Enhanced magic
Particular spells and spell-like abilities (i.e., those aligned with the planar trait) may have certain metamagic feats (usually, the caster’s choice of Empower, Enlarge, or Extend) applied to them, without the need for special preparation or extended casting time. (Spells cast in this way are also Heightened +2.)
Impeded magic
Particular spells and spell-like abilities (i.e., those opposed to the planar trait) are more difficult to cast effectively. A Spellcraft check (DC 10 + twice the spell’s level) is needed in order to cast the spell. Failure means that the spell fizzles (but is still expended); success means that the spell is cast, but deals half damage, has its save DCs reduced by 4, and has its range halved. Succeeding on the check by 10 points or more means that the spell is cast normally, without reduction in effectiveness.
Cold dominant
On a cold dominant plane, Cold spells are enhanced (Maximized); water spells are enhanced (Extended); Fire spells are impeded.
Unprotected travelers take 1d6 points of cold damage per round.
Negative Dominant
On a negative dominant plane, spells that use negative energy are enhanced (Empowered); spells that use positive energy are impeded.
On a minor negative dominant plane, unprotected travelers take 1d6 points of negative energy damage per round.
On a major negative dominant plane, unprotected travelers gain 1 negative level per round (DC 25 Fortitude save negates).
A death ward spell protects travelers from the damage or negative levels (in the minor case, without using charges; in the the major case, using 1 charge per round).