Alchemical items include potions, oils, simple items like smokesticks and flasks of acid, and wondrous alchemical items like sovereign glue or an elixir of longevity. These items can be crafted using the Alchemy skill. (See Alchemical Crafting for information on crafting alchemical items.)
Alchemical Items & Magic: The effects of alchemical items generally cannot be dispelled, even if they closely resemble or mimic the effects of spells. Some alchemical effects can be suppressed or removed by magic, however, in the same way as similar effects that come from other sources (for example, the effects of a potion of rage succumb to a calm emotions spell, just as a barbarian’s rage or a rage spell would).
Alchemical Item Effect Durations: Many potions and other alchemical items have variable durations. A character generally does not know how long a potion will last when he drinks it. Fortunately, the effects of alchemical items generally do not end instantly; instead, the user can feel the effects begin to fade, as the power of the magical substances in the potion or other item runs its course. The impending end of a potion’s duration may be felt about half a minute in advance, which usually suffices to finish a combat encounter, land on solid ground before the duration of a flying potion runs out, get to a hiding place before the effects of an invisibility potion fade, etc.
Combining item effects
The magical mixtures and compounds which comprise potions are not always compatible. The miscibility of potions must be tested whenever two potions are actually intermingled, or a potion is consumed by a creature while another such item already consumed is still in effect. The same applies when two oils or ointments are applied to the same subject (whether that be a creature or an object), etc.
The following table lists the usual array of outcomes when mixing potions or other items. The DM may determine that certain sorts of potions or potion combinations act in specific ways other than those listed here. For example, perhaps healing potions have no chance of causing an explosion or creating poison when imbibed by someone under the effect of most other potions, a potion of delusion mixed with any other potion produces a delusion potion which causes the drinker to believe that the other potion took effect, oil of slipperiness mixed with oil of etherealness greatly increases the chance for the imbiber to be lost in the Ethereal Plane, etc. If more than two potions are combined, the DM rolls again for each subsequent potion, combining the results. Rolls for miscibility are made in secret, and unless the effects are immediately obvious, the results are revealed only when they become evident.
Potion Miscibility | |
d% | Result |
01 | EXPLOSION! Internal damage is 6d10 points, those within a 5-foot radius take 1d10 points (the damage is fire, acid, force, or some other type). If mixed externally, all in a 10-foot radius take 4d10 damage (Reflex save for half, DC is the higher of the potions’ crafting DCs − 10). |
02–08 | The mixture becomes a poison of the DM’s choice. |
09–15 | Immiscible. Both potions totally destroyed, as one cancelled the other. |
16–25 | Immiscible. One potion cancelled, but the other remains normal (random selection). |
26–35 | Immiscible result which causes both potions to be at half normal efficacy (strength and duration) when consumed. A potion has no effect if it can’t be halved in this way. |
36-90 | Miscible. Potions work normally unless their effects are contradictory, e.g. diminution and growth, which will simply cancel each other. |
91-99 | Compatible result which causes one potion (randomly determined) to have double normal efficacy (strength and duration). If neither potion has anything to double in this way, they work normally. |
00 | DISCOVERY! The admixture of the two potions has caused a special formula which will cause one of the two potions only to function, but its effects will be permanent upon the imbiber. (Note that some harmful side effects could well result from this; a healing potion might increase the drinker’s hit point maximum by 4, but oil of etherealness might permanently trap the user in the Ethereal Plane, and so forth.) A suitable spell, such as break enchantment, might end this lasting effect, at the DM’s discretion. |
Reading alchemical item listings
Item name
- Rarity
- How commonly known the recipe for the item is (and thus also how easy the item is to find for purchase); can be common (•), uncommon (••), rare (•••), very rare (••••), or legendary (★)
- Level
- The item’s level (and thus the minimum number of Alchemy skill ranks a character must have in order to learn the recipe for the item)
- Price
- Standard market price of the item; this is how much the item costs to buy, if it’s available; this also determines the cost of the common ingredients needed to craft the item
- Weight
- The weight of one of the item
- Craft DC
- The Alchemy check DC to craft the item (10 + the crafter’s total Alchemy skill modifier must be equal to or greater than this, to craft the item)
- Special
- Any special ingredients or other requirements needed to craft the item
Item description. This text explains what the item is, how to use it, and what its effects are.
List of alchemical items
Alchemical Items | |||||
Item | Rarity | Level | Price | Craft DC | Special ingredients or crafting requirements |
Acid (flask) | common | 1 | 10 gp | 15 | — |
Alchemical grease | common | 1 | 5 gp | 15 | — |
Alchemical solvent | uncommon | 1 | 20 gp | 19 | — |
Alchemist’s fire (flask) | uncommon | 1 | 20 gp | 16 | — |
Alchemist’s kindness | common | 1 | 1 gp | 20 | — |
Alkali flask | uncommon | 1 | 15 gp | 20 | — |
Antiplague | uncommon | 1 | 10 gp | 16 | — |
Antitoxin | common | 2 | 50 gp | 17 | — |
Bladeguard | uncommon | 2 | 40 gp | 22 | — |
Bloodblock | uncommon | 1 | 20 gp | 16 | — |
Dust of appearance | rare | 4 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Dust of disappearance | rare | 7 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Dust of dryness | rare | 8 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Dust of hiding | rare | 3 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Dust of illusion | rare | 3 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Dust of tracelessness | rare | 2 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Elixir of bestial aspect | rare | 4 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Elixir of health | uncommon | 9 | 800 gp | 33 | — |
Elixir of longevity | very-rare | 12 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Elixir of metamorphosis | legendary | 19 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Elixir of the mystic journey | legendary | 18 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Eye drops of darkvision | uncommon | 4 | 150 gp | 22 | Eye of a living creature that natively possesses darkvision; or, casting of darkvision spell |
False life elixir | rare | 3 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Flash powder | common | 2 | 50 gp | 21 | Owlbear’s-claw moss, worth 20 gp |
Flying ointment | rare | 9 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Light detector | uncommon | 1 | 10 gp | 10 | Prepared silver solution worth 5 gp |
Liquid ice (flask) | uncommon | 1 | 40 gp | 16 | Shard of pure elemental ice, or 1 lb. of brown mold |
Marie’s “no sweat” preserves | very-rare | 2 | 250 gp | 19 | 1 oz. ghost lily seeds (50 gp), cone of the desert onion (10 gp) |
Marie’s soothing balm | very-rare | 2 | 600 gp | 21 | Intact, just-flowered silver ball cactus (at least 2 lbs. weight), used before the flower has withered (see text) |
Nushadir (vial) | uncommon | 1 | 10 gp | 18 | Refined mineral salts worth 5 gp |
Oil of etherealness | rare | 10 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Oil of sharpness | rare | 8 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Oil of slipperiness | uncommon | 6 | 1,000 gp | 28 | Liver of a giant pike, or neural nodule from a purple worm, elder ashworm, etc. |
Philosopher’s stone | legendary | 20 | priceless | ℵ | Purification of the spirit, attainment of enlightenment |
Philter of love | very-rare | 12 | ? | ? | — |
Potion of barkskin | uncommon | 6 | 300 gp | 23 | Section of bark from a treant or similar plant creature; or, a casting of the barkskin spell |
Potion of climbing | uncommon | 3 | 150 gp | 22 | Preserved monkey’s tail, and a live gecko must be used to stir the potion, without the gecko’s tail detaching; or, a casting of the spider climb spell |
Potion of cold resistance | rare | 4 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Potion of courage | common | 1 | 50 gp | 20 | Hard liquor (of at least 100 proof), such as vodka or strong whisky, worth 20 gp |
Potion of delusion | rare | 6 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Potion of dexterity | uncommon | 2 | 150 gp | 21 | Whisker of a jaguar, cheetah, or similar feline, taken while the creature lives; or, casting of a cat’s grace spell |
Potion of extra healing | uncommon | 5 | 250 gp | 26 | Troll blood; or, casting of a cure serious wounds spell |
Potion of fire breath | rare | 4 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Potion of fire resistance | rare | 4 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Potion of flying | uncommon | 5 | 250 gp | 26 | Hippogriff feathers and wyvern blood; or, casting of a fly spell |
Potion of healing | common | 1 | 50 gp | 20 | Heart or spleen of a giant lizard; or, casting of a cure light wounds spell |
Potion of heroism | uncommon | 5 | 500 gp | 26 | Heart of a lion or similar giant cat |
Potion of hiding | uncommon | 3 | 150 gp | 22 | Distilled chameleon essence |
Potion of invisibility | uncommon | 3 | 300 gp | 23 | Captured invisible stalker essence, or “heart” of a phantom fungus (taken while still invisible); or, casting of an invisibility spell |
Potion of jumping | uncommon | 3 | 150 gp | 22 | Sinew of great cat; or, casting of a jump spell |
Potion of levitation | rare | 3 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Potion of poison | rare | special | n/a | special | See text |
Potion of polymorphing | rare | 8 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Potion of rage | uncommon | 5 | 250 gp | 26 | Heart of a giant badger, or vial of barbazu devil blood |
Potion of revive ability | uncommon | 5 | 300 gp | 26 | See text |
Potion of sneaking | uncommon | 3 | 150 gp | 22 | Bugbear toe and a giant owl’s wing feather |
Potion of speed | rare | 5 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Potion of strength | uncommon | 2 | 150 gp | 21 | Heart of a bison, aurochs, or similar wild animal; or, casting of a bull’s strength spell |
Potion of super healing | uncommon | 9 | 1,000 gp | 32 | Thread from the garment of a saint, or a unicorn tear; or, casting of a breath of life spell |
Potion of super heroism | uncommon | 11 | 2,000 gp | 36 | Giant wolverine blood and a minotaur’s heart |
Potion of swimming | uncommon | 3 | 150 gp | 23 | Brain of a dire shark; or, creator must have 10 or more ranks in Swim |
Potion of truth | rare | 5 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Potion of tumbling | uncommon | 3 | 150 gp | 22 | Brain of a dire ape or girallon |
Potion of vision | uncommon | 3 | 250 gp | 23 | Eye of a giant eagle or roc |
Potion of vitality | uncommon | 5 | 300 gp | 26 | Coffee beans worth 100 gp |
Potion of water breathing | rare | 5 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Smelling salts | common | 3 | 25 gp | 25 | — |
Skin paint of warding | rare | 3 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Smoke pellet | uncommon | 1 | 25 gp | 20 | — |
Smokestick | common | 1 | 20 gp | 15 | — |
Sneezing powder | uncommon | 3 | 60 gp | 24 | — |
Soothe syrup | common | 2 | 25 gp | 18 | — |
Sovereign glue | uncommon | 10 | 3,800 gp | 34 | One hoof each from a unicorn and a nightmare |
Spider’s nest bullet | very-rare | 4 | 500 gp | 23 | Giant spider egg sac |
Sunrod | common | 2 | 2 gp | 20 | — |
Tanglefoot bag | common | 2 | 50 gp | 18 | — |
Thunderstone | common | 2 | 30 gp | 20 | — |
Tindertwig | common | 1 | 1 gp | 15 | — |
Universal solvent | rare | 10 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Weapon smear, bleed | rare | 3 | ? | ? | (unknown) |
Item descriptions
Acid (flask)
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 10 gp
- Weight
- 1 lb.
- Craft DC
- 15
You can throw a flask of acid as a splash weapon. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. A direct hit deals 1d6 points of acid damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the acid hits takes 1 point of acid damage from the splash.
Alchemical grease
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 5 gp
- Weight
- 1 lb.
- Craft DC
- 15
Each pot of this slick black goo has sufficient contents to cover one Medium or two Small creatures. If you coat yourself in alchemical grease, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple, and to your CMD to avoid being grabbed; this lasts for 1d4+2 hours or until you wash it off. The grease is not especially flammable (though it burns as easily as flesh, and thus offers no special protection against fire damage).
Alchemical solvent
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 20 gp
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- 19
This bubbling purple gel eats through adhesives. Each vial can cover a 5-foot square area. It destroys normal adhesives (such as tar, tree sap, or glue) in a single round but takes 1d4+1 rounds to deal with more powerful adhesives (tanglefoot bags, spider webbing, and so on). It has no effect on supernatural adhesives such as sovereign glue.
Alchemist’s fire (flask)
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 20 gp
- Weight
- 1 lb.
- Craft DC
- 16
You can throw a flask of alchemist’s fire as a splash weapon. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet.
A direct hit deals 1d6 points of fire damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage. If desired, the target can use a full-round action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage. Extinguishing the flames requires a DC 15 Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides the target a +2 bonus on the save. Leaping into a lake or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.
Alchemist’s kindness
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 1 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 20
Favored by young rakes and others of means, this is a crystalline powder resembling salt. Mixed with water, it makes a fizzing cocktail that eliminates the effects of a hangover within 10 minutes of drinking it.
Alkali flask
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 15 gp
- Weight
- 1 lb.
- Craft DC
- 20
This flask of caustic liquid reacts with an ooze’s natural acids. You can throw an alkali flask as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. Against non-ooze creatures, an alkali flask functions as a normal flask of acid. Against oozes and other acid-based creatures, the alkali flask inflicts double damage.
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 10 gp
- Weight
- 1 lb.
- Craft DC
- 16
If you drink a vial of this foul-tasting, milky tonic, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against disease for the next hour. If already infected, you may also make two saving throws (without the +5 bonus) that day and use the better result.
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 50 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 17
If you drink a vial of antitoxin, you get a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison for 1 hour.
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 40 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 22
This clear resin protects a weapon from harmful attacks from oozes, rust monsters, and similar effects that corrode or melt weapons, giving the weapon a +5 alchemical bonus on saving throws against such effects. Bladeguard lasts for 24 hours or until it has been used to make 1d4+4 attacks. One pot can coat one two-handed weapon, two one-handed or light weapons, or 50 ammunition items. Applying it takes 1 full round. Immersing the weapon in water or similar liquid washes it off.
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 20 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 16
This gooey, pinkish substance helps treat wounds. Using a dose gives you a +5 alchemical bonus on Heal checks for providing first aid, treating wounds made by caltrops or similar objects, or treating deadly wounds. A dose of bloodblock ends a bleed effect as if you had made a DC 15 Heal check. When treating deadly wounds, using a dose of bloodblock counts as one use of a healer’s kit (and grants the +5 bonus stated above).
Dust of appearance
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 4
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This fine powder appears to be a very fine, very light metallic dust. A single handful of this substance flung into the air coats objects within a 10-foot radius, making them visible even if they are invisible. It likewise negates the effects of blur and displacement. (In this, it works just like the faerie fire spell). The dust also reveals figments, mirror images, and projected images for what they are. A creature coated with the dust takes a −30 penalty on its Stealth checks. The dust’s effect lasts for 5 minutes.
Dust of appearance is typically stored in small silk packets or hollow bone tubes.
Dust of disappearance
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 7
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This dust looks just like dust of appearance and is typically stored in the same manner. A creature or object touched by it becomes invisible (as greater invisibility). Normal vision can’t see dusted creatures or objects, nor can they be detected by magical means, including see invisibility or invisibility purge. Dust of appearance, however, does reveal people and objects made invisible by dust of disappearance. Other factors, such as sound and smell, also allow possible detection.
The greater invisibility bestowed by the dust lasts for 2d6 rounds.
Dust of dryness
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 8
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This special dust has many uses. If it is thrown into water, a volume of as much as 100 gallons is instantly transformed to nothingness, and the dust becomes a marble-sized pellet, floating or resting where it was thrown. If this pellet is hurled down, it breaks and releases the same volume of water. The dust affects only water (fresh, salt, alkaline), not other liquids.
If the dust is employed against an elemental with the water subtype, the creature must make a DC 18 Fortitude save or be destroyed. The dust deals 5d6 points of damage to the creature even if its saving throw succeeds.
Dust of hiding
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 3
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This dust has the effect of a potion of hiding, but may be used to coat a Large creature or object, or four Medium-sized creatures or objects, etc. It is possible to use only some of the dust stored in the pouch or container, leaving the rest for subsequent use (which, however, no longer suffices to fully coat a Large object or creature). The effects of the dust of hiding last for 1 hour.
Dust of illusion
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 3
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This unremarkable powder resembles chalk dust or powdered graphite. Stare at it, however, and the dust changes color and form. Put dust of illusion on a creature, and that creature is affected as if by a disguise self glamer, with the individual who sprinkles the dust envisioning the illusion desired. An unwilling target is allowed a DC 11 Reflex save to avoid the dust. The glamer lasts for 2 hours.
Dust of tracelessness
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 2
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This normal-seeming dust is actually a magic powder that can conceal the passage of its possessor and his companions. Tossing a handful of this dust into the air causes a chamber of up to 100 square feet of floor space to become as dusty, dirty, and cobweb-laden as if it had been abandoned and disused for a decade.
A handful of dust sprinkled along a trail causes evidence of the passage of as many as a dozen men and horses to be obliterated for 250 feet back into the distance. The results of the dust are instantaneous, and no magical aura lingers afterward from this use of the dust. Survival checks made to track a quarry across an area affected by this dust have a DC 20 higher than normal.
Elixir of bestial aspect
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 4
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
When imbibed, this repulsively-smelling elixir causes the drinker’s nails to grow into wicked claws, his teeth to elongate into tearing fangs, and his skin to toughen. He gains a bite attack (1d6 damage) and two claw attacks (1d4 damage), and a +2 natural armor bonus. (This overlaps with the drinker’s existing natural armor, if any.) The effects of this elixir last 8 hours.
An elixir of bestial aspect has no effect on non-humanoids.
Elixir of health
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 9
- Price
- 800 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 33
When this potion is consumed, it instantly cures all diseases and poisons afflicting the drinker, cures the drinker of being sickened or nauseated, cures blindness and deafness (unless these are caused by a loss of the relevant organs), removes paralysis, and rids the drinker of certain parasites, such as green slime (and anything else which would be killed by a remove disease spell).
An elixir of health does not automatically cure supernatural poisons or diseases, but it does grant the drinker an immediate Fortitude saving throw against their effects; if this save is successful, the poison or disease is cured.
Elixir of longevity
- Rarity
- very rare
- Level
- 12
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
An elixir of longevity reduces the drinker’s physical age by 1d6+6 years (but can’t make a character younger than approximately mid-adolescence—15 years for humans). If this reduces a character’s age category, physical penalties (to ability scores and perception skills) are reversed, but mental ability score increases are unaffected. This potion can reverse natural aging just as easily as it can undo the aging effect of certain magics.
Each time after the first that a character drinks a longevity elixir, there is a cumulative 10% chance that he or she instead ages by the same number of years that would otherwise be restored. This works just like all other magical aging effects. If this aging would raise the character’s age above his maximum age, he dies immediately.
Note: Stories exist of more powerful versions of this elixir, which have a much greater effect—reducing the drinker’s physical age by a longer span, or even arresting the aging process entirely (and thus granting effective immortality). (Creation of the last is said to require a philosopher’s stone.) Such substances are legendary, and the secrets of their creation (if such is even possible) are surely lost.
Elixir of metamorphosis
- Rarity
- legendary
- Level
- 19
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
Legend holds that a great alchemist (whose name is given differently when the story is told in different places) spent his life questing for an elixir that would transform him into the perfect being—a living manifestation of those qualities which he held as ideals, free of imperfections or flaws. In his obsessive quest, he ignored his companions and his loved ones; he abandoned his duties and his friendships. He committed crimes in the pursuit of secret lore and rare ingredients, and he ran hideous experiments on unwilling subjects. Finally—after a span of years which saw him earn a dark reputation—secluded in his workshop, the alchemist had his prize in hand.
Elated, he drank the elixir—and was transformed. In the first panicked moment, the alchemist thought that something had gone wrong… yet his mastery of the craft was absolute, and he knew that his formula was without error. He realized then that the monstrous, repellent creature he had become was nothing more than his true ideal—the totality of those qualities which he had spent his life embodying by his actions—made manifest by the elixir. His own work had revealed the truth of his life to him; and the knowledge drove him mad, burning away what remained of his sanity.
The alchemist’s final fate was to be slain by adventuring heroes. The stories say that his research was burned, yet there are many who believe (or hope) otherwise; rumors persist that the alchemist’s notes on the elixir’s creation were hidden away, though no sign of them has yet been found.
Elixir of the mystic journey
- Rarity
- legendary
- Level
- 18
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This concoction goes by many names, being variously called an elixir of dream travel, an elixir of astral projection, etc. It is said to free the spirit from the body, and to permit travel (in disembodied form) to other planes, perception of the spirit world, communication with the dead, engaging in psychic battle with evil spirits, etc. Many alchemists claim to know the secret of brewing this elixir, yet it is easy enough to fool the unwary, by administration of certain plant extracts, into believing that they have taken a “mystic journey”…
Eye drops of darkvision
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 4
- Price
- 150 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 22
- Special
- Eye of a living creature that natively possesses darkvision; or, casting of darkvision spell
Usually found in a glass bottle with a pipette cap, this mixture, when applied to the eyes, bestows darkvision (to a range of 60 feet) for one hour. It comes with a drawback: sudden exposure to normal light irritates the user’s eyes, making him dazzled for 1d6 minutes. Any exposure to bright light inflicts the same penalty for as long as the user is in the bright light.
The price given is for enough mixture for eight uses, each providing an hour’s worth of darkvision (that is, a total of eight hours, with the drops having to be reapplied hourly). (Though some may be tempted to use the entire bottle at once, this is inadvisable, as it may cause permanent blindness!)
The eye drops have no effect on creatures who already possess darkvision. Eyeless creatures, or those with non-functional eyes, likewise cannot benefit from the drops.
False life elixir
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 3
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
The imbiber of a false life elixir gains 1d10+5 temporary hit points, which last for 8 hours (assuming they are not lost before then).
Flash powder
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 50 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 21
- Special
- Owlbear’s-claw moss, worth 20 gp
This coarse gray powder ignites and burns almost instantly if exposed to flame, significant friction, or even a simple force such as throwing it against a floor (a standard action). Creatures within the 10-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round (Fortitude DC 13 negates).
Flying ointment
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 9
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This is a preparation of herbs in a base of rendered fats. When rubbed over the skin (a process which takes 5 minutes), the ointment grants the subject the ability to fly (as the overland flight spell) for 8 hours.
Light detector
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 10 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 10
- Special
- Prepared silver solution worth 5 gp
This hand-sized metal plate is covered with a thin layer of light-sensitive transparent paste. If exposed to light, the paste darkens and becomes opaque, depending on the amount of light. Bright light causes it to fully darken in 1 round, normal light in 3 rounds, dim light in 10 rounds. It is mainly used by creatures with darkvision to determine if creatures have recently passed through an area carrying light. The plate is sold wrapped in a thick black cloth to prevent accidental light exposure from ruining the plate.
Liquid ice (flask)
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 40 gp
- Weight
- 2 lbs.
- Craft DC
- 16
- Special
- Shard of pure elemental ice, or 1 lb. of brown mold
Also known as “alchemist’s ice”, this sealed jar of crystalline blue fluid immediately starts to evaporate once opened. During the next 1d6 rounds, you can use it to freeze a liquid or to coat an object in a thin layer of ice. You can also throw liquid ice as a splash weapon. A direct hit deals 1d6 points of cold damage; creatures within 5 feet of where it hits take 1 point of cold damage from the splash.
Marie’s “no sweat” preserves
- Rarity
- very rare
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 250 gp
- Weight
- 2 lbs.
- Craft DC
- 19
- Special
- 1 oz. ghost lily seeds (50 gp), cone of the desert onion (10 gp)
A thick, mildly sweet, savory fruit preserve made of assorted berries and exotic desert plants, one small bowl (0.2 lb.) of this stuff provides a Medium humanoid character with nutrition for a day and prevents loss of water through sweat or by other means (and thus removes the need to drink water for that day). It also makes you slightly feverish. Marie strongly advises against eating the stuff for multiple days in a row. Comes in a 2-pound clay jar (10 uses).
Marie’s soothing balm
- Rarity
- very rare
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 600 gp
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- 21
- Special
- Intact, just-flowered silver ball cactus (at least 2 lbs. weight), used before the flower has withered (see text)
Made from a succulent desert plant, this thick, translucent goo can be applied to the skin after the subject has sustained burns (i.e., taken hit point damage from fire or similar sources), to heal 1d6+2 points of damage from the burn. The balm is also effective against contact and injury poisons; if applied to the skin at the point where the poison entered, the balm draws out some of the poison, granting the subject an immediate additional saving throw against the affliction, with a +5 alchemical bonus. Comes in a 1⁄2 pound container (10 uses).
Note: While the silver ball cactus is not a particularly rare plant in the wastes (and has a market price of 2 gp), to find a specimen which has just flowered, and transport it to the alchemist who wishes to make use of it before the flower withers, is no mean feat. There is no standard price for such a service, but 50 gp might be a reasonable estimate.
Nushadir (vial)
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 10 gp
- Weight
- 1 lb.
- Craft DC
- 18
- Special
- Refined mineral salts worth 5 gp
Normally stored in the form of small, salty pellets in a dry container, this reagent can be mixed with a flask of water and stored safely. Nushadir neutralizes acid; a vial of pellets or a flask of nushadir-water is enough to render a cubic foot of acid safe to touch in 1 minute, though this is usually too slow to prevent damage from a thrown vial of acid or the contents of a large monster’s gullet. Nushadir vapors are slightly irritating to the eyes, nose, and mouth, causing nausea for 1d4 rounds after close exposure (Fortitude DC 10 negates).
Oil of etherealness
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 10
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This is a light oil that is applied externally to clothes and exposed flesh, conferring etherealness. In the ethereal state, the individual can pass through solid objects in any direction—sideways, upward, downwards or to different planes. The individual cannot touch nonethereal objects. Ethereal individuals are invisible.
The oil takes effect three rounds after application, and it lasts for 1d4+4 × 10 minutes unless removed with a weak acidic solution prior to the expiration of its normal effective duration. It can be applied to objects as well as creatures. One potion is sufficient to anoint a normal human and such gear as he typically carries.
Oil of sharpness
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 8
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon, or up to 20 pieces of ammunition of those types. Applying the oil takes a minute. For 1d6+3 × 10 minutes, the coated item strikes as a +1 weapon, and its threat ranged is doubled (which doesn’t stack with the keen edge spell or similar effects).
Oil of slipperiness
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 6
- Price
- 1,000 gp
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- 28
- Special
- Liver of a giant pike, or neural nodule from a purple worm, elder ashworm, etc.
This substance is applied externally (which takes one minute). Oil of slipperiness provides a +20 circumstance bonus on all Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple and to CMD to avoid being grabbed, on saving throws against entangle spells and similar magic, etc., meaning that it is almost impossible to grapple such a character or to tie or chain him up. In addition, such obstructions as webs (magical or otherwise) do not affect an anointed individual. Magic ropes and the like do not avail against the oil. If it is smeared on a floor or on steps, the oil coats up to a 5 × 10 foot area, and the area should be treated as a long-lasting grease spell (with a Reflex save DC of 20). The oil requires 8 hours to wear off normally, or it can be wiped off with an alcohol solution (even wine).
Oil of slipperiness is needed to coat the inside of a container that is meant to hold sovereign glue. (The price given is for 8 ounces of the oil, which is sufficient to anoint one Medium or two Small creatures, or to coat a container for sovereign glue 8 times.)
Philosopher’s stone
- Rarity
- legendary
- Level
- 20
- Price
- priceless
- Weight
- 3 lbs.
- Craft DC
- ℵ
- Special
- Purification of the spirit, attainment of enlightenment
Successful creation of this item is the pinnacle of the alchemist’s craft—the Magnum Opus toward which strive all students of the alchemical art. The philosopher’s stone is said to make possible the transmutation of base metals into noble ones, the resurrection of the dead, and various other feats. It may also (or so the stories say) be used to brew the ultimately effective elixir of longevity—one which would, being once imbibed, extend the subject’s life indefinitely.
Philter of love
- Rarity
- very rare
- Level
- 12
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
This potent preparation causes a creature who drinks it to fall madly in love with the first creature he or she perceives after consuming it. If a romantic attraction is possible toward the first person viewed, the drinker falls in love with that person. Otherwise, the drinker’s love is a platonic adoration. The effects of the philter are permanent, though a wish may undo it (as can certain other powerful magic).
Potion of barkskin
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 6
- Price
- 300 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 23
- Special
- Section of bark from a treant or similar plant creature; or, a casting of the barkskin spell
The drinker’s flesh becomes thick and bark-like, turning away weapon blows, stabs, and slashes. For 1d6+3 × 10 minutes, or until struck 10 times in combat with a physical attack, the drinker of this potion gains damage reduction 5/adamantine. The drinker also gains a +1 resistance bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities. He is considered armed when making unarmed strikes, and gains a +1 enhancement bonus on attacks and damage when doing so.
Potion of climbing
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 150 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 22
- Special
- Preserved monkey’s tail, and a live gecko must be used to stir the potion, without the gecko’s tail detaching; or, a casting of the spider climb spell
Imbibing this potion allows the individual to climb as if possessing 8 ranks in the Climb skill. If the imbiber already has at least 8 ranks in Climb, the potion instead grants a +2 competence bonus on Climb checks. The potion’s effects last for 1 hour.
Potion of cold resistance
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 4
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This potion bestows resistance to cold, both normal and magical. The imbiber takes 10 fewer points of damage from any source of cold damage, including supernatural blizzards, a frost salamander’s cold aura, cone of cold spells, etc. The potion also grants a +2 alchemical bonus on saving throws against cold effects, and a +4 alchemical bonus on saving throws against the dangerous effects of environmental cold (frostbite, etc.). The effects of a cold resistance potion last for 1d6+9 × 10 minutes.
Potion of courage
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 50 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 20
- Special
- Hard liquor (of at least 100 proof), such as vodka or strong whisky, worth 20 gp
The imbiber of this potion gains a +4 morale bonus against fear effects for 1d6+9 minutes. If the imbiber is under the influence of a fear effect when drinking the potion, that effect is suppressed for the duration of the potion’s effects.
Potion of delusion
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 6
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This cursed potion affects the mind of the imbiber so that he or she believes the liquid is some other potion (e.g., a healing potion—damage is “restored” by drinking it, and only death or rest will reveal that the potion only caused the imbiber to believe that he or she was aided). A DC 16 Will save resists the illusion, which otherwise takes effect when the potion is first beheld. If several individuals see, taste, smell, or otherwise perceive this potion, it is 90% probable that all (who fail their saves) will agree on its (illusory) properties. Those who succeed on their saving throws perceive the potion as it really is—but may have difficulty convincing their comrades that it is they, and not the deluded ones, who see truly.
Potion of dexterity
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 150 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 21
- Special
- Whisker of a jaguar, cheetah, or similar feline, taken while the creature lives; or, casting of a cat’s grace spell
This potion increases the imbiber’s Dexterity score by 4 points if it is 6 or less normally, by 2 points if it’s at 7–13, and by 1 point if Dexterity is 14–17. (An imbiber with Dexterity 18+ gains no benefit from the potion.) The effects of a dexterity potion last for 1d6+3 × 10 minutes.
Potion of extra healing
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 5
- Price
- 250 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 26
- Special
- Troll blood; or, casting of a cure serious wounds spell
Drinking this potion immediately restores 3d8+5 hit points. Alternatively, one-third of the potion may be quaffed, which restores 1d8+1 hit points; the remaining liquid suffices to restore 2d8+3 hit points (or two more doses of the least amount).
Potion of fire breath
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 4
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
The imbiber of this potion gains the ability to exhale fire; he or she can spit fire thrice, each time as a standard action, dealing 4d6 points of fire damage to a target within 30 feet. A successful ranged touch attack roll is required to hit a target with the blast.
Alternatively, the drinker may exhale all remaining fire in one breath, creating a cone-shaped gout of flame that deals 4d6 points of fire damage to all within it (Reflex save, DC 14, for half). The size of the cone is 15 feet if all three uses of the fire spit still remained, 10 feet if only two were left, or 5 feet if only one use was left.
In any case, unused fire breath dissipates 1d6+3 × 10 minutes after the potion is imbibed, leaving the drinker with a bad case of heartburn.
Potion of fire resistance
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 4
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This potion bestows resistance to fire, both normal and magical. The imbiber takes 10 fewer points of damage from any fire source, including mundane fires, a salamander’s touch, fireball spells, etc. The potion also grants a +2 alchemical bonus on saving throws against fire effects, and a +4 alchemical bonus on saving throws against the dangerous effects of environmental heat (heatstroke, etc.). The effects of a fire resistance potion last for 1d6+9 × 10 minutes.
Potion of flying
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 5
- Price
- 250 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 26
- Special
- Hippogriff feathers and wyvern blood; or, casting of a fly spell
The drinker of this potion gains the ability to fly, at a speed of 60 feet, and a +4 competence bonus on Fly checks. The effects last for 1d6+3 minutes.
Potion of healing
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 50 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 20
- Special
- Heart or spleen of a giant lizard; or, casting of a cure light wounds spell
Drinking this potion immediately restores 1d8+1 hit points.
Potion of heroism
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 5
- Price
- 500 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 26
- Special
- Heart of a lion or similar giant cat
Heroism | |
Level of drinker | Number of levels bestowed |
1st–3rd | 3 |
4th–6th | 2 |
7th–9th | 1 |
This potion gives the imbiber a temporary increase in levels of fighting ability, if he or she has fewer than 10 character levels. The benefits depend on the imbiber’s level, as on Table: Heroism.
Each level bestowed grants a bonus hit die (d10), a commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the imbiber’s Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 morale bonus on saves against fear. (As always, damage sustained is taken first from magically gained hit dice and temporary hit points.) The drinker is also considered to have that many more levels in the fighter class (such as for the purpose of using magic items).
The effects of a heroism potion last for 1d6+3 × 10 minutes.
Potion of hiding
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 150 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 22
- Special
- Distilled chameleon essence
Whenever the imbiber of this potion remains still for one round, his skin and clothing subtly changes color and pattern, blending in with his surroundings; this increases by 10 the DC of Perception checks to perceive the imbiber. If the subject moves from his position, the potion’s benefit is lost until he again spends a round immobile, whereupon the camouflage once more adapts to his new backdrop. The effects of a potion of hiding last for 1 hour.
Potion of invisibility
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 300 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 23
- Special
- Captured invisible stalker essence, or “heart” of a phantom fungus (taken while still invisible); or, casting of an invisibility spell
When this potion is consumed, it renders the imbiber invisible for 1d6+3 × 10 minutes. Attacks or hostile actions terminate the invisible state, but interacting with unattended objects does not. (See the invisibility spell for more information.) The individual possessing the potion may instead quaff a single gulp (equivalent to a quarter of the full dose) to become invisible for 2d6+3 minutes only; the remaining liquid retains a roughly proportionally shorter duration.
Potion of jumping
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 150 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 22
- Special
- Sinew of great cat; or, casting of a jump spell
Imbibing this potion allows the individual to jump as if possessing 8 ranks in the Acrobatics skill. If the imbiber already has at least 8 ranks in Acrobatics, the potion instead grants a +2 competence bonus on jump checks. Other uses of Acrobatics, such as tumbling, gain no benefit from a potion of jumping. The potion’s effects last for 1 hour.
Potion of levitation
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 3
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
A levitation potion enables the consumer to levitate in much the some manner as the levitate spell. The potion allows levitation of the individual only, subject to a maximum weight of 600 lbs., so it is possible that the individual drinking the potion could carry another person. The effects of a potion of levitation last for 1d6+3 × 10 minutes.
Potion of poison
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- special
- Price
- n/a
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- special
- Special
- See text
This is not a deliberately created substance, but the product of a mistake or mishap in the attempt to brew some other potion, elixir, etc. (More rarely, a poison potion may result when a beneficial concoction is adulterated with certain contaminants, exposed to the transformative influences of foul magic, etc.) A potion of poison often appears to be some other substance. (Alchemical analysis will reveal the potion’s true nature.)
If imbibed, a potion of poison has the effect of a powerful poison.
save Fort DC 16
frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
effect 1 step on the Constitution damage track
cure 2 saves
Potion of polymorphing
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 8
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
For 1d6+9 minutes, the drinker of a potion of polymorphing is transformed into a different creature.
If the size and shape assumed by the drinker is such as can use his worn and equipment, clothing, etc., then he continues to wear and hold these things; otherwise, all clothing and equipment on the drinker’s person fades and melds into his new form.
A transformed subject has the combat statistics and abilities of an average creature of the given kind in all respects, including mental ability scores. He retains none of his class, racial, or other character abilities (except that he still understands—and speaks, if his shape allows it—all the languages he normally knows). The subject retains the memory of his identity and purpose, and knows who his allies and his enemies are; but his outlook and disposition are otherwise those of the creature into which he has polymorphed.
Any damage, disease, or other affliction suffered by the subject is left behind by the transformation; the new form is healthy and has the full normal hit points of a creature whose shape he assumes. (However, damage is not healed and afflictions are not removed; when the elixir’s effects wear off, the subject is in the same state as he was when the transformation took effect.) Should the subject die while transformed, he reverts back to his true form (but is still dead).
When a potion of polymorphing is brewed, it is not yet “primed” with a target shape; a piece of a creature of the desired sort must be added to the potion, which absorbs the material and is now ready for consumption. (Drinking an un-primed potion of polymorphing results in undefined behavior.)
Any living creature may be polymorphed into; however, the consequences of polymorphing into a creature very different from the drinker (an insect, an ooze, etc.) may be unpredictable, as the subject’s mind may experience the transformation as a severe shock.
Potion of rage
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 5
- Price
- 250 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 26
- Special
- Heart of a giant badger, or vial of barbazu devil blood
If the imbiber of this potion is engaged in combat when she drinks it, she immediately enters a rage, much like a barbarian’s. If the potion is drunk when not engaged in combat, the imbiber enters a rage if she joins combat within the next minute; otherwise, the potion’s magic dissipates.
While raging, the imbiber gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a −2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the imbiber 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While raging, the imbiber cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
The imbiber cannot end her rage prematurely; the rage lasts until the end of one combat encounter, or until the imbiber falls unconscious (which puts the imbiber in peril of death, as the extra hit points granted by the potion’s effects are immediately lost). When the rage ends, the imbiber is fatigued.
A rage potion does not function if the imbiber is fatigued when its effects would begin.
Unlike most potions, a rage potion is not usable by all characters; the imbiber must be a fighter or ranger, of 3rd level or higher, in order to gain its benefits. (A heroism or super heroism potion may enable a drinker to benefit from a potion of rage who otherwise could not, however.) Any other character who drinks a rage potion is only sickened for a minute.
Potion of revive ability
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 5
- Price
- 300 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 26
- Special
- See text
Drinking this potion immediately cures two steps of ability damage to one ability score. These potions come in six “flavors”, one for each ability score: potion of revive Strength, potion of revive Charisma, etc. (The price given is for one potion, for any one of the abilities.)
Each “flavor” of a potion of revive ability requires a different special ingredient for its creation, as listed on the table below.
Ability Score | Special ingredient required |
Strength | Piece of a cane or walking stick used by an elderly (venerable age category) man or woman |
Dexterity | Vial of refined carrion crawler brain juice |
Constitution | Rotten wyvern egg |
Intelligence | Three patches of id moss |
Wisdom | Wine distilled from the berries of an assassin vine |
Charisma | One dose of fluffworm cactus essence |
If more than one potion of revive ability is taken in a single day (even if the potions are of different “flavors”), there is a cumulative 25% chance that each subsequent potion deals one step of ability damage (to the same ability score that the potion would normally revive), instead of having its desired effect.
Potion of sneaking
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 150 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 22
- Special
- Bugbear toe and a giant owl’s wing feather
This draught of liquid grants the drinker the ability to walk softly and dampens sound around her slightly, granting a +10 competence bonus on Stealth checks made to move silently for 1 hour. Other uses of Stealth, such as checks made to hide, gain no benefit from a potion of sneaking.
Potion of speed
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 5
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
For one minute after imbibing a potion of speed, the drinker is hastened (as by a haste spell; this effect does not stack with an actual haste spell, or with similar magical effects).
Potion of strength
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 150 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 21
- Special
- Heart of a bison, aurochs, or similar wild animal; or, casting of a bull’s strength spell
This potion increases the imbiber’s Strength score by 4 points if it is 6 or less normally, by 2 points if it’s at 7–13, and by 1 point if Strength is 14–17. (An imbiber with Strength 18+ gains no benefit from the potion.) The effects of a strength potion last for 1d6+3 × 10 minutes.
Potion of super healing
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 9
- Price
- 1,000 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 32
- Special
- Thread from the garment of a saint, or a unicorn tear; or, casting of a breath of life spell
Drinking this potion immediately restores 5d8+10 hit points. (An incomplete dose of this potion has no effect, in contrast to an extra healing potion.)
Unlike lesser healing potions, a potion of super healing can bring recently slain creatures back to life. (See the breath of life spell for details.)
Potion of super heroism
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 11
- Price
- 2,000 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 36
- Special
- Giant wolverine blood and a minotaur’s heart
Super Heroism | |
Level of drinker | Number of levels bestowed |
1st–3rd | 5 |
4th–6th | 4 |
7th–9th | 3 |
10th–12th | 2 |
This potion gives the imbiber a temporary increase in levels of fighting ability, if he or she has fewer than 13 character levels. The benefits depend on the imbiber’s level, as on Table: Super Heroism.
Additionally, the drinker may select a combat feat for which he qualifies, and gains the benefits of that feat for as long as the potion’s effects last. (This benefit, as well, is bestowed only upon imbibers who have fewer than 13 character levels.)
A super heroism potion is otherwise the same as a heroism potion, but its effects last for only 1d6+9 minutes.
Potion of swimming
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 150 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 23
- Special
- Brain of a dire shark; or, creator must have 10 or more ranks in Swim
Imbibing this potion allows the individual to swim as if possessing 8 ranks in the Swim skill. If the imbiber already has at least 8 ranks in Swim, the potion instead grants a +2 competence bonus on jump checks. The potion’s effects last for 1 hour.
Potion of truth
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 5
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This potion forces the individual drinking it to say nothing but the truth for 10 minutes. This is a mind-affecting compulsion enchantment.
The imbiber is compelled to answer any questions put to her while the potion’s effect lasts; however, with each question she is free to make a separate DC 16 Will save. If one of these saves is successful, the subject doesn’t break free of the truth-compelling enchantment, but also doesn’t have to answer that particular question. Succeeding on the save by 5 points or more allows the subject to mislead her questioners; succeeding by 10 points or more allows the subject to lie outright. (However, there is a danger that lies told under the influence of an elixir of truth may become the subject’s true beliefs.)
No more than one question can be asked each round.
Potion of tumbling
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 150 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 22
- Special
- Brain of a dire ape or girallon
Imbibing this potion allows the individual to tumble, keep his balance, and land softly after a jump, as if possessing 8 ranks in the Acrobatics skill. If the imbiber already has at least 8 ranks in Acrobatics, the potion instead grants a +2 competence bonus on skill checks of this sort. Other uses of Acrobatics, such as jumping, gain no benefit from a potion of tumbling. The potion’s effects last for 1 hour.
Potion of vision
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 250 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 23
- Special
- Eye of a giant eagle or roc
This potion, when drunk, at first causes a stabbing pain behind the eyes; one round later, the pain clears, and for the next hour the imbiber’s vision sharpens greatly, granting him a +10 competence bonus on Perception checks made to spot fine details or see things at a distance, and checks to search by visual inspection. Other uses of Perception, such as checks made to hear details of a whispered conversation, gain no benefit from a potion of vision.
Potion of vitality
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 5
- Price
- 300 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 26
- Special
- Coffee beans worth 100 gp
The imbiber of this potion gains fast healing 1 for 1d6+3 × 10 minutes. While the potion’s effects last, the imbiber takes 3 additional points of healing whenever he is healed by magic (not including any fast healing effects)—he takes +3 points of healing from a cure light wounds spell, from an extra healing potion, etc. Additionally, the next time the imbiber regains hit points naturally (usually after the following night’s rest), he regains twice as many hit points as normal.
Potion of water breathing
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 5
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
The imbiber of this potion can breathe normally in liquids that contain dissolved oxygen (this includes most rivers, lakes, etc.). Drinking the entirety of the vial’s contents allows water breathing for eight hours. Alternatively, a quarter-dose may be quaffed, to gain only two hours of water-breathing ability; the remaining liquid retains a proportionally shorter duration.
Skin Paints
Magical skin paints come in small pots. One pot contains three applications; one application lasts for 24 hours.
It takes 4 minutes to apply a skin paint (2 minutes if another character does nothing but assist you), and 1 minute to remove (30 seconds if another character does nothing but assist you).
Magical skin paints cannot be combined; an applied skin paint must be removed before another can be applied. Such skin paints also do not function if concealing clothing, or any sort of armor, is worn; the greater part of the wearer’s skin must be uncovered, else the magic fails to operate. (Skin paints are thus popular with barbarians who go into battle wearing little more than a loincloth.)
Skin paint of warding
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 3
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
Skin paint of warding imbues its wearer with a +4 armor bonus to AC. This functions just like the mage armor spell (and thus also applies to incorporeal touch attacks). The wearer also gains a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws.
(See the Skin Paints sidebar for more details on magical skin paints.)
Smelling salts
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 25 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 25
These sharply scented gray crystals cause people inhaling them to regain consciousness. Smelling salts grant you a new saving throw to resist any spell or effect that has already rendered you unconscious or staggered. If exposed to smelling salts while dying, you immediately become conscious and staggered, but must still make stabilization checks each round; if you perform any standard action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act and fall unconscious again. A container of smelling salts has dozens of uses if stoppered after each use, but depletes in a matter of hours if left opened.
Smoke pellet
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 25 gp
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- 20
This small clay sphere contains two alchemical substances separated by a thin barrier. When you break the sphere, the substances mingle and fill a 5-foot cube with a cloud of foul but harmless yellow smoke. The smoke pellet acts as a smokestick, except the smoke only lasts for 1 round before dispersing. You may throw a smoke pellet as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet.
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 20 gp
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- 15
This alchemically treated wooden stick instantly creates thick, opaque smoke when burned. The smoke fills a 10-foot cube (treat the effect as a fog cloud spell, except that a moderate or stronger (11+ mph) wind dissipates the smoke in 1 round). The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally after 1 minute.
Sneezing powder
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 3
- Price
- 60 gp
- Weight
- 2 lb.
- Craft DC
- 24
This coarse yellowish-red powder is a splash weapon that causes uncontrollable sneezing for 1d4+1 rounds. Anyone standing within a 5-foot-diameter area around the impact must succeed on a DC 12 Reflex save to avoid inhaling the powder, while adjacent creatures must make DC 10 Reflex saves. Creatures affected by sneezing powder must make DC 12 Fortitude save every round for the duration or be staggered until their next turn. Creatures who do not have lungs, or do not breathe, are not affected by sneezing powder.
Soothe syrup
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 25 gp
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- 18
This sweet and wholesome-tasting blue liquid creates a sense of warmth and comfort. Soothe syrup coats your stomach and makes it much more difficult for you to succumb to queasiness. For 1 hour after drinking soothe syrup you gain a +5 alchemical bonus on saving throws made to resist effects that would make you nauseated or sickened.
Sovereign glue
- Rarity
- uncommon
- Level
- 10
- Price
- 3,800 gp
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- 34
- Special
- One hoof each from a unicorn and a nightmare
This pale amber substance is thick and viscous. Because of its particular powers, it can be contained only in a flask whose inside has been coated with 1 ounce of oil of slipperiness, and each time any of the bonding agent is poured from the flask, a new application of the oil of slipperiness must be put in the flask within 1 round to prevent the remaining glue from adhering to the side of the container. A flask of sovereign glue, when found, holds anywhere from 1 to 7 ounces of the stuff (1d8−1, minimum 1), with the other ounce of the flask’s capacity taken up by the oil of slipperiness. (The price given is for 7 ounces of glue. Note that the oil of slipperiness necessary to contain the glue must be manufactured separately in advance, else the glue adheres to its container and becomes useless shortly after its creation.)
One ounce of this adhesive covers 1 square foot of surface, bonding virtually any two substances together in a permanent union. The glue takes 1 round to set. If the objects are pulled apart (a move action) before that time has elapsed, that application of the glue loses its stickiness and is worthless. If the glue is allowed to set, then attempting to separate the two bonded objects only results in the rending of one or the other, except when oil of etherealness or universal solvent is applied to the bond—sovereign glue is dissolved only by those substances.
Spider’s nest bullet
- Rarity
- very rare
- Level
- 4
- Price
- 500 gp
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- 23
- Special
- Giant spider egg sac
This oddly shaped sling bullet consists of a tightly packed cluster of small spheres rather than one smooth mass. On a successful hit, a spider’s nest bullet creates a web, as the spell from a 7th-level caster, and releases 1d4+4 giant spiders. (Typically, these are Small cobweb spiders, funnel weavers, or the like; use statistics for a giant grab spider.) The spiders move through the web freely and swarm over any creatures caught in it.
The web lasts for 10 minutes; the spiders do not leave the web while it lasts. After the web dissipates, any remaining spiders that have not yet claimed a victim may attack nearby creatures, or each other. Surviving spiders scatter and pursue their own destinies.
Though designed for use as a sling bullet, a spider’s nest bullet may also be thrown as a grenade-like weapon, with a range increment of 20 feet.
Exceptional versions of this item may be created, which create larger webs, and unleash larger spiders. The egg sac of a correspondingly larger species of giant spider must be used in such an item’s creation, and the Alchemy check DC to craft the item is likewise higher.
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 2 gp
- Weight
- 1 lb.
- Craft DC
- 20
This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped, iron rod glows brightly when struck as a standard action. It sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius and increases the light level by one step for an additional 30 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A sunrod does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. It glows for 6 hours, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
Tanglefoot bag
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 50 gp
- Weight
- 4 lb.
- Craft DC
- 18
A tanglefoot bag is a small sack filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When you throw a tanglefoot bag at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air.
An entangled creature takes a −2 penalty on attack rolls and a −4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. On a failed save, it is glued to the floor, unable to move. A flying creature that fails its save is not stuck to the floor, but it is unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground.
If an entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make a concentration check with a DC of 15 + the spell’s level or be unable to cast the spell.
A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed.
The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.
Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater.
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 2
- Price
- 30 gp
- Weight
- 1 lb.
- Craft DC
- 20
You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a −4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast.
Since you don’t need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot diameter area. Treat such a target as having AC 5.
- Rarity
- common
- Level
- 1
- Price
- 1 gp
- Weight
- —
- Craft DC
- 15
The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Universal solvent
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 10
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- 1⁄2 lb.
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
This strange and magical liquid appears to be some sort of minor oil or potion. Upon first examination, it seems to have the properties of both oil of slipperiness and a potion of delusion. However, if it is applied to any form of adhesive or sticky material, the solution immediately dissolves it. Thus, for instance, the effect of sovereign glue immediately is negated by this liquid, as is any other form of cement, glue, or adhesive. The area of effect of this liquid is 1 cubic foot per ounce. (The price given is for 3 ounces.)
If the liquid is carefully distilled to bring it down to one-third of its original volume (which requires a DC 25 Alchemy check), each resulting ounce dissolves 1 cubic foot of organic or inorganic material, just as if a disintegrate spell had been employed. The distilled liquid may be splashed onto an adjacent creature, or a flask of it may be thrown as a grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 10 feet, in either case requiring a ranged touch attack to strike a target. A creature, or a magic item, is entitled to a Fortitude save (DC 22) to resist the effects. Success on the save indicates that the target took only 5d6 damage, while a failed save results in taking 20d6 damage.
Weapon Smears
Alchemical weapon smears come in small pots. One pot contains five applications. Each application suffices to coat one melee weapon, or 10 projectiles. An application of a weapon smear loses its effect after the smeared weapon has been used in one combat encounter; otherwise, it dries and flakes off after 8 hours. It takes 1 minute to apply a weapon smear, and 3 rounds to remove it.
Weapon smears cannot be combined; an applied weapon smear must be removed before another can be applied. Weapon smears may be applied to any sort of weapon (a blade, a mace, etc.). However, they aren’t suitable for use on a magical weapon with a property such as flaming, frost, etc. (such effects cause a weapon smear to evaporate, freeze off, or otherwise be rendered ineffective). For the same reason, weapon smears usually lose their effectiveness after just one attack when used against creatures (such as remorhazes) whose bodies radiate intense heat or cold, or otherwise damage weapons that strike them.
The DM has final say about whether a weapon smear functions in any given circumstance.
Weapon smear, bleed
- Rarity
- rare
- Level
- 3
- Price
- ?
- Weight
- 1 lb.
- Craft DC
- ?
- Special
- (unknown)
Bleed weapon smear causes the coated weapon to inflict 1-point bleed when it deals damage. (That is, the wounded creature begins to bleed, losing 1 hit point per round, starting in the next round. Multiple wounds from such a weapon result in cumulative bleeding, i.e. 2 hit points lost per round after being wounded twice, etc.) The bleeding can be stopped by a successful Heal check (DC 15), or by the application of any magical healing (e.g., any cure spell).
(See the Weapon Smears sidebar for more details on alchemical weapon smears.)