Old World» Hyena

Hyenas are pack hunters infamous for their cunning and their unnerving vocalizations. (The statistics presented here are for a striped hyena, which is about 3 feet long and weighs about 120 pounds.)


A favorite tactic is to send a few individuals against the foe’s front while the rest of the pack circles and attacks from the flanks or rear.

A hyena can be summoned with a summon nature’s ally II spell.


Medium animal

Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8


AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)

hp 13 (2d8+4)

Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1


Speed 50 ft.

Melee bite +3 (1d6+3 plus trip)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.


Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6

Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15 (19 vs. trip)

Feats Skill Focus (Perception)

Skills Perception +8, Stealth +6 (+10 in tall grass or undergrowth)

Morale craven (−2)


Environment warm deserts

Organization solitary, pair, or pack (1d10+6)

Special Abilities

Trip (Ex)

A hyena that hits with its bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the hyena.


Hyenas have a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks in areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth.