The party is taken to Nightscree and meets Siran, who identifies Albrecht and Nikolai as followers of The Iron Triad. The Goblin High Priestess of Volos takes the other three party members to Tarpeian Rock to be tortured for information. They are put in a cell with Greek captives.
<<< Nikolai has joined >>> <<< 08:08:02 PM >>> Nikolai: oof Nikolai: 8:07 Nikolai: I'm bad at this game Nikolai: where's oliver DM of Gaia: Good question DM of Gaia: He's not on AIM DM of Gaia: So I will call him Nikolai: good plan Nikolai: chris, you there? DM of Gaia: Goes straight to voicemail Sven: yes DM of Gaia: I'm starting at 8:20 regardless of where he is DM of Gaia: Now DM of Gaia: Does anyone have any questions or comments Sven: just one comment Sven: booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sven: that's all. Boris: urns Nikolai: agreed Nikolai: ok so Nikolai: chris Nikolai: I'm reserving a room here Nikolai: what are my dates Sven: aug 7-10 Nikolai: k DM of Gaia: Ok so DM of Gaia: . Nikolai: $249/night is correct? Sven: yes Boris: whats going down? Albrecht: probably us. Sven: forrizzle. DM of Gaia: Yep Nikolai: yeeeah DM of Gaia: Here's what I need from you guys Nikolai: we may get served. DM of Gaia: I need you to PM me your equipment sections of your char sheet DM of Gaia: Armor, weapons, special crap DM of Gaia: I don't care about your random mundane stuff or money or anything Nikolai: hey guess what oliver has Nikolai: a sheet with all our loot on it DM of Gaia: He sure does DM of Gaia: Ok DM of Gaia: Chris and Flynn now Boris: im on it DM of Gaia: Let's go guys, we're starting as soon as you send me that info Sven: was culling the shit you don't care about. DM of Gaia: Ok DM of Gaia: Alright whatever DM of Gaia: While you're culling DM of Gaia: We'll begin Sven: oh I see what happened here. Nikolai: bleh Sven: you didn't get my PM Nikolai: give oliver another call Sven: because I sent it to the wrong DM. Sven: bahhh. DM of Gaia: Oliver is still unavailable. DM of Gaia: So. Nikolai: ugh Nikolai: he will be scolded Sven: did you get that one? <<< jflynn has joined >>> <<< 08:23:41 PM >>> Albrecht: so he will be <<< jflynn is now known as Boris >>> DM of Gaia: I did. DM of Gaia: Now then. DM of Gaia: As you guys will recall, last session ended with you being unconscious. Nikolai: I don't remember that, I was unconscious DM of Gaia: Yep. DM of Gaia: //Ian log an Oliver plz for the meantime DM of Gaia: You all got beaten into submission at various points in the fight Boris: I remember Albrecht: Vasilol DM of Gaia: With Boris, as I recall, being last Nikolai: //sigh <<< Nikolai has joined >>> <<< 08:25:57 PM >>> <<< Nikolai is now known as oliver sucks >>> DM of Gaia: Now DM of Gaia: Some unspecified time later DM of Gaia: You awaken DM of Gaia: The first thing you are aware of is movement DM of Gaia: Rough, but steady movement, as if you are being carried somewhere DM of Gaia: The next thing you notice is the smell. DM of Gaia: An overpowering, repulsive stench of death and decomposition assaults your senses. <<< Boris has left >>> <<< 08:27:47 PM >>> DM of Gaia: When you involuntarily twitch and move from that sensation, you realize the third thing DM of Gaia: Which is that you are tightly bound, hand and foot Boris: what with? DM of Gaia: The ropes are quite constricting and painful DM of Gaia: Additionally, you feel yourselves firmly within the grasp of some powerful arms DM of Gaia: You are also blindfolded Nikolai: additionally you sense that some burly guy did your mother DM of Gaia: Though your blindfolds seem to be more carelessly applied than your bindings. Albrecht: <searching for an appropriate game> Albrecht: <not found> Albrecht: <searching for a group of burly men> DM of Gaia: Around you, you hear intermittent speech, in Goblin Nikolai: you're not quite sure but you feel like you may have been anally violated as well Nikolai: either way, your butt hurts DM of Gaia: The goblins are laughing and jeering DM of Gaia: And occasionally, you hear deep grunting noises from whatever powerful creature is carrying you DM of Gaia: Though by the smell, you surmise it to be the undead ogre-like thing that pummeled you into unconsciousness before DM of Gaia: It is carrying all of you at once. Nikolai: fucking undead ogre thing Albrecht: <searching for a burly undead ogre thing...> <<< root has joined >>> <<< 08:31:44 PM >>> Albrecht: <burly undead ogre thing found> Boris: stupid undead Nikolai: whose root is that <<< Bouncy has joined >>> <<< 08:33:14 PM >>> DM of Gaia: What's root Nikolai: well I know who THAT is <<< Bouncy is now known as A spider >>> Sven: ruh roh. <<< oliver sucks is now known as A fly >>> A fly: oh snap *** A fly flee <<< A fly is now known as oliver still sucks >>> DM of Gaia: Ok. DM of Gaia: Do any of you do anything while being carried? Nikolai: because you know Nikolai: so many options Sven: how in the world would you suggest I go about doing that. DM of Gaia: Alright DM of Gaia: So you're just carried Albrecht: I uh... remember not to stop breathing. DM of Gaia: If you ever make any sort of movement DM of Gaia: Or look to be conscious in any way DM of Gaia: The goblins just smack you with the butt ends of their spears DM of Gaia: Until you're unconscious again Sven: great. DM of Gaia: But eventually your blindfolds slide off a bit Nikolai: fair enough DM of Gaia: And you're able to kinda see DM of Gaia: You're carried for several days DM of Gaia: Deeper and deeper into the forest DM of Gaia: The terrain becomes more mountainous DM of Gaia: Your captors occasionally encounter other goblins, patrolling the forest DM of Gaia: Usually these contain goblins warriors, clerics, worg riders, skeletons and zombies... various combinations of these DM of Gaia: Occasionally another one of these two-headed undead ogre creatures DM of Gaia: You notice that the deeper you go into the forest, the more undead there are in the goblin patrols DM of Gaia: You pass through several small goblins camps and settlements DM of Gaia: Eventually, you're carried up a mountain DM of Gaia: The trail passes along the shore of a long mountain lake DM of Gaia: Steep cliffs overlook the other side of the lake, and several imposing, wooden guard towers overlook it DM of Gaia: Finally, the trail passes the lake, and takes you to the edge of a steep drop DM of Gaia: Here, on the wide, rocky ledge, the creature carrying you sets you down Nikolai: uh Nikolai: fantastic DM of Gaia: The goblins escorting you rummage through your taken belongings, finding several healing potions DM of Gaia: And pour one into the mouth of each of you DM of Gaia: Your blindfolds are then taken off DM of Gaia: Kneeling on the rocky ledge, you look out from it DM of Gaia: And behold a vast, wide valley Albrecht: //so what's that, a cure light out from each of us? DM of Gaia: //yes DM of Gaia: Which is almost entirely covered with dense settlement DM of Gaia: A huge array of squat, circular wooden dwellings DM of Gaia: A multitude of guard towers ringing the edges of the valley DM of Gaia: Everywhere within this... city, as it were, there is strange wooden construction connecting all of the buildings, planks, vertical towers, strange frames DM of Gaia: A number of large pits are dug throughout the goblin city, and they are also filled with similar wooden construction Sven: let's call it goblimmar Nikolai: haha Albrecht: I think it's called Nightscree. DM of Gaia: And as you look down there, seeing movement everywhere, you realize that this entire city is swarming with goblins Albrecht: And it's probably Gobli'la, anyway :P DM of Gaia: You cannot estimate their number, but you guess it must be many thousands Boris: wonderful DM of Gaia: Ok DM of Gaia: You see three black dots in the sky Nikolai: boo DM of Gaia: They are approaching Nikolai: boourns DM of Gaia: As they come closer... you discern their shapes, and see that they are three of the massive, black, vulture-like birds you saw just before you were attacked and captured DM of Gaia: The bird in the middle is mounted by the same horned, demonic rider as before DM of Gaia: As the birds approach, the goblin worg riders escorting you back away from you slowly DM of Gaia: You note with shock that there is terror in their eyes DM of Gaia: The three birds, including the one with the demonic rider, swoop down on you DM of Gaia: The left bird grabs Boris and Nikolai, one in each claw DM of Gaia: The right bird grabs Sven and Vasily DM of Gaia: And the middle bird grabs Albrecht in both claws DM of Gaia: With a massive down-sweep of their wings, the three birds take off Sven: what about my wolf DM of Gaia: You've seen no evidence of your wolf since the battle. Sven: :( DM of Gaia: Plunging down into the valley, the birds carrying you soar toward the middle of the city <<< DM of Gaia has joined >>> <<< 08:56:29 PM >>> DM of Gaia: . DM of Gaia: As they approach the haphazard arrangement of wooden structures in the city's center, the birds begin circling downward DM of Gaia: . <<< DM of Gaia has left >>> <<< 08:56:55 PM >>> DM of Gaia: And when they're about 10 feet up, they drop you unceremoniously onto a flat platform attached to the side of a massive structure, around which the surrounding ones seem to be built DM of Gaia: The demonic rider of the middle bird jumps down from its bird onto the same platform DM of Gaia: Several goblin guards emerge from a doorway at the edge of the platform DM of Gaia: Pulling you roughly to your feet, they prod you to walk inside. DM of Gaia: The demon follows. DM of Gaia: You are led into the bowels of the building, passing through cramped, low hallways, and rooms and chambers whose purpose you cannot begin to guess DM of Gaia: You are eventually led down a number of stairways to a vast hall which you figure must be below ground level DM of Gaia: Along the two long walls, there are a number of wall hangings which appear to be made... of skin DM of Gaia: On each, drawn in blood, are illustrations of some sort of undead creature Boris: i do hlope they make me into a good one DM of Gaia: From simple skeletons, zombies, ghouls, to strange creatures of twisted bone and flesh that you have never even heard of DM of Gaia: At the end of the hall is a high dais DM of Gaia: On it sits an elaborate throne carved out of bones, on a pedestal which is actually a mound of skulls DM of Gaia: The horned demon walks to the end of the hall, ascends the dais, and sits on the throne DM of Gaia: It gestures to your guards, who untie your bonds and leave, closing the hall's massive wooden doors behind them DM of Gaia: And just then, looking closer at the demon as it passes you, you realize that the demonic visage is in fact an elaborately constructed suit of armor DM of Gaia: Which makes its wearer appear to be a demon DM of Gaia: And after the doors close, the creature on the throne takes off its horned helmet, separating it from the rest of the armor DM of Gaia: And reveals itself to be a relatively young, beautiful human woman, in her mid to late twenties Sven: wtfcharles. DM of Gaia: She has long, black hair, and her facial features indicate her to be of one of the southern peoples... Cuman, Abkhaz, Seljuk... something like that Nikolai: what. Nikolai: srsly. Sven: charlesy got mah head again. DM of Gaia: She smiles with distinct satisfaction, saying "I am Siran. Welcome... to Nightscree." Nikolai: i like yo raincoat *** Sven feels hit with his own pimp <<< A spider is now known as Siran >>> Nikolai: o i c Sven: fucking spiders. Siran: Well well well. What do we have here. Travelers? What business do you have in these forests? Albrecht: //language is? Sven: //I assume not infernal again DM of Gaia: Russian! Nikolai: //russian would be nice Nikolai: //hooray DM of Gaia: . Nikolai: Better question, what the hell is a human girl doing consorting with goblins? Siran: I'll ask the questions here. Nikolai: I suppose you will. Siran: And I did. now provide me with answers. Sven: //hahaha Siran: //:) oliver still : //well then Albrecht: The forest was in our path. We passed through. <<< oliver still sucks is now known as Vasily >>> *** Vasily ahem Boris: // did we ever actually enter it? Sven: //we tried . . . then we got served. Albrecht: // this time, we reached the edge Siran: And where were you headed? Vasily: We were only heading to Kiev Albrecht: // but we've been all the way through and back, and then poked around at Krivograd Vasily: To do business. Vasily: We swear me meant no harm to you or... *glancing around* Siran: What kind of business? Vasily: Your people. Sven: //hooray beer - err, business Vasily: We convey goods and services between Kiev and parts south. Vasily: A bit of odd jobs here and there. Vasily: We were on our way back to Kiev to report to our employer... nothing more. Siran: Who is your employer? Vasily: //what's the dude's name Vasily: //I forgot Albrecht: //Arkadiy? Sven: //arkadiy norkin or some shit? Vasily: //sure Vasily: A merchant by the name of Arkadiy. Vasily: Arkadiy Norkin, I believe? Vasily: But please, miss, tell us why we have been captured and brought here. Siran: Well, I don't really take too kindly to people entering and wandering about MY forest. And you did mean harm, as you have already killed some of my people. So if you hope to make it out of this alive, maybe we should get to know each other a little better. Nikolai: We were attacked. Albrecht: If you don't want people entering your forest, perhaps you should put up a sign? Siran: I don't care who attacked. THEY are dead. *** Siran picks Albrecht up by his shirt and throws him into a wall Sven: //well damn. Siran: Anyone else have any smart comments? Boris: // has too high of an int score for that Siran: I assure you I can do much better than simple violence *** Albrecht staggers back to his feet Siran: So, who do you all follow for guidance? *** Sven is confused by the question *** Nikolai same *** Siran waves her hands and causes bones to fly all over the room, hitting everyone in it Siran: Well? *** Nikolai wonders if he's unconscious *** Albrecht same Sven: I . . . don't think we know what you mean. Siran: We can do this the easy way, or I can kill you. Decide. Siran: Well, who do you follow, pray to, that sort of thing. *** Nikolai snorts Nikolai: No one. *** Boris is agnostic Albrecht: No god has my allegiance. Sven: My faith, if you can call it that, is nature itself. Siran: Riiiiiiight, so what is your actual mission. I'm growing somewhat impatient with all of your lies. I know you're not simple merchants. Nikolai: We've told you why we're here. Nikolai: You can believe us or not, it makes no difference to me. Siran: makes a hand gesture and causes a skull to rise into the air and smack Nikolai unconscious Siran: //with the option key :P Siran: You all really don't value your lives Sven: //haha, siran fails at hotline Siran: //die DM of Gaia: //LOL, you guys are going to fail at living pretty soon Boris: Now that wasn't very nice. Nikolai: //guess we'll have to reroll then Boris: I suppose you found some sort of box then? *** Vasily looks over at Nikolai Siran: I have found many boxes in my life. Which do you speak of? *** Vasily looks at Boris *** Vasily sigh Vasily: We are delivering a box. There is some sort of payment in it. Vasily: What I told you before is the truth, I swear it. Vasily: It was among our possessions when you had your minions kidnap us. Siran: You all bore me. I'm through here. *** Siran begins to walk away Nikolai: //*goes back to playing rumble roses* DM of Gaia: As she turns away, Siran stops Sven: //did we ever open the box? DM of Gaia: //no Albrecht: // we were going to do that in Kiev DM of Gaia: She removes the right gauntlet of her armor, throwing it to the floor DM of Gaia: With her bare hand, she reaches for her neck DM of Gaia: Turning around, she takes off a chain of iron links around her neck Sven: We were told not to open the box, so we haven't. Sven: //you and your rumble roses :-P DM of Gaia: Siran approaches you once more DM of Gaia: You see that hanging on the chain is a small triangle of wrought iron Sven: //does it look like anything familiar to anyone? DM of Gaia: Its corners are cut off, and the edges are curled in to create a rounded edge Albrecht: // probably, if sandy had ever described any of the imagery of the iron triad Sven: //the what? DM of Gaia: //I never did Nikolai: //I wouldn't know, being unconscious DM of Gaia: On the surface of the triangle are a number of deep grooves DM of Gaia: The grooves form a pattern of three inscribed triangles DM of Gaia: Like so: DM of Gaia: Nikolai: // now that looks familiar Sven: //does it? Albrecht: // Ian, did we ever establish that both of us have knowledge of arakel? DM of Gaia: //It does? Albrecht: // also is it familiar to me? Nikolai: //between us? no Nikolai: //doesn't matter cause nikolai is unconscious Albrecht: // triforce inside triforce? :P DM of Gaia: //It is not familiar to any of you Nikolai: //k whatever Nikolai: //it's definitely familiar to mE Nikolai: //maybe not nikolai DM of Gaia: //How sos DM of Gaia: -s Nikolai: //dunno Nikolai: //just is Nikolai: //feel like I've seen this in a previous character creation. DM of Gaia: Siran approaches Sven first DM of Gaia: She holds out the iron pendant, dangling it in front of him DM of Gaia: Concentrating for several seconds, she furrows her brow... and shakes her head DM of Gaia: She then walks over to Boris, repeating this same procedure *** Sven raises an eyebrow Boris: I furrow my brow back DM of Gaia: Then, Siran approaches Albrecht DM of Gaia: When she dangles the triangle pendant in front of you, you feel your eyes drawn to the inscribed image DM of Gaia: And as you watch, the grooves within the iron begin to fill with... darkness DM of Gaia: As if jet-black water was being poured into them DM of Gaia: Just for a second, you see an image in your mind DM of Gaia: A tall, perfectly formed humanoid being DM of Gaia: He is powerfully muscled, with dark skin and black hair DM of Gaia: A pair of massive, black feathered wings stretch out behind his back, and in his hands is a tremendous greathammer Boris: // perfectly formed but "he"? DM of Gaia: //what does that mean Sven: // so it would seem. DM of Gaia: Siran lowers the pendant, nodding with satisfaction Albrecht: // only women can be perfectly formed, because breasts are required for perfection? Siran: //i want him Sven: // that seems to be the conclusion Sven: //fucking spiders. DM of Gaia: She walks over to Vasily, holding out the pendant in front of him, with the same lack of effect as with Boris and Sven DM of Gaia: Finally, she kneels before the unconscious Nikolai DM of Gaia: Holding the iron pendant above him Nikolai: //lol? DM of Gaia: And as with Albrecht, the grooves in the iron begin to fill with darkness DM of Gaia: Nikolai, you awaken with a start Siran: //what i did was far less terrible than some of the stuff Sandy happy with unconsciousness Nikolai: //meh? Sven: //lol DM of Gaia: And as you do, just for a moment, a vision flashes into your mind Nikolai: //doesn't matter to me really Siran: //cause ebola was one of em Sven: //. . . ebola? Nikolai: //heh Siran: //lol Nikolai: //fort save or die slowly? Sven: //how about the herp Siran: //no save Nikolai: //the HIV! Sven: //there's an idea. Siran: //hahaha cause the hiv Sven: //die in 10 years, no save Nikolai: //pool closed due to AIDS Siran: //aw!!!! now i have great ideas!!! let's redo that scene!!! Sven: //hahahaha DM of Gaia: A beautiful woman, massively tall, with greenish skin Nikolai: //whatever this is medieval russia, nikolai probably doesn't have 10 years left in him DM of Gaia: Her features are almost angelic Sven: //guess you better ascend to godhood soon, eh Nikolai: //guess so Sven: //better get on that. DM of Gaia: But there is something about her gaze that seems to radiate evil intent Nikolai: //working on it Siran: //your penis is suddenly covered in huge red welts before it shrivels up and falls off Sven: //well that's a damn shame. Nikolai: //isn't it though DM of Gaia: A pair of crimson, feathered wings stretch out behind her Nikolai: Hey, I know you. DM of Gaia: And in her hand is a flaming longsword. Nikolai: can I has Ur-Priest levels? Siran: //"hey babeh!" Sven: I'm glad somebody knows something around here. DM of Gaia: Siran, once again, nods with satisfaction. DM of Gaia: She opens her mouth to speak... DM of Gaia: But just as that happens, the massive wooden doors to the chamber burst open DM of Gaia: And through them storms a retinue of goblins Nikolai: uh DM of Gaia: Leading it is a very old, stooped cleric in elaborate robes DM of Gaia: A holy symbol of Volos, intricately carved out of darkwood, hangs around her neck DM of Gaia: She is escorted by several younger clerics, as well as a number of warriors Nikolai: //bitches pinned me Nikolai: //goddamnit <<< Old Cleric has joined >>> <<< 09:47:52 PM >>> Siran: Oh, you. What do you want? DM of Gaia: Looking around at her entourage, the cleric speaks, in the low, harsh tones of Infernal *** Albrecht understands DM of Gaia: Her voice is hoarse with age *** Sven boggles *** Old Cleric gestures with a bony finger at the prisoners Old Cleric: . DM of Gaia: . <<< DM has left >>> <<< 09:49:34 PM >>> <<< Old Cleric has left >>> <<< 09:49:34 PM >>> Sven: . DM of Gaia: Chat buffer bug ftl <<< DM has joined >>> <<< 09:49:51 PM >>> <<< Old Cleric has joined >>> <<< 09:49:55 PM >>> Old Cleric: I want... these. Old Cleric: They will come with me. *** Sven sighs Nikolai: //moar undead plzkthx Siran: These are my toys. They were brought to me. Siran: Go find your own. *** Old Cleric scowls, revealing a toothless mouth *** Siran rolls her eyes Old Cleric: All prisoners who could have knowledge that might benefit our goals are to be interrogated at Tarpeian Rock, not here. Old Cleric: That is the rule. Sven: //where was that again? Old Cleric: Do you believe you are now powerful enough to defy what is established? Siran: And I have determined that they are useless. Now If you'll excuse me, I was about to have fun. DM of Gaia: //That was the goblin fortress near Krivograd Sven: //ok Old Cleric: Then you are a fool! Give them to me, and I will have my minions question them. Old Cleric: After all, can a human woman know the arts of torture as well as those of the One Race? Siran: Fine, you know what. you can have those 3 (pointing at Sven, Boris, and Vasily). I'm keeping the other 2. Old Cleric: They have told you nothing because they do not fear you. *** Old Cleric narrows her eyes *** Sven sighs Nikolai: k bye Siran: And never question my ability to torture. *** Old Cleric gestures to her warriors, who step forward and grab the three aforementioned PCs *** Sven has been passed around like some sort of cheap ho Old Cleric: Don't think that you've won, girl. Korelek will hear of this when he returns from his raid. Siran: Fine. Tell him. Take your things and leave please. *** Old Cleric turns around and storms out, her retinue and prisoners in tow <<< Old Cleric has left >>> <<< 09:57:06 PM >>> Sven: :/ *** Nikolai coughs up a bit of blood *** Nikolai struggles to rise to his feet *** Siran laughs *** Nikolai narrows his eyes at Siran Sven: //that's an old-ass man right there. Nikolai: // truth Nikolai: //my brittle old man hip Sven: //probably even crotchety. Siran: So. Nikolai: What do you know of Zorayan the Magnificent? Siran: You two know what this is. (holds out the necklace) Siran: And but of course. Nikolai: I'm beginning to have some idea. Siran: I've known that you would be coming here. Nikolai: *snorts* Well, now I feel like those questions earlier were for show... Siran: So? Regardless... Siran: I suggest that you help me, or rather, we help each other. Join me, and together we can achieve power. Those who serve the Iron Triad should work together. *** Nikolai looks over at Albrecht Nikolai: You were a part of this too? Albrecht: My great great uncle Johann introduced me to Arakel the Mighty years ago. Nikolai: Hmph. How convenient for you. Sven: //feel that crotchety goodness. Albrecht: You? Nikolai: Are you familiar with Ragnarok? Nikolai: The end of the world? Nikolai: The death of the Gods themselves? Albrecht: Only tangentially. Albrecht: But it was part of why I came to Russia Nikolai: Maybe some day I'll tell you about it. But now is not the time. Siran: This is all very cute, but let's get down to it. I want power. You two undoubtedly want power. You don't think I came to this position I am in now by traveling around with a bunch of unenlightened nobodies do you? We could be so powerful. *** Nikolai nods Nikolai: It is as you say... Nikolai: If you serve the Iron Triad, then it would be foolish to reject your offer. Albrecht: Indeed. Nikolai: But... I would request that our travelling party be spared. Nikolai: Though I wonder if it is within your power to spare them... the politics of your goblin tribe seem rather tangled. *** Nikolai snickers *** Nikolai looking meaningfully to where the goblin cleric exited Siran: Insulting my tribe is not the way to get me to help your friends. Albrecht: You should see the politicking in the Empire. Albrecht: At least this hostility is overt. Siran: Now if you WANT my help, you will stop with your attitude and work with me, or I will turn my head the other way and allow your friends to be tortured and killed. Nikolai: Fair enough. Nikolai: What do you need? Siran: I need information. Albrecht: About? Siran: You all have obviously seen many nations. I need to know the military and political situation of all of them, especially Kiev. *** Nikolai shrugs Nikolai: //i see no reason not to share whatever I know Albrecht: // same Nikolai: //what little there is of it DM of Gaia: //ok DM of Gaia: //in that case DM of Gaia: CUT! Albrecht: // I suspect others of our party know more of some areas DM of Gaia: PAN Nikolai: //given that nikolai has no actual skill in said knowledge Nikolai: lol Nikolai: cut cut cut! Albrecht: // which gives added incentive to keep them alive DM of Gaia: DISSOLVE Sven: //ruh roh, cinematography DM of Gaia: Etc. Nikolai: hahaha Nikolai: SLOW! Albrecht: brb Nikolai: MACH SPEED! DM of Gaia: And now, we look at what happens with Boris, Sven, and Vasily. Nikolai: ZOOM IN! Sven: red hot kick Nikolai: Red Hot One Hundred! DM of Gaia: Once outside Siran's throne room, as it were DM of Gaia: Your hands are tied once again Sven: mais bien sur. DM of Gaia: . Sven: _ Nikolai: Henshin a go go, baby! Nikolai: . Nikolai: haha Nikolai: I typed that maybe 3 minutes ago DM of Gaia: Anyway DM of Gaia: You are led with the retinue of the aged goblin cleric DM of Gaia: Through the twisting alleys and tunnels of Nightscree DM of Gaia: Around you, you see goblins constantly building something DM of Gaia: Working on buildings and various structures DM of Gaia: Assembling strange mechanical contraptions Sven: work work DM of Gaia: Finally you leave Nightscree Boris: oy DM of Gaia: And are led through the forest <<< #143 has joined >>> <<< 10:19:19 PM >>> DM of Gaia: Along a treacherous, rocky path, up the mountain you were carried down from DM of Gaia: ... DM of Gaia: Oliver. #143: Am so sorry guys. My schedule got fubared. Albrecht: ./golfclap. Nikolai: ahahahah DM of Gaia: So what happened to calling someone Nikolai: also rofl Nikolai: also Nikolai: right the hell now DM of Gaia: Or perhaps even responding to phone calls to you Nikolai: email me your character sheet #143: The term started, and shit started happening. <<< #143 is now known as Vasily >>> Nikolai: you could have fired off a one line IM <<< Vasily has left >>> <<< 10:20:23 PM >>> Nikolai: in any case just in case this happens again DM of Gaia: Or text message DM of Gaia: Whatever Nikolai: send me your char sheet and the loot sheet DM of Gaia: You're here now Vasily: Yeah, I didn't have computer access 'til now, and my cellphone was out of batteries. DM of Gaia: lol Nikolai: the cell being out of batteries part we noticed... Boris: oh, Oliver's here now? Nikolai: heh Nikolai: he is DM of Gaia: So anyways Nikolai: good to have you back mr. kennedy Vasily: yo Nikolai: we are all captured and shit Nikolai: enjoy Vasily: Yay! Vasily: Can someone PM me a log of today's events so far, I'll start parsing through it. Nikolai: i can summarize it pretty quickly for you. Nikolai: We were captured by goblins. They took us to their leader. Their leader is a young woman. Nikolai: She speaks russian. Nikolai: She's not very nice. *** Vasily whistles Nikolai: You've been thrown away to the Goblin Cleric leader Albrecht: Then their other leader took you three away. Albrecht: Because Nikolai and I are more evil than the rest of you in a single important way. Nikolai: And that brings us to the present DM of Gaia: Ok Sven: I prefer to think of it as differently evil Sven: separate but equal Sven: except without black people. Nikolai: Apartheid! DM of Gaia: When you reach the mountain lake again DM of Gaia: The old cleric waves her hand in the general direction of her minions Albrecht: Right, we're more equal in some ways and less equal in other ways Sven: exactly :-P DM of Gaia: And two of them produce short staves of carved bone from their robes DM of Gaia: The staves are inscribed with sigils you do not recognize DM of Gaia: And they seem to shimmer and waver, as if not entirely there DM of Gaia: The two subordinate clerics concentrate, and the sigils on the bone staves glow Boris: well, this can't end well DM of Gaia: They they start touching other people in the entourage with the staves DM of Gaia: After everyone, including the three of you, have been touched once DM of Gaia: The world around you instantly changes DM of Gaia: The shadows cast by you, the trees, everything, lengthen and darken DM of Gaia: And the sun seems to retreat into the sky DM of Gaia: The world plunges into darkness, turning into a shadowy, vaguely defined version of itself Sven: ahh, that shadow walk thingy. DM of Gaia: And a path of shadow-stuff stretches out before you DM of Gaia: You feel yourself being pulled along it. DM of Gaia: You are pulled along the shadowy path for several hours DM of Gaia: And finally, you tumble off the path DM of Gaia: And the shadows pull back, revealing a world in twilight - the sun is just setting DM of Gaia: You're in yet another stretch of unextraordinary forest DM of Gaia: Rising behind you is a tall, single mountain peak DM of Gaia: You are currently in the foothills of said mountain Sven: is there a big fucking eyeball, while we're at it? DM of Gaia: Negative Vasily: dark whispering of some evil entity? Boris: I have a ring... DM of Gaia: The old cleric coughs and leads the way up a narrow path Boris: it's precious... Vasily: More importantly, in this strange place, are there any others? DM of Gaia: There is nobody else so far DM of Gaia: But after about a half hour of walking up the winding path, you come to a guard tower DM of Gaia: Goblin sentries aim crossbows in your direction, then, seeing who it is, nod and lower them DM of Gaia: You continue walking, passing three more guard towers DM of Gaia: Finally you come to a wide ledge in front of a sheer rock wall DM of Gaia: It stretches straight up quite far DM of Gaia: The old cleric waves her hand vaguely once more DM of Gaia: And the rock wall parts DM of Gaia: Its two halves sliding out from a central vertical line DM of Gaia: But strangely, when you look past it, you see... absolutely nothing Boris: weird DM of Gaia: Not darkness... DM of Gaia: But it is like your eyes are failing to report anything at all DM of Gaia: You're led forward DM of Gaia: And as you walk past where the edge of the rock wall should be... DM of Gaia: You plunge into darkness DM of Gaia: You're led forward some more Nikolai: this sounds pretty bad Sven: word Boris: we're hosed DM of Gaia: You sense, due to bumping into the walls, that you are in a cramped, narrow tunnel DM of Gaia: But you still see nothing DM of Gaia: You're led through an endless maze of tunnels DM of Gaia: So long and twisting that you lose track of time and direction Boris: //brb DM of Gaia: Finally, you see faint light ahead DM of Gaia: And you are led to a fairly chamber, past some iron bars DM of Gaia: One of the goblin warriors open the heavy iron door, and shoves you all in DM of Gaia: *fairly large chamber DM of Gaia: The goblins then leave DM of Gaia: A single, faint lantern hangs from the rock ceiling Boris: // we see a long room with jars of souls and a litch at the other end? Vasily: // We're gonna need all the paladins to cast divine sacrifice on the mages. DM of Gaia: You see that a number of other humans are sitting around the cavern DM of Gaia: They look thin, beaten, and bloody DM of Gaia: As if they have all endured varying amounts of tortured DM of Gaia: torture DM of Gaia: Let's see DM of Gaia: Sven, Boris and Vasily... DM of Gaia: Ok Sven: :/ DM of Gaia: Boris and Vasily, you recognize that all of these people are dressed in Greek attire DM of Gaia: Most of them appear to be Greek merchant sailors DM of Gaia: Several, of middle to old age, have more elaborate robes DM of Gaia: Like some sort of high-ranking officials or scholars from the Byzantine Empire DM of Gaia: And one of them wears a Byzantine military uniform <<< Byzantine Soldier has joined >>> <<< 10:55:35 PM >>> <<< Greek Sailor has joined >>> <<< 10:55:44 PM >>> Boris: interesting Sven: //yarr, bitches? DM of Gaia: One of the sailors, a stout, muscular man with a grizzly beard, gets up and approaches you, limping somewhat DM of Gaia: He greets you in Greek DM of Gaia: Anyone speak Greek? Boris: yo Vasily: can't say's I do. Sven: nop Boris: well, at least we have ligustic diversity *** Greek Sailor sees that only one of the newcomers understands DM of Gaia: . Greek Sailor: Russian, perhaps? Do we all have that in common? Sven: yes Vasily: Da. *** Boris nods Greek Sailor: Good, then. I'm Heracles, former captain of the equally former Apollo's Lyre, a merchant ship out of Byzantium. Sven: //rofl <<< Greek Sailor is now known as Heracles >>> DM of Gaia: As he introduces himself, the man in military garb snorts DM of Gaia: Making, however, no motion to rise or approach Vasily: Former? *** Heracles smiles ruefully Boris: he has no more ship Vasily: The same sea monster troubles we had? Heracles: I don't know about any sea monster, friend. Goblins got me and my ship. Flew overhead in the night and rained Greek fire down upon us. Vasily: Although, a sea monster dwells upon the sea. What we had trouble with would more aptly be termed river monster. Heracles: My poor ship burned as we rushed to get to shore, and we were ambushed there. Vasily: Little buggers then. Vasily: // are we still in the twi... err, shadow realm? DM of Gaia: //Nah you exited the shadow realm when you got the mountain Sven: //not that I can tell Vasily: // just checking DM of Gaia: At this point, one of the older men, dressed in more expensive garb, rises and hobbles over <<< Greek Dignitary has joined >>> <<< 11:03:27 PM >>> Vasily: Well, I'm Vasily, and these would be my partners in crime Boris and Sven. Greek Dignita: Ah, excuse me, my good captain, but I must correct you *** Sven nods Greek Dignita: Your use of the term "Greek fire" can no longer be termed appropriate... the Empire has not commanded exclusive knowledge of that alchemical substance in quite some decades. DM of Gaia: At this speech, the Greek soldier begins laughing hysterically DM of Gaia: He stops abruptly and rises Vasily: Clearly true, for would the goblins have it were it still thus? The name however, is still of meaning. Greek Dignita: Ah, but... Byzantine Sol: Enough! Byzantine Sol: This is not the place nor the time. *** Vasily tests the door Vasily: Any thoughts on how we're going to get out of this place? Vasily: // how many spells have I cast today/do I still have my spellbook? Vasily: // my cleverly concealed spellbook of a trickster? Sven: now that is a good question. Byzantine Sol: Finally, someone who thinks rationally. *** Vasily nods *** Boris examines the door Vasily: // hmm... what roll would it be to unblock the door, disable device? DM of Gaia: You can see, now, that despite his beaten and roughed-up look, this man is of noble descent Nikolai: //you have: some L0 spells Nikolai: //you have; no gear Boris: any checks to make on this door? DM of Gaia: He is very tall, with close-cropped black hair Vasily: // do I have my clothing? Byzantine Sol: Let me introduce myself. Vasily: // if so, can I make a slight of hand to keep my spellbook? Byzantine Sol: I am Decarch Ariston of the Emperor's army. <<< Byzantine Soldier is now known as Ariston >>> <<< #143 has joined >>> <<< 11:11:06 PM >>> DM of Gaia: //No you can't keep your spellbook <<< #143 has left >>> <<< 11:11:14 PM >>> *** Greek Dignitary sighs and goes back to sit on the cave floor with the others *** Heracles frowns DM of Gaia: Lagtastic... DM of Gaia: . *** Vasily bows in greeting Vasily: gak DM of Gaia: And now I wait while chat from the other client goes through Nikolai: yay Heracles: . DM of Gaia: Wow DM of Gaia: Weird Heracles: And though I applaud your initiative, I have already tested the door. DM of Gaia: er *** Ariston said that Vasily: // was idly testing it DM of Gaia: The door appears to be quite secure DM of Gaia: The bars are set directly into the rock. Vasily: // so, I've got 2 acid splashes prepped... any chance those might be useful? DM of Gaia: //Not useful enough Sven: //hang on a sec Vasily: // hmm... mastery of shaping + acid splash = Zorro's calling card? Nikolai: //rofl? Sven: //hmm, I don't suppose numbing sphere would make the lock or the bars brittle enough to shatter. DM of Gaia: //Negative *** Vasily wonders what Nick and Al are up to Ariston: Our only option, I believe, is waiting until the goblins come to take one of us for further interrogation. Vasily: Then try to overpower them? Ariston: Indeed. Ariston: Did any of you recall how you got to this cave from the outside? Sven: //do I? Vasily: Well, I'm only a frail old man... but I've a few tricks up my sleeve. DM of Gaia: //Nope. Sven: //not even with a +15 survival check? aww. Vasily: Well, there was this dark hole... Sven: that there was. Vasily: And a lot of twilight. Vasily: They got us here by magic. Vasily: Several spells I couldn't identify. Vasily: // I couldn't, right? DM of Gaia: //Nope Vasily: //there's a L0 spell for pathfinding, isn't there. DM of Gaia: //There is? Sven: know direction? Nikolai: doubtful Vasily: //not that useful then. Sven: //I guess I do have that prepared . . . but I don't know how useful that will be . . . let's look it up. Sven: //"you discern north" Nikolai: it tells you where north is Nikolai: right Nikolai: it's a compass DM of Gaia: Now, Heracles, who meanwhile has been listening and frowning while you are discussing escape plans with Ariston... Boris: also, guidance could maybe be used as part of, say, a survival check Heracles: And have you once considered what they'll do if they catch us escaping? Vasily: Kill us most like. Heracles: No! Not just kill us! Vasily: I don't do well in closed spaces though. Heracles: They've told us what will happen. Vasily: Have they? That was kind of them. *** Sven is very knowledge-free at this point Vasily: Kind of like revealing the ending to a book. It spoils the surprise. Heracles: If we try anything, we are all - ALL, even those who've tried nothing - tortured more! Vasily: Then may I suggest you come with us. *** Heracles points in the direction of the other people in the cave Boris: might as well have some fun between getting tortured Heracles: Some of them are old men, Ariston! They've already killed ten of my men for the last time. *** Ariston walks up to Heracles, towering over him Ariston: Firstly, you will address me by my proper title... commoner. Vasily: And you don't think you're going to die here anyway? You think they'll just release you? For gods sakes man, these are goblins we're talking about. Heracles: We can bargain for our freedom. They want something from us, and we can give it to them. *** Ariston sneers Vasily: Do you know what they want? Vasily: Have you asked them? Ariston: They want information. Sven: I know I haven't known what anyone wants from me all day. Vasily: Information is plentiful. Ariston: They ask us about the Empire. Our military strength. Our strategies, our tactics. Our politics. Vasily: Easily duplicated. And of little value once it's given. Ariston: And this... this... fool... would betray his Emperor by revealing his knowledge to these subhuman monsters. Vasily: Do you know how difficult it must be for them to get us out of here secretly? *** Ariston narrows his eyes Ariston: What are you implying? Vasily: If I were a goblin, I wouldn't bother sending a prisoner back once I was through with him. Vasily: We know of their base. Why expend the effort of sending us back when we might come back and seek vengeance. DM of Gaia: A look of understanding crosses Ariston's face Ariston: Yes, that is exactly what I've been trying to say. Vasily: Goblins, much like Spaniards are not known to be men of their word. DM of Gaia: ... lol Ariston: Now, are you with me? *** Vasily nods Nikolai: ... Nikolai: hahaha Sven: //hahaha Nikolai: damn those spaniards Nikolai: and their deceit Sven: //now there's some inspired shit right there. Boris: hah Vasily: //well, I mean... if they swore on the soul of their dead father... Sven: //thank you, william wallace Vasily: //who? Sven: //braveheart guy DM of Gaia: Now, at this point DM of Gaia: You hear footsteps *** Vasily hides DM of Gaia: Where Vasily: It's dark. There are shadows. Nikolai: vasily gained like 6 levels of shadow dancer while you weren't looking Sven: hawt. Vasily: <.< Vasily: Hmm... wait a minute. I don't have ranks in that. NM DM of Gaia: LOL DM of Gaia: No ranks in Hide DM of Gaia: Wtf rogue?!?! DM of Gaia: Anyways Nikolai: wow Vasily: I'm a trickster! Sven: ahahahaha DM of Gaia: Four goblins approach Albrecht: . DM of Gaia: Three of them stand back, and one comes forward to unlock the iron door *** Ariston whispers Sven: what do we have in the way of hit points? (I also assume we have no stuff) Ariston: Now! DM of Gaia: You have absolutely no stuff DM of Gaia: And... Boris: no armor even? DM of Gaia: /roll 3d6 *** DM rolls dice for DM of Gaia: 3d6 < 5 3 2 = 10 > = 10 DM of Gaia: Sven has 5 hp, Boris has 3 hp, Vasily has 2 hp DM of Gaia: No armor, no weapons, just the clothes on your back DM of Gaia: Er Sven: and I assume the mundane shit was taken too? DM of Gaia: As Adam has just pointed out, you are technically at full health, but have enough nonlethal damage to place you at that much away from unconscious DM of Gaia: And yes, mundane shit was also taken DM of Gaia: Everything was taken Sven: ahh Vasily: Including concealed items? DM of Gaia: Specifically? *** Ariston tenses to strike Vasily: As stated, a spellbook and 2 daggers. Boris: he asked about a spellbook a while back DM of Gaia: Hm DM of Gaia: Ok <<< root has left >>> <<< 11:42:48 PM >>> DM of Gaia: It's Sleight of Hand vs Search, right? Vasily: Aye. DM of Gaia: Ok roll Vasily: + something for daggers. DM of Gaia: +2 for daggers Vasily: /try 5;spellbook 7;dagger 7;dagger *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily : *** DM (spellbook) 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 5 = 21 *** DM (dagger) 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 7 = 9 *** DM (dagger) 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 7 = 9 Nikolai: well Nikolai: if that succeeds somehow Nikolai: which it won't Albrecht: the book might Nikolai: you have a bunch of slots you could reprepare DM of Gaia: /try 6 6 6 *** DM rolls attempts for DM of Gaia : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 6 = 16 *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 6 = 7 *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 6 = 9 Vasily: baha Nikolai: because they didn't take twnty Nikolai: because they are dumb Albrecht: wow DM of Gaia: Oh wait DM of Gaia: Taking 20 DM of Gaia: Makes sense Nikolai: hahaha Boris: hah DM of Gaia: Good call Nikolai: sorry Vasily: >.< Vasily: :P Boris: as long as they all missed anyway Albrecht: Bad Ian :P Nikolai: I should have just kept my mouth shut Boris: wouldnt an organization really concerned just change our clothes? DM of Gaia: Though technically DM of Gaia: Wait Sven: lol Boris: then there's no possible way Nikolai: to be fair Boris: unless..... Nikolai: they carried us straight off Nikolai: right? DM of Gaia: Yeah I was going to say Nikolai: would they have taken the time? DM of Gaia: No *** Nikolai throws Oliver some bone shaped item Vasily: ? Sven: they took my divine focus :( DM of Gaia: Yeah, they couldn't have searched you thoroughly Nikolai: I threw you a bone, enjoy Vasily: Hehe. Sven: hah. DM of Gaia: So yeah Vasily: Well, that leaves me with a dagger DM of Gaia: You have a spellbook and dagger Sven: haha, I will be extra worthless. Vasily: Boris, you're mr dagger hereabouts. Vasily: Enjoy. Boris: w00t? Vasily: (the trick to concealing weapons is to carry a lot of them) DM of Gaia: Ok DM of Gaia: You want to try to escape right now? DM of Gaia: Or wait until a subsequent opportunity DM of Gaia: So you can prep spells and such Vasily: Yeah, I ask him to delay a bit. DM of Gaia: Ok Vasily: before the gobbos show. DM of Gaia: In that case Sven: since you have a spellbook now and such. Nikolai: all your slots are open btw DM of Gaia: Well DM of Gaia: You don't really have time to prepare spells Vasily: Standard prep. Do these look like above average goblins? Nikolai: oh Vasily: damn. Nikolai: then you're fucked DM of Gaia: Basically you can: DM of Gaia: Jump them now DM of Gaia: Or DM of Gaia: Let them do whatever it is DM of Gaia: And the NEXT time they come DM of Gaia: Be prepared DM of Gaia: And strike Vasily: Yeah, that was my thinking. DM of Gaia: Ok Sven: fair enough DM of Gaia: The goblin points DM of Gaia: At Sven. DM of Gaia: And beckons. Sven: of course he does. *** Sven shrugs and follows DM of Gaia: Ok. Vasily: // Do these look like standard issue goblins? DM of Gaia: // Yep Vasily: // the bulk of the ones we've seen that is. DM of Gaia: //The only nonstandard ones you've seen are the old cleric and her retinue DM of Gaia: Alright DM of Gaia: Sven Vasily: ok. Standard prep, Swapping Shield for Sleep. DM of Gaia: You're led down the dark tunnel DM of Gaia: As you get away from the poorly lighted cave, there is no lighting anywhere else DM of Gaia: You can't see in front of you DM of Gaia: But you are eventually led to a chamber of worked stone DM of Gaia: The goblins push you in roughly and leave DM of Gaia: Suddenly, the chamber is flooded with light DM of Gaia: You see that it is a cell about 10 feet square DM of Gaia: Bright, blinding light radiates from every wall, floor, and ceiling DM of Gaia: A single, female goblin, apparently a cleric, stands near one wall DM of Gaia: A short table, really nothing more than a large slab of stone, stands next to her DM of Gaia: On it is a wide array of various metallic implements DM of Gaia: And strange devices DM of Gaia: She picks up a metallic cylinder, from one end of which hangs a flexible tube of an unknown material Nikolai: this, does not look good... for the homestar runner DM of Gaia: And, with an evil smile on her face, comes toward you. Vasily: //eek DM of Gaia: And here is where we end for the night. Sven: k. Boris: nip the tip DM of Gaia: Any questions or comments? <<< Ariston has left >>> <<< 11:57:26 PM >>> <<< Heracles has left >>> <<< 11:57:28 PM >>> <<< Greek Dignitary has left >>> <<< 11:57:28 PM >>> Sven: not really. Nikolai: :( Vasily: How much wood could a wood chuck chuck... Vasily: if he had no teeth?