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Magic Rules

Spell Save DCs

Spell save DCs use the following formula:

Spell save DC =
10 + floor (spell level ÷ 3) + floor (spellcasting class level ÷ 3) + other modifiers
(spellcasting ability score modifier, etc.)

10-level classes (such as ur-priest) instead use this formula:

Spell save DC =
10 + floor (spell level ÷ 3) + floor (2 * spellcasting class level ÷ 3) + other modifiers
(spellcasting ability score modifier, etc.)

Note on “spellcasting class level”: The level used in the save DC formulas above is not the caster level of a spell, nor is it the number of class levels in any given class (or combination of classes). Rather, it is the effective class level that is used for the purpose of determining how many spells per day a character has in the relevant spellcasting progression (e.g. wizard, cleric, etc.). (For single-classed characters, or any characters who do not have any levels in prestige classes that grant spellcasting level advancement, this level will simply be equal to their class level in the relevant spellcasting class.)

Examples: The spellcasting class level of a single-classed, 14th-level wizard (for the purposes of determining the save DCs for his wizard spells) is 14. The spellcasting class level of a fighter 4 / wizard 3 / spellsword 5 (for the purposes of determining the save DCs for his wizard spells) is 6 (from 3 levels of wizard + 3 levels of wizard spellcasting progression gained from 5 levels of spellsword).

Spell types & descriptors

All rules text that refers to a type of spell (cold spells, evil spells, death spells) is assumed to refer to spells with that type as a descriptor in the spell stat block.

Researching new spells

See the new research rules.

Contingent spells

The following rules specify how contingent spells (see the Craft Contingent Spell feat in Complete Arcane) may be triggered.

Scribing spells from a spellbook

The usual fee charged by wizards for access to a spell in their spellbook (in order that the purchaser may scribe the spell into his own spellbook) is as follows:

Spell levelFee
05 gp
110 gp
220 gp
340 gp
480 gp
5160 gp
6320 gp
7640 gp
81,280 gp
92,560 gp