Old World» Feats

The following feats are available in the Old World campaign setting (in addition to the feats that are provided by the system being used, such as D&D 3.5e, Pathfinder, etc.). (A feat with the same name as one that exists in the system being used replaces that feat.)


Master Alchemist

Your mastery of alchemy is truly exceptional.

Prerequisite: Alchemy 5 ranks.

Benefit: This feat provides three benefits.

First, your skill rank in the Alchemy skill is considered to be 3 higher than it actually is, for the purpose of determining which alchemical recipes you can learn. (This does not actually improve your Alchemy skill bonus, only allows you to learn higher-level recipes.)

Second, when crafting an alchemical item, you may choose to roll an Alchemy skill check against the item’s crafting DC (instead of taking 10, as normal). If you fail, you ruin the common ingredients for the item, and you have a 10% chance per point of margin of failure to ruin any special ingredients as well. (If you fail by 10 or more, you also cause a mishap to occur.) If you succeed, there is a 10% chance that an additional item, identical to the first (an extra dose, twice the usual amount of a substance, etc.) is created, at no additional cost. For every 10 points by which you beat the crafting DC, the chance of creating an additional item increases by 10%.

Finally, your mastery of alchemy also enables you to conduct alchemical research. You can analyze substances to determine how they were made, reconstruct recipes for items by observing the items’ effects, and invent entirely new alchemical creations.