Old World» Magic Items

Fetish of the survivor

This fetish grants the wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to saving throws against disease, poison, and other physical afflictions. It also stanches bleeding; on the round after the wearer begins to take damage from a bleeding wound, the fetish begins to reduce the severity of the bleeding (i.e., the rate of blood loss), by 1 point per round, until the bleeding has stopped.

After helping the wearer to survive three afflictions, the fetish crumbles into dust. (The fetish is considered to have had an effective role in aiding the wearer’s survival if the wearer succeeds on a saving throw which would have been a failed save without the bonus provided by the fetish; or, in the case of the stanching effect, if the wearer would have dropped below 0 hit points due to the bleed, if not for the fetish’s effect.)