The party leaves Crimea?, heading towards Oleshie?. On the way they investigate an Abandoned Copper Mine. Upon reaching Oleshie, they discover that Danil & Anastas are dead.
<<< Vasily has joined >>> <<< 08:01:13 PM >>> Vasily: cool <<< DM of Gaia has joined >>> <<< 08:03:30 PM >>> DM of Gaia: . DM of Gaia: Ok DM of Gaia: Why are there 2 Vasilys <<< root has joined >>> <<< 08:03:51 PM >>> root: there we go Vasily: Different comps. Vasily: Does it matter? Vasily: one sec. DM of Gaia: Nope, just wanted to find out Vasily: The lower Vasily is the relevant one. DM of Gaia: Who are we still missing... Sven and Nikolai <<< Vasily is now known as Vasily o/ Lappy >>> Vasily: There we go. DM of Gaia: I don't really care :P <<< Nikolai has joined >>> <<< 08:05:19 PM >>> DM of Gaia: Ok DM of Gaia: This is progress Vasily: (That's not what your mom said last night <.<) DM of Gaia: Now we need Sven Nikolai: indeed DM of Gaia: Oh, before I forget... <<< Graynjahhh has joined >>> <<< 08:06:19 PM >>> Graynjahhh: ruh roh, infinite mongols <<< Graynjahhh is now known as Sven >>> Nikolai: ruh roh inmdeed DM of Gaia: sent DM of Gaia: Now then DM of Gaia: Give me like 3 mins... Nikolai: k Nikolai: brb DM of Da: Aaaand ok <<< Translator has left >>> <<< 08:09:42 PM >>> <<< Overseer has left >>> <<< 08:09:43 PM >>> <<< Nogai Khan has left >>> <<< 08:09:43 PM >>> <<< Ling Jian has left >>> <<< 08:09:43 PM >>> DM of Da: So DM of Da: I assume all of you remember the events of the last session DM of Da: To refresh your memory of the last important thing that happened Vasily: We killed the Khan and took his stuff and control of his empire. DM of Da: The last audience with the Khan ended like so: DM of Da: Translator: However... DM of Da: Translator: There is another matter. DM of Da: Translator: Enchanted upon this letter is a hidden message. DM of Da: Translator: It claims to have knowledge of the kind that would not be possessed by simple merchants, especially those so foolish as the text of the letter appears to indicate. DM of Da: Translator: His Surpassing Supremeness has commanded that it must be acquired for his possession. DM of Da: Translator: To that end... DM of Da: Translator: The Exalted Khan will provide that which the letter asks for. DM of Da: Translator: You will carry it back to your employers. DM of Da: Nikolai: //sandy DM of Da: Nikolai: //remind me what it said DM of Da: Nikolai: //the secret message DM of Da: DM of Da: //"We can decipher the words of the demon. Help us, and his power will be yours." DM of Da: Translator: You will convey to them the Khan's promise of riches from the treasure the letter mentions, riches a thousand times greater than the sample you will provide. DM of Da: Translator: You will give them a letter of response, which will say that the price for these riches is twofold: That they return to His Exalted Supremeness one thing that was stolen along with the gems, and that they come themselves to his court, bringing with them whatever or whoever is able to provide the knowledge they claimed to possess. DM of Da: You passed made your way back across Crimea uneventfully, parted company with Ling Jian, and the session ended when you left Crimea and once more found yourselves on the mainland. DM of Da: You decided, as I recall, to head directly to Oleshie, to speak with Danil and Anastas. Sven: that sounds right. root: sounds right. Unless you guys were going to ask more pointless military stregnth questions around here Vasily: Some simple inquisition couldn't hurt. DM of Da: Well DM of Da: Let's get some Gather Info checks. Sven: /try hahahaha *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 0 = 13 DM of Da: And meanwhile I will roll a 1d5 to determine which Monster Manual to use here. root: 1.....1....come oooon 1 root: /try -1 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 0 - 1 = 16 DM of Da: Anyone else got Gather Information? Vasily: grr... sec Albrecht: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 2 = 15 Vasily o/ Lap: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 8 = 24 Nikolai: well DM of Da: Alright Nikolai: I could make one untrained Nikolai: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 2 = 15 *** Vasily gathers the khan's mom DM of Da: She is dead DM of Da: And thousands of miles away. DM of Da: But regardless DM of Da: You discover the following. root: hah DM of Da: Though much of the specialized military capacity of the Mongol Horde was destroyed during the great invasion - spellcasters, siege machinery, war elephants and other creatures - the Khan does command over half a million warriors Nikolai: half a million eh DM of Da: And it seems the reason that Crimea is so overwhelmingly free of the vicious and predatory wildlife that used to inhabit it is that the Khan and his Noyans - princes - send their warriors to hone their skill against monsters and such Vasily: Still a potent military force, albiet without it's big bag o' tricks. DM of Da: To maintain their combat readiness Vasily: So they're not just L1 warriors. DM of Da: Indeed they are not. Nikolai: they're like L3 or 4 DM of Da: The Mongols have retained some of the civilian specialists that made their army so adaptable - siege engineers such as Ling Qi, experts in strategy, etc., but the Khan's forces have not been tested in any major engagement in at least a decaded. DM of Da: *decade Albrecht: (how large a force does Kiev control, btw?) DM of Da: Less than a tenth of that. root: ouch Vasily: ~50 thou. DM of Da: The Kievan Guard is also not nearly so well trained; service in it is essentially a day job for the enlisted men, who are drawn from the ranks of farmers, laborers, etc. Sven: so they're still beefy over there. DM of Da: Mmhm DM of Da: You also discover that the majority of the Mongols' spellcasting capacity is represented by clerics, acolytes of Tengri, the Mongol god of the sky. DM of Da: The relatively few arcane casters (wizards almost exclusively) that there are, are employed by the Khan in his court DM of Da: And that's essentially the information you have. DM of Da: Now then. DM of Da: With to serve you as a reference, I can tell you that the trip to Oleshie will be about 4 days long, pretty much directly overland Nikolai: question DM of Da: Yo Nikolai: will we get something to let us pass through crimea unhindered Nikolai: some Khan note Nikolai: or something DM of Da: You still have that letter from the Overseer DM of Da: It has no expiration date Nikolai: ok will that still work? Nikolai: yeah but it says we're going to the khan Nikolai: rather than away Nikolai: just wondering Vasily: We can explain that we saw the Khan. Vasily: We have a note from him, no? root: we're off to see the khan, the wonderful khan...of crimea DM of Da: The letter is essentially "these people may pass unhindered, authority of <person>" Nikolai: k Nikolai: we'll have to take care of that DM of Da: Basically it is good until that person or someone of higher rank annuls that DM of Da: Like if you piss off a Prince? Totally revoked DM of Da: But otherwise DM of Da: Yeah root: should have had the khan validate it Vasily: Like a parking ticket? DM of Da: lol Vasily: Yup. Seen the Khan. root: exactly DM of Da: So DM of Da: Anything else you guys want to do before leaving Mongol lands? Nikolai: Vasily... any scrolls you think we need? Nikolai: I think we'r egood Vasily: Yeah. Vasily: We've finished the scrolls. It's just a matter of getting the stuff we have so far down. Nikolai: I mean in additiuon Nikolai: before we leave Vasily: Nah, we're good. *** Sven is fine DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: On May 19th, 1275, you head west, toward Oleshie. DM of Da: The first day of travel is fairly uneventful... you occasionally hear a noise in the distance, like a combination of clicking, popping, and thunder Vasily: Bamf? DM of Da: You heard this before, one night while traveling south DM of Da: But you see nothing Vasily: Oh, those bug things. DM of Da: No DM of Da: Not like that DM of Da: It's not coming from the ground and there's no vibration under you Vasily: No, the flying ones. DM of Da: Ahh DM of Da: No those made a buzzing noise DM of Da: Anyway DM of Da: You see nothing DM of Da: Unless Sven wants to succeed at Knowledge: Nature, you also know nothing root: what is Boris wants to succees Sven: /try 13 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 13 = 19 Vasily: Will a See Invis do anything? root: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 4 = 13 *** Sven is still the worst druid ever. DM of Da: You know nothing and a See Invis does nothing DM of Da: On the second day DM of Da: You travel through a stretch of rolling hills DM of Da: Roll Spot Sven: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 11 = 16 Albrecht: /try 0 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 0 = 9 *** Sven sucks balls Nikolai: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 3 = 21 Nikolai: haha, wisdom. Vasily o/ Lap: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 1 = 9 root: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 8 = 9 root: ouich DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Nikolai and Sven notice, in the side of one hill, what appears to be a cave entrance braced with wooden support beams, like a mine tunnel DM of Da: There does not seem to be anyone around, and there's no sound coming from within Sven: so the question is Sven: do we care. DM of Da: Yep that's the question root: depends on what the sound that sandstorm made is Albrecht: it's apparently an abandoned mineshaft, at first glance DM of Da: Doesn't look like a sandstorm anywhere on the horizon. Nikolai: oh that reminds me Nikolai: sandy you never sent us our cave loot Vasily: Psht. Vasily: What kinds of adventurers are you? DM of Da: What cave loot Nikolai: the whatsit Albrecht: (he didn't put the story XP in an email like he promised either) Vasily: There are clearly monsters inside. We should go inside and kill them and take their stuff. Albrecht: manticore cave Nikolai: (he did that) Nikolai: manticore Nikolai: that's it DM of Da: Oh yes the manticore cave loot Nikolai: you never sent us the mundane loot from that Sven: Not-A-Manticore DM of Da: I'll do that later Nikolai: k DM of Da: Anyway DM of Da: Investigate or move on DM of Da: Anyone? Sven: well Vasily: I'm for investigating. Sven: I'm fine either way Nikolai: if you guys want to Albrecht: I think we have a lot of "eh, whichever" Albrecht: Anyone significantly in favor of exploring this cave? Albrecht: Anyone strongly opposed? Sven: which leaves vasily's opinion strongly ahead. Sven: let's go. Vasily: Never know what kind of interesting things might be abandoned inside. DM of Da: Alright then. Albrecht: We'll have a quick look Vasily: And it's not like we're in a rush or anything. DM of Da: The entrance is 10 feet wide root: lets go in DM of Da: Marching order like usual? root: caves are usually full of XP Sven: what's our usual? DM of Da: <--- A N S Albrecht: me and someone with eyes in front I think DM of Da: <--- B V DM of Da: Like that except SOMEONE interrupted my ASCII art with a line of chat root: hah Sven: sucker. root: yeah, that sounds about right Albrecht: You call that art? DM of Da: Shut up root: yay trap searching DM of Da: ANyway DM of Da: Roll Search Vasily o/ Lap: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 6 = 23 DM of Da: k DM of Da: Other rogue? Nikolai: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 3 = 23 Nikolai: I'm a rogue. Nikolai: <_< Sven: rofl. DM of Da: lols DM of Da: Anyway root: /try 10 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 10 = 18 Sven: seems like the rogue got outrogued. Nikolai: in fact I'm a better rogue than you root: true DM of Da: Hm the entrance is actually 15 ft wide but anyway Vasily: Wait... search is int... DM of Da: The point is this Vasily: that's a 24 DM of Da: k Albrecht: he steals shiny things. you steal divine energy. DM of Da: You notice two things rather quickly. DM of Da: Firstly DM of Da: This was a copper mine root: // I steal is all for my ancestors in 2000 DM of Da: This is fairly evident from the broken-down, rotted-through wheelbarrow with chunks of copper ore-bearing rock in it root: //...decendants DM of Da: Secondly DM of Da: It's hot in here. DM of Da: Not to the point of being stifling or dangerous DM of Da: But it's definitely above room temperature Vasily: A pit, eh? Albrecht: but presumably hotter than it should be, or we wouldn't be noting it? DM of Da: Especially for a cave... yes. DM of Da: Caves tend to be cool. Vasily: This path goes... STRAIGHT TO HELL! Vasily: Anyhow, mage armor. DM of Da: The heat seems to be coming in waves from deeper within the mine. root: heh Vasily: We should investigate. Vasily: (cautiously) Nikolai: mage armor indeed Sven: ruh roh. *** root uses real armor DM of Da: A short passage leads to a very long, wide central cavern, 40 to 60 feet wide, and stretching far beyond what your light sources reveal DM of Da: Narrow passageways branch in both directions. DM of Da: The rock walls appear to be volcanic. Vasily: ... root: ruh roh indeed Vasily: I think some historical or arcane knowledge may be in order. Nikolai: or natural Vasily: Is this area known for volcanic activity? DM of Da: Knowledge: Nature, Knowledge: History would both apply Vasily: And failing that, is there anything unnatural that might cause this? Nikolai: /try 4;history *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM (history) 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 4 = 8 DM of Da: Knowledge: Arcana as well Nikolai: k Sven: /try 13 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 13 = 20 Vasily o/ Lap: /try 8;history 8;arcana *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM (history) 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 8 = 11 *** DM (arcana) 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 8 = 12 Nikolai: /try 10;arcana *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM (arcana) 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 10 = 28 Nikolai: sucker DM of Da: Alright root: /try 4;nature 3;history *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM (nature) 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 4 = 15 *** DM (history) 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 3 = 6 root: oof DM of Da: Sven's impression is that this region is not volcanic. root: /try 3;dungeoneeringJustCause *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM (dungeoneeringJustCause) 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13 Sven: well, this is strange. *** Vasily prestidigitates up an apple-flavoured popsicle. Sven: so something is probably living here. DM of Da: Nikolai, your study of spells of summoning, binding, and similar applications of magic once referenced something that could be relevant; elemental beings from the Realm of Fire, creatures essentially composed of molten or semi-molten rock, can create such effects. root: well, if it's living here alone, it wont mind if we borrow a few of its things Vasily: Hmm... Vasily: Prep some Resist Energies and come back in the morning? Sven: certainly a safe option Sven: or safer, in any event. Nikolai: So Nikolai: Either we have some fire elemental somehow stranded in the material plane Nikolai: Or a portal to the realm of fire Nikolai: would planes knowledge tell us more? root: endure elements might also be useful to some degree in here....depends on how hot it gets DM of Da: Roll Planes Nikolai: /try 10;planes *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM (planes) 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 10 = 24 Albrecht: resist would supercede it for that DM of Da: Hm Vasily: Resist doesn't last long enough to supercede it. DM of Da: Yeah you don't know anything specific that might be relevant DM of Da: But I'll take that roll into account a bit later Albrecht: well the point is that resist will cover the heat exhaustion and all Vasily: Endure is damage due to prolonged exposure, while resist is damage due to bursts of exposure. DM of Da: Anyway DM of Da: As you advance forward Vasily: ... Vasily: Didn't we say we were going to back up and prep some resists tomorrow? DM of Da: Yes yes I was about to type this before DM of Da: Hang on a sec :P DM of Da: You discover that the large central cavern is almost 250 feet long Nikolai: well Nikolai: I could prep some resists now Nikolai: since I haven't used my slots in days Vasily: Hmm... Nikolai: as could you Vasily DM of Da: You seem to have come to the end of it Vasily: True. Vasily: Let's do so. Nikolai: ok Nikolai: 15 minutes later... Nikolai: poof DM of Da: Ahead of you is a sheer rock wall; passages branch off to the left and right DM of Da: It is considerably hotter at this end root: any passage noticiably hotter? Sven: hrm. DM of Da: The waves of heat seem to be emanating from both passages. root: bah Vasily o/ Lap: /roll 1d2 *** DM rolls dice for Vasily o/ Lap: 1d2 < 1 = 1 > = 1 Vasily o/ Lap: let's go left. DM of Da: Alright. Sven: /roll 1d2 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d2 < 2 = 2 > = 2 Sven: you sure>? Sven: :-P root: /roll 1d2 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d2 < 2 = 2 > = 2 Vasily: Fine, right :P root: wait Nikolai: is it hot to the point of us losing DM of Da: No Nikolai: or just hot root: the druid's always wrong Nikolai: ok DM of Da: Just uncomfortably so DM of Da: As soon as you turn into the right passageway - it is 5 feet wide - your light sources illuminate a broad, stocky figure about the size of a human Sven: that was fast. DM of Da: Overlapping plates of black metal cover its body, and the air around it ripples where it radiates heat DM of Da: You see what appears to be molten rock flowing between the gaps of its armor DM of Da: The armored figure stands motionless, its body blocking the tunnel. Vasily: Shall we have some resists? DM of Da: Knowledge: Arcana please. Nikolai: /try 10;arcana *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM (arcana) 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 10 = 15 Vasily o/ Lap: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 8 = 18 Nikolai: boo DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: i want that 24 back DM of Da: This is a golem, of a design that is unfamiliar to you. Nikolai: heh, a lava golem Nikolai: fantastic Vasily: Some REs might be in order. root: unbeknownst to these heroes, nut knowenst to others.... Nikolai: Ok so let's think Nikolai: Someone must have put this here Sven: forrizzle. Nikolai: did we stumble onto the lair of some extradimensional mage Nikolai: or something Vasily: Well, some kind of fire critter. Sven: did we see what's down the left passage? Vasily: That much seems certain. Nikolai: right but it has a golem for a pet, it's probably intelligent Vasily: Aye. Vasily: Let's check the left passage. root: ...quick, someone prep create water Nikolai: intelligent and able to cast spells Vasily: The golem isn't responding to our presence, is it? Vasily: Or at the very least able to dominate fire creatures. DM of Gaia: The golem is motionless. DM of Gaia: The left passage DM of Gaia: Is blocked by an identical golem. Nikolai: So Nikolai: do we disturb the inhabitants Nikolai: or go on our way root: I want to see what they're gaurding root: of course, that also means having to get past them Vasily: Does it look like we could take the golems? DM of Gaia: How would you know? DM of Gaia: You've never seen this kind of golem Sven: /con golem root: I say douse it in water then start smashing it root: it's made of lava after all *** Sven Sven doesn't know shit about druidy things, let alone this crap *** Sven also thinks in the 3rd person sometimes Nikolai: lol Albrecht: if we don't investigate this, we will mark the location to come back Albrecht: because this is interesting Nikolai: ok Vasily: Decidedly. Nikolai: investigate or not Nikolai: choose Vasily: It seems like they're protecting something... Vasily: Ok... root: would we even be able to smash them... Nikolai: I vote for investigate Nikolai: because it sounds like fun Sven: I wouldn't mind coming back another time. root: that black metal might be tough Vasily: We may not be able to figure out how effective they are, but how ... graceful do they look. Sven: . . . root: thought - if we disturb one, the other might wake up to cut off our escape Vasily: That is, how fast does it look like they can move. DM of Da: You don't know :P DM of Da: They don't LOOK agile Vasily: simple observation. DM of Da: They are standing perfectly still DM of Da: Except for the molten rock flowing within them Albrecht: well, we seem to have two options. Vasily: hmm. DM of Da: Like I said, they are broad and stocky Albrecht: 1. try to walk up to one of them Nikolai: yes, two options Albrecht: 2. just walk away Vasily: Let's try to beat them up. Nikolai: enter now or come back later root: and we don't recognize the black metal making up their...plating Nikolai: vote Nikolai: I vote for enter now Nikolai: because why not Albrecht: if we're walking up, I'll be on front I guess Nikolai: I prepped shit DM of Da: Actually Nikolai: and cast mage armor Nikolai: and such DM of Da: Roll Arcane again Nikolai: /try 10;arcane *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM (arcane) 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 10 = 17 DM of Da: *arcana Nikolai: sigh Vasily o/ Lap: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 8 = 9 Nikolai: dbl sigh root: oy Albrecht: chances are if they're guards we can get away from themm DM of Da: Ok well DM of Da: You don't know much about their construction DM of Da: But they don't look too agile. Nikolai: and they are probably immune to magic Albrecht: well, here's my suggestion if we want to investigate now Albrecht: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 5 = 19 Albrecht: hah I beat you on arcana :P Nikolai: :P DM of Da: lols Albrecht: how far into these passages are the golems? DM of Da: They are 5 feet in DM of Da: And the two passage entrances are 40 feet apart from each other Albrecht: grr Albrecht: ok 5 feet in Albrecht: I suggest the party stays in the middle, and I walk up to one of them Albrecht: and see what happens Nikolai: so we're doing that? Sven: as you wish. Nikolai: Ok so Nikolai: if we're engaging Nikolai: we should hand out buffs root: word DM of Da: btw DM of Da: root: bulls str might be in order here Nikolai: not so much Nikolai: Resist energy though Sven: now this looks like an even worse idea :-P Vasily: Funky. Nikolai: Vasily how many you got there? Vasily: 2 Nikolai: I suppose I can manage 3 Vasily: Invis and SR aren't going to be particularly useful here. Nikolai: yeah Nikolai: ok everyone gets some fire resistance Albrecht: I have a bull's str and a haste potion sitting around Sven: hooray. Albrecht: though of course handy dandy spell slots I'll take DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Are we ready? Sven: I think so. Nikolai: yep root: just go for it! Nikolai: just try walking past it Vasily o/ Lap: Might want to grab the haste first. Nikolai: henshin a go go baby root: maybe say hello if it stops you DM of Da: Ok Vasily o/ Lap: Party's got plenty of haste potions in the pots. DM of Da: Albrecht Vasily o/ Lap: *pot DM of Da: You walk up to the golem? Albrecht: well walking up to it DM of Da: The right one, right? Albrecht: we do? Sven: we who? DM of Da: Hello DM of Da: Someone take an action DM of Da: Before I lose patience :P Vasily: Sure, let's go up to the right one. DM of Da: Thank you. Nikolai: ok so root: Albrect is walking up to the right one, possibly past it Nikolai: Albrect walks up to it Nikolai: we're hanging back Nikolai: by like 30 ft Sven: forrizzle. Albrecht: gee, it'd be nice if the horrible lag would just delay things and not also eat them. root: I shoudl also slip out a dagger before he walks up DM of Da: As soon as Albrecht walks up to the golem DM of Da: It animates DM of Da: The molten rock within the cracks in its faceplate flares Albrecht: especially when I have full reception DM of Da: And the tips of its fingers ooze lava; it aims its hands at the ground under Albrecht DM of Da: Roll init. Sven: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 1 = 16 <<< Golem Right has joined >>> <<< 09:24:06 PM >>> root: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 8 = 13 <<< Golem Left has joined >>> <<< 09:24:06 PM >>> Albrecht: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 5 = 14 Golem Right: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Right : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 2 = 10 Nikolai: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3 DM of Da: Vasily? Albrecht: just to confirm since that's ANOTHER message eaten by the internet. DM of Da: Confirm what Albrecht: I received no buffs from our casters except for resist energy (fire)? Nikolai: yep DM of Da: Yep Nikolai: that's all we got Vasily: err... sorry Vasily o/ Lap: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 1 = 18 Vasily o/ Lap: (was looking it up) DM of Da: Vasily's first Vasily o/ Lap: Magic Missile time. Albrecht: in that case I did drink a bull's str before hand DM of Da: You see the golem fire up, as it were, and aim its hands downward, at Albrecht's feet, its fingers glowing red with heat DM of Da: Magic Missile eh DM of Da: Ok Vasily o/ Lap: hmm... Vasily o/ Lap: Yeah. Vasily o/ Lap: /roll 2d4+2 *** DM rolls dice for Vasily o/ Lap: 2d4 < 4 2 = 6 > + 2 = 8 DM of Da: Not so fast there DM of Da: The bolts of arcane energy strike the golem's black armored shell, dissipating harmlessly. Vasily o/ Lap: boo. Sven: j-j-j-jawesome. DM of Da: Sven! Sven: golem left's passage is where with respect to us? DM of Da: The passages are 40 feet apart DM of Da: And each golem is 5 feet into its respective passage DM of Da: Take your pick of where you are within that distance. Sven: oh . . . we're not in that 10 ft hall anymore, are we Sven: there was a big cavern Sven: ok DM of Da: Right. Sven: I get it. Sven: well DM of Da: What's the plan here root: say hello, maybe it will like us Nikolai: turn into a bear! Sven: I'm a cat. Nikolai: pssht Nikolai: whatever Sven: a panther identical to my companion, that is Sven: who is chilling for now. DM of Gaia: k DM of Gaia: So matching cats DM of Gaia: That's cute Sven: cute, isn't it. Sven: yeah. DM of Gaia: Albrecht's next. root: do you sniff each other or some such? Sven: my cat can nuzzle me, that's fine. Albrecht: quick draw the new shamshir. DM of Gaia: k. DM of Gaia: And? <<< Albrecht has joined >>> <<< 09:32:31 PM >>> DM of Gaia: lol DM of Gaia: So Sven: hotness. DM of Gaia: Quick draw the shamsir and? root: hah Albrecht: Stabbing the internet. Take 56. DM of Gaia: k DM of Gaia: So DM of Gaia: Your actions Nikolai: he's trying to talk Albrecht: attack Nikolai: and can't Nikolai: due to lag DM of Gaia: roll Albrecht: Hey, something got through <<< Albrecht has left >>> <<< 09:34:08 PM >>> DM of Gaia: Oh god just use your desktop already :P root: the golem dodges the attack due to lag Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 11 = 17 DM of Gaia: There we go Albrecht: Hop[efully something will get through DM of Gaia: And if that weren't a miss we'd have some progress DM of Gaia: But it is. Albrecht: I typed /try 11 5 times. DM of Gaia: The golem's black armor is just too strong. DM of Gaia: Feels like normal steel, though. DM of Gaia: Anyways. DM of Gaia: Boris! root: move in, drawing my regular short sword. stabbity root: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 9 = 20 Albrecht: the problem is that this sort of stupid happens when I have full reception as well as when reception is bad DM of Gaia: Ok so here's the problem with that action DM of Gaia: Well root: passage size? DM of Gaia: Yeah DM of Gaia: Albrecht's blocking your way root: then I suppose I delay instead DM of Gaia: Ok. Nikolai: so wait Nikolai: it's a 5ft passage? DM of Gaia: Yes Nikolai: ok Nikolai: albrecht needs to move them Nikolai: then DM of Gaia: Golem's turn. Vasily o/ Lap: (do you have tumble?) Nikolai: couldn't he tumble past them Nikolai: damnit. DM of Da: DOes he have tumble Nikolai: albrecht needs to move either way DM of Da: Right DM of Da: Anyway Nikolai: of course he has tumble. DM of Da: Then tumble past! root: i do... Nikolai: what I meant is he needs to move so sven can get in there DM of Da: Yes DM of Da: He sure does DM of Da: 25 Tumble at one-half speed through an area occupied by an enemy (over, under, or around the opponent) as part of normal movement, provoking no attacks of opportunity while doing so. Failure means you stop before entering the enemy-occupied area and provoke an attack of opportunity from that enemy. Check separately for each opponent. Each additional enemy after the first adds +2 to the Tumble DC. DM of Da: So DM of Da: There you go DM of Da: Roll your Tumble check root: who's tumbling? me? Nikolai: well DM of Da: If you are so inclined Nikolai: it's your choice Nikolai: you could get to the other side of the hting with a tumble. Nikolai: it would be DC 25 root: just checking who we were talking about Nikolai: or you could delay Nikolai: yes Nikolai: you root: 25 is possible. here goes root: /try 12 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 12 = 23 DM of Da: Oooh fail root: ah well. root: just draw it out into the cavern instead. DM of Da: You still have a standard action DM of Da: So you may want to move back root: yeah. take out short sword while I'm at it DM of Da: k DM of Da: You don't provoke the aforementioned AoO because luckily for you the golem's flatfooted root: I'll duck aroun the passage corner DM of Da: Anyways DM of Da: Golems' turn. DM of Da: k. Sven: hadoken. DM of Da: The heat building up in the golem's fingers flares, and the ground under Albrecht's feet explodes into molten flame. root: ouch Albrecht: which means what for me? DM of Da: That square is now considered difficult terrain (2 squares of movement, can't run or charge), and will deal 1d6 fire damage to anyone who moves through. DM of Da: That means you (on your turn). DM of Da: Furthermore DM of Da: The golem swings its massive armored fist at you Golem Right: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Right : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 7 = 9 DM of Da: And completely misses. DM of Da: The other golem, upon seeing its partner attacked, moves forward Albrecht: furthermore, the problem with lag is categorically not wireless reception. DM of Da: It strides with a steady, determined step, going directly for Vasily root: saw that coming... Vasily o/ Lap: Ow. DM of Da: As it approaches, heat flares in its fingers Albrecht: because traceroute from Theoden experiences a problem DM of Da: And the ground under Vasily, as well as the ground under its own feet, flares with molten flame. *** Golem Left swings at Vasily Golem Left: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Left : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 7 = 9 DM of Da: Wow. Nikolai: good job golems DM of Da: Nikolai! Sven: seems these bitches couldn't hit the broadside of some sort of barn. root: guess they're not agile Albrecht: in fact, I don't think it's even related to anyone but cablevision. Vasily o/ Lap: aye. Nikolai: I'll delay DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Vasily? DM of Da: You take 1d6 fire damage DM of Da: From the magma that the rock under your feet has turned into DM of Da: /roll 1d6 *** DM rolls dice for DM of Da: 1d6 < 4 = 4 > = 4 DM of Da: That much DM of Da: Except I guess Resist nerfs that Sven: it's true. Vasily o/ Lap: down to 0 Albrecht: to nothing, in fact DM of Da: Anyway it's your turn Sven: *Resist* Vasily o/ Lap: I'ma 5 ft back into the group... DM of Da: k DM of Da: And? Vasily o/ Lap: Well, let's try some acid. DM of Da: Let's. Vasily o/ Lap: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 2 = 8 root:'s a giant thing of moving lava. try ice Vasily o/ Lap: ... Vasily o/ Lap: sigh. DM of Da: What sort of acid is this specifically DM of Da: Acid Arrow? Vasily o/ Lap: o.O DM of Da: Or what? Sven: bawls/ Sven: ? Vasily o/ Lap: Acid Splash :( DM of Da: lols DM of Da: Well you miss DM of Da: You splash the rock wall behind the golem with acid DM of Da: Dissolving some rock DM of Da: Good work. Sven: taht rock was totally asking for it. DM of Da: Sven! Sven: I believe I am charging. DM of Da: Alright Sven: mr. golem left. DM of Da: Makes sense Sven: /try 10 5 5 10 10 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 10 = 18 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 5 = 17 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 5 = 6 *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 10 = 15 *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 10 = 24 Sven: wow. DM of Da: That's exactly 1 hit Sven: yeah. Sven: /roll 1d3+2 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d3 < 1 = 1 > + 2 = 3 Sven: I'm the fucking man. DM of Da: You do no damage DM of Da: Your claws merely scratch the black armor ineffectually. Sven: my cat follows suit. DM of Da: k. Sven: /try 8 3 3 8 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 8 = 22 *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 3 = 23 *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 3 = 9 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 8 = 24 *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 8 = 13 DM of Da: 3 hits root: ac is either 22 or 21... Sven: /roll 1d6+3 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 5 = 5 > + 3 = 8 Sven: /roll 1d3+1 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d3 < 1 = 1 > + 1 = 2 Nikolai: or 19 or 20. Sven: /roll 1d3+1 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d3 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 3 Sven: fantastic. Nikolai: I hope you prepared Magic Fang? DM of Da: Your panther's powerful jaws pierce the metal shell, bending back a small patch of black steel DM of Da: But its claws fail to do any meaningful damage root: crits I assume? DM of Da: It's a construct DM of Da: It can't be crit. root: just checking DM of Da: Albrecht. DM of Da: You take fire damage except you don't Albrecht: no we've got 19-22 as a range Nikolai: indeed Nikolai: now back out here so you're not trapped in the hallway Albrecht: indeed Albrecht: I attack it. Albrecht: then I 5-ft back DM of Da: Alright Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 11 = 14 Nikolai: :( Albrecht: also I miss horribly. DM of Da: That is indeed a horrible failure. Albrecht: Ideally I am moving back diagonally such that more people can engage it DM of Da: Diagonally = Boris <<< PhelanArcetus has joined >>> <<< 09:53:50 PM >>> DM of Da: YOu want to move back straight <<< PhelanArcetus is now known as Albrecht >>> Nikolai: just take a move DM of Da: Now then Albrecht: ok then Nikolai: it probably won't hit you with the AoO root: arent there two diagonals? DM of Da: Boris. DM of Da: There are not Albrecht: 5-ft doesn't give it any AoO DM of Da: One diagonal is a rock wall Albrecht: also please note how I experience lag on my goddamn hardwired desktop. root: ok Nikolai: right i was saying take a full move Albrecht: well, I need to move back enough that I am out of the passage. DM of Da: That's a 5-ft DM of Da: If you want to move back more than that DM of Da: Say so Albrecht: no, that is sufficient. root: shall we draw it out or take turns ducking in to have at it? DM of Da: k. Nikolai: drawing it out for flanking Albrecht: It's also nice how the two clients receive at notably different times Nikolai: seems logical root: I delay then Albrecht: Which are inconsistent with each other. DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Golems' turn. Nikolai: I'll go DM of Da: Aha Nikolai: before the golems Nikolai: now that albrecht is out of the tunnel DM of Da: Go for it Albrecht: In that sometimes the laptop gets stuff first, other times it doesn't, and there's no excuse for bad wireless right now Nikolai: I throw an Enlarge Person at him DM of Da: Alright Sven: X-Zone the golem Sven: or that DM of Da: Albrecht is now Large. Nikolai: lol Albrecht: whee DM of Da: He may or may NOT also be in charge. DM of Da: That remains to be seen. Albrecht: 2d8+9 damage, assuming I ever hit. Nikolai: yes work on that DM of Da: Golems' turn. Nikolai: also reach DM of Da: Golem McRight steps forward, making its way slowly through the square of magma, and in so doing provoke an AoO from Albrecht Albrecht: whee Nikolai: lol reach ftw DM of Da: Roll Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 11 = 22 DM of Da: A hit! Nikolai: nice Sven: a motherfucking hit Sven: go the fuck figure Albrecht: /roll 2d8+9 *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 2d8 < 5 7 = 12 > + 9 = 21 root: nice Albrecht: indeed DM of Da: Your mighty blow cuts a massive furrow in the black plating; though some of the force of the hit is absorbed, you nonetheless do meaningful damage, and you can clearly see the golem's core; it appears to be made entire of molten lava. DM of Da: The golem swings at you. Albrecht: aha. traceroute on random URLs is consistently giving a * * * on hop 7, which appears to be where we get out of the cablevision network Golem Right: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Right : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 7 = 18 Albrecht: bah. that is exactly a hit. Golem Right: /roll 1d8+4 *** DM rolls dice for Golem Right: 1d8 < 8 = 8 > + 4 = 12 DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Vasily! DM of Da: Oh wait DM of Da: Golem Left! Vasily o/ Lap: (that just means that hop is dropping TTL expired packets) Vasily o/ Lap: (not anything particularly bad) DM of Da: Golem Left swings at Sven's panther. Golem Left: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Left : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 7 = 27 Golem Left: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Left : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 7 = 15 Sven: bye bye panther. DM of Da: Crit or non? Sven: yes Golem Left: /roll 2d8+8 *** DM rolls dice for Golem Left: 2d8 < 7 6 = 13 > + 8 = 21 Sven: it's down. root: worst druid ever DM of Da: The golem's mighty fist strikes the panther's face with a resounding crack. DM of Da: Vasily! Vasily o/ Lap: Ok. My spells and roguish talents are worthless here. Time for some trickery. DM of Da: TRICKERY root: wait up Vasily o/ Lap: Tanglefoot bag @ Sven's golem. DM of Da: Is afoot Vasily o/ Lap: /try 2;touch *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM (touch) 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 2 = 7 Vasily o/ Lap: ... DM of Da: Wow root: well, I'll go next. order doesnt matter much Sven: you have some sort of prejudice against that piece of rock wall? DM of Da: Epic fail on Vasily's part DM of Da: Boris! Vasily o/ Lap: Yes. Yes I do. DM of Da: You undelay eh? root: aye DM of Da: There's a golem within reach root: I have agolem in front of me, do I not? DM of Da: Yep root: exactly DM of Da: Sure do root: time to do 1 damage root: /try 7 7 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 7 = 16 *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 7 = 19 Nikolai: lol Nikolai: 0 damage root: sigh Sven: smells like 0 damage to me. root: unless the 19 is a hit Vasily o/ Lap: Who needs to deal damage? DM of Da: Your swings simply are not hard enough to penetrate the golem's metal shell. DM of Da: Sven! DM of Da: Oh wait DM of Da: One sec DM of Da: Before that happens DM of Da: Boris what are you wielding root: nothing new - masterwork short sword and dagger. Nothing from a manticore cave DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Sven! root: <_< totally shoul dequip that other sword later.... Sven: looks like I'm attacking my bitch. DM of Da: k Sven: /try 8 3 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 8 = 27 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 3 = 4 Sven: /roll 1d6+5 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 4 = 4 > + 5 = 9 DM of Da: Looks like bite attacks are clearly the way to go here DM of Da: You put another small dent in the golem's armor. Sven: /roll 1d10 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d10 < 7 = 7 > = 7 DM of Da: Wazzat, stabilization check? Sven: yes DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Albrecht! Albrecht: attacking the same one I attacked before Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 11 = 15 Albrecht: damnit Nikolai: oh Nikolai: my Nikolai: god Nikolai: stop sucking Albrecht: I'd love to Albrecht: But apparently I've been taking lessons from Karen DM of Da: lol Sven: well played. Nikolai: srsly DM of Da: But yeah failure root: oooof DM of Da: Nikolai! root: how is karen doing? Nikolai: where's that dead panther DM of Da: She is working DM of Da: The panther's 10 feet away from you Nikolai: ok Nikolai: that's an easy move Nikolai: and a Cure Light Nikolai: DRAWING ON STOLEN DIVINITY DM of Da: omg a wizard casting cure spells DM of Da: wtf Sven: bahahaha Nikolai: i kno riter Sven: fucking thieves stealing divinity. root: *blink* Nikolai: /roll 1d8+3 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 1d8 < 8 = 8 > + 3 = 11 Nikolai: that much root: nice DM of Da: Wow that's some good divinity Nikolai: Yes DM of Da: Way to steal shit Nikolai: I'm an expert Sven: kitty hath awoken. DM of Da: Golems' turn! root: it caturday yet DM of Da: Golem McRight swings at Albrecht. Golem Right: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Right : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 7 = 8 Nikolai: lol. root: it hits itself in teh face DM of Da: Golem McLeft swings at Sven. Golem Left: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Left : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 7 = 24 Golem Left: /roll 1d8+4 *** DM rolls dice for Golem Left: 1d8 < 3 = 3 > + 4 = 7 DM of Da: You are punched Sven: well at least one of these golems knows how to swing. DM of Da: But not very hard. DM of Da: Alright. DM of Da: Vasily! Vasily o/ Lap: Hmm. DM of Da: HMM Vasily o/ Lap: Let's try this again. DM of Da: Let's! Vasily o/ Lap: @ Albrecht's golem. DM of Da: k Vasily o/ Lap: /try 2;touch *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM (touch) 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 2 = 9 DM of Da: lol Nikolai: dude DM of Da: HOW DO YOU KEEP FAILING Nikolai: prep a true strike Nikolai: kthx root: lol *** Vasily o/ Lappy sighs DM of Da: These rock walls are getting totally abused DM of Da: With DM of Da: What? DM of Da: Tanglefoot? Nikolai: goo. DM of Da: Acid? Vasily o/ Lap: Goo. DM of Da: k. Nikolai: lol DM of Da: Boris! root: this appears to be as good a time as any to use that potion of bulls strength Vasily o/ Lap: Next chance for some rec we get, I'm making some TS scrolls. root: preferably without getting AoOed DM of Da: Bull's Str eh DM of Da: 5-ft back and do it imo root: I do that DM of Da: k. DM of Da: You're strong. DM of Da: er. DM of Da: Sven! DM of Da: And Sven's revived panther! Sven: attacks and such DM of Da: k Sven: /try 8 3 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 8 = 24 *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 3 = 20 *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 3 = 17 Sven: oh ho, information DM of Da: 2 hits. root: nice Sven: /roll 1d6+5 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 2 = 2 > + 5 = 7 Sven: /roll 1d3+2 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d3 < 3 = 3 > + 2 = 5 Sven: oh ho DM of Da: 2 damage. Sven: more information Sven: ok. Sven: kitty says Sven: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 6 = 16 Sven: next. DM of Da: 1 attack? Sven: the others don't matter. DM of Da: Ah true DM of Da: k DM of Da: Albrecht! DM of Da: Please don't suck :( Albrecht: yeah, that'd be nice. Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 11 = 25 DM of Da: Wow Albrecht: /roll 2d8+9 *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 2d8 < 5 4 = 9 > + 9 = 18 DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: Albrecht's strike is so powerful DM of Da: That it causes the already-rent armor shell of the golem to shatter DM of Da: Cracking and falling off the golem's body in piece of black metal DM of Da: What you see before you is now the golem's naked core root: interesting DM of Da: A vaguely humanoid shape of molten lava DM of Da: The powerful heat causes the air around it to shimmer and ripple DM of Da: Producing an effect like that of a Blur spell DM of Da: Nikolai. Nikolai: uh Nikolai: great Nikolai: so you say the armor came off? DM of Da: Yes DM of Da: I did Nikolai: experiment time Nikolai: magic missile DM of Da: The magic missiles harmlessly splash into the flowing lava of the golem's body. Nikolai: k DM of Da: Golems' turn. root: splash Nikolai: I'll also move back a bit DM of Da: k. Nikolai: 10 ft DM of Da: Golem Right extends its hand downward, sending a splash of lava toward the ground; two of the spaces beneath Albrecht's feet burst into molten flame DM of Da: It also swings its burning fist at him Golem Right: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Right : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 7 = 18 Golem Right: /roll 1d8+4 *** DM rolls dice for Golem Right: 1d8 < 3 = 3 > + 4 = 7 DM of Da: It also deals fire damage, but you are protected. DM of Da: Golem Left swings at Sven. Golem Left: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Left : *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 7 = 10 DM of Da: And fails. DM of Da: Vasily! Sven: hey look, a motherfucking miss. DM of Da: Vasily? root: ray of frost! Vasily o/ Lap: Hmm... Vasily o/ Lap: Ok, fuck the blurred one. DM of Da: I can't imagine that'd be pleasanty Vasily o/ Lap: /try 2;touchorIfuckingkillyoudiebot *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM (touchorIfuckingkillyoudiebot) 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 2 = 8 DM of Da: It's MADE OF LAVA DM of Da: lol Vasily o/ Lap: Ok... that's it. *** Vasily o/ Lappy gets on a bus DM of Da: I think what you need to do is go prepare True Strike right now DM of Da: DOn't even wait until this fight to end root: start now DM of Da: Boris! root: hope your spell book doesnt catch fire DM of Da: There's a golem in front of you, and its black metal armor has cracked and shattered Nikolai: hey Albrecht, how's the hit points root: 5 foot within reach of the golem, and go nuts hoping my short sword doesnt melt away DM of Da: k DM of Da: Roll Albrecht: 29/41 Nikolai: k root: /try 9 9 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 9 = 27 *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 9 = 11 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Roll 1d100 for miss chance root: the good one hit at least... root: /roll 1d100 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d100 < 45 = 45 > = 45 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: That's a hit DM of Da: Roll dmg root: /roll 1d6+3 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d6 < 3 = 3 > + 3 = 6 DM of Da: Alright root: told ya I'd do one damage DM of Da: You do full damage root: sweetness DM of Da: The golem's lava core is nowhere near as hard as its metal shell DM of Da: Sven! Sven: hmm Sven: how far away is the other golem Vasily o/ Lap: Sven and Albrecht might want to switch places. DM of Da: It's about 30 feet away from you Sven: I'm tempted to charge it. DM of Da: Mmhm Sven: I think it should be ok . . . right? DM of Da: Hm DM of Da: Can you charge through Albrecht DM of Da: Nope Sven: is that what I'd have to do? DM of Da: Yeah. DM of Da: You could just move Sven: moving doesn't pounce. Sven: silly sandy. DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: You could also delay and hope Albrecht moves out of your way Sven: I could also attack and 5ft back, yes? DM of Da: You could! Sven: then that is what I shall do. Sven: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 8 = 14 Sven: my cat is withdrawing 20 ft. DM of Da: k. Sven: the end. DM of Da: Albrecht! Albrecht: so the consensus seems that I should engage the still-armored one Albrecht: and leave the shattered-armor one to the less brawny Albrecht: I shall do this. Albrecht: moving will allow an AoO of course DM of Da: Yes Golem Right: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Right : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 7 = 20 Golem Right: /roll 1d8+4 *** DM rolls dice for Golem Right: 1d8 < 2 = 2 > + 4 = 6 DM of Da: The engaging is up to you. Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 11 = 15 Albrecht: goddamnit Albrecht: 23/41 btw DM of Da: Heh Nikolai: meh DM of Da: Nikolai! Nikolai: take the AoO Nikolai: ok so Nikolai: gonna move around to albrecht Nikolai: is that possible? DM of Da: He is currently next to you Nikolai: oh DM of Da: Mmhm Nikolai: k so Nikolai: CLW him Nikolai: in the face Nikolai: /roll 1d8+3 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 1d8 < 7 = 7 > + 3 = 10 Sven: yeah Sven: he's a much better healer than I am. Nikolai: it's true Nikolai: your mistake was getting your powers legitimately. Sven: look at those massive rolls. Sven: I apparently need a refund. *** Sven is still the worst druid ever DM of Da: lol DM of Da: Golems! DM of Da: Golem Right swings at Boris Golem Right: /roll 1d8+4 *** DM rolls dice for Golem Right: 1d8 < 6 = 6 > + 4 = 10 Sven: whuff DM of Da: Whoops DM of Da: Gotta hit first doesn't he Golem Right: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Right : *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 7 = 26 Sven: that was a little premature. DM of Da: Fortunately he does. DM of Da: Golem Left steps forward, provoking an AoO from ALbrecht... Sven: tell this bitch to leave me alone. root: yeah, thats a hit Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 11 = 22 DM of Da: A hit! Albrecht: /roll 2d8+9 *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 2d8 < 1 7 = 8 > + 9 = 17 Albrecht: my damage rolls are declining by the round. root: stupid fatigue dice Sven: maybe you're getting tired? root: <_< DM of Da: Slicing through an undamaged patch of armor, you note that this golem's metallic shell is almost done for DM of Da: It is showing signs of cracking DM of Da: The golem swings at you. Golem Left: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Left : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 7 = 11 DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Vasily! Sven: whoever you is, that was a miss. Vasily: Let's see.. Vasily: I've not been able to make a single attack roll all campaign long. Nikolai: you hit a scorching ray at some point? Vasily: nope. Vasily: Everything I've done has been via MM. DM of Da: Perhaps you should invest in some Dex? Albrecht: maybe none under your control, at least Albrecht: dex and/or BAB DM of Da: Maybe find someone with better stats than you and Magic Jar possess their body? Vasily: Sounds like a plan. DM of Da: I'm just saying Nikolai: lol DM of Da: So what's the plan for this round root: item of permament true strike DM of Da: Yeah because that exists :P root: only for him, so he can hit half the time Vasily: eh, what the hell. 's not like I've got anything particularly better to do. Vasily o/ Lap: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 2 = 8 Vasily o/ Lap: .... Sven: you still have shit to hit the wall with/ root: prep a create water from teh druid Vasily o/ Lap: How... Vasily o/ Lap: This defies statistics. DM of Da: It does not DM of Da: Now then DM of Da: Boris! root: /try 9 9 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 9 = 22 *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 9 = 11 root: /roll 1d6+3 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d6 < 3 = 3 > + 3 = 6 DM of Da: One hit there DM of Da: And full damage. root: and so I continue trading blows Albrecht: we'd need a *much* larger sample size for it to be showing a non-uniform distribution of random numbers root: /roll 1d100 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d100 < 49 = 49 > = 49 DM of Da: MMhm DM of Da: Under your attacks, the golem's molten core has begun to lose its shape root: maybe I'll stab the wall next DM of Da: It is much more vague and less well-defined, looking more like a vertical pile of lava with arms root: Vasilly seems to have something against it Vasily: (how many times have I tried to make an attack roll this campaign?) DM of Da: 57 million DM of Da: All of them were 8 root: I think you hit with a scorching ray once DM of Da: Now then DM of Da: Sven! Sven: cheeeaaaarrrge Nikolai: he's right, they were all 8. Albrecht: ah, but all rolls by you is a subset of all rolls made by the RNG we use DM of Da: k Sven: /try 10 5 5 10 10 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 10 = 25 *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 5 = 10 *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 5 = 12 *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 10 = 26 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 10 = 20 Vasily: (right... but a random sampling of a randomly generated set should also be itself a random set) DM of Da: 3 hits Sven: /roll 3d100 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 3d100 < 99 48 40 = 187 > = 187 Sven: /roll 1d6+5+2d3+4 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 5 = 5 > + 5 + 2d3 < 2 2 = 4 > + 4 = 18 DM of Da: Yeah but Oliver, it doesn't have to be as random DM of Da: The probability of it being less random than the full set is high if the sample is low Albrecht: and even all rolls made this campaign is far too small a number to be a good sample set DM of Da: Now then Sven: is he down yet? DM of Da: Under your relentless blows, the golem begins to collapse into a pool of lava DM of Da: But before it loses shape entirely DM of Da: It releases a blast of fire Sven: it pulls some bullshit? Sven: nice. root: it explodes splashing everyone in the room with lava root: including the wall DM of Da: All adjacent squares are now filled with molten lava Albrecht: poor wall Sven: the wall was totally asking for it. DM of Da: But none of you care due to Resist Energy. Sven: forrizzle. Nikolai: good for us. Sven: that's my turn. DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: Albrecht! Albrecht: do i need to move or just swing? Albrecht: either way, I will attack Albrecht: /try 11 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 11 = 18 Nikolai: :( root: dnt you just get one attack anyway? Albrecht: WTB [Being Effective] Albrecht: that was an AoO of soem sort Nikolai: WTB [Rolls above 10] Albrecht: WTS [Pwnage] DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Your blow is deflected by its armor DM of Da: Nikolai! Nikolai: how are people feeling DM of Da: I'm feeling just fine, thank you DM of Da: But your concern is appreciated Sven: 37/44, 8/19 for kitty Albrecht: curious as to what this hold music is DM of Da: Who you gonna call Nikolai: Albrecht? Albrecht: 33/41 still DM of Da: Is it Golembusters Nikolai: Boris? Nikolai: Vasily? Vasily: I'm chill. Nikolai: ok I'm gonna assume I can chill as well Nikolai: delay DM of Da: k DM of Da: Golems go! DM of Da: I mean DM of Da: 1 golem. <<< Golem Right has left >>> <<< 10:42:04 PM >>> *** Golem Left swings at Albrecht Golem Left: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Left : *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 7 = 10 DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Vasily! Albrecht: yeah no joy on that Vasily: Ok... fuck this. Vasily: Can I step behind a golem? Albrecht: except that I am joyful, thus contradicting the saying DM of Da: Behind a... sure DM of Da: Why not Vasily o/ Lap: Hmm... wait... scratch that. Vasily o/ Lap: /try 2;rangedtouchrayoffrost *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM (rangedtouchrayoffrost) 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 2 = 4 root: lols Vasily o/ Lap: le sigh. Nikolai: le sigh indeed DM of Da: Just how DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Boris? DM of Da: There's one golem left and it's 30 ft away root: chargeable? DM of Da: No root: or did someone go and get in the way....bah DM of Da: Albrecht the Huge is in the way DM of Da: I mean Large Nikolai: hey Nikolai: yeah Albrecht: come around and flank with me so we can hit the damn thing. Nikolai: :P root: I thought it was large...yeah Albrecht: because we need the extra +2 Nikolai: it's true root: I move over there, flanking it if possible. Nikolai: do that root: /try 9;withoutFlanking *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM (withoutFlanking) 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 9 = 14 root: oof Nikolai: that's a failure with or without root: aye DM of Da: Yes DM of Da: Epic fail DM of Da: But you're flanking now root: hey DM of Da: Grats root: I'm not hitting the wall DM of Da: Ok ok only rare quality fail root: nor am I the 2007 mets DM of Da: Haha DM of Da: Even I know what you mean by that Sven: yeha DM of Da: And that means something. root: hah Nikolai: if you were you'd be making more money to fail epically Sven: that was terribizzle. root: lol DM of Da: Anyways DM of Da: Sven Vasily o/ Lap: (oh, right... Sven: I wish to spend my round moving into charging position. Vasily o/ Lap: (afterspellcasting, I move to flank with Albrecht) DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Well Sven: my cat will follow me. DM of Da: k. Vasily o/ Lap: (keeping my caster dagger drawn) DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Albrecht? Albrecht: yay flankage Albrecht: /try 13 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 13 = 33 DM of Da: Wow DM of Da: Roll dmg Albrecht: i assume crit-immune. Albrecht: /roll 2d8+9 *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 2d8 < 2 3 = 5 > + 9 = 14 Albrecht: as soon as I don't need the bonus, i get it. Albrecht: more declining damage DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: Your blow shatters the second golem's armor, which cracks and falls off, revealing its molten core Albrecht: monotonically decreasing, even DM of Da: The golem is now blurry. DM of Da: Nikolai, taking any actions? Nikolai: hm Nikolai: anyone hurt? Sven: nothing has changed, I think Nikolai: doesn't seem so Nikolai: well since I have no combat effectiveness besides spells Nikolai: I'll chill further DM of Da: k DM of Da: Golem swings at Albrecht! Sven: got a book to read? Golem Left: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Golem Left : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 7 = 11 DM of Da: Hm DM of Da: Vasily? root: im down 10 HP Vasily o/ Lap: what the hey... let's try to stab. root: dont need it yet though Sven: you should bring a pillow to golem fights to sit on. Albrecht: sorry, i'm busy killing Cid because good fish refuse to spawn Vasily o/ Lap: /try 2;sigh *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM (sigh) 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 2 = 10 DM of Da: Way to continue failing DM of Da: You miss. root: try a melee attack Nikolai: lol DM of Da: Boris! Nikolai: poor Cid Sven: do a barrel roll? Vasily o/ Lap: (that was a melee attack) root: anyone to flank with here? root: because i'd like to Sven: aren't you flanking with Sir Albrecht the Ponderous? DM of Da: Yes DM of Da: You are DM of Da: Flanking with said person root: oh yeah, he's large, 2 can flank with him Albrecht: watch what you call me, sir. root: /try 11 11 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 11 = 31 *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 11 = 25 root: damn it...I want my crit and sneak attach root: is this one blurred yet? DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: Quite so DM of Da: Roll your miss chances root: /roll 2d100 *** DM rolls dice for root: 2d100 < 79 49 = 128 > = 128 DM of Da: Ok root: whew DM of Da: Successes DM of Da: Roll dmg root: /roll 1d6+3 + 1d4+1 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d6 < 4 = 4 > + 3 + 1d4 < 2 = 2 > + 1 = 10 DM of Da: You swing your weapons through the golem's molten body, blurring and distorting its shape DM of Da: Sven? Sven: fucking cheeeeaaaarrrge *** root stabs weapons through Sven: /try 10 5 5 10 10 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 10 = 24 *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 5 = 18 *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 5 = 20 *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 10 = 24 *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 10 = 23 Vasily o/ Lap: Dude's like some sort of Dire Maul bear. DM of Da: All hits potentially Vasily o/ Lap: charging all over the place and fucking shit up. Sven: /roll 5d100 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 5d100 < 69 30 32 16 20 = 167 > = 167 Sven: aww. DM of Da: 3 hits. Sven: /roll 1d6+5+2d3+2 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d6 < 2 = 2 > + 5 + 2d3 < 2 3 = 5 > + 2 = 14 DM of Da: And it's down. DM of Da: The golem collapses into a puddle of lava, exploding first with a small blast of fire *** Sven roars like a cat one size category larger DM of Da: Haha DM of Da: You're out of initiative DM of Da: Before you are two passageways DM of Da: Both flooded slightly with magma DM of Da: But passable Sven: kitty could use a wand tap if one is around DM of Da: Especially with your resist spells Nikolai: k Nikolai: tap Vasily o/ Lap: I'll use my orb thingie to restore my expended MM. Albrecht: wouldn't mind one either Sven: merci root: I could use my 10 HP back now if we have the spells Nikolai: /roll 1d8+5;kitty *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: (kitty) 1d8 < 7 = 7 > + 5 = 12 Nikolai: /roll 1d8+5;albrecht *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: (albrecht) 1d8 < 4 = 4 > + 5 = 9 root: 27/37 Nikolai: /roll 1d8+5;boris *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: (boris) 1d8 < 8 = 8 > + 5 = 13 DM of Da: Man that stolen divinity is fucking badass Nikolai: this wand is at 26 root: sweet sweet stolen divine shit Albrecht: full, beautiful DM of Da: Alright. DM of Da: So. DM of Da: The question is DM of Da: What now? root: right Sven: I take it it's still hot as balls in this cave? root: as in, ---> Sven: we can go right, sure DM of Da: There is still heat radiating from the puddles of magma, yes... DM of Da: But you can feel it cooling even as you watch. Nikolai: well we're all fire resistant for a while longer Nikolai: so let's pick a passage Nikolai: and explore DM of Da: Right eh DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: in a sensible fashion Vasily o/ Lap: Right. DM of Da: It's a 5-foot tunnel DM of Da: Which, you quickly realize, was excavated to follow a vein of ore DM of Da: It turns a couple of times DM of Da: And after about a hundred feet, emerges into a small cavern DM of Da: Littered with mining implements DM of Da: Which are broken, covered in dust, and rusted root: ...we should totally take the rusty pick axes DM of Da: A small tunnel, analogous to the one that led you here, leads onward root: for when we run into people we dont like DM of Da: Now, at this point Sven: dragons breathing bears appear. DM of Da: You notice something Sven: which in turn spit bees DM of Da: The walls of this cavern root: // the fuck is dragons breathing bears from? Nikolai: //where ISN'T it from Vasily: (do the bees have laser beams shooting from their stingers?) Sven: as a matter of fact DM of Da: Have marks on them... like the marks of powerful claws, powerful enough to rake through the rock walls like they were nothing DM of Da: Roll Spot. Albrecht: /try 0 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 0 = 5 Sven: /try 13 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 13 = 31 Vasily o/ Lap: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily o/ Lap : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 1 = 10 DM of Da: Sven succeeds maximally root: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 8 = 9 Nikolai: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 3 = 21 root: I once again spot my feet DM of Da: Examining the gouged walls of the cavern more closely, you realize that the claw marks essentially trace parts of the exposed rock that were particularly rich in copper ore DM of Da: Roll Knowledge: The Planes. DM of Da: (everyone who has the skill roll) Sven: wtf are planes Vasily: Why do I suddenly feel like we're going to get attacked by some german who killed his pa. DM of Da: Vasily? Nikolai? Nikolai: k Vasily: Nyet. Nikolai: /try 10 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 10 = 25 Nikolai: bam DM of Da: Nikolai DM of Da: You recollect reading about an extraplanar creature, a being somewhere between organic and elemental in origin, from the Realm of Earth, called the xorn... Sven: fucking wizards . . . always reading shit. root: not this shit again Nikolai: agree with boris Nikolai: not this shit again indeed Sven: you guys clearly remember something I don't. root: if there are ifrit with magic armor in this cave.... Nikolai: seriously. DM of Da: Xorns, from what you know of them, are capable of ripping - and, indeed, passing - through solid rock as if it was soft butter; and they feed on gems and metals. Albrecht: a xorn is rather different from an efreeti root: I know that Nikolai: no see root: or at least someone typing for Boris knows that Nikolai: you are forgetting one of our adventures DM of Da: Anyway, as I said, there is a narrow tunnel, much like the one you came from, leading onward, past this cavern Nikolai: from another time and place and life Nikolai: involving xorns root: and portals Nikolai: and a certain artifact armor Sven: oh Sven: I don't remember being around for the first piece. DM of Da: This was not the first piece DM of Da: It was the second root: second DM of Da: The other glove, as it were Sven: I don't think I was around for that one eithr Sven: either, even DM of Da: Anyway. DM of Da: What now? root: that was the part of the campaign where I didnt always have at least 20 HP worth of subdual damage Vasily: Press on? Sven: haha, sho nuff. Nikolai: heh Nikolai: is there more to the cave? Sven: there's another passageway Sven: that I assume we're talking. Sven: taking, even DM of Gaia: DM of Da: Anyway, as I said, there is a narrow tunnel, much like the one you came from, leading onward, past this cavern root: we move along, with someone muttering something about portals nobody knows about DM of Da: Alright <<< Golem Left has left >>> <<< 11:08:55 PM >>> DM of Da: This tunnel goes for about 100 feet straight before reaching a dead end DM of Da: And a shaft straight down. root: hit the dead end..........that's not a dead end at all Nikolai: straight down Vasily: It is if you step in without a levitate. Nikolai: this sounds familiar too root: quick Vasily: Indeed it does. root: have the druid turn intoa bear root: and jump DM of Da: lol Sven: I don't suppose this is the same damn place., DM of Da: This has nothing to do with any other place ever DM of Da: Which you wouldn't know anyway DM of Da: Since you've never been to any places DM of Da: At all ever DM of Da: Anyway, shaft straight down root: siegfried put the armor pieces back where they once were DM of Da: About 20 feet DM of Da: Your light sources see a rock floor there DM of Da: Illuminate, rather root: any loose rocks? DM of Da: Plenty root: drop one DM of Da: It drops root: it lands? DM of Da: It lands Vasily: Anyone have some rope? Nikolai: we hear it? Nikolai: and we're adventurers, we have infinite rope root: yup DM of Da: You hear it lands DM of Da: -s DM of Da: There's nothing out of the ordinary here Sven: and I have a climb check :-P DM of Da: You drop the rock, it lands, it makes a sound, etc. root: we apply rope to the pit, and climb down DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: You find yourself in a small cavern DM of Da: From which two passageways lead DM of Da: Let's just say... you explore one or more of them DM of Da: Someone roll Search root: /try 10 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 10 = 29 Nikolai: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 3 = 16 Sven: sounds good. root: I find your mother DM of Da: Ok Sven: she is dead Sven: also thousands of miles away DM of Da: This level, deeper within the ground, consists of a network of these narrow tunnels DM of Da: Paths of excavation, apparently Nikolai: familiar x1000 Nikolai: please no beholders DM of Da: Scattered throughout the cave system are points where the tunnels widen into irregularly shaped caverns DM of Da: Some of which are littered with mining tools DM of Da: Several of which have skeletons root: scratched on a wall is "Viktor was here" DM of Da: The flesh long-decomposed DM of Da: The clothing turned to dust Vasily: (brb) *** root takes a pick axe DM of Da: Several of the tunnels, taking different paths through the hillside, lead to a wide cavern DM of Da: The tunnels end as ledges overlooking a wide chasm DM of Da: About 50 feet long and 30 feet wide DM of Da: A rickety rope and wood bridge hangs down the long axis DM of Da: But the strange thing is this DM of Da: Rather than being a bottomless drop, this chasm has a floor DM of Da: About 30 feet down, the vertical drop - the entire width of it - stops with a perfectly flat, smooth rock floor root: try a rock again, make sure the floor is actuallt there DM of Da: Ok root: (brb) DM of Da: There are a number of loose rocks and gravel on it already, and your rock clatters against the flat rock surface DM of Da: It does seem to be actually there. DM of Da: As I said, the chasm's floor is perfectly smooth DM of Da: No sign of any seams, or other indications that it is a worked stone surface DM of Da: Just flat, smooth stone DM of Da: The same type of rock as the rest of the cave system Albrecht: and nothing else of any note in this chamber? DM of Da: No Vasily: Lava/Water flow. Albrecht: just a 30 ft deep chasm with a perfectly smooth floor DM of Da: Yes Vasily: Does it look moist? root: probably used to be lava flow DM of Da: Nope DM of Da: It does not look moist DM of Da: Like I said, a number of tunnels lead to this cavern Albrecht: well, i guess we can: Albrecht: a) check out the chasm DM of Da: And a rope bridge stretches between two of them, right down the long axis Albrecht: b) get to that rope bridge Nikolai: let's see if we can. Nikolai: the rope bridge that ius DM of Da: Ok Vasily: B seems to be the more interesting of the two. DM of Da: You double back, soon finding the tunnel that leads back to that cavern, and has one end of the rope bridge DM of Da: Who wants to cross? DM of Da: It looks rickety at best. Sven: . . . Albrecht: then the person most likely to break it should go first Albrecht: does it seem bad enough that we should give me a rope? root: couldnt hurt *** Sven is just an innocent cat DM of Da: Well DM of Da: Sure *** Sven doesn't break ropes Albrecht: and you know, be ready to drag me back up if I break the bridge? DM of Da: But keep in mind that the length of the rope bridge is greater than the depth to which you'd be falling anyway Albrecht: yes, I'm aware DM of Da: Assuming the chasm's floor is indeed real DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: You go across? root: the bridge real? DM of Da: Feels real root: k Nikolai: so we go Nikolai: carefully DM of Da: Ok. Nikolai: rogue first DM of Da: Roll Balance *** Sven is concerned that suddenly shit may or may not be real Albrecht: if the bridge looks like it might break, I would take this precaution Sven: one at a time, I presume. Nikolai: yes Albrecht: definitely DM of Da: Albrecht roll Albrecht: hahaha DM of Da: Well? :P Albrecht: please note this is the desktop. DM of Da: Siiiigh Albrecht: /try -5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 0 - 5 = -3 DM of Da: lol Sven: bahahahahahaha Albrecht: full plate doesn't make for good balance checks. Sven: hahahahahaha Nikolai: heh Sven: hahaha Sven: hah Sven: ha. Albrecht: nor does no classes that have balance as class. DM of Da: You don't move so much as 10 feet when one of the planks collapses beneath your weight DM of Da: The shifting balance causes the bridge to swing, and you go tumbling into the chasm Albrecht: there's a reason for that rope. Sven: terribizzle. DM of Da: How much length of rope was free DM of Da: Was it the length of the rope bridge, i.e. 50 feet DM of Da: If so Albrecht: at least DM of Da: You fall into the chasm, hitting the smooth rock floor with a clatter DM of Da: /roll 3d6 *** DM rolls dice for DM of Da: 3d6 < 3 2 2 = 7 > = 7 Sven: clizzang Albrecht: this also serves the extra purpose of allowing us to secure more ropes across DM of Da: And take falling damage. Albrecht: well, if people fail to catch me... Albrecht: which they probably do as I'm heavy and all DM of Da: You are now lying at the bottom of the chasm Albrecht: the proper method is for someone to play out more free rope as I move forward root: true DM of Da: They fail to catch you so meh DM of Da: Anyway Albrecht: yay falling damage root: you'll take 7 damage and like it DM of Da: You can now clearly see that the smooth chasm floor contrasts sharply with the natural rock sides of the chasm Albrecht: well as long as I'm down here, let's try my lousy spot and search on this perfectly smooth floor DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Roll Albrecht: /try 0;spot 1;search *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM (spot) 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 0 = 7 *** DM (search) 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 1 = 7 DM of Da: You see nothing of use Nikolai: meanwhile Sven: you find some floor Nikolai: is there anywhere we can secure a rope to Albrecht: now I wait for someone useful to cross and secure a rope at the other end DM of Da: Sure, the sides of the chasm are rough and full of potential crags Nikolai: ok then Nikolai: boris Nikolai: go across Nikolai: don't suck Nikolai: tie a rope at the other side Nikolai: the rest of us will then cross Nikolai: k? Vasily: Sounds good. <<< Vasily o/ Lappy is now known as Vasily >>> DM of Da: k Boris <<< Vasily has left >>> <<< 11:31:35 PM >>> DM of Da: Roll Balance if you're going to do this root: . root: k root: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 5 = 18 DM of Da: Success root: yay tumble bonus Sven: well done. DM of Da: You cross the rope bridge and tie a rope to an outcropping of rock on the other side. DM of Da: What now? root: I can secure that shit with a piton too root: if that makes it...securer root: anythign on the other side? DM of Da: The tunnel continues onward DM of Da: And um DM of Da: Branches root: n'shit DM of Da: Sure Sven: also trees? DM of Da: Nah DM of Da: Roll Knowledge: Arcana everyone *** Sven chuckles Vasily: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 8 = 28 root: we win DM of Da: Sufficient. DM of Da: Vasily *** Vasily knows shit about the arcane Nikolai: yep DM of Da: As you look down and the chasm and ponder this cavern Nikolai: /try 10 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 10 = 20 Nikolai: :/ DM of Da: You consider that the way in which the smooth rock floor melds so thoroughly and sharply with the sides of the chasm DM of Da: Is quite reminiscent and indeed suggestive of a certain class of spells DM of Da: Such as, one might say, Wall of Stone DM of Da: Or perhaps Stone Shape Vasily: This sounds familiar. DM of Da: Anyway, what's the plan now? root: anyone remember how to beat the boss? DM of Da: Boris is across, there's a rope bridge, there's a rope DM of Da: There's an Albrecht at the bottom DM of Da: There's a tunnel continuing on the other side Vasily: Might as well keep going DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Everyone who wants to cross DM of Da: Roll Balance Vasily: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 1 = 8 Vasily: bonus for the rope? DM of Da: Yes the rope reduces the DC Sven: /try 11;me 12;pet *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM (me) 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 11 = 16 *** DM (pet) 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 12 = 14 DM of Da: You succeed DM of Da: So does Sven DM of Da: So does cat Nikolai: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 1 = 8 Nikolai: lol DM of Da: Everyone succeeds yay DM of Da: I guess you guys managed to pull Albrecht up Nikolai: yes DM of Da: The tunnel branches DM of Da: Both tunnels end in one of those small caverns DM of Da: Which, just like all the other ones, has claw marks on the walls DM of Da: DM of Da: Here's a map DM of Da: You've explored this entire deeper level of the cave system Nikolai: so Nikolai: that bridge in the middleish Nikolai: is where we are now DM of Da: Yep root: looks like 3 caves, but oh well DM of Da: Yeah DM of Da: 3 caves, 2 caves, doesn't matter much root: um...decipher script???? DM of Da: What script root: the markings on teh wall DM of Da: All I mean is that there are deep gouges in the wall root: ok DM of Da: Like someone raked it with claws DM of Da: So DM of Da: Anything else you guys want to do here? Nikolai: well Nikolai: we've searched everything Nikolai: let's go back? Nikolai: or is there something we have not yet searched Vasily: Well... DM of Da: There's nothing you have not searched root: im not sure we've actually "searched" anything Vasily: we're going to eventually want to stone shape that chasm open. Nikolai: yeah, when we have that spell. Nikolai: which is not now root: we could put albrect on the rope and have him smash the cabin open? Nikolai: eh no DM of Da: Haha DM of Da: No DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: So you guys are leaving eh root: metalocolypse is disturbing Nikolai: that it is DM of Da: Confirm/deny exit Albrecht: hah Nikolai: yep back the way we came DM of Da: k Nikolai: and then back to the other side Sven: bounceunt. Nikolai: of the thing Nikolai: the left one DM of Da: k DM of Da: The other passageway of the other golem looks like it just leads to the same first cavern you found DM of Da: But the tunnel collapsed DM of Da: In some sort of cave-in DM of Da: Originally, though, it was fairly clearly an alternate route to the same place Sven: umm Sven: hey guys root: hey Sven: before we leave Sven: I can prep a stone shape tomorrow if you want. Nikolai: hm Nikolai: we could try that root: *shrug* sure DM of Da: You guys want to do that? DM of Da: Rest here for a night and Stone Shape in the morning? Nikolai: sure Sven: I'm ok with it. DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: The night passes uneventfully Sven: hooray beer. DM of Da: In the morning, you go back down into the depths of the mine DM of Da: The chasm is still there root: good to know Sven: well, I'm glad it didn't run off somewhere. DM of Da: You do? What? Sven: show me where to shape stone out of the way and I shall root: divinations? DM of Da: You can... kinda fold the stone upward and out? DM of Da: A whole like 15 cubic feet? Vasily: The part that I saw was stoneshaped. DM of Da: Which is not that much. Sven: but I can do it twice. DM of Da: Well basically Vasily you concluded that the chasm's floor is not natural Sven: so there. :-P DM of Da: And was put there by magic DM of Da: Anyway DM of Da: You want to get some of the rock out of the way, sorta drill through, am I understanding you right? Sven: forrizzle, as my understanding of this operation goes root: hmm DM of Da: k root: make a 30 foot deep hole under the bridge root: with a stone ladder on the side or something DM of Da: Stone Shape requires touch, so you'll have to go down into the chasm Albrecht: that's fine, we got down there before DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: You cast Stone Shape, calling to mind an image of how you want the result to look DM of Da: And DM of Da: Nothing happens. Nikolai: well then root: ...nothign happens DM of Da: The stone does not respond to your spell. Albrecht: um... Albrecht: so that's either not actually stone. Nikolai: looks like we're done here boys root: maybe its not stone... Sven: wtfcharles. root: detect magi? Nikolai: it could be: Nikolai: not stone Nikolai: or Nikolai: worked stone. Albrecht: or it's secured in some manner far beyond your powers Sven: I don't suppose I could roll some shit to figure this out Vasily: Sure. Let's do some det magic. Nikolai: since stone shape does not work on non-worked stone Nikolai: er Sven: worked stone doesn't matter Nikolai: does not Sven: you're thinking of soften stone Nikolai: it doesn't? Nikolai: ok Nikolai: maybe Sven: so mr. arbiter of shit I roll Sven: any shit I can roll? DM of Da: Not so much DM of Da: Anyone got Knowledge: Arcana? DM of Da: er root: /try 3;KnDungeoneeringMaybe *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM (KnDungeoneeringMaybe) 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 3 = 18 DM of Da: sorry DM of Da: Anyone got Detect Magic? Vasily: /try 8;arcana *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily : *** DM (arcana) 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 8 = 21 Nikolai: /try 10;arcana *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM (arcana) 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 10 = 25 Albrecht: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 5 = 19 DM of Da: That's what I MEANT to say Nikolai: yes Nikolai: Detect magic up! DM of Da: Oh god cascade of rolls DM of Da: k Nikolai: pew pew Sven: I can detect poison . . . Albrecht: in this party, everyone has knowledge (arcana) root: eh hem DM of Da: Ok Sven: I don't. DM of Da: You detect DM of Da: Nothing. Sven: lies and treacherizzle. Nikolai: k root: ....vasilly! There's a lava golem on the floor! DM of Da: That is to say, there are no magic auras here except those on your persons and itemry DM of Da: The lava has cooled and solidifed DM of Da: So it's more like DM of Da: There's some remains of golems DM of Da: And some chunks of black steel armor DM of Da: What now? root: no, I want him to slowly iunjure the floor DM of Da: lol root: The World Series will Rocks your Sox Nikolai: we're done here DM of Da: k. Sven: we out. DM of Da: Alright. Sven: like some shit that is out. Albrecht: we mark the place on a map in case we ever want to come back DM of Da: Leaving the abandoned mine, you continue your traveling Albrecht: I will now add that to my campaign notes DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: The rest of the journey to Oleshie is uneventful DM of Da: You arrive safely on May 23rd Sven: when we can learn and prepare Big Fucking Drill DM of Da: //This'll go for another 10-15min if you guys don't mind DM of Da: //There's plot Sven: I don't. root: that spell is named for someone root: Amir's Big Drill DM of Da: Hahaha DM of Da: So Sven: I think I heard massive subdual damage in the distance DM of Da: You're in Oleshie. DM of Da: What now? root: Amir's Big Fucking Drill does subdual damage actually root: that's why we want Amir's big drill Nikolai: rofl. Nikolai: terrible DM of Da: Eh? Anyone? What's the plan Nikolai: Ok so Nikolai: Plan? root: I'll be here all week folks Nikolai: I think we go to Danil and Anastas? DM of Da: Any more comedy and this will be in your future: Nikolai: yes? no? Nikolai: Vasily delivers the message? Albrecht: yeah I think danil and anastas are the target Vasily: Sounds like a plan. DM of Da: Ok. Sven: hooray tentacles. Vasily: Danil, Anastas... DM of Da: Hold Vasily: Your money and your women... or your life. DM of Da: You go to the expensive inn where the two merchants were staying DM of Da: And on your approach, see a group of workers - carpenters, looks like - working on the roof and the second floor DM of Da: It seems they are conducting some expensive repairs Sven: err . . . DM of Da: *extensive DM of Da: One side of the building seems to have been gutted DM of Da: One side of the second floor that is Sven: wtfcharles DM of Da: They pay you no mind, continuing to hammer and saw and nail and whatnot. Nikolai: ask someone what's going on Sven: sho nuff; Albrecht: I has a theory. DM of Da: So DM of Da: Vasily Vasily: oh? DM of Da: You go in and go right for Danil & Anastas? You ask about the construction work? You get drunk? What Nikolai: I just said Nikolai: ask someone what's going on DM of Da: k DM of Da: Well Nikolai: as in Nikolai: Nikolai does that DM of Da: Yes I misunderstood DM of Da: One of the patrons in the common area mumbles something about a fire about a month ago, and says to go ask the innkeeper root: we were gone amonth eh Albrecht: from oleshie? easily Nikolai: we ask the innkeeper. <<< Innkeeper has joined >>> <<< 12:04:44 AM >>> Innkeeper: Welcome, welcome... say, haven't I seen you folks around here before? You need a room? I'm afraid we haven't got many of our better rooms, what with the repairs still going on.... Nikolai: Yeah, I noticed. Nikolai: WHat happened? Innkeeper: What happened? Well, surely you must've heard? Or have you just got in from out of town? Nikolai: We just got back. Nikolai: Went on a business trip. Innkeeper: I see, I see... well, it was about a month ago, by now... Innkeeper: Right in the middle of the night. I woke up to a... this... well, a kind of roar, like a clap of thunder almost, right from upstairs. Innkeeper: I run upstairs to figure out what's going on, see the guards those traders posted in the hall, they're running around, all panicked... Innkeeper: And what do I see but my best suite of rooms, looking like it'd just been torched... no, not even - like a hundred barrels of oil just went up in there! Innkeeper: Windows blown out, furniture nothing but smoking frames, hell, whatever it was went right through some of the interior walls... Innkeeper: Poor bastards that were staying there... smoking piles of bones right in the beds they were lying in. *** Nikolai tries to look shocked root: ouch Nikolai: Seriously? Nikolai: Incredible... *** Nikolai strokes his beard Nikolai: Poor bastards indeed... *** Sven boggles Albrecht: hmm Innkeeper: Well, nothin' natural does that, I can tell you that... if it'd been someone set something on fire, or something, someone would've yelled Albrecht: I has a theory. Nikolai: as do I *** Nikolai thanks the innkeeper for the news Albrecht: My theory has a name and a title. *** Nikolai sits down at a table with the party Nikolai: let';s hear it Albrecht: Ambassador Said. Nikolai: Hm Nikolai: I was thinking... Demon of Some Sort. Nikolai: but that seems possible Albrecht: he seemed very interested in the letter. Sven: Zmei Somesortovoi? Vasily: Aye, he did. Albrecht: and he definitely had access to all of it, the visible and hidden messages *** Innkeeper continues talking about all the lost business *** Innkeeper And the construction costs Albrecht: Sandy, refresh us on timeframes. *** Nikolai could care less Albrecht: We left Oleshie last on date X. We made it to Kiev on Y. We left Kiev on Z. DM of Gaia: You left Oleshie a month and a half ago approx. Albrecht: and we got back around what, May 27? DM of Gaia: May 23rd DM of Gaia: You got to Kiev in about a week, since as I recall you took a boat DM of Gaia: So DM of Gaia: About 5 weeks ago was Kiev DM of Gaia: And about a week after you left Kiev is when this happened DM of Gaia: More or less. Vasily: Enough time for someone from Kiev to show up here. Nikolai: especially if they are a powerful sorcerer. DM of Gaia: Anyway Nikolai: Ok gathering information DM of Gaia: We're ending here Nikolai: ok Nikolai: next time then DM of Gaia: Yep Nikolai: or maybe via email DM of Gaia: I owe you: DM of Gaia: XP for this session Nikolai: mundane loot DM of Gaia: Loot from the manticore cave Nikolai: yes DM of Gaia: And that's it, right Nikolai: yep Vasily: Will the XP be at least 250? Nikolai: i think Nikolai: that's it root: we need a scroll of Amir's Big Drill DM of Gaia: Yes at least 250 DM of Gaia: Any questions or comments?