Old World» Group One


Iraklis, Nika, Omri, Dorc.

Player characters

Player characters associated with Group One.

Quick reference

(:template first:)

 HDCharismaPerceptionSense MotiveSurvivalLanguagesVisionFortRefWill

(:template each:)


 HDCharismaPerceptionSense MotiveSurvivalLanguagesVisionFortRefWill
Dorctor4+1+3+3+3Common, Orcdarkvision+6+1+7
Iraklis5+3+9+8+8Common +6+3+4
Mouse4+0+8+6+8Common, Infernaldarkvision+6+2+4
Nika5+4−1−1−1Common, Infernaldarkvision+2 [+4]+3 [+5]+3 [+5]
Omri5+2+7+10−1Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal, Orcdarkvision+3+7+3


Standard operating procedures.

Watch order

(See Timekeeping and Rest.)

Watches in a typical travel/adventuring day:

  1. Travel/exploration/adventuring
  2. Travel/exploration/adventuring
  3. Foraging/downtime
  4. Foraging/downtime
  5. Rest
    • Dorc on watch; others asleep
  6. Rest
    • Iraklis on watch; others asleep

Marching order

(Left is forward)

Single-file (narrow passages):

I D O N m

Double-wide (wider passages / outdoors):

D N m


Characters that have been encountered by Group One.


Locations that have been visited by Group One.

Item catalog

Special items that have been found by Group One.


Creatures that have been encountered by Group One.

  • Assassin vine Semi-mobile plant that grabs and crushes creatures that come within its reach.
  • Basilisk Eight-legged lizards with a petrifying gaze.
  • Bats Nocturnal flying animals that can “see” by emitting high-pitched sounds.
  • Carrion crawler Segmented bug-like monster with paralyzing tentacles.
  • Coyote Wild canines, scavengers and opportunistic hunters.
  • Ghouls Savage undead creatures that eat the flesh of the living.
  • Gnolls Hyena-headed humanoids, savage and evil.
  • Goblins Small, barely civilized, and mostly evil humanoids.
  • Grick Worm-like subterranean monster with suckered tentacles and a tough, rubbery hide.
  • Ironthorn Carnivorous plant with deadly, thorn-covered, grasping vines.
  • Phase spider Giant spider that can shift in and out of material existence.
  • Snakes Deadly serpents, either venomous or constrictors.
  • Spiders Spiders of unusual size.
  • Yellow musk creeper Climbing plant whose scent entrances living creatures, which are then turned into controlled zombies or consumed.

Party inventory

Party Currency: 17pp, 711 gp, 60 sp

Plot Loot

Loot to be Vendored

Loot to be ID'd

Loot to be Distributed

Already Distributed Loot

Adventure log




2024-09-28 (addendum)

Instructions for traversing the Lower CavernsJ3 to the Master’s domainJ3 (received from Andoras and the other outcasts):

When you find the entrance, descend; out of the caverns nearest the entrance lead two paths—take the left-hand path. Make your way deeper, always descending; you should soon find a large vaulted cavern with water flowing through it. Swim upstream to the first branching; then take the other branch downstream until you come to a narrow beach at the bottom of a canyon.

From this beach there is a steep ascent, and you may climb up to the canyon top. Take the second of two passages, and follow it until a great void opens before you. This is the hardest part. There are paths across, but they are treacherous; watch your footing here, as it is a long way down, and a fall means death. Look for an opening level with that which you came through.

Having crossed the void, follow the passage until you come to the top of a cliff; descend and once again take the left-most path. Soon you will emerge into a large cavern, and at the far side will rise another cliff. Now be wary, as at the top of that cliff is the guarded passage to our people’s realm; you will certainly be seen before you’ve reached the foot of the cliff, and you’ll be challenged if you approach.






2025-02-01 (addendum)

Meanwhile, it takes you a bit under two weeks to build your house (which is located about half a mile east of the town center). (Usually such a project would take longer, but magic helps, as does the fact that a heavy rain starts the day after you get back to town.)

The house is one-story, about 25 feet square (which should be enough space for rooms for each of you plus a couple of other rooms—common room? loot storage room?… well, you can decide how you’d like to arrange it, of course), plus an enclosure for your mules. (Naturally you can expand it if you want; materials are plentiful, the only real limitations are time and architectural constraints.)

Not much happens during this time, but there are a couple of minor events:

A couple of days after you get back, on a day when JohnnyG9 and Omri are supposed to perform at the tavern, you find Johnny in one of his depressed moods; he mutters something about being “no good, man, just no good…”; it’s clear he’s been drinking; and continues to do so for the next day (which is not, in itself, unusual for him). That day, Omri feels a sense of contentment and satisfaction from his shroom companion. Johnny seems back in good spirits in another day.

About a week later, Nika once again spends the night tormented by nightmares of failure and incompetence, and wakes up with a step of Charisma damage (easily enough cured by a lesser restoration spell from Dorc, of course).

On one of your trips into town, you’re stopped by MarieG9, who (in gratitude for you taking care of those goblins that were pursuing her son) gives you some homemade alchemical concoctions, of minor but unusual effect.

I’ll post a detailed description later, but one of them is a sort of edible plant preserve which lets you go a day without having to drink (or eat anything else), while another is a cream which treats burns and poisons. (Nothing too consequential, really, but it’s the thought that counts.)

Finally (for now), the fact that you returned from a trip out into the wastes not only alive (itself notable) but also laden with all manner of loot, has not gone unnoticed; people are talking about you, and speculating on what you might’ve found out there; a couple of the townsfolk try to engage you in conversation on the subject, though they don’t pry too hard (people do mostly mind their own business around here).

Anyhow… as far as talking to Marie about getting the recipes for those concoctions… well, she’s a little reluctant since they’re secret recipes… but she likes you, so she agrees, on two conditions: first, that you don’t give away or sell the recipes to anyone else… and second, that (whenever you next head out into the wastes) you bring back a bunch of some special ingredients (certain desert plants) needed for said recipes (she’ll reimburse you by using some of that to make you more of the stuff).
