Base Save Bonus
Base save bonus progressions come in two types: Good (where your bonus goes up by 1 every 2 levels) and Bad (where your bonus goes up by 1 every 3 levels). The rules for calculating your base save bonuses are as follows, and apply separately for each of the three saves.
- The first time (and only the first time) you take a level of a class that has a Good BSB progression for that save, that base save bonus goes up by +2.
- Any time (including the first time) you take a level of a class that has a Good BSB progression for that save, that base save bonus goes up by +1/2; or...
- Any time you take a level of a class that has a Bad BSB progression for that save, that base save bonus goes up by +1/3.
- When calculating your total save bonuses, round your base save bonuses down to the nearest integer.
Base Attack Bonus
Base attack bonus progressions come in three types: Good (where your bonus goes up by 1 every level), Medium (where your bonus goes up by 3 every 4 levels), and Bad (where your bonus goes up by 1 every 2 levels). The rules for calculating your base attack bonuses are as follows.
- Any time you take a level of a class that has a Good BAB progression, your base attack bonus goes up by +1; or...
- Any time you take a level of a class that has a Medum BAB progression, your base attack bonus goes up by +3/4; or...
- Any time you take a level of a class that has a Bad BAB progression, your base attack bonus goes up by +1/2.
- When calculating your total attack bonus, round your base attack bonus down to the nearest integer.