be difficult to steer conversation at all Albrecht: we pass the letter on and await a response to it that we can carry back. Albrecht: anyone know detect thoughts? Vasily: But we don't have nearly enough info to properly plan this out atm. Nikolai: ok Vasily: and no. That's L3 I think? Sven: also decipher mongolian? Albrecht: it's L2 Nikolai: comprehenmd languages we will go in there with Vasily: Aye. DM of Da: That only works when you touch someone/thing Albrecht: ok, that's good Albrecht: well DM of Da: For auditory comprehension you need Tongues Nikolai: oh Vasily: Hmm... Vasily: Touch eh? root: could still touch Ling to hear one side of the conversation at least root: or are we speaking in Russian to the Khan Vasily: Alter Self: Hot chick <.< Albrecht: hmm... yeah we could only understand one person's speech via comprehend Vasily: Still. Vasily: One person's better than none. Albrecht: and we'd need to touch that person Albrecht: we're not going to get to touch any advisors Vasily: That's what the alter self is for <.< Albrecht: and touchingLing Jian would only let us understand his speech Albrecht: though if he's talking for us at all, it pays to know he's saying what we think he's saying root: hah....alter self hot chick. I Always a good decision DM of Da: Ok Vasily: What was the technique? Kage bushin no jitsu? root: POsitives - we know what he's saying negatives - none root: that was shadu clone DM of Da: So Nikolai: henge no jutsu DM of Da: Unless anyone else has any other ideas root: you want "Henge" which I think just translates to "transform" Nikolai: is the one you're thinking of Vasily: Ah, yes. DM of Da: Let's proceed here DM of Da: You take a ferry across Vasily: The sketchy technique. Nikolai: actually naruto called it sexy no jutsu DM of Da: And are met on the other side by warriors of the Khan's personal guard Sven: naruto was also pretty good at it. DM of Da: They inquire about your business, inspect your letter of passage, and you are allowed past the other walls of the fortress DM of Da: You are escorted to speak with one of the Khan's civilian officials, most of whom appear to be of the same descent as Ling Jian and his grandfather Nikolai: them chinese make good officials DM of Da: The official informs you that your request for an audience will be examined and you may have lodging here while this takes place Sven: also chicken Nikolai: yep Nikolai: mmm kung pao Vasily: Also mexican. Nikolai: yep Nikolai: that too Sven: now that's just false Nikolai: pssht DM of Da: The next day, you are summoned to see the same official, and are told you may have an audience in one week. Nikolai: ok well DM of Da: Anything you'd like to do in this week? Nikolai: is it possible for outsiders to do trade here Vasily: Scribing seems like a good idea. Nikolai: also that root: gather information on the troops and the hoard root: crafting if anyone can do it Nikolai: lol crafting Nikolai: you're funny DM of Da: Yes, this is absolutely a trade nexus as well as a military stronghold; the reason the Khan is so busy is that he is visited by all manner of foreign dignitaries, trade representatives, and similar Albrecht: anything we need to go buy? Nikolai: so let's liquidate the mundane loot Albrecht: or sell? Vasily: K. Albrecht: yes Nikolai: from the cave Nikolai: and then see if there';s anything worth having here Nikolai: and nikolai and vasily will write things down Vasily: Selling the gobbo gear, and will mark down however much cash we get from the place. DM of Da: Alright Vasily: We should buy a Det Thoughts scroll if possible. root: yeah, had to throw the idea out there though. Scribing scrolls is practically crafting....kinda DM of Da: Tmutarakan is very well-stocked in terms of mundane goods Vasily: Resist Energy, Blur, Bull's Strength, Fox's Cunning, Bear's Endurance are up on the list. Vasily: I'll nab RE, Blur, and one other if you want. DM of Da: As for magical items, though they are unquestionably present, you find the Mongols generally refuse to sell their unique magic to outsiders DM of Da: But you can buy any scrolls of common spells up to 4th level Albrecht: so generic magical gear is purchaseable, but nothing special DM of Da: Indeed Vasily: Det Thoughts might be useful. That's what 50g + 200g for scribing mats for the 2 of us? Sven: hooray utilitah DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: well Albrecht: hmm Nikolai: detect thoughts is what level? Vasily: 2 Nikolai: and it wasn't on our list eh Vasily: Nope. Nikolai: ok let's pick that up Vasily: Resist Energy, Blur, Bull's Strength, Fox's Cunning, Bear's Endurance, Detect Thoughts Vasily: I'll grab RE, Blur, DT Vasily: unless you want one of them. Vasily: or two. Nikolai: hm DM of Da: The day before your audience with the Khan is scheduled, a messenger from the official who scheduled it is sent to visit you Albrecht: legend lore is going to be too expensive for us to handle right now Nikolai: let me get Blur Vasily: k DM of Da: Who informs you of certain rules you need to know beforehand DM of Da: i.e.: Vasily: I'll grab Fox then. Nikolai: and I'll take Bear's Endurance Nikolai: and Bull's Str then Vasily: Ok. *** Nikolai notes that DM of Da: You must surrender all weapons, magical or otherwise, before being granted entry into the Khan's palace DM of Da: Furthermore you must be aware that your will be monitored with magic detection spells at all times while inside Albrecht: meaning detect thoughts might be frowned on DM of Da: Spellcasting is expressly forbidden except by permission of the Khan or a member of his court Albrecht: well we would have cast it in advance anyway Nikolai: ok well Nikolai: we can just leave our shit behind then right? Nikolai: or do we need to give it to them at the door Nikolai: I dunno I don't have much weaponry anyway Vasily: You get 4 more days of scribing... Darkvision, Darkness, Hasan's Magic Aura, Minor Image, Resist Energy, Fox's Cunning, Detect Thoughts are on my list but not yours. Vasily: Likewise. DM of Da: Spying of any kind, magical or mundane, is punishable by death DM of Da: That's about it Nikolai: Glitterdust, Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, Locate Object, Arcane Lock, Knock, See Invisibility, Rope Trick, Blur, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance Nikolai: that's my list DM of Da: And yes you can leave your shit behind Nikolai: Ok let's see Vasily: Yep, I've got your list. Albrecht: guess we're not casting DT then DM of Da: Ok. Sven: :/ DM of Da: Everyone ready? Nikolai: I'm picking out Darkvision, Minor Image, Fox's Cunning, Detect Thoughts Nikolai: and yes, ready Vasily: Scorching Ray, Knock, See Invis, Rope Trick Vasily: yep, ready. Nikolai: wait Nikolai: I don't have invis Nikolai: Alter Self, Invisibility, Darkvision, Darkness, Minor Image, Resist Energy, Fox's Cunning, Detect Thoughts Nikolai: that's what I have for your list Vasily: eek... Vasily: sorry, didn't include level up spells. Nikolai: hold on *** DM of Da holds on *** Sven is scurred DM of Da: So? DM of Da: Ready? Sven: when our spell preppers are. Vasily: ready. Vasily: we're PCing. Nikolai: we're ready Nikolai: go ahead DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: took the spellbook chat away DM of Da: The next day, the same messenger comes for you Albrecht: note the detection spells and spying is death. DM of Da: And informs that the Khan is ready to receive you DM of Da: You are all escorted to the Khan's palace DM of Da: You're checked for weapons upon entry DM of Da: Before you enter, Ling Jian whispers to you... Sven: I left my weapons behind. Ling Jian: A last thing... Sven: of course. Nikolai: ooh question for Ling Jian Nikolai: should we present our gift first Nikolai: or our business first Ling Jian: I do not ask your intentions, but know this: it is not the Mongol way to punish messengers for the message they bring. Speak the truth only to the Khan; even if it is unfavorable to him. Lying is a great insult; speaking truth is not. Ling Jian: As for your gifts, present them first. Nikolai: Ok. Ling Jian: In this way you show your respect. Nikolai: Vasily, make note of that Vasily: Of course. DM of Da: (you have the 3 baby manticores and the big manticore's head, yes?) Albrecht: ok then Albrecht: I'll carry the dead head Albrecht: the empathy people can carry the little ones Vasily: Mine's so huggable and cwute! root: I'll carry Moe Vasily: dibs on curly. DM of Da: Alright root: it's cure when he tries to impale my finger on his tail root: cute* DM of Da: You are taken to a massive hall Sven: I guess I get larry? Nikolai: I'm hanging onto the box Nikolai: so you all deal with the livestock root: Moe isn't live stock! root: He's a living thing Nikolai: whatever Sven: but all my wild empathy checks on inanimate objects autosucceed DM of Da: At the end of it are a series of steps, leading up to an elaborately carved dais, upon which stands a towering throne of malachite, bronze, and darkwood. Nikolai: lol root: (brb, finding food DM of Da: There sits the Khan. Sven: <insert description here> DM of Da: He looks toward you, saying nothing. Vasily: I think a bow might be in order. DM of Da: Several steps below him stand three elaborately attired courtiers... DM of Da: And below them, near the bottom of the steps, stands a somewhat less expensively dressed man, who addresses you as you enter. <<< Nogai Khan has joined >>> <<< 10:03:31 PM >>> <<< Advisors has joined >>> <<< 10:03:37 PM >>> <<< Translator has joined >>> <<< 10:03:40 PM >>> Vasily: (nu pa ruski?) DM of Da: (shush) Sven: (I will ruski your face) Vasily: (Face ruski-ing is nothing I haven't sean before.) Translator: You are welcomed to the domain and presence of His Most Exalted and Surpassing Supremeness, Nogai Khan, the Son of the Sky, the Chosen of Tengri, Great Ruler of All Crimea and the Lands Beyond. Nikolai: (only because Siegfried lets you live) Nikolai: (much like Chuck Norris but more badass.) Translator: I will serve as the medium between you and His Exalted Supremeness. *** Nikolai turns to Vasily *** Nikolai mimes "do you want to do this or should I" Translator: You stand also before three honored advisors to the Exalted Khan: his Minister of Trade, his Advisor on Foreign Matters, and his Overseer of Arcane Matters. Vasily: (I can take it.) Nikolai: (k) DM of Da: Each of the three advisors nod their heads in turn. DM of Da: The Khan makes a slight nod toward the Advisor on Foreign Matters, who addresses you in Mongol, and the interpreter translates... Translator: Inform us of your place of origin and purpose here. Vasily: We are but simple messengers from Russia. However, as we are grateful that HEaSS has given us welcome in his hall, we wish to thank him presenting HEaSS with a few humble gifts. Vasily: /present Sven: //hahaha, HEaSS *** Nikolai clears his throat Sven: //that's "DuMAS". Nikolai: We were informed by our guide that this creature is feared and respected DM of Da: The Khan says nothing, but the advisor motions to one of the many guards standing at attention at the edges of the hall, who comes forward to take your gifts *** Sven presents the cute manticore Nikolai: So we thought its head would make a token of appreciation for hearing our message for HEaSS Sven: //oh, we're just on the head right now. Nikolai: Furthermore we came across its lair and younglings, which we are also presented to HEaSS as tokens of our appreciation Nikolai: //I wanted to describe them :p Sven: //sure sure :-P Nikolai: presenting* *** Nogai Khan raises his eyebrows slightly and nods thoughtfully, stroking his beard Vasily: (Care for these as you would care for a nation?) DM of Da: The Overseer of Arcane Matters speaks, and the interpreter translates... Translator: Your gifts are impressive, and you choose them well and appropriately to the Exalted Khan's divine station. His Surpassing Supremeness is curious, however, and would have you tells us of how it comes to be that ones so skilled in combat as to defeat such a creature would serve as mere messengers? Sven: //he's good at this whole mind-reading thing. root: // use wild empathy on him DM of Gaia: //That's why he's the Khan and you're not imo Sven: //you have a death wish boy? Sven: //Worst Druid Ever. Sven: //(tm) DM of Gaia: So who's going to answer :P Albrecht: so how do we answer? Albrecht: ah yes Albrecht: our answer is as follows: Vasily: May we present our message to HMEaSS? I believe it will explain matters more clearly. Albrecht: our employers wanted people who they felt they could guarantee would arrive with the message DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: When your response is translated, the Khan nods in satisfaction, and the Advisor on Foreign Matters responds... Vasily: It is unfortunate news, but comes with hope. Our employers wished to show their good faith. Sven: //these are totally more respectable mongols . . . Brunhilda would be pleased. *** Nikolai takes out box Translator: Well spoken. We will receive your message. *** Nikolai This is the parcel we have been entrusted with by our employers. Nikolai: nonoptions Nikolai: bah Nikolai: This is the parcel we have been entrusted with by our employers. *** Nikolai holds it out Nikolai: This is from Danil and Anastas of Russia. DM of Da: The Minister of Trade motions to another guard, who takes the box DM of Da: The guard brings it to the minister; he inspects it, then calls something out *** Ling Jian whispers Ling Jian: He is sending for a court wizard. Sven: //uhh, is that good or bad? Albrecht: // well there was magic on the box DM of Da: A Mongol man in simple robes steps out from a shadowy corner of the hall, approaching the minister DM of Da: The man bows, and begins to spellcast Nikolai: ? DM of Da: I'm going to assume you guys can make trivial Spellcraft checks here, so... Nikolai: sure Nikolai: aswsume that Sven: fine with me. DM of Da: He casts Detect Magic, peers at the box, then casts Knock Albrecht: it's a safe assumption Vasily: Aye. DM of Da: The minister opens the box; after inspecting the contents of the pouch, he breaks the seal on the letter and skims it briefly DM of Da: While he does this, the wizard whispers something in his ear DM of Da: The minister nods; the wizard returns to where he was standing before, and the minister has the guard bring the letter to the interpreter, who turns to the Khan, bows, and begins to read it DM of Da: All the while, as the letter is being read, the Khan maintains an impassive expression, looking not at the interpreter but at you, surveying you with mild interest DM of Da: When the interpreter is finished reading the letter, the Khan speaks for the first time. DM of Da: He says a brief few words to the Minister of Trade - the one still holding the box - who responds even more briefly *** Ling Jian whispers Sven: //is we fizzucked? Ling Jian: The Khan asked the minister if the box contained anything else, and the minister told him it held only a pouch of platinum pieces. DM of Da: The minister then turns and addresses you; the interpreter translates... Translator: The Exalted Khan wishes to know whether you knew the contents of the box you carried before today. Vasily: Only insofar as we knew the purpose of its contents. *** Translator furrows his brow, glancing at the Khan briefly Translator: I must be sure of your meaning if I am to convey your words properly. What do you mean by this? DM of Da: //anyone? Vasily: //typing DM of Da: //k Vasily: As I'm sure HMEaSS knows, goblin attacks south of Kiev have risen sharply. The woods are no longer safe, even for armed caravans. As far as I know, our employers had been negotiating a deal on behalf of HMEaSS and lost something of value pertaining to this deal. We are here to beg him for another chance on their behalf. As you can see from our gifts, we can handle ourselves considerably better than even an armed caravan. Vasily: *lost something of value pertaining to this deal in a goblin attack. DM of Da: //k just to clarify here, are you planning to say all of that deliberately, or did you fail to pay attention during the session when you guys opened and read the letter Nikolai: //what do you mean Nikolai: //as far as I can tell, that is exactly what Vasily knows about the job Vasily: // everything I said, we knew without the letter Nikolai: //we didn't read any letter Nikolai: //officially Vasily: // yep DM of Gaia: //yes I know you didn't Nikolai: //ok then what did he say wrong there Nikolai: //I must be missing it Vasily: // Likewise. DM of Gaia: //I guess I'm just confused by wording there DM of Gaia: "As far as I know, our employers had been negotiating a deal on behalf of HMEaSS" Nikolai: that is probably the wrong words Sven: //that's where I was confused root: //.... I think he means "with" instead of "on behalf of" Vasily: // yeah. DM of Gaia: Ok Vasily: // well, it is a logical conclusion... Vasily: // but yeah, no sense revealing too much. *** Translator nods, and translates *** Nogai Khan narrows his eyes Vasily: // Based on what I know of them, they're very clearly middlemen. Vasily: // thus the on behalf of. DM of Da: //Oh absolutely that is consistent with your knowledge of them DM of Da: The Minister of Trade speaks, his tone of voice carrying a tinge of displeasure, and the interpreter translates... Translator: If your masters had indeed been negotiating with His Exalted Supremeness, and had committed the absurd blunder of losing items of value to this negotiation, then they would hardly be worthy of continued dealings with the Exalted Khan, had they even been so to begin with. Translator: In any case it is obvious to us that you knew and know nothing of the message you carried, as His Surpassing Supremeness hears about these employers of yours for the first time. Vasily: /boggle Nikolai: /alsoboggle Sven: //ruh roh. Albrecht: // and now we have to wait for them to see the secret message Vasily: // do we know what they lost? i.e. gems? Translator: However the Minister of Trade advises you to choose whom you serve more carefully in the future, as the Rulers of All Crimea and the Lands Beyond should hardly be expected to take notice of petitioners who cannot even provided gifts of greater value than those offered by their own messengers! DM of Da: *provide Sven: //rofl. Nikolai: // I think you might Vasily: // hah Vasily: // sandy? Nikolai: // after all it was you that was entrusted with their care originally DM of Da: //you don't know, no Nikolai: //hm DM of Da: The Overseer of Arcane Matters now speaks, and his words are translated thusly... Sven: //"Hadoken" Nikolai: //lol Translator: Were it not for one circumstance, your presence here would serve no further purpose, and we would send you back to your masters in disgrace and failure. This we will still do, but not yet. You are ordered hereby to remain within the limits of Tmutarakan until such time as His Exalted Supremeness or one of his court sends for you. root: //Siegfried??? Sven: //hah. Translator: This audience is concluded. DM of Da: The guards who escorted you in now approach you again Albrecht: either we're useful or they saw that there was a secret page and don't want us to hear what's written Vasily: Thank you for your time. Vasily: /bow <<< Translator has left >>> <<< 10:55:00 PM >>> *** Sven bows deeply <<< Nogai Khan has left >>> <<< 10:55:01 PM >>> Nikolai: /bow <<< Advisors has left >>> <<< 10:55:03 PM >>> Sven: I don't think anyone wanted the entire court to hear about it. DM of Da: You are escorted out of the palace. Sven: so if anything Sven: we might get approached later for a much more private talk Nikolai: maybe Nikolai: or maybe it will be about the manticore Nikolai: who knows Sven: or maybe we'll discuss the local sports team Nikolai: that too Sven: "Yes Khan, the Knicks still suck." Sven: "Yes Khan, the Yankees are out too." root: The Russians are playing a new game. They call is hockey root: Yankees eh? root: // Sven: //every year, eh? :-P Sven: //it's been how long now? root: / they havent won since root: / seven years Sven: //that's quite a grudge :-P Nikolai: //rofl Albrecht: so Albrecht: anything for us to do here? Sven: back to wherever we're hanging out, I guess Vasily: more scribing? Nikolai: //well I found my favorite character design in FF12 Nikolai: // doctor cid Albrecht: I assume we can't afford getting Legend Lore or similar spells on those new swords Nikolai: dear god no root: I'm not talking to that witch again Sven: that's like umpteen gold Albrecht: and there's really nothing between Identify and Legend Lore Sven: or, like umpteen/10 platinum Nikolai: lol DM of Da: That is like ump.teen DM of Da: Or teen.ump DM of Da: 10.ump? DM of Da: 1.ump DM of Da: There we go. root: / in fairness, "I'm sorry Khan, it's best if we don't even discuss the Mets" DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: The very next day DM of Da: You are sent for once more. DM of Da: It seems the Khan wishes to receive you for a second audience Sven: well that was fizzast. DM of Da: You are once again escorted into the palace DM of Da: This time, however, instead of the three advisors that were there before, the Khan is attended by only one of them - the Overseer of Arcane Matters. DM of Da: The same translator is there. <<< Nogai Khan has joined >>> <<< 11:02:53 PM >>> <<< Overseer has joined >>> <<< 11:02:57 PM >>> <<< Translator has joined >>> <<< 11:03:00 PM >>> DM of Da: After you are welcomed once more, the Overseer speaks, and his words are translated thusly... Vasily: /bow Sven: //"Shoryuken." Translator: His Exalted Supremeness wishes to know whether you serve your employers out of loyalty or obligation stemming from a likeness of purpose or natural duty; or whether your services have been bought by the same wealth these employers offered the Exalted Khan. Sven: //hah. Albrecht: // so are we just hired help or do we want what they want... Vasily: // I'm leaning towards wealth here. No sense lying about it. Albrecht: // officially we are just hired help... but in reality we want the stuff Sven: //that sounds like option B to me. root: /we serve our employers though, because we were hired Vasily: // sure, but here we stand to gain little from having the Khan think we're close friends of these guys. Nikolai: //yeah Nikolai: //we have no loyalty or obligation here Vasily: The latter. My femur itches whenever there's a good deal to be had, and I felt that these gentlemen had a good deal to offer. Sven: //. . . your femur? Albrecht: // that is pretty weird DM of Gaia: roflmaozedong DM of Gaia: femur. *** Translator raises an eyebrow Vasily: // why not. Is it any better than lobes? root: roflmaozedung????? *** Translator translates root: wtfbbq Sven: yeah . . . Sven: it's his new thing . . . Nikolai: lol. Vasily: Shadap young'n. root: wow DM of Da: The Khan's expression remains impassive; The Overseer nods in satisfaction and continues... Vasily: (the shadap was at Sven, and only whispered if I said it at all) Translator: Tell us what you know of your employers, and know this: you have much to gain from the generosity and beneficence of His Exalted Supremeness if your answers please him. Nikolai: both generousity and beneficence, eh? <<< Vasily has joined >>> <<< 11:14:47 PM >>> Vasily: Indeed. Vasily: Well, what does HMEaSS wish to know? They are businessmen with a marginal reputation in Oleshie for getting things where they need to be. They seem confident in their sales ability. Nikolai: //should we just outright tell him about the sapphires? Vasily: Unfortunately, their caravan met with some bad luck and the ... they were some sort of gems if memory serves... were lost to the goblin hordes of the forest. Nikolai: //keep in mind, we didn't know about the sapphires Vasily: // let me know if Oliver says something Vasily would know to be false. Nikolai: //they were in a knocked box Nikolai: //locked. Vasily: // or not part of his "supposed" knowledge. Vasily: // this includes that bit about the gems above. DM of Da: //Good so far Vasily: // Vasily knew about the gems, yes? Nikolai: //no he didn't Nikolai: //not officially DM of Da: //Hm yeah DM of Da: //You didn't Vasily: // officially, I mean. Vasily: // ok, scratch that DM of Da: //Not officially exatly DM of Da: k Vasily: ... bad luck and the box that was being transported was lost to the ... DM of Da: k. DM of Da: The Overseer snaps his fingers DM of Da: And a servant emerges from the shadows, carrying the letter DM of Da: He hands it to the interpreter, who says... Translator: The Overseer of Arcane Matters commands that I now read to you this letter you had carried, such that further discussion of this matter be conducted in full awareness. DM of Da: (he had previously read the letter in Mongol, of course) DM of Da: He now re-reads it to you in Russian, as it is written DM of Da: Of course you all have read it before so I won't bother repasting DM of Da: But officially you're hearing its contents for the first time DM of Gaia: The relevant portion DM of Gaia: Is DM of Gaia: It is our most fervent wish that you accept our expression of admiration for your resourcefulness and power, for news has reached even to these lands of your singular achievement in securing that which has eluded all seekers for three and a half decades, the treasure of the fearsome and legendary beast whose name, we trust, needs not be set down here. DM of Gaia: Vasily: could you summarize just for posterity? Vasily: ah, yes. DM of Gaia: And then blah blah offering blah another sample blah etc. Vasily: also, they don't mention the secret page? DM of Gaia: No there's no mention of that as yet DM of Gaia: Basically the letter is "We heard you'd parted with a small sample of this treasure, we would also like some, can we has it plzkthx" DM of Da: Aaaanyway Sven: hahahaha Albrecht: // here is some money also we can help you with information or something DM of Da: The Overseer speaks again, and his words are translated as follows... Vasily: /boggle Vasily: Indeed. They said this deal was big. They didn't say how big. Sven: //I CAN HAS BIG FUCKING GEMS? Translator: Know this, messengers! Translator: Your employers are fools and the people they deal with are thieves. Nikolai: So wait Albrecht: // good thing they paid us in advance Nikolai: They're saying that someone else gave them the gems on behalf of the khan? DM of Da: //To recap Vasily: They are? /shock DM of Da: //What you'd been told before Vasily: We DM of Da: //Is that the Khan gave/sold (unspecified) a small big of the treasure away, it made its way to Oleshie, where Danil and Anastas bought it Vasily: What appaling behavior. They claimed they'd had legitimate dealings. Nikolai: //i see Nikolai: //now it all makes sense Vasily: //oooh... ah well. Might as well keep smearing them. Play off it to get into the Khan's good graces :) root: //not like we like them anyway Translator: Your employers may have thought this, but they were deceived, or else willingly bought stolen riches that were the rightful property of His Exalted Supremeness. Nikolai: We apologize to His Exalted Supremeness, and assure him that we had no idea. Vasily: That is most unfortunate. Is there anything we can do to help the situation? Translator: What this letter claims was given away freely was not, but rather was stolen from the Exalted Khan's possession! Translator: However... Translator: There is another matter. Translator: Enchanted upon this letter is a hidden message. Vasily: o.O Nikolai: *gasp!* root: 0_0 Vasily: sneaky. Translator: It claims to have knowledge of the kind that would not be possessed by simple merchants, especially those so foolish as the text of the letter appears to indicate. Vasily: Oh? Translator: His Surpassing Supremeness has commanded that it must be acquired for his possession. Translator: To that end... Vasily: What sort of knowledge? Translator: The Exalted Khan will provide that which the letter asks for. Translator: You will carry it back to your employers. Nikolai: //sandy Nikolai: //remind me what it said DM of Da: //gems Nikolai: //no Vasily: // we can read it. DM of Da: //the letter asked for more Nikolai: //the secret message Vasily: // we can read the text of somethingorother. DM of Da: //"We can decipher the words of the demon. Help us, and his power will be yours." Translator: You will convey to them the Khan's promise of riches from the treasure the letter mentions, riches a thousand times greater than the sample you will provide. *** Nikolai waiting for more *** DM of Da typing Nikolai: k Translator: You will give them a letter of response, which will say that the price for these riches is twofold: That they return to His Exalted Supremeness one thing that was stolen along with the gems, and that they come themselves to his court, bringing with them whatever or whoever is able to provide the knowledge they claimed to possess. Vasily: (bahaha. And of course... guess who has said thing.) Nikolai: (who) Vasily: (<.<) DM of Da: (you do) Vasily: (>.>) Nikolai: (ohhh) Nikolai: (the paper) Nikolai: (right?) DM of Da: //Right. Vasily: (I'm guessing) Nikolai: (well we have one of two) Nikolai: (if we had the knowledge they claim) Nikolai: (we could just right now do the deal) Nikolai: (should we attempt to bluff our way through?) Nikolai: (might work) Sven: (umm what) Vasily: (The paper is the less important of the two) Nikolai: (yeah but) Nikolai: (maybe we can come up with something) Albrecht: // well we have what we have Nikolai: (if we knew more about the situation) Nikolai: (my theory is) Albrecht: // we have a paper, and we've now officially been given indication that there's more to this Nikolai: (let's see if he'll tell us what this knowledge is Nikolai: //maybe we CAN decipher the words of the dmeon Nikolai: //who knows until we know what we're dealing with Nikolai: //granted he has spellcasters working for him Nikolai: //hmmm Sven: //I'm sorry, you guys lost me Nikolai: //ok that's probably not going to work then Vasily: // Unless the page IS the words of the demon. Nikolai: //we got that from Arkadiy Nikolai: //right? Vasily: No, it was traveling along with the gems. DM of Da: //It's one of the two things you looted from the caravan DM of Da: //Box o' DM of Da: //gems Nikolai: ok Nikolai: ok Nikolai: so DM of Da: //And scroll case with a torn page from some massive tome (page is blank, radiates faint illusion magic) Nikolai: right Nikolai: hmmmmm Nikolai: ok forget it then Nikolai: we can't promise anything about deciphering any demon stuff Nikolai: anything we can do his casters can do better Vasily: yep DM of Da: //And now the Khan is saying it was stolen from him and implying it was part of the treasure from the Demon of Fire and Storm Sven: I heard a song about that once. DM of Da: Well DM of Da: Time to reply to what you're being told to do here DM of Da: And presumably leave DM of Da: Or say other things Sven: That was my presumption as well DM of Da: Whatever it is you're planning on doing here DM of Da: Say/do/etc. Vasily: // can we do anything else? I don't think so. Sven: //I think we're done here. Albrecht: // yeah I think all we can do is at most ask to get that in writing Nikolai: //well I assumed he was going to give it to us DM of Da: //That's already the plan DM of Da: //Repasting: Vasily: Very well, we shall convey HMEaSS's message to our employers. Thank you for your audience. Translator: Translator: You will give them a letter of response, which will say that the price for these riches is twofold: That they return to His Exalted Supremeness one thing that was stolen along with the gems, and that they come themselves to his court, bringing with them whatever or whoever is able to provide the knowledge they claimed to possess. Vasily: err... Sven: //and a fine repast it is. Vasily: s/you/HMEaSS DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: You are escorted out Sven: bounceunt. DM of Da: Later that day one of the Khan's guards arrives and hands you a pouch with a sealed letter DM of Da: What's the plan now? Vasily: homeward bound? Vasily: Oh, and did we have scribing time while waiting? DM of Da: You had the week you waited for your first audience plus another day DM of Da: Now when you say homeward bound DM of Da: Be specific DM of Da: You are going to Oleshie to deliver the message as planned? Sven: boy will things be better once I have transport via plants. Albrecht: are we headed to Oleshie or to Kiev? Vasily: Oleshie I'd say. DM of Da: That's my question, yep DM of Da: k Nikolai: well Vasily: We haven't learned anything too new. Nikolai: I'd say we're going to deliver the message Nikolai: it's true, we have nothing new Nikolai: he told us what's in the message Nikolai: we know the pouch has gems in it Nikolai: all we can do is see what this deciphering the demons is Sven: forrizzle. Nikolai: and watch those guys panic when they can't find the page DM of Da: Alright Vasily: If we have the message itself, we should DetMag it. Nikolai: which message Sven: DetMag? is that the new technical term? DM of Da: The return letter? DM of Da: There's no magic Nikolai: k DM of Da: Your travels through Mongol lands are uneventful Vasily: (and Nikolai gets one of Darkvision, Darkness, Hasan's Magic Aura, Resist Energy, Fox's Cunning) DM of Da: Ling Jian escorts you the entire way back, returns to his grandfather, and bids you farewell Nikolai: (taking Darkvision) root: can't we fight something worth 200XP? Sven: //was Ling Jian at the second audience? DM of Da: //Only if you wanted him to be DM of Da: //In fact, that's not even true DM of Da: //The answer is no Sven: //k. DM of Da: //You were sent for explicitly without him DM of Da: And as you exit Crimea and return to the mainland, that is where we end for the night Vasily: (Yes, please... some 1k-ish XP monster would hit the spot) DM of Da: btw everyone gets 500 rpxp Sven: very well. root: sweetness DM of Da: I'll put that in an email Vasily: ... Vasily: damnit. root: rogue or ranger.... DM of Da: :x DM of Da: Any QUESTIONS or COMMENTS?! Vasily: 222 xp left. Sven: /roll 1d8 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 1 = 1 > = 1 *** Vasily rolls dice for Sven : 1d8 < 5 = 5 > = 5 root: /roll 1d6 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d6 < 6 = 6 > = 6 *** Vasily rolls dice for root : 1d6 < 3 = 3 > = 3 root: nice Sven: umm . . . Vasily: err.. Vasily: /disable-diebot *** Vasily is disabled DM of Gaia: REROLL Sven: /roll 1d8 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 4 = 4 > = 4 Albrecht: yeah 500 doesn't get me up :( DM of Gaia: k. Albrecht: guess I should do some dishes Albrecht: stupid dishes Sven: haha, I have no hit points. root: yours diebot rolled root: I'm taking my 6 DM of Gaia: Why would you want hit points DM of Gaia: Are you intending to have battles DM of Gaia: Or enter combat for any reason Sven: I mean in general Sven: not right at the moment. Nikolai: heh Vasily: I needs me mah skills! DM of Gaia: Are you intending to enter combat EVER Nikolai: yes Nikolai: otherwise why would we need all these hit dice. Vasily: Next Tuesday. Sven: also Sven: tarpeian rock has to go down at some point Vasily: Right after they install the deflector dish. Sven: that wil require combat. Vasily: Unless we talk our way through it. Sven: why would I talk my way through eradicating them Vasily: /shrug root: just give me a few levels of assasin and lots of rounds to work with Sven: now . . . let's see what's useful at level 3 on the druid spell list Vasily: /sob root: hmm...5 ranks of Decipher Script are useful to anyone wishing to Use MAgic Device a scroll Vasily: Ever since I was a little halfling, the other halflings would always mock me. All I wanted was to become uberpowerful so I could go back there and kill them all!. Vasily: And it'll never happen now. Vasily: Today's OOTS. root: oo Vasily: "The little psion who could." Vasily: Best pun ever. root: :) Albrecht: UMD isn't quite useless Albrecht: it appears to allow you to make sense of archaic forms assuming you can comprehend the language Albrecht: err Albrecht: decipher Albrecht: UMD is awesome root: that would be why I have ranks in it DM of Gaia: WOW DM of Gaia: Rich Burlew is just cranking out the comics Albrecht: read the news root: Decipher synergizes to UMD checks involving scrolls Albrecht: this is catchup Albrecht: yeah, but the main purpose appears to be to have the DM fill in the blanks on the missing words of a half-ruined parchment or translate poetry to prose root: etc etc root: yeah