Siran tests the capabilities of Albrecht and Nikolai. Boris, Sven, and Vasily attempt to stage a jailbreak. Siran informs us that a mysterious stranger is prowling Nightscree.
Vasily: Yo. Vasily: I is on time for once. Vasily: Hmm. <<< Sven has joined >>> <<< 07:57:31 PM >>> Sven: before you even ask Sven: my comment for this session is :( DM of Gaia: Hah DM of Gaia: I was indeed going to ask DM of Gaia: But I suppose now I don't need to Vasily: Can we get a new party member? His names Deuse, Deuse Xmachina. Vasily: *name's Sven: what the hell ethnicity is that. Vasily: Greek. Sven: hahaha Vasily: So, I'm considering the possibility of a Gnome Bard. Vasily: Except the bardic spell list is... sparse. Vasily: Like, horribly so. <<< Nikolai has joined >>> <<< 08:02:34 PM >>> Nikolai: lol @ nothing Vasily: ? Nikolai: separate and unequal Albrecht: ah, honesty Vasily: Hehe. Albrecht: so how was kyouya as a tank? Vasily: A whatnow? Nikolai: terrible Nikolai: but it sufficed Vasily: His shammy? Nikolai: yes Albrecht: yeah Vasily: eew. Albrecht: because a 56 pally is not going into furnace Albrecht: eh, 70, mail, shield, he can handle a 62 instance Nikolai: definitely would have been much harder without him Nikolai: well sure he could take the damage Vasily: Fair enough. Nikolai: he just couldn't hold aggro on more than one thing Vasily: Aggro was an issue I guess. Albrecht: but could he hold aggro Albrecht: right Nikolai: I mean Nikolai: his initial burst was enough to deal with healing aggro Albrecht: well maybe he'll shut up about shaman tanking now Albrecht: he's been wanting to do it for a while Nikolai: I really blame the rest of the group DM of Gaia: Ok Vasily: stoneclaw totem... DM of Gaia: Who're we missing <<< root has joined >>> <<< 08:05:31 PM >>> DM of Gaia: Ah flynn DM of Gaia: Aha Nikolai: he didn't use it DM of Gaia: GOod Sven: ta da. Vasily: There he is. root: I think I finally figured out ubuntu's wireless issues Albrecht: with no multi target he has to switch targets all the time to hold aggro on more than one Nikolai: hooray Albrecht: wireless issues... that reminds me root: and by that I mean I found a process that was fucking with the results of ifconfig <<< root is now known as Boris >>> Boris: I've been trying to get on for 15 minutes ;) Boris: (and not on the computer that has AIM up) DM of Gaia: Alright DM of Gaia: So DM of Gaia: ROLL CALL Nikolai: /roll 5646+1130 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 5646 + 1130 = 6776 Nikolai: here Boris: Yo! Albrecht: present Vasily: Not here. Sven: yo <<< DM of Da has joined >>> <<< 08:07:13 PM >>> DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: First DM of Da: The obligatory question DM of Da: Any questions or comments? Boris: you suck DM of Da: k DM of Da: Anything else? Vasily: /growl Albrecht: damn you and your leveling Vasily: Wait... didn't you level? DM of Da: Nope DM of Da: Alright Vasily: Or had you already leveled? DM of Da: Let's recap. DM of Da: Anyone care to do the honors? Nikolai: Albrecht is a bit behind DM of Da: Of summarization? Nikolai: due to his rerolling Nikolai: <_< Vasily: ahh. Boris: he died? Albrecht: yep, by about 1k DM of Da: Oliver summarize! Albrecht: well, Pericles died Boris: oh, right Boris: I thought you were presently rerolling Nikolai: no Vasily: Stuff happened. We got thrown in a cell. Some dude wanted to break out. We decided to reprep spells and do so tomorrow. Sven was convinced to hang out with a creepy S&M goblin chick. fin. DM of Da: ... Sven: "convinced" DM of Da: Chris summarize for real. Sven: we got taken in and all brought in to see a semi-threatening woman in ill armor named siran Sven: she wanted something and was about to get it when we got separated by some old goblin hag Sven: albrecht and nikolai were left behind at siran's request Sven: where they talked about some shit I know nothing about Sven: meanwhile the rest of us shadow walked elsewhere and wre locked up in a cell DM of Da: Sure were. Sven: where we met some funny people with conspicuous names Sven: and planned to break out after vasily could consult his well-hidden spellbook Sven: at which time I was carried off to a fucked up goblin dentist. Sven: fin. DM of Da: Alright. DM of Da: Oliver, link me the latest Master. <<< DM has left >>> <<< 08:12:00 PM >>> Vasily: DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: We'll begin the action with Albrecht and Nikolai DM of Da: In the meantime DM of Da: Boris and Vasily DM of Da: Plan what you will do to break out DM of Da: Spell preparation DM of Da: Any special setup you intend to use DM of Da: Anything at all DM of Da: We'll go to Sven second DM of Da: And to the escape attempt third. Albrecht: k <<< DM has joined >>> <<< 08:14:37 PM >>> <<< Siran has joined >>> <<< 08:14:41 PM >>> DM of Da: So, as you'll recall, the Albrecht and Nikolai segment ended with Siran proposing that you work for her Nikolai: ... Albrecht: with her Nikolai: I thought it was with her. Nikolai: not for her. Nikolai: she definitely said with DM of Da: Yes of course DM of Da: With her DM of Da: That's what I meant Nikolai: ... Nikolai: we're fucked Albrecht: of course DM of Da: Beginning with informing her of anything you know about the political and military situation of any nations you've visited Albrecht: we knew that as soon as Sandy said "I'm going to start another campaign" DM of Da: And you agreed to do so Albrecht: and in return she's going to get us our equipment and help us get the rest of the party out, yes? DM of Da: So, you were telling her various things DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: Um DM of Da: Do either of you have any actual ranks DM of Da: In either... DM of Da: Knowledge: history DM of Da: Or any Knowledge: locals? Albrecht: I do not DM of Da: Nikolai? Albrecht: and the only nation I'd be informed about reasonably is the Holy Roman Empire DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: Logical Nikolai: Hm Nikolai: Actually Nikolai: I have 1 rank in Knowledge History Nikolai: which I obtained with L4 DM of Da: Alright that's fine DM of Da: So DM of Da: You tell her some stuff DM of Da: And after she listens to you for a while DM of Da: Siran says... Siran: Very well. That's enough for now. Siran: I'll think about all of that... why don't you go and get your things. Nikolai: Where are our things? Siran: I had them put in a storage room nearby. *** Siran snaps her fingers *** Nikolai nods DM of Da: Two goblin guards enter the hall through a side door DM of Da: Siran says something to them in Goblin Albrecht: where were those left? DM of Da: //hm? Albrecht: // lag DM of Da: //k Albrecht: // bad lag, it seems DM of Da: The goblins look at the two of you with obvious distaste DM of Da: But nod and motion for you to follow Siran: Your companions can take their things when I've gotten them released. Siran: Could take some time, of course. You understand. Nikolai: Right... *** Nikolai hopes there's no permanent damage DM of Da: Siran exits the hall through another side door, and you follow the goblins down a narrow corridor with a low ceiling, like all the corridors here DM of Da: They bring you to a small... storage closet, would be the best description DM of Da: All your stuff is dumped in a large pile Albrecht: ok DM of Da: It's obviously been rummaged through thoroughly DM of Da: And is a total mess Nikolai: anything missing? Albrecht: I vote we take our personal stuff Albrecht: and get the box as well DM of Da: None of your personal effects are missing DM of Da: But what IS missing DM of Da: Is the box DM of Da: And the letter. Nikolai: the letter was in the box DM of Da: Right well DM of Da: The box is missing. Nikolai: wasn't it? Nikolai: ok Nikolai: wait Nikolai: now I don't remember DM of Da: It was inside yes DM of Da: But yeah, totally missing Albrecht: well then Albrecht: we need to retrieve that Nikolai: yep DM of Da: The goblin guards wait in the corridor, watching you search Nikolai: can we carry the other 3 guy's stuff? DM of Da: They appear fairly uninterested in your actions DM of Da: Not really no DM of Da: Well, some of it Nikolai: ok whatever, I grab my spell book and go DM of Da: But not all of it DM of Da: Ok. Nikolai: and Vasily's spellbook. DM of Da: Which is not there. Nikolai: . Nikolai: wait Albrecht: well, we don't know it Albrecht: but he had it hidden on him Nikolai: oh he succeeded at that? Albrecht: I don't know where he can hide a spellbook... Nikolai: k fine Albrecht: but he totally made it DM of Da: The goblin guards then motion to you to follow them again. Nikolai: yeah neither do I Nikolai: ok Nikolai: we follow Albrecht: he had 2 daggers and a spellbook hidden, and they found 1 dagger. Nikolai: yeah I remember. Boris: I need to remember to make dagger hiding checks in the future DM of Da: You're led to a small, claustrophobic room with some cots DM of Da: It appears unoccupied DM of Da: The guards say something in Goblin and leave you there. <<< Siran has left >>> <<< 08:27:12 PM >>> Nikolai: well Nikolai: we're supposed to wait here? DM of Da: Apparently. *** Nikolai begins preparing spells DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Anything immediate you wish to do, or wait for now? *** Nikolai preparing spells DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: CUT Albrecht: for now I'm idle DM of Da: DISSOLVE DM of Da: PAN. Boris: meanwhile... DM of Da: Now, Sven, you've just been led by four goblin warriors down a series of long, twisting, confusing tunnels, to a small room of worked stone DM of Da: The guards shove you in roughly and wait outside DM of Da: In the room is a single goblin cleric, female, as it seems they all are DM of Da: There is a low wooden table there DM of Da: Piled with an array of metallic implements of uncertain purpose Boris: // kinky DM of Da: The cleric puts on a black translucent veil which covers her entire face DM of Da: And, at her command, all the surfaces of the room - walls, floor, and ceiling - begin to radiate a powerful, blinding light Sven: great. DM of Da: It is so bright that you're forced to close your eyes Sven: I don't suppose spellcraft can tell me anything DM of Da: Roll it Sven: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 7 = 26 DM of Da: It does not appear to be a spell - perhaps the room is simply enchanted to do this. Sven: very well. DM of Da: The cleric speaks in very broken, very accented Russian... <<< Interrogator has joined >>> <<< 08:32:37 PM >>> Interrogator: Where you from come? Speak or pain! Sven: I come from Varangian lands . . . far north Interrogator: What you here cause for? Sent by? Who? Sven: We were just travelling to the city . . . not sent by anybody Interrogator: Your land home - friend to Kiev? Sven: //uhh . . . is it? Sven: //I was under the impression not much was going on in the way of nations and such up there right now . . . DM of Da: //The Varangian people are currently fragmented into many separate tribes and none of them have meaningful relations with Kiev or for that matter any Russian principality Sven: We don't care about Kiev. Interrogator: You lie! Truth or pain! Vasily: // Damn right I lie... Vasily: // ... with YOUR MOM! Sven: my people are too busy dealing with each other to care about Kiev . . . I'm telling the truth. Sven: //*ba dum tsh* *** Interrogator cackles Interrogator: You no truth say? DM of Da: And at that point DM of Da: You hear a strange, high vibrating noise Sven: fantastic. DM of Da: And feel something touch your chest Boris: // this is where the your mom joke should be DM of Da: From which point a wave of intense pain radiates throughout your body Sven: //hooray torture. Interrogator: You friends where from land? Sven: //is this something I know? DM of Da: That's a question for the other peoples here DM of Da: Probably only vaguely DM of Da: Let's see DM of Da: You'd know Boris and Nikolai are Russian and Vasily is Varangian... DM of Da: You'd probably not know too much about Albrecht Nikolai: I think you know where he's from Nikolai: we spent some time talking in the inn DM of Da: Right DM of Da: But nothing really beyond that Sven: ok Sven: One comes from my lands and one is from russia Albrecht: presumably we've talked a fair amount offscreen anyway DM of Da: //Two are from Russia DM of Da: Ok Sven: //how many people are here? DM of Da: //Oh right DM of Da: //Alright anyway DM of Da: So, the interrogation continues DM of Da: For at least another hour DM of Da: The questions are fairly single-minded DM of Da: Varangians' attitude toward Kiev Sven: //they seem to be very interested in politics Sven: //go figure. DM of Da: Questions about Kiev itself, which you naturally can't answer meaningfully DM of Da: And so forth DM of Da: The cleric refuses to take lack of knowledge for an answer DM of Da: And generally seems convinced that you are hiding something Sven: nice. DM of Da: Or at least, that's the impression you get DM of Da: Several times, the guards are called in to restrain you DM of Da: And eventually, you pass out from the pain DM of Da: //Bunches of nonlethal damage <<< Interrogator has left >>> <<< 08:43:12 PM >>> Sven: not too eventually, I imagine :-P DM of Da: Nah DM of Da: Fairly soon DM of Da: Some of her tools inflict pain only DM of Da: Whereas some actually injure DM of Da: Now we pan again DM of Da: Dissolve DM of Da: Cut DM of Da: Etc. DM of Da: To the cell Boris: hi DM of Da: Here, Vasily and Boris plan their escape Vasily: /plan via telepathy DM of Da: The Byzantine soldier, Ariston, seems eager to help Vasily: The cell door is barred, right? DM of Da: It is DM of Da: The merchant captain, Heracles, eventually decides to help as well Vasily: How many goblins showed up to take Sven? DM of Da: Four. Vasily: Where were they positioned? DM of Da: So now, let's hear any planning you've decided on DM of Da: Well Vasily: relative to the door. Vasily: Did any stay outside, did they all come in? Vasily: Can we see outside the cell? DM of Da: Answers: DM of Da: Yes, the cell is separated from the tunnel by iron bars set into the surrounding rock, so you can see out quite well DM of Da: It's dark in the tunnel, but the area immediately beyond the bars is illuminated by the lantern hanging on the cell ceiling DM of Da: The "cell" is really more of an unworked cave with one entrance that's barred off DM of Da: The goblin guards... DM of Da: Three stood back - two squares back from the cell door - while one came in to take Sven DM of Da: Other questions? Vasily: Ok, just to verify, we have line of effect to the three outside? DM of Da: Easily. DM of Da: Line of sight, line of effect, etc. Vasily: Ok, the plan is sleep on the three outside. DM of Da: Ok. Vasily: Followed by a triple gangbang on the one inside. DM of Da: Quadruple Boris: one's casting sleep DM of Da: Very well Vasily: Ok, sure, we're planning on Quad. Vasily: But he's unconscious. DM of Da: No I mean DM of Da: You, Boris, Arison, Heracles Vasily: Vasily in a gangbang? Vasily: He's old! DM of Da: Hah DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Boris, what's your role here? Vasily: Seriously. He abhors violence. Sven: fucking kids and their rock music and their gangbangs. DM of Da: Anything special or just straight-up smackdown Boris: nothing special, though I should probably be standing off to the side or something, to conceil the dagger DM of Da: Alright. <<< Ariston has joined >>> <<< 08:50:24 PM >>> <<< Heracles has joined >>> <<< 08:50:27 PM >>> DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Listen checks, please. DM of Da: Boris and Vasily. Boris: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Boris : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 6 = 20 Ariston: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Ariston : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 3 = 20 Boris: hah DM of Da: Vasily? Vasily: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 1 = 15 DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Boris, you hear footsteps from down the tunnel, and a scraping sound, as if something is being dragged across unworked stone. Ariston: I hear something! They are coming - ready yourselves! Boris: I tell the others, quietly Boris: quiet! they must not know! *** Heracles whispers Heracles: I still say this is madness, but if you insist on getting us killed, then I guess I've got to help you... *** Ariston glares at Heracles and is about to say something when several small figures emerge from the dark tunnel DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Two goblins emerge into the light, just beyond the cell bars, dragging Sven's unconscious body behind them DM of Da: Two more follow, one of whom draws his crossbow, pointing it into the cell, and the other walks up to the door and unlocks it DM of Da: //Tell me when you want to start doing stuff DM of Da: He then steps back DM of Da: And the two goblins dragging Sven walk up to the door, pushing him inside with their feet DM of Da: One of them steps back, also drawing his crossbow Boris: at any point are all 4 together? Vasily: Are any of them showing signs of going in? DM of Da: Yeah, the other of the two that were carrying Sven is about to enter Vasily: Hmm.. DM of Da: He steps in, looking around Vasily: So... Vasily: before the 2nd one has a chance to draw his xbow. DM of Da: Ok. Vasily: That would be the chance for a sleep. DM of Da: Indeed. DM of Da: Roll Init. Vasily: No chance for a surprise? Boris: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Boris : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 7 = 12 DM of Da: No Sven: they didn't look too surprised to me. DM of Da: Indeed Vasily: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily : *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 1 = 18 <<< Goblins has joined >>> <<< 08:58:19 PM >>> <<< /try 1 has joined >>> <<< 08:58:23 PM >>> Boris: they almost apear ready Nikolai: haha <<< /try 1 has left >>> <<< 08:58:32 PM >>> Goblins: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins : *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 1 = 13 Heracles: /try 0 *** DM rolls attempts for Heracles : *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 0 = 12 Ariston: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Ariston : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 1 = 14 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: First up DM of Da: Boris! DM of Da: There's one goblin at the entrance Vasily: o.O DM of Da: And three outside Boris: ? DM of Da: er DM of Da: Vasily DM of Da: Sorry Boris: sort the wrong way? DM of Da: Yeah DM of Da: Ok Sleep right? DM of Da: What's the DC? Vasily: Sleep outdoors. Trying to be as subtle about it as possible. Boris: /delays until his initiative number Vasily: Sleep's enchantment, right? Vasily: DC 15 DM of Da: Components: V, S, M Vasily: err, 16 DM of Da: So subtlety is hard :P Boris: he shoul dso be standing behind someone for cover Goblins: /try -1 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins : *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 0 - 1 = 15 Vasily: In that case, I make sure to place a random peasant between myself and the goblin with the xbow. Vasily: Failure. DM of Da: Clearly. Boris: excellent feat selection Vasily: /nod DM of Da: Everyone but the four that are participating in the escape attempt are all sitting down in the far corner DM of Da: You can hide behind Ariston though DM of Da: He's fairly large Vasily: Moot point right nwo. Vasily: now DM of Da: Indeed. DM of Da: Anyway, the three goblins outside collapse, fast asleep DM of Da: Ariston steps up and swings at the remaining goblin Ariston: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Ariston : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 5 = 23 Ariston: /roll 1d3+2 *** DM rolls dice for Ariston: 1d3 < 3 = 3 > + 2 = 5 DM of Da: His fist connects with the goblins face, smashing his nose in a spurt of purplish blood DM of Da: Goblin's turn Vasily: *oh... DM of Da: //? Boris: yup Vasily: after they all fall asleep, I position myself near the door. DM of Da: Ok *** Goblins stumbles backward and runs, withdrawing down the tunnel *** Goblins yells out as he does so Vasily: That would provoke an AoO, would it not? Boris: unarmed DM of Da: Withdrawing? No Vasily: Grr, right. Vasily: They've got a 20 ft move, no? DM of Da: 30 DM of Da: Next up DM of Da: Is Boris Boris: I don't suppose I have a charging path that would reach the goblin DM of Da: The goblin has fled beyond the reach of the cell's illumination DM of Da: Into darkness Boris: ....fuck Vasily: Bugger. DM of Da: Essentially, you cannot catch him at this point Boris: you don't care too much about this dagger do you? Albrecht: . Vasily: Toss it. Vasily: Not that that'll do any good. DM of Da: Because you can't move at full speed in darkness anyway Boris: move 30, throw it Vasily: You can't see him. Vasily: Ok, he's gone. DM of Da: Yeah Vasily: Damage control. Vasily: 3x CDG Boris: ....bah Boris: yeah Boris: stabity Vasily: While they're doing that, I toss a light on a random rock. DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: The goblins are quickly dispatched DM of Da: And you have a lighted rock Boris: quick search of the bodies for better weapons / shields Vasily: Let's get people some Xbows as well. DM of Da: They have: <<< Nikolai has joined >>> <<< 09:08:52 PM >>> DM of Gaia: Small morningstar (1d6/x2) (8 gp), Small heavy crossbow (1d8/19-20/x2) (50 gp), case of crossbow bolts (1 gp), Small studded leather armor (+3 AC) (25 gp), Small light wooden shield (+1 AC) (3 gp), potion of cure light wounds (50 gp), 25 gp. DM of Gaia: All of that... x3 DM of Da: You also have: DM of Da: Sven x1 (unconscious) <<< Goblins has left >>> <<< 09:08:52 PM >>> <<< Albrecht has joined >>> <<< 09:08:52 PM >>> Boris: I dont suppose the small shield would quallify as a buckler DM of Da: Nope DM of Da: What's with the second connections Vasily: I'll grab a xbow. DM of Da: Is Terminus owning you guys again DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: laptop Sven: so I'm loot again. Sven: I see how this is. Albrecht: either terminus or my wireless is owning me *** Ariston takes some javelins Vasily: I look at the random peasants. Vasily: Are you coming with us or what? DM of Da: They're not peasants :P Boris: if I can use the shield towards AC, I do. otherwise, I need to chekc the damage/proficiencies with a morningstar Vasily: They are to me. DM of Da: Alright Boris: (forget the second one, ranger grants all martial) Vasily: You don't need to fight, just carry him *point @ sven* *** Boris flexes the 13 str score *** Heracles grunts noncommittally *** Vasily Grabs an xbow *** Heracles says something to his men in Greek Boris: ...I dont suppose we actually recognize the potion as cure light wounds Vasily: We've captured gobbos before. Vasily: and looted them. DM of Da: Yeah you do Boris: because if we do, we should give it to sven *** Ariston glares at Heracles and says something else to the dignitaries Vasily: Each of us three takes one. DM of Da: The sailors follow Heracles Sven: well, I'm not useful right now anyway. DM of Da: And the VIPs stay put. Boris: you can weild a weapon Sven: what with no equipment or means of casting spells. <<< Greek Sailors has joined >>> <<< 09:11:51 PM >>> Boris: and not encumber me Sven: not really. Vasily: Want equipment? Vasily: Here, have a morningstar. Boris: ...druid restrictions Sven: those are . . . metal. Vasily: Bah. Vasily: Take the dagger then. Boris: does the potion even wake him? Nikolai: javelin Nikolai: ... DM of Da: The potion does indeed Nikolai: METAL Sven: as I said . . . completely useless. Vasily: Druids can weild daggers fine. Boris: use the shield Vasily: *wield Vasily: It's the one exception to the metal rule. DM of Da: Wtf are you people even talking about. Boris: what about scimitars Boris: its metal armor the more I think about it Sven: wait, did you actually use a pot on me? DM of Da: They did, it seems DM of Da: You Boris: I said we do if we recognize it as Cure Light, which I'm told we did Vasily: Druids are proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear. They are also proficient with all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape (see below). Sven: so what sort of health am I at now? last I checked I had taken "bunches" of non-lethal damage Vasily: Armor and shields are the only restrictions on metal. DM of Da: Roll 1d8+1 Sven: /roll 1d8+1 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 3 = 3 > + 1 = 4 DM of Da: You're at full health with enough nonlethal damage to take you to that much effective hp Sven: ok DM of Da: Now then. DM of Da: You have a dagger. Vasily: Right then. Sven and Boris, you've got another potion each. Sven: and a shield? DM of Da: And a Small light wooden shield. Boris: a small one Sven: ok DM of Da: You are standing at an open cell. Boris: question Vasily: This is all happening as quickly as possible btw. DM of Da: //yes Vasily: 4 rounds tops. Boris: can we track anything, or is the floor stone and such DM of Da: In front of you, the cave narrows to a cramped tunnel, illuminated by Vasily's Light rock. Sven: well, this is interestinjg. DM of Da: With you is Ariston, a Byzantine officer, Heracles, a Byzantine merchant captain, and a half-dozen of his sailors. Sven: oh, we have numbers . . . interesting . . . Vasily: Let's go. Boris: cool DM of Da: Staying behind in the cell are another half-dozen Greek dignitaries - some sort of nobles or something, you're not really sure who they are. Boris: any dicernable foot[rints on the floor? DM of Da: Tracking... let's see. *** Vasily hopes they enjoy their deaths DM of Da: You can attempt to track the goblin that just ran away. Boris: of the goblins presumably had keys. We take them (unless the 4th has them DM of Da: No DM of Da: One of the dead ones had keys DM of Da: And now they're yours. Vasily: Excellent. DM of Da: Roll Survival to try for the tracking. Sven: can I aid another here? DM of Da: You can. Boris: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Boris : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 5 = 23 Sven: /try 13 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 13 = 18 Boris: 13??? DM of Da: Sven fails to aid Boris in any meaningful way Sven: well, we're underground DM of Da: But Boris nonetheless manages to discern the trail of the running goblin DM of Da: Now, here's a question DM of Da: It's a 5-foot wide tunnel Boris: oh right, you're a druid...thought you were vasilly DM of Da: What is your marching order? Boris: i suppose I'm the tank & rogue Sven: I suppose I should really drink this extra pot now . . . DM of Da: There're 2 left Vasily: Wait til you take real damage. Sven: ok DM of Da: So DM of Da: Marching order? DM of Da: Boris in front? Vasily: Boris is tracking? Boris: I suppose its myself, Vasilly, Sven...though we also have sailors DM of Da: He is. DM of Da: Ok. Vasily: I'm more useful behind Sven. DM of Da: Well, the sailors aren't really trained in combat Vasily: Sailors in the middle. DM of Da: The only combat-trained NPC is Ariston Boris: I figure we follow that goblin. The good part is we go someplace useful Vasily: We split the ramaining maces and xbows between them. DM of Da: Ok. Albrecht: I'd guess that they want Boris, then Sven, then Vasily? Boris: the bad part is we likely find the rest of the goblim regimen DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: You follow the trail down a twisting tunnel Vasily: Let's try to fina a central corridor or something. DM of Da: Which branches several times Boris: this look familiar to you at all, sven? DM of Da: You encounter a tunnel from which you hear the sound of some sort of conversation DM of Da: It sounds Russian Sven: //uhh, does it? Vasily: //what're they saying? DM of Da: //Not really, it was dark when they led you DM of Da: Listen checks! Vasily: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 1 = 12 Boris: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Boris : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 6 = 24 Sven: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 3 = 17 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Boris hears. DM of Da: Sounds like they're saying: "Something's going on..." "Must've got some more..." "Maybe they'll put 'em here..." "Wonder what that yelling was all about..." Boris: guys, goblins ahead. Dont think they know for sure that we're loose DM of Da: The tunnel from which come these sounds is not where the goblin went DM of Da: And this conversation is in Russian DM of Da: Which is why you can understand it DM of Da: Which way? DM of Da: Forward, or investigate this? Vasily: More potential allies... Boris: true DM of Da: The verdict? Boris: but I doubt they could help Sven: were the voices goblin-like? Vasily: On the other hand, it slows us down. Vasily: Let's head down the voice corridor. Sven: ok Boris: Boris: we follow the voices DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: You see light up ahead. DM of Da: The side tunnel goes down a little way before opening up into another cavern, smaller than the one you were in, but similarly barred off. Boris: // do we have keys from earlier? I missed the response DM of Da: Two men, human, middle-aged, emaciated, in tattered and dirty clothing. DM of Da: //yes Sven: //we do DM of Da: A faint lantern hangs from the ceiling of this cavern, just as the other one. <<< Humans has joined >>> <<< 09:28:06 PM >>> Vasily: gah. *** Humans look up *** Vasily sighs Vasily: Name yourselves. *** Boris works on opening the door Humans: You're... you're not goblins! But how... Vasily: Astute of you. Answer my question. Humans: Um, I'm Pavel, and this here's Fyodor... have you come to free us? Vasily: // what's their accent? DM of Da: They sound Russian, Kievan probably Boris: free you, create a distraction for us, one of those. *** Vasily glare at Boris Albrecht: // those names sound familiar to me Humans: Are you of the Kievan Guard? DM of Da: //They're fairly generic Russian names <<< Humans is now known as Pavel >>> <<< Fyodor has joined >>> <<< 09:30:57 PM >>> *** Pavel asked that Vasily: Aye. We've tired of the goblin's hospitality and are making for the surface. Vasily: You're welcome to join us. Vasily: // sense motiving the fuck out of these two. Vasily: // (+7) Fyodor: Sure, sure! Thank you! Oh, we've been in here for months... DM of Da: //k Boris: // +2 Pavel: We went into the forest for some firewood one day, and the next thing we know, damn goblins attacked us... Fyodor: Tied us both up and brought us over here... they've tortured us, you know? Sven: //+3, I guess? Vasily: Right. I'd love to hear your life stories over a nice vodka, but we have more pressing matters for now. Vasily: Let's move. Pavel: Kept asking about Kiev... and the prince! I told them, I did, Kiev's not had a prince on the throne since my granddaddy ... oh, yes, of course, move Vasily: // keeping a very close eye on them. Vasily: And comrade, silence is a virtue. DM of Da: They follow you out, whispering to each other Vasily: especially when goblin ears seek us out. DM of Da: Meanwhile DM of Da: Boris DM of Da: You hear distant yelling DM of Da: Sounds like goblins DM of Da: Echoing through the tunnels ahead DM of Da: From multiple directions Boris: getting louder? Boris: COmrades...I believe there are goblins about DM of Da: Soon after that, the sounds of powerful gongs begin to shake the tunnel walls, and you hear the beating of drums. Boris: I suppose they're onto us Pavel: What's what! Vasily: Shh! Vasily: Hmm... *** Ariston turns around and whispers something to the freed Russians Vasily: I'm thinking of a slight change to the marching order. DM of Da: Who immediately fall silent DM of Da: Change eh DM of Da: Meanwhile DM of Da: You continue moving on Vasily: Is it possible for me to be at the front without Boris losing his tracking ability? DM of Da: Passing several rooms and chambers DM of Da: No DM of Da: Some are storerooms Vasily: Bah, nm then. DM of Da: Some appear to be interrogation rooms similar to the one Sven was tortured in DM of Da: The tunnel continues to twist and branch Sven: :( Vasily: If we pass anything that can obviously be used as a weapon, we arm more folk. DM of Da: You round a corner and see a fork ahead Boris: true Sven: //I should get all emo and omnipotent and preachy and shit DM of Da: //I don't get it Boris: we take the road more traveled Vasily: We eat with it. DM of Da: On the left, the tunnel widens, and flickering light, like the light of some sort of fire, can be seen around the bend DM of Da: On the right is an entrance to a large chamber of worked stone Vasily: (anything look familiar?) DM of Da: //no, nothing looks familiar because you were led through here before in total darkness Boris: // either way look more in use than the other? DM of Da: Wooden shelves line the chamber Vasily: // so it's probably not the path through the fire DM of Da: On which sit various weapons DM of Da: It is clearly an armory Boris: you should have said that first Albrecht: // also it's full of goblins Boris: quick check for traps as we go in I guess DM of Da: Several tables are also in this room, turned on their side DM of Da: With the tops facing out Vasily: Bah. DM of Da: As you look in, a number of goblins rise up from positions behind the overturned tables, aiming crossbows in your direction Albrecht: // quick, send in the fodder DM of Da: They yell and... DM of Da: CUT DM of Da: PAN. Boris: we could take em Sven: it's like Sandy took Cinematography for Jerks *** DM of Da did Nikolai: hhahah *** DM of Da got a B+ DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Meanwhile DM of Da: Nikolai and Albrecht Boris: // this is like Han Solo chasing the storm trooper Nikolai: has it been 15 minutes DM of Da: After being brought to your spare accomodations DM of Da: You were left alone DM of Da: Several hours have passed Nikolai: k DM of Da: In this time, you've heard goblins passing back and forth through the corridors around you DM of Da: Going about their business DM of Da: None of them have so much as looked into the room DM of Da: Finally, after several hours, two goblin guards return DM of Da: They're the same two as escorted you here DM of Da: The say something in Goblin and beckon to you DM of Da: *They Nikolai: well I suppose we follow DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: yep Albrecht: in full war gear, of course DM of Da: Of course DM of Da: You're led back to the massive hall where you had your audience with Siran DM of Da: And indeed, when the guards lead you in and leave, closing the door behind them, you see Siran sitting on her throne, still wearing the same demonic armor as before DM of Da: Sans helmet <<< Siran has joined >>> <<< 09:45:58 PM >>> Siran: Great! You're in your gear. Siran: We'll continue our conversation later, but for now, we'll have a little test. Siran: Are you rested? Albrecht: a test? Boris: // watch her order you to put down some escaped prisoners Nikolai: Uh Siran: Mm-hmm. A test and demonstration all in one. Nikolai: //I think I still have like, a bazillion subdual damage Albrecht: well, you healed 3 or 4 per hour Sven: //sho nuff. DM of Da: //truth Vasily: // speaking of which... how long was Sven being funned with? Sven: //one hour DM of Da: //1hr+ Vasily: // aka 3 hp for boris and m'self. Siran: I want to know what my new allies are made of, you know? Siran: If you're weak and useless then I see no reason to keep you around. Siran: And at the same time, you can see some of the power that our... teachers... can reveal to you. Siran: As I said... a demonstration and a test. Siran: Do you feel yourselves to be ready? Nikolai: Uh... we are still weak from the beating we had earlier today Nikolai: But my spells are prepared. Albrecht: (how weak are we running, at this point, anyway?) Siran: Come forward. Nikolai: (a good question) *** Nikolai shrugs *** Nikolai goes forward *** Siran Cure Serious Wounds Albrecht: at some point we were 1d8+1 away from unconcious. Then we were pushed to or just over the edge, then we had some hour or hours of rest Siran: /roll 3d8+6 *** DM rolls dice for Siran: 3d8 < 7 1 7 = 15 > + 6 = 21 *** Siran Cure Serious Wounds Siran: /roll 3d8_6 *** DM rolls dice for Siran: 3d86 < 86 29 9 = 124 > = 124 DM of Da: whoops Nikolai: well that's more than my max hp Siran: /roll 3d8+6 *** DM rolls dice for Siran: 3d8 < 8 7 8 = 23 > + 6 = 29 DM of Da: You're all cured and stuff. Nikolai: k Albrecht: that'll definitely put us both to full Albrecht: the 21 probably would have handled my nonlethal Albrecht: Alright then Albrecht: What do you want us to do? Siran: Just defeat one of my creations, that's all. Siran: I want to see what you can do. Nikolai: Your... creations? *** Siran smiles Nikolai: Necromancy? Vasily: // you see... after they've been in the fridge a while... *** Siran inclines her head slightly Vasily: // even the greatest chef's creations can be brought low. *** Nikolai looks at his spell prep Albrecht: well then, let's get to it Nikolai: It'll have to do I suppose DM of Da: Come. We'll use my favorite way to get around. DM of Da: er Siran: Come. We'll use my favorite way to get around. Sven: //she's a bit of a showoff, yes? DM of Da: //maybe just a little *** Siran puts on the horned helmet of the demon-armor *** Siran strides out through one of the larger side doors DM of Da: Following her, you walk down several corridors, which take you several levels upward DM of Da: And you exit to the outside, finding yourself at the same wide, flat platform that you were brought to initially DM of Da: When Siran turns to you and speaks again, it is in a deep, crackling voice, like that of some sort of demonic being Nikolai: That's some nice armor there. Siran: These, also, are my creations, but you will not be facing them today. Siran: And the armor's very nice. One day I may even tell you how I got it. *** Siran whistles DM of Da: Several blocks of the city away, three great black shapes rise up from behind a building DM of Da: They are the same black vulture-like birds that brought you down here DM of Da: They fly gracefully to you and land on the platform DM of Da: Siran gets on the back of the largest one and motions for you to do the same DM of Da: The birds patiently wait for you to mount. *** Nikolai does *** Albrecht mounts DM of Da: When you do so, they take off with a powerful downsweep DM of Da: You catch a whiff of the creatures' breath, and are briefly overcome with nausea DM of Da: But the wind in your face clears that soon enough DM of Da: They carry you across half the city, finally descending to a wide, open pit with a flat bottom DM of Da: After letting you off, the birds take up positions on the edges of the pit, watching you intently DM of Da: The pit's about a hundred feet across, and one side of it is dominated by a massive pile of bones, humanoid in general shape, though quite large, as if from giants or ogres, surrounded by small firepits DM of Da: The firepits glow with various colors Boris: joy, skeleton DM of Da: Glancing at the giant vultures that watch you from the pit's steep walls, Siran takes off her helmet and comments casually... Siran: One of my favorites, those things. Siran: They're really very ironic, you know. Siran: Without my... intervention... the eggs they come from would hatch creatures that wouldn't hesitate to kill me on sight. Siran: It's a pity I can't get their eggs more easily. Their human allies guard them much too closely. Siran: Ah well. Vasily: // ... Siran: Now, your test. DM of Da: // :) Nikolai: //wow Nikolai: //that's AWESOME Siran: Looks like... yes indeed, one's just about ready. Siran: Good timing, your arrival here. These things take quite a while to prepare, so don't get overzealous with it. *** Siran raises her hand, pointing it at the bone pile, and intones something in Infernal DM of Da: Albrecht got Spellcraft? *** Albrecht understands Albrecht: that too DM of Da: Roll it Nikolai: what about me? Nikolai: am I not present? DM of Da: You don't get to roll because it's not a simple spell Nikolai: I should learn Infernal then? DM of Da: It's a highly specific incantation that takes knowledge of Infernal to identify - or knowledge of Spellcraft that is much beyond your current Albrecht: . Albrecht: where the hell did my try go? DM of Da: WHO KNOWS Albrecht: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 6 = 25 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: It's a necromantic incantation, you can be sure of that... you recognize some of its elements because you're reasonably certain your uncle mentioned similar rituals, but you can tell that this is just one part of a much longer ritual (the final part) so you don't know much more DM of Da: Anyway DM of Da: SOme of the bones in the massive pile stir DM of Da: Coming together to form a tall, humanoid shape, about 8 feet in height DM of Da: Knots of raw muscle seem to grow on the bones <<< Albrecht has left >>> <<< 10:16:20 PM >>> DM of Da: And form a large, slender, skeletal figure, part of its body covered by sinewy muscles, whose most prominent feature is its elongated, knife-sharp claws DM of Da: The claws appear to extend and retract from moment to moment. Boris: //is the skeleton adamantium? Nikolai: it's a wolverine zombie! DM of Da: DM of Da: That is what it looks like. DM of Da: It is currently 80 feet away from you. Albrecht: that is not Wolverine. Albrecht: It's... um... Lady Deathstrike. Siran: Destroy these intruders! Albrecht: ok Albrecht: I will be readying my shield and pulling out my warhammer *** Siran whispers an aside in your direction Siran: Don't worry, I'll call it off if it looks like you might have a chance <<< Boneclaw has joined >>> <<< 10:18:49 PM >>> DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Roll Init. Boneclaw: /try 8 *** DM rolls attempts for Boneclaw : *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 8 = 10 Nikolai: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 1 = 17 Nikolai: //don't you use a falchion Nikolai: //or wtf ever it is DM of Da: //shamsir DM of Da: Meanwhile DM of Da: Let's have some Knowledge: Religion from you two DM of Da: To see if you know anything useful about fighting undead Albrecht: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 5 = 12 Nikolai: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 9 = 29 DM of Da: You will of course know nothing specific about this thing DM of Da: But Nikolai: <_< Nikolai: >_> DM of Da: Nikolai knows that: Albrecht: /try 3;religion *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM (religion) 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13 Albrecht: // I decided to go with my shield for this fight rather than the two-handeer Nikolai: //right DM of Da: Being a skeletal undead, it has DR/blundgeoning, and is immune to cold/mind-affecting/etc. Nikolai: //I didn't realize you had another weapon DM of Da: Albrecht also knows about the bludgeoning business DM of Da: Nikolai! You're first. Nikolai: Glitterdust Nikolai: Also with my massive knowledge check DM of Da: Mm? Nikolai: I'm fairly sure undead are not immune to being blinded. Nikolai: Right? DM of Da: Correct DM of Da: Just looked it up DM of Da: So DM of Da: DC? Nikolai: 15 Boneclaw: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Boneclaw : *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 9 = 24 Nikolai: well DM of Da: It makes it. Nikolai: I move back 30 feet DM of Da: There is no back 30 feet Nikolai: Oh DM of Da: You're at the edge of the pit Nikolai: well fuck me then DM of Da: There's just the pit wall behind you DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Albrecht? Albrecht: I will step forward to block its path to Nikolai Albrecht: say... 10 feet in front of him Albrecht: and stay DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Readying actions? Or? Nikolai: you said 80 ft Nikolai: right? DM of Da: Yep Nikolai: so to get to where he is he had to use a FRA Albrecht: I will ready to attack if it comes in reach, yes DM of Da: I think he meant 10ft in front of you Nikolai: oh DM of Da: Not 10ft from the creature Nikolai: k DM of Da: Ok. Albrecht: yes Boris: // dealing with my mom and wedding questions, AIM me if needed DM of Da: //k Nikolai: //my spells are nigh useless for this Albrecht: 10 ft in front of Nikolai Albrecht: // damage spells? buff spells? Nikolai: //I have some damage and I will be using all I can Nikolai: //but it's not much Albrecht: // obviously I don't know your prep Nikolai: //well we'll see what happens DM of Da: Alright. DM of Da: The creature's turn. Nikolai: //most of my good spells were mind affecting Nikolai: //and that glitterdust was my only trump card DM of Da: It moves forward toward you with a smooth gait, its movements fluid and sure Albrecht: // ouch DM of Da: As it approaches, it stretches its arm out toward you, its razor-sharp claws extend to mind-boggling lengths Albrecht: // Totally Lady Deathstrike. DM of Da: It stops 20 feet away from you, its claws reaching you even from that distance, attempting to skewer you Boneclaw: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Boneclaw : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 7 = 13 Albrecht: miss DM of Da: I take it that's a failure DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: please, I'm a frontliner. If that hits me, I should retire. DM of Da: It retracts its claws after failing to penetrate your armor DM of Da: Nikolai's turn. Nikolai: well Nikolai: Next turn, there will be stuff, I promise Nikolai: I mage Armor myself Nikolai: with my wand of mage armor DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Albrecht? Albrecht: ok, guess i'll step up and take a swing Albrecht: yes, I know I eat an AoO for that DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Do you charge? DM of Da: You can totally charge DM of Da: It's 20 feet away Nikolai: la Albrecht: not charge DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: As soon as you begin your approach, the boneclaw stretches out the other arm, its lightning-quick claws lancing out at you Boneclaw: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Boneclaw : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 7 = 13 DM of Da: But glancing off your armor again. Albrecht: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 6 = 18 DM of Da: Success! You hit. Albrecht: /roll 1d8+3 *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 1d8 < 5 = 5 > + 3 = 8 Albrecht: and this is a warhammer DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: Your hammer strikes bone with a resounding crack, but its skeletal structure seems hardly affected. DM of Da: Its turn. DM of Da: The boneclaw takes a graceful step back and strikes out with its extendable claws; its strikes seem better-aimed this time... Boneclaw: /try 9 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Boneclaw : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 9 = 27 *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 9 = 13 Albrecht: first is a hit Boneclaw: /roll 2d6+5 *** DM rolls dice for Boneclaw: 2d6 < 2 1 = 3 > + 5 = 8 Albrecht: ok DM of Da: Nikolai? Nikolai: How's your hp Nikolai: Scorching Ray. DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Roll. Albrecht: 22/30 Nikolai: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13 Nikolai: that hit touch? DM of Da: It does Nikolai: fantastic DM of Da: Roll dmg Nikolai: /roll 4d6 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 4d6 < 4 2 2 3 = 11 > = 11 Boris: ouch Sven: not so fantastic. DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: You scorch its musculature slightly, but the boneclaw seems unconcerned. DM of Da: Albrecht! Albrecht: free action curse DM of Da: Effect is? Albrecht: -2 on everything ever Albrecht: d20s, weapon damage Albrecht: Will save ofc ourse Nikolai: man I should have waited for that to go off Boneclaw: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Boneclaw : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 9 = 14 Albrecht: ah well DM of Da: Ok. Nikolai: :/ DM of Da: And? Albrecht: nah, see, my DC is poorgasmic Albrecht: actually it's 13 Nikolai: if only he had rolled that on my DC tho Albrecht: because it's based on class level Albrecht: now i attack again Albrecht: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 6 = 14 Albrecht: presumably that misses DM of Da: It does. DM of Da: Its turn. DM of Da: Oh wait DM of Da: You took an AoO to attack DM of Da: Since it stepped back DM of Da: So let's resolve that Boneclaw: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Boneclaw : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 9 = 16 DM of Da: ? Albrecht: miss DM of Da: k DM of Da: Well on its turn DM of Da: It steps back again Albrecht: hmm, I dislike it stepping a lot Boris: how far away is it stepping? DM of Da: Striking out with both arms Boris: and are you getting AoAOs back? DM of Da: 5ft and no DM of Da: It has bigger reach Nikolai: wait. DM of Da: It has quadruple his reach Albrecht: if it's moving 5 ft... Nikolai: yeah Albrecht: and i'm moving 5 ft. DM of Da: Oh right 5ft crap Albrecht: then neither of us gets AoOs Nikolai: yeah that makes no sense DM of Da: nm Albrecht: granted, that missed so it doesn't matter Boris: thus my point DM of Da: Yeah sorry dumbness on my part DM of Da: Anyways Nikolai: a good point boris Boneclaw: /try 9 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Boneclaw : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 9 = 22 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 9 = 19 Nikolai: a very good point Albrecht: bugger Albrecht: bothhit Boneclaw: /roll 4d6+10 *** DM rolls dice for Boneclaw: 4d6 < 6 6 4 5 = 21 > + 10 = 31 Nikolai: oh god Albrecht: i'm down DM of Da: How down Nikolai: imadie Albrecht: i also have 1 round to stabilize. Nikolai: oh god Boris: ouch DM of Da: Mmhm DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Nikolai's turn Sven: you just keep killing adam off. *** DM of Da plays the Killing Adam Off song Nikolai: So uh Nikolai: Yeah *** DM of Da does the Killing Adam Off dance Nikolai: How bout that Nikolai: Well I can't go to aid him Nikolai: So I'll Magic Missile Boris: whats her face casts mass heal, right? Albrecht: well, looks like I'll need to come up with another character again DM of Da: lol Nikolai: if she's casting mass heal Nikolai: then I give up DM of Da: Magic Missile eh Nikolai: yep DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Roll dmg Nikolai: /roll 2d4+2 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 2d4 < 4 2 = 6 > + 2 = 8 DM of Da: Alright DM of Da: The boneclaw is slightly damaged, but seems undaunted Nikolai: ugh Nikolai: uhm Nikolai: can I move any farther away from it than I am? DM of Da: Nope Nikolai: ugh *** Boneclaw steps over Albrecht's prone form, extending its claws to strike at Nikolai, when... Albrecht: it's around 40 from you I think Siran: Stop! *** Boneclaw retracts its claws and halts *** Boneclaw walks over to Albrecht with a frown on her face and spellcasts DM of Da: er *** Siran does that *** Siran Cure Light Wounds Siran: /roll 1d8+6 *** DM rolls dice for Siran: 1d8 < 6 = 6 > + 6 = 12 Boris: hah Siran: Hm. Albrecht: 3/30 Nikolai: It got lucky. Sven: //rofl Sven: //lucky you say Nikolai: //yes Nikolai: //i do Siran: I don't know... Nikolai: //I say many things Albrecht: well, it's not like I ever get a chance to pick up better armor Siran: I'm not sure how useful you can be to me after all... Nikolai: Let me ask you something. Nikolai: Is it how useful we can be to you that you should be considering... or how useful we may be to the Iron Triad? Nikolai: In the future. *** Siran glances at Nikolai, then continues to inspect her undead Nikolai: (you now*) Nikolai: (is what I meant) *** Siran takes the boneclaw's skeletal hand and examines the claws Siran: Then again, I had hardly had a chance to test these beauties in true combat... I had no idea... *** Siran turns to Nikolai Siran: Well... *** Siran frowns again Siran: Has your friend here considered the path of undeath? It might improved his fighting skill. Siran: I could make something really useful out of a willing subject. *** Siran looks down at Albrecht questioningly *** Albrecht coughs Siran: You don't even really have to lose all of your free will for that... *** Nikolai raises an eyebrow Albrecht: I would rather consider the path of some better armor first. Siran: Well, I'll let you think about it. Siran: I... suppose... you're right about one thing. Siran: My amulet would not have reacted as it did if the Triad did not consider you loyal. Siran: I guess we'll just have to find some good use for the two of you. *** Siran whistles DM of Da: At this, the three black birds who've been watching the proceedings with interest descend into the pit DM of Da: Siran puts her helmet back on DM of Da: And mounts up Nikolai: //how many hp did that thing have? DM of Da: Indicating that you do the same *** Nikolai does so DM of Da: //timely question Albrecht: guess we're riding back <<< Boneclaw has left >>> <<< 10:58:42 PM >>> DM of Da: As the creatures carry you upwards again, Siran yells to you against the wind... Siran: So, what'd you think? Nikolai: I think that if I had known I'd be fighting an undead creature, I would have prepared different spells. Albrecht: I think I find the reach most impressive. Nikolai: Had Albrecht had the advantage of some extra size, it would have been a more even fight... Nikolai: Not to mention some extra fire from me. Siran: I'm thinking... mix them up with some expendables and just a handful of them can dominate a battlefield. Nikolai: Unquestionably. Albrecht: I concur. Siran: The ancient ritual of its creation fortifies the creature with pure negative energy... well, I can tell you all about it another time. Nikolai: Now if you can give them better Reflexes while in Combat... Albrecht: :P Nikolai: You may have an unstoppable killing machine DM of Da: //They totally have it :P Nikolai: //k Siran: You know, I think I may have thought of a use for you! Siran: We'll talk about it when we land. DM of Da: You begin your descent, approaching the huge stronghold that houses Siran's throne room... DM of Da: Aaand... DM of Da: CUT. DM of Da: FADE! DM of Da: FADE IN. Sven: cinematogrizzle Boris: DUCK! Vasily: Take cover! Albrecht: // we really need some more front line. Albrecht: // also I need an AC that's worth having Vasily: // we will, as soon as the two of us start necromantizing stuffs. DM of Da: Ok! DM of Da: Here's map DM of Da: Nikolai: //well as far as I know, if we ever make it out of here, you'll have it DM of Da: You're coming from the southwest DM of Da: Boris is in B5 Albrecht: // sure, full plate. I want more than that DM of Da: Sven's in A5 DM of Da: Vasily's in A6 DM of Da: And Heracles and his men are behind you DM of Da: The flickering light of what is probably a powerful fire issues from the northern corridor Boris: is anything down "corridor B"? DM of Da: As you can see DM of Da: Shelves on the sides DM of Da: OVerturned tables DM of Da: Goblins Albrecht: // hell, full plate will only get me to 19 or 21 if I use a shield :( DM of Da: Roll some: Initiative! Vasily: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 1 = 14 Boris: /try 7 *** DM rolls attempts for Boris : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 7 = 16 Sven: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 1 = 9 Heracles: /try 0 *** DM rolls attempts for Heracles : *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 0 = 5 Boris: ugh <<< Siran has left >>> <<< 11:07:23 PM >>> <<< Goblins! has joined >>> <<< 11:07:27 PM >>> Goblins!: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins! : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 1 = 19 DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: The Goblins! go first. DM of Da: They goblins way in the back of the armory fire their crossbows at Boris. Goblins!: /try 3 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins! : *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 3 = 6 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13 DM of Gaia: ? DM of Gaia: Hit/miss? DM of Gaia: What's your AC, let's put it that way Boris: one hit DM of Gaia: So I know Boris: 10 + 3 dex DM of Gaia: Ok Goblins!: /troll 1d8 Boris: i want that level now to make it 14 =P Goblins!: /roll 1d8 *** DM rolls dice for Goblins!: 1d8 < 4 = 4 > = 4 DM of Da: The goblins in E6 and G6 fire at Boris also. Goblins!: /try 3 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins! : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 3 = 9 *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13 Boris: what are my HP these days anyway? Goblins!: /roll 1d8 *** DM rolls dice for Goblins!: 1d8 < 1 = 1 > = 1 Boris: son of a.... DM of Da: Well, you should be at max Boris: k DM of Da: The goblins in E4 and G4 can see Sven! They fire at him. Goblins!: /try 3 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins! : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 3 = 4 *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 3 = 16 DM of Da: Pfft Sven: 1 hit Goblins!: /try 1;ref *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins! : *** DM (ref) 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 1 = 12 DM of Da: The goblin in E4 drops his crossbow. DM of Da: Actually no DM of Da: He shoots himself DM of Da: In the foot Goblins!: /roll 1d8 *** DM rolls dice for Goblins!: 1d8 < 2 = 2 > = 2 Sven: good jyorghb. DM of Da: The other goblin hits Sven and... Goblins!: /roll 1d8 *** DM rolls dice for Goblins!: 1d8 < 7 = 7 > = 7 DM of Da: Ooh, a solid hit. Sven: unconscious. DM of Da: pwned. DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Boris! DM of Da: The goblins, remember, have cover (+4 AC) from the overturned tables. DM of Da: What Do You Do(tm)? Boris: hmmm.....go crazy. GO and smash the one in E6(?) DM of Gaia: Very well. Boris: from F4 DM of Gaia: Um DM of Gaia: Explain that one DM of Gaia: You won't be able to reach E6 from F4 Boris: ...F6 Vasily: D4? DM of Gaia: Ok F6 Boris: my bad Vasily: Ooh, right, they're not weaponed. DM of Gaia: You'd provoke an AoO from E4 for that movement... but none of them have melee weapons out so it's ok. Boris: small morningstar right? is that a light weapon for me? DM of Gaia: Yes DM of Gaia: It is DM of Gaia: Roll Boris: yay weapon finesse Boris: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Boris : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 5 = 12 Boris: boo dice Boris: i flank with the table DM of Gaia: LOL DM of Gaia: Ok that's a failure DM of Gaia: Sven... is all unconscious DM of Gaia: Vasily! DM of Gaia: (other way around but Sven is still unconscious) Vasily: Go to Sven, and feed him a potion. Vasily: /roll 1d8+1 *** DM rolls dice for Vasily: 1d8 < 3 = 3 > + 1 = 4 Vasily: for 4+4 hp DM of Gaia: Ok DM of Gaia: You're cured of 4 damage and 4 more nonlethal DM of Gaia: Since you were next to Sven, you still have a move action DM of Gaia: Or no you don't because you had to take out the potion DM of Gaia: Never mind. DM of Gaia: Sven! DM of Gaia: You're conscious congratulations. DM of Gaia: State your actions. Sven: I get actions? Vasily: I 5 ft away if it's relevant. DM of Gaia: You do! Vasily poured a potion down your throat. Sven: hot. Sven: I guess I have to stand DM of Gaia: That'd be ideal. Sven: which is some sort of move action DM of Gaia: Yep. Sven: is there anything for me to take cover behind? DM of Gaia: You can duck into the northern tunnel Sven: I guess you better put me at B4 for now. DM of Gaia: Ok. Sven: that is a wall I see there, right? DM of Gaia: Yes. DM of Gaia: Heracles goes. DM of Gaia: Unlike his mythical namesake, he is not going to do anything particularly heroic... DM of Gaia: Unless you count running into the room and punching a goblin DM of Gaia: Heracles will move to E5 and attack into E4 Heracles: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Heracles : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 5 = 12 *** Heracles fails Vasily: (punching? DM of Gaia: //yes Vasily: // I thought we equipped these guys with maces DM of Gaia: //what with unarmed strike and all DM of Gaia: Oh you did DM of Gaia: k thanks for reminding DM of Gaia: He swings a mace DM of Gaia: But still misses. DM of Gaia: Goblins go again. DM of Gaia: The goblins in E4 and E6 draw their morningstars and swing at Heracles, flanking him... DM of Gaia: (dropping their crossbows first) Boris: he's in E5?....the fool Vasily: (what happened to Ariston?) Goblins!: /try 4 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins! : *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 4 = 7 *** DM 1d20 < 2 = 2 > + 4 = 6 DM of Gaia: Ariston's bringing up the back of the line DM of Gaia: So DM of Gaia: He's way down the tunnel past a bunch of sailors Vasily: // ah DM of Gaia: He'll get here eventually. *** Goblins! fail DM of Da: The goblins in G4 and G6 drop down behind their tables (gaining full cover) to reload their crossbows Vasily: // and are now prone? DM of Da: As do the goblins in I4 and I6 DM of Da: Yep prone DM of Da: Boris. Boris: do you feel like adjudicating picking up the goblin next to me and throwing him on top of the goblin in G6, or should I do something normal? Boris: Morning star E6 in the face: Boris: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Boris : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 5 = 18 Boris: /roll 1d6+1 *** DM rolls dice for Boris: 1d6 < 6 = 6 > + 1 = 7 DM of Gaia: You crack the goblin's skull with a single solid hit. DM of Gaia: He goes down. Boris: move to G5 DM of Gaia: Ok. DM of Gaia: Vasily! Vasily: If I were to move to D6... Vasily: would I get partial cover from the far goblins but have LoS to the one at E4? DM of Da: Yeah? DM of Da: That... would be correct, yes. Vasily: I do so. DM of Da: k DM of Da: And? Vasily: He gets a magic missile in the face. DM of Da: Roll. Vasily: /roll 2d4+2 *** DM rolls dice for Vasily: 2d4 < 3 4 = 7 > + 2 = 9 DM of Da: The two bolts of magical force strike the goblin full-on, and he chokes and dies. Vasily: I drop to prone as a free action. DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Sven! Sven: e6 and e4 are down? DM of Da: They are. <<< Nikolai has left >>> <<< 11:29:18 PM >>> Sven: and the rest of them are prone and reloading shit? DM of Gaia: Yes. Vasily: Looks like. Sven: I suppose h4 isn't reachable in a move action . . . DM of Gaia: It is not. Vasily: No? Sven: h5 should be, though DM of Gaia: H5 is. Sven: so I go there. Vasily: Nice. Sven: threatening everybody. Sven: yay. DM of Gaia: Ok. DM of Gaia: Any other actions? Sven: I stabbenzeshit out of g4 DM of Gaia: Or? DM of Gaia: Ah DM of Gaia: Roll. Sven: prone and not threatening is how much of a bonus? DM of Gaia: +4/ Vasily: +4 Sven: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 9 = 18 Sven: /roll 1d4+3 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d4 < 1 = 1 > + 3 = 4 Sven: :( DM of Gaia: You wound the goblin, but he is not yet dead. DM of Gaia: Heracles goes. Sven: had to be a min roll. DM of Da: Yah. <<< root has joined >>> <<< 11:32:36 PM >>> root: and this client hates name changes for whatever reason :( DM of Da: Heracles moves to H4 and swings his mace at the goblin Sven stabbed. Heracles: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Heracles : *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 9 = 12 *** Heracles misses completely Vasily: even counting the proneness? DM of Da: Even so. Albrecht: Heracles is not so good. DM of Da: Meanwhile, two of the sailors move up and into the room, taking up positions at C4 and C6 to assess the situation DM of Da: These are armed with crossbows, and they ready actions to shoot exposed goblins DM of Da: However, they look nervous, and their arms shake slightly DM of Da: Boris, you're up. DM of Gaia: Initiating poking protocol.. DM of Gaia: Executed. root: heh root: amd I still next to two prone goblins? DM of Da: You're next to two dead goblins (E5) root: I moved to the next 2 DM of Da: Wait I skipped the goblins' turn omg DM of Da: Goblins go :P root: between the prone ones DM of Da: So <<< Boris has left >>> <<< 11:37:13 PM >>> DM of Da: The goblins in G4 and G6 fire crossbows from prone positions at Sven root: AoO DM of Da: They provoke AoOs for doing so Vasily: Yuppers. root: \/try 5 DM of Da: Pick one and stab it DM of Da: (Sven) DM of Da: (not Boris) DM of Da: (Boris is still in E5 because it's not his turn yet) Sven: I guess the one I stabbed previously. root: grrr.... DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Roll. Sven: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 9 = 29 root: someone roll +5 for me DM of Da: Wow Sven: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 9 = 19 Sven: /roll 2d4+6 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 2d4 < 4 1 = 5 > + 6 = 11 Sven: dead. root: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 5 = 15 DM of Da: The goblin twitches once and dies. DM of Da: Not you I said :P DM of Da: Anyway DM of Da: The goblin in G6 fires at Sven Goblins!: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins! : *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 3 = 22 root: wait, why dont I have an AoO DM of Da: You're still in E5 DM of Da: It's not your turn yet root: no, I said I moised to G5 Sven: he was in g5, wasn't he root: after killing the one last turn DM of Da: He was he Sven: he's the reason I'm not in g5 DM of Da: Ohhh DM of Da: Ok ok Sven: as a matter of fact. DM of Da: Well DM of Da: 15 is a hit DM of Da: Roll dmg root: /roll 1d6+1 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d6 < 1 = 1 > + 1 = 2 root: take THAT DM of Da: lol Sven: nice. root: I missed the floor DM of Da: The goblin manages nonetheless to fire his crossbow at Sven DM of Da: Threatening a crit... Goblins!: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins! : *** DM 1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 3 = 11 Sven: nope. DM of Da: k. Goblins!: /roll 1d8 *** DM rolls dice for Goblins!: 1d8 < 1 = 1 > = 1 DM of Da: The bolt grazes you. Sven: what could this be? some sort of . . . luck? DM of Da: The goblins in I4 and I6 pop up DM of Da: Provoking AoOs but you already took one this round Sven: yup Sven: me fucked. DM of Da: They fire crossbows at Sven, provoking AGAIN but you don't have Combat Reflexes you noob Sven: or nearly that much dex. DM of Da: truth root: it's cool, I think we count as being in melee and its doubtfuil they have precise shot Goblins!: /try 3 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Goblins! : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13 *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 3 = 6 Sven: one hit Vasily: Hmm... Vasily: What about Heracles. DM of Da: What about him Vasily: He gets an AoO, no? root: do they take -4 for firing into melle for sven? or is he still in the back Vasily: Hehe... it's true. DM of Da: To the first: No due to cover Sven: sven is right next to them. Vasily: They're firing into melee... with themselves. Albrecht: // So... clearly Sandy hates me and Chris most. DM of Da: To the second: Yes so they miss DM of Da: Now then Sven: very well. DM of Da: Boris' turn. DM of Da: You've got a goblin like right next to you. Sven: kill his face in right this time. root: I'm more tempted to go to the back to threaten...but I should kill this one first DM of Da: Please do root: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for root : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 5 = 15 root: /roll 1d6+1 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d6 < 5 = 5 > + 1 = 6 DM of Da: His face is killed all the way in. root: nice. move between the last two DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Vasily! Vasily: Well, this battle seems to be shaping up nicely. root: scratch that root: there's one space past between them, yes? DM of Da: No root: that threatens both? root: ok, between them DM of Da: k Sven: we are out of armory. DM of Da: So V Vasily: Not much else I can do here, so I'll sit down and start peeling an apple. Vasily: If necessary, I prestidigitate an apple into existence. DM of Da: LOL DM of Da: Peeling an apple Sven: . . . DM of Da: I don't even know what to say Sven: I need to get his ass a potato. DM of Da: And some tin foil I'm thinking. DM of Da: Sven? Sven: I has a turn . . . DM of Da: Yah rly Vasily: Oooh, I also prestidigitate up some tin foil and brown sugar. Sven: the goblins are standing again? DM of Da: They are. Sven: and they have some sort of cover? DM of Da: Are you making candy apple DM of Da: Not from you Sven: k. Sven: I shall stizzab I4 Sven: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Sven : *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 5 = 12 DM of Da: You fail. Sven: yup. DM of Da: Any movement? Sven: next. DM of Da: k. DM of Da: Heracles goes. DM of Da: He moves into H5 with Sven and swings at the goblin in I4. Heracles: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Heracles : *** DM 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 5 = 15 DM of Da: He hits! Heracles: /roll 1d6+2 *** DM rolls dice for Heracles: 1d6 < 1 = 1 > + 2 = 3 DM of Da: But not very hard. DM of Da: The sailors that've entered the armory fire... DM of Da: At I4 and I6, naturally Heracles: /try 1 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Heracles : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 1 = 10 *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 1 = 12 DM of Da: But due to all the cover, they miss totally. Vasily: (Into melee? le sigh) DM of Da: Look DM of Da: Their combat prowess may be weak but their Profession: Sailor is huge DM of Da: So stfu/gtfo kthxbye Nikolai: lol DM of Da: Goblins go. *** Goblins! drop their crossbows and put their hands up, backing up against the far wall and cowering DM of Da: What do you do in response to this? DM of Da: Boris? Sven?? Vasily?!? DM of Da: They're totally at your mercy! Sven: well root: Herecles, watch the one behind me! Sven: unless anyone here speaks goblin, I'm down with killing them. Nikolai: kill them all *** root moves to the whatever 4 root: we could question them for a way out *** Vasily stands up DM of Da: Nobody speaks Goblin though *** Vasily munches on his apple root: do they speak russian? DM of Da: Doesn't look like it *** Vasily walks up to the goblins DM of Da: The only goblin who spoke Russian that you've seen was the cleric interrogator root: i thought someone did speak goblin....fighting lady deathstrike? *** Vasily Points to his light source *** Vasily points to the door DM of Da: Nope nobody did... Albrecht speaks Infernal *** Vasily looks at the goblin DM of Da: The goblin does not seem to understand *** Vasily sighs Vasily: These are of no use. Kill them. *** Sven does DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: They're killed. <<< Goblins! has left >>> <<< 11:52:14 PM >>> DM of Da: At this point DM of Da: Ariston pushes past all the sailors Vasily: We arm the remaining sailors. DM of Da: And enters the armory Vasily: Ideally, everyone now has a crossbow and a mace. DM of Da: Yep Ariston: Well, if they didn't know where we were before, they certainly do now. Vasily: They're coming up behind us? Ariston: Not that I've seen, but it's more than obvious to me that'll change soon enough. Ariston: That battle made an incredible amount of noise. DM of Da: We should keep moving. DM of Da: er Ariston: said that *** Ariston bah root: then we move DM of Da: Ok. root: wasn't there an armory near by? DM of Da: ... Albrecht: you're in it. DM of Da: You're IN an armory :P root: like, we saw swords on the wall or something? DM of Da: Crossbows Nikolai: haha root: booo DM of Da: Morningstars DM of Da: Javelins DM of Da: So DM of Da: You resume formation DM of Da: And move down the northern tunnel Sven: sho nuff. Albrecht: stay in formation. DM of Da: From which the flickering light of a fire can be seen DM of Da: It widens and expands DM of Da: And after about 30 feet, opens up... DM of Da: And you find yourself in a cavern so vast you can barely see the other side DM of Da: It is shaped like a huge pit, basically an inverted dome Vasily: If we go to Za'ha'dun, we will die? root: im going to guess we shouldnt go to the center root: za ha dun? DM of Da: It is divided into a great many levels, with each level featuring a wide ledge around the edge of it Albrecht: Zha'ha'dum. DM of Da: //Z'ha'dum DM of Da: //anyway Sven: //. . . wut Albrecht: // sigh Vasily: // Zihhydum DM of Da: On these ledges are tents DM of Da: Situated around large firepits Nikolai: //man they are getting so much more xp than us Vasily: (Hey, did those gobbos in the armory have CLW pots?) DM of Da: (yes) Albrecht: // it's true... but we're not done yet DM of Da: You appear to be near the top of this vast cavern; there are only several levels above you, and you can barely make out the ceiling Sven: //hotness . . . can I take one? Vasily: // 1 for sven, 1 for me, 1 for ariston and heracles each, then... 3 left. Vasily: // 1 for us three? DM of Da: The levels get narrower and smaller toward the bottom of the cave Vasily: // err, 2 left. Sven: //ok Sven: /roll 1d8+1 *** DM rolls dice for Sven: 1d8 < 1 = 1 > + 1 = 2 DM of Da: And the very bottom is a huge, open pit, with more tents around the outside of it Vasily: // 2 for sven, 1 for Boris, 1 for me, 1 for ariston + heracles. Sven: tears. DM of Da: And the center features a circle of firepits around an open central area DM of Da: You can't make out what is in there root: //Im down 5 HP, I could use one DM of Da: You estimate that many this cavern contains many hundreds of goblins root: /roll 1d8+1 *** DM rolls dice for root: 1d8 < 3 = 3 > + 1 = 4 DM of Da: Narrow stone steps around the edges of each level's ledge lead up to the levels above and below DM of Da: Looking left and right, you see that you have exited between two groups of tents DM of Da: And goblins are starting to swarm out of them, yelling as they alert their friends to your presence. DM of Da: The entire cavern is filled with the sounds of drums, and a multitude of goblin shouts and yells. Vasily: Shit... I'm the old crotchety greybeard... root: if only we spoke goblin, we could yell that the escapees are elsewhere Vasily: This doesn't bode well for me. DM of Da: Now, we're going to have a brief cut... DM of Da: CUT! DM of Da: FADE! DM of Da: CROSSFADE! Sven: rofl. DM of Da: Siran, Nikolai, and Albrecht descend to the landing platform of her stronghold in the center of the goblin metropolis of Nightscree... DM of Da: And as she walks toward the doors leading inside, a goblin cleric escorted by four guards runs out <<< Siran has joined >>> <<< 12:04:23 AM >>> DM of Da: The cleric whispers something to Siran, who rumbles something in response through her helm... DM of Da: The cleric whispers again, nods, and goes back inside with her guards DM of Da: Without taking off her helmet, Siran turns to you and speaks in the deep, demonic voice... Albrecht: "your friends are trying to escape?" Sven: //zomg special effects Albrecht: // Darth Siran? Siran: The three that my forces captured with you... were they your only traveling companions? Siran: Answer truthfully or our alliance is ended at this very moment! Albrecht: I had other traveling companions before I met them, but all of them died. Siran: Then there were no others with you? Albrecht: There was a wolf. Albrecht: // have Vasily and Nikolai seen their familiars? DM of Da: //nope Vasily: // I's got a rat Nikolai: // me too *** Siran takes off her helmet and narrows her eyes in thought *** Siran looks at you Nikolai: Well Siran: Then either this is a really big coincidence... Nikolai: There were those three Nikolai: And our animal companions Siran: Or you were being followed. Nikolai: Hah. Nikolai: It's possible. Siran: And whoever was after you is now in my city. Albrecht: A great many things are possible Nikolai: I certainly thought we were being followed, But I thought you were the one following us. Albrecht: // should we mention the random murder of the random ranger? *** Siran shakes her head Siran: A human prowls the streets of Nightscree right now. Apparently he wears all black... and is exceedingly good at not getting caught. *** Siran goes inside Nikolai: Fantastic. He needs to die. Vasily: // oh hell. We're being stalked by Hamlet. DM of Da: And this is where we stop. root: hah Albrecht: It's totally whatever murdered that ranger we were going to torture for informatin DM of Da: Tune in next time for the stunning conclusion! Nikolai: lols <<< DM has left >>> <<< 12:10:55 AM >>> <<< Ariston has left >>> <<< 12:10:56 AM >>> <<< Heracles has left >>> <<< 12:10:56 AM >>> <<< Greek Sailors has left >>> <<< 12:10:56 AM >>> <<< Pavel has left >>> <<< 12:10:56 AM >>> <<< Fyodor has left >>> <<< 12:10:56 AM >>> <<< Siran has left >>> <<< 12:10:56 AM >>> DM of Da: Alright. DM of Da: Any questions or comments? Vasily: Sounds like Master didn't have any significant problems. DM of Da: Sure does. DM of Da: Thanks! Vasily: So... DM of Gaia: So you know how I said you'd get XP in the middle of this session Vasily: Right now, your log file is going to go up a bit each session. root: :( i want my level, so the next time 2 goblins roll 13s against me they miss DM of Gaia: Yeah, I lied root: booooo DM of Gaia: And by lied I meant pwned you guys a little more than I planned Vasily: Do you mind your log file going up like 5-10k per session? Sven: oh, I had a question DM of Gaia: I don't mind, Oliver DM of Gaia: What's up Chris Sven: was the last three sessions really 1100 xp? DM of Gaia: Three? Vasily: Ok, I'd like to keep the test code in there, just in case. DM of Gaia: It wasn't that many... Vasily: We haven't got shit for the past 3 sessions, aye. DM of Gaia: Um Nikolai: No, it was definitely 3. Vasily: the 2 I missed, and the 1 I was there for only part of. Nikolai: Yep. DM of Gaia: Last time you got XP was just before you left Oleshie right? DM of Gaia: So it was... Sven: we haven't gotten anything since ataman noobsauce DM of Gaia: Right DM of Gaia: Well DM of Gaia: Sure DM of Gaia: 1100 or so XP Sven: ok. DM of Gaia: I mean what'd you fight DM of Gaia: Ataman this that and the other's people Sven: the 6 riders DM of Gaia: A dragon DM of Gaia: He was a small dragon Sven: that taras character Nikolai: 3 lizardy things Albrecht: some n00bs, some gnolls, the dragon stuff, and the goblins root: the riders, yes DM of Gaia: Little baby dragon root: thats the XP I want Sven: some gnolls DM of Gaia: Sure, gnolls DM of Gaia: The goblins you don't exactly get XP for :P Sven: and then there was the whole getting fucked. DM of Gaia: Yeah DM of Gaia: Getting fucked earns 0 XP Sven: which hasn't completed yet, I suppose. Albrecht: yeah basically DM of Gaia: Unless you're RPing really well while doing so Sven: very well. DM of Gaia: In which case you get RPXP *** Vasily smoted an apple root: you lose XP for that DM of Gaia: Oh, well then DM of Gaia: An apple root: craft - peeled apple DM of Gaia: I suppose that's like a CR 12 apple Vasily: Damn right. root: takes 1/25 of the xp cost to create and such Nikolai: riiight Albrecht: so I have now definitely learned Albrecht: that paladin healing when everyone is taking damage is scary Vasily: Yup. Albrecht: fortunately Ian was there to fix it as well Albrecht: also wearing 10 level old green eagle gear to heal ramparts at 56 is scary Vasily: Hah. Vasily: So, I'm looking at a Brd14/Ftr2/Shadowdancer4 build. Albrecht: i was actually surprised I could zone in Nikolai: yeah Albrecht: even more that I could zone into furnace Nikolai: paladin healing is generally not a fun prospect in my opinion Albrecht: but while kyouya tanked I burned my way to 57 <<< Sven has left >>> <<< 12:18:37 AM >>> Vasily: It's interesting every so often. Albrecht: eh... if only one person is taking hits it's quite easy Vasily: Like... Aneyn was fun to heal on periodically. Albrecht: and i enjoyed mixing some hammers and repentences in Vasily: I wouldn't do it regularly though. Albrecht: well i'm not going holy for PvE anyway Albrecht: I do wish I had crusader strike already, though Nikolai: yep Vasily: That was a fun ability. Albrecht: and I half expected crusader to drop when I was questing that tower Vasily: I just found that I ended up draining my mana way too fast as Ret. Vasily: Granted, my gear sucked. Vasily: But... Vasily: <3 prot. Albrecht: well it depends Nikolai: in comparison to what? Albrecht: I don't have crusader strike yet... Nikolai: the problem with prot Albrecht: but if I do judge every cooldown, then I burn mana Nikolai: is that you can't efficiently kill casters root: this more WoW madness? Albrecht: if I only judge as a seal is running out, I do fine Vasily: Yeah, but that's true of all specs. Nikolai: what? Vasily: well, almost all specs. Nikolai: No, Ret kills casters just fine Vasily: Ret's decent at it. Nikolai: Prot is only superior at grinding large numbers of melee Albrecht: adding exorcism in burns more mana Albrecht: but it's nothing compared to a warrior or rogue on a caster Vasily: Which is just about everything and its mother. Nikolai: if you have areas with melee mobs combined with casters Albrecht: sigh Albrecht: that ate some of my text Nikolai: or melee mobs spaced far apart Nikolai: then prot is inferior to ret DM of Gaia: Ok who's up for like 1 game of war3 Nikolai: and it's really not anything or its mother DM of Gaia: Eh Vasily: /shrug DM of Gaia: Ehhhh Vasily: Prot was lots of fun. Nikolai: that's maybe like 50% of the outlands Albrecht: nah, I need to go to bed Vasily: You attack something. Nikolai: so was Ret Vasily: then walk away Vasily: come back DM of Gaia: Oliver? Ian?? Vasily: nearly full health Vasily: I'm at work... and I needs my sleeps. DM of Gaia: Aww Nikolai: I'm going to bed root: enjoy wow =P root: night <<< root has left >>> <<< 12:23:15 AM >>> DM of Gaia: You guys suck :( Nikolai: but walking away from the ocmputer isn't exactly my idea of fun Albrecht: you too Nikolai: prot's great at 70 Nikolai: when you have gear Vasily: Hehe. Nikolai: and grinding areas filled with physical mobs Nikolai: like netherwing mine Nikolai: which is fantastic for prot Vasily: Alrighty. Vasily: I need to get home. DM of Gaia: Ian come 1v1 :x Vasily: 'night all. Nikolai: nope Albrecht: goodnight Nikolai: not a chance DM of Gaia: Aww DM of Gaia: Alright DM of Gaia: Night guys Nikolai: night