Albrecht and Nikolai tell Siran about the attack in the cave on the steppes. Boris, Sven, and Vasily are recaptured and tortured further. Albrecht and Nikolai are attacked by the mysterious stranger and dispatch him, with Siran's help. Siran helps free the rest of the party, on condition that they get information about Kiev for her. The party reaches Kiev and begins to investigate the message from Danil & Anastas. They determine that the letter has a magically hidden message in it.
<<< root has joined >>> <<< 08:04:23 PM >>> root: hey, I'm firing up the other computer that lets me change my name. root: we are playing tonight, right? Albrecht: aye DM of Gaia: We are DM of Gaia: Just waiting for... root: ok DM of Gaia: Ian... and Oliver Albrecht: ian and I are doing last pens boss Albrecht: be a couple minutes <<< jflynn has joined >>> <<< 08:06:44 PM >>> <<< jflynn is now known as Boris >>> Boris: I've just been too damned lazy to fix this laptop. Boris: where lazy = unmotivated <<< #143 has joined >>> <<< 08:08:10 PM >>> root: is Granger joining us? <<< #143 is now known as Vasily >>> Albrecht: I believe Svenlol is root: or is he busy at this dragon thing I keep hearing about Vasily: yar Nikolai: k Nikolai: we are kerdone DM of Da: Spectacular Nikolai: and I suppose we need a svenlol DM of Da: Yes <<< Nikolai has joined >>> <<< 08:09:46 PM >>> <<< Nikolai is now known as WtfSven >>> Nikolai: k DM of Da: Haha DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: here, ready to go, but going to fetch teh foods DM of Da: So Nikolai: brb DM of Da: Does anyone have any DM of Da: Questions DM of Da: Or: DM of Da: Comments Vasily: I Boris: insert generic xp demands here Vasily: believe Vasily: not. DM of Da: XP demands have been taken into account DM of Da: Anything else? Vasily: wtfgobbos? DM of Da: Hm? Vasily: how much human could a gobbo bob if a gobbo could gob humans? Albrecht: Question: What do I want for dinner? DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Whatever Boris: beef Boris: it's what's for dinner DM of Da: Let's get a recap of where we ended DM of Da: Adam DM of Da: Recap the Albrecht/Nikolai side DM of Da: And then DM of Da: Flynn Albrecht: comment. I just found your glasses. They were in the sofa. DM of Da: Recap the Boris/Vasily/Sven side DM of Da: Oh in the sofa DM of Da: LOL Albrecht: Recap: Gagarin does all the damage ever. Albrecht: I mean... DM of Da: :P <<< DM has joined >>> <<< 08:13:13 PM >>> Albrecht: Recap: Siran allowed Albrecht and Nikolai to recover their equipment, then rest. Albrecht: She then tested us by putting us into an encounter that would have challenged the party, and barely avoided my death in ending it. Nikolai: yep Albrecht: We noted that the box was missing from our equipment stash. Nikolai: and here I was hoping for character #3 Albrecht: Siran then informed us that some sort of stealthy killer was loose in Nightscree. DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Flynn DM of Da: Your side please Boris: Recap - Sven was tortured in some way, unbeknownst to Boris and Vasily, nut knowenst to us, that involved MORE questions about politics. Sven was then returned to us, and we made a jail break using Vasily's talents. The Greeks followed us. We found some more captives while running around, I think they are following us and they believe us to be with the Kiev gaurd DM of Da: Oh pre-typed, very nice Boris: also we killed a bunch of Goblins DM of Da: You sure did Boris: was typing dring th eother recap 0=) DM of Da: And at the end, you followed the twisting tunnels of the goblin stronghold into an immense, many-tiered cavern Boris: um...i believe we ended in the middle of said cavern Boris: utterly surrounded DM of Da: Well not so much middle Boris: and perhaps making will saves to not crap pants DM of Da: The tunnel opened onto one of the upper tiers, and yes, you were surrounded by goblins DM of Da: So that's where we're going to resume DM of Da: You (Boris, Sven, Vasily, the Byzantine soldier Ariston, the merchant captain Heracles, and some of his sailors) have exited a tunnel opening Vasily: (and 2 dudes) DM of Da: (which 2 dudes) Vasily: (the comic relief we picked up on our way) DM of Da: (oh yes) DM of Da: (two random dudes) Vasily: (rosencrantz and guildenstern) Vasily: -u Boris: nice names Nikolai: so Nikolai: how's that resumption working out DM of Da: You find yourself on a wide, flat ledge, one of many such ledges that run along the outer edge of the cavern and are arranged like a massive amphitheater Vasily: Oooh. It's the imperial senate! DM of Da: There are many tents of various size set up on these ledges Boris: you're going to hate e for this...but brb. I'll send Oliver my char sheet DM of Da: And the tents near you begin disgorging goblin warriors DM of Da: And the occasional goblin cleric Vasily: we.. were being stealthy about our entrance you know. DM of Da: Sure but there's only so much stealthiness that can happen when you have a bunch of people moving through a narrow cave tunnel DM of Da: opening Vasily: Fair enough. DM of Da: You exit, you're seen DM of Da: The goblins move forward to surround you on all sides, aiming crossbows in your direction, but do not fire Vasily: Pardon me... you might be able to help... Vasily: which way to the water closet? DM of Da: The clerics yell orders, and several goblins run off, around the ledge and also up and down narrow steps to the ones above and below, alerting other goblins Vasily: We seem to have gotten turned around in these tunnels. DM of Da: The goblins ignore you, waiting with raised crossbows *** WtfSven is a druid DM of Da: There are now dozens of goblins surrounding you in a wide semicircle <<< Ariston has joined >>> <<< 08:23:49 PM >>> <<< Heracles has joined >>> <<< 08:23:55 PM >>> *** Heracles whispers from behind you Vasily: It seems like we took a wrong turn back there... Heracles: You're telling me this is better than our cell? DM of Da: The goblins continue to ignore you Vasily: Of course. DM of Da: One of the clerics yells out in thickly accented Russian Vasily: I'm rather claustrophobic you see... DM of Da: "No move. Stay." *** Ariston whispers back to Heracles Ariston: Be silent and consider that I am closer to you than those goblins, because if you continue making useless comments, I will kill you myself. DM of Da: The random cleric yells out again DM of Da: "Drop weapons. Vasily: Now now Ariston, Heracles was nice enough to accompany us on our little excursion. Vasily: Well, you see Ms Cleric... DM of Da: "Drop weapons!" Vasily: that might be tricky. <<< Goblin Cleric has joined >>> <<< 08:27:31 PM >>> <<< Goblins has joined >>> <<< 08:27:33 PM >>> Vasily: These nice gents already took our weapons from us at the door. DM of Da: //You're all wielding morningstars and/or crossbows DM of Da: //From the slain goblins and the armory WtfSven: //so Albrecht: // something tells me if you don't speak goblin, you won't get very far trying to talk WtfSven: //are we gonna fight? Vasily: //I don't think that would be wise at this moment. Boris: /me another 3 levels, we could probably take down most ofthe goblins. RIght now, with no're funny DM of Da: So DM of Da: Do you follow her command? *** Vasily sighs Vasily: alright. *** Vasily puts down his apple. DM of Da: //lol, apple DM of Da: Sven, Boris? Also dropping stuff? *** WtfSven drops his... dagger? I guess? *** Boris throws weapon down in disgust DM of Da: Yeah dagger DM of Da: Ok Boris: //emphasis on disgust DM of Da: The others with you follow your lead, and the cleric grins evilly, revealing a mouth full of crooked, brown teeth DM of Da: Meanwhile, there is a murmur at the back of the encirclement, and the goblins around you begin to part, as if making way for someone Vasily: You know... I have this great dentist. I could give you his address... Boris: has dentistry been invented yet? Vasily: prestidigitation ftw. DM of Da: Slowly, limping slightly and leaning on her staff, the aged, white-haired cleric that took you here in the first place hobbles forward DM of Da: She is, as before, trailed by a retinue of warriors in masterwork armor and clerics in ornate robes <<< Old Cleric has joined >>> <<< 08:33:16 PM >>> DM of Da: She opens her toothless mouth to speak in almost incomprehensible though proper Russian DM of Da: You have to strain to understand her through her accent and lack of teeth. Old Cleric: Now why would you try to escape? Hmm? Old Cleric: Don't you know that there is no way out of Tarpeian Rock? Vasily: Well, you see, your hospitality's been lovely and the decorum is beautiful... Vasily: ... but I've got a 2 year lease on my hovel, and if I don't get a sack of gold coins to my landlord by next tuesday he'll have my head. *** Old Cleric dismisses Vasily's words with an offhand wave Old Cleric: Enough. Old Cleric: I'm much too old to listen to your useless prattling. Old Cleric: You, you, you, you, and you... off to the side. *** Old Cleric points at Vasily, Sven, Heracles, Boris, and Ariston Old Cleric: Go on, move. Vasily: o.O WtfSven: uhm Boris: (aren't there only 7 of us?) Boris: (oh yeah....more sailors....) WtfSven: k Vasily: (7+sailors) DM of Da: Sailors and two random Russian dudes DM of Da: Who were being kept prisoner in a different cell *** Boris shuffles over Vasily: Alright... but my landlord's the vengeful sort... Ariston: What do you want with us, old creature? *** Old Cleric laughs in a high-pitched voice, her laugh descending into a coughing fit Old Cleric: Human, choose. You can die quickly or slowly. Old Cleric: If you tell us everything you know about the human nation you come from, we'll kill you quickly. Old Cleric: If you refuse, we'll torture you to death slowly and harvest your pain. Old Cleric: Either way, you'll be useful. Vasily: Planning an invasion, are you? Old Cleric: Oh, you're a smart one, hmm? Old Cleric: Now use that brain to figure out what choice to make. Vasily: I'll admit, I was fairly impressed with your offensive forces above ground. Undead make good soldiers. But... *** WtfSven nudges Vasily Old Cleric: SILENCE! *** WtfSven I don't think your banter is working. Vasily: //they haven't shot us yet <.< Old Cleric: The One Tribe needs no undead to bring it victory! WtfSven: Then how come we've seen so many in your army... WtfSven: <_< WtfSven: >_> Vasily: Really? I thought I saw... must have been other goblins. Old Cleric: Enough! ENOUGH! Boris: i thought it was an ogre Old Cleric: I'm going to show you what our hospitality means to those who defy us. Vasily: At any rate... it's a fine army, but you've got one really serious weak spot. *** Old Cleric says something in Goblin DM of Da: At this point, all the goblins surrounding you fire their crossbows WtfSven: well WtfSven: nice knowing you all DM of Da: A volley of bolts fill the air with a whistling sound Vasily: //quite DM of Da: And all the sailors, as well as the two random guys you rescued, fall over dead. Vasily: //and now for a demonstration of my power! WtfSven: oh Old Cleric: As for you... WtfSven: that's not so bad as what I thought would happen Old Cleric: We're going to take you to separate cells and introduced to my personal assistants Old Cleric: They are... great conversationalists. *** Old Cleric grins a toothless smile Old Cleric: When you tire of chatting with them, reveal all you know and death will be a quick release. *** Old Cleric turns around and hobbles off, saying something in Goblin DM of Da: One by one, you are led off DM of Da: Into different tunnels Vasily: //fool. little does she know that I never tire of chatting! DM of Da: Each escorted by a single cleric and four warriors <<< Old Cleric has left >>> <<< 08:47:07 PM >>> <<< Goblins has left >>> <<< 08:47:10 PM >>> <<< Goblin Cleric has left >>> <<< 08:47:11 PM >>> DM of Da: CUT! DM of Da: CONTEXT SWITCH. <<< Heracles has left >>> <<< 08:47:48 PM >>> <<< Ariston has left >>> <<< 08:47:48 PM >>> WtfSven: lol? Nikolai: lol indeed. Boris: my time with the processor wasn't up yet! Boris: I demand my time segmentback Nikolai: yes it was DM of Da: Preemptive multitasking ftw. Boris: booo interrupts Nikolai: the kernel decided you had enough DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: Ok so' Boris: lol DM of Da: The last thing that happened here DM of Da: Was that you two and Siran flew back to her stronghold in the center of the city DM of Da: And immediately upon landing, were informed that some sort of stealthy, black-clothed humanoid was in Nightscree DM of Da: He had already killed a couple of guards DM of Da: Siran went inside and you followed <<< Siran has joined >>> <<< 08:49:43 PM >>> DM of Da: Siran takes a minute to confer with the guard who brought her the news DM of Da: Sends him away, and then turns back to you *** Siran narrows her eyes Nikolai: one of these days I'm going to have to ask her her life story Siran: So. Nikolai: also sandy we already did this part DM of Da: I know exactly what you did Nikolai: k Siran: This strange intruder arrives in my city... Siran: Just as you're brought here. Siran: Think this is a coincidence? Nikolai: //no really we did this already Albrecht: // do we mention the killing of the ranger? Nikolai: //she asked if we had other companions Albrecht: // also the disappearance of the box? Nikolai: //or if someone was following us DM of Da: //you mentioned the box DM of Da: //wait no DM of Da: //you actually mentioned nothing Albrecht: // right, I'm asking Ian if we want to mention them Nikolai: //I guess we should Nikolai: Ok Nikolai: So Nikolai: We were doing this job for some merchants from Oleshie *** Siran cocks her head slightly, folds her arms, and listens Nikolai: Really... we weren't doing it for them. Nikolai: We were trying to find out something else from them, under the guise of doing them a job Nikolai: But I suspected they might distrust us Nikolai: And follow us. Nikolai: I'm not SURE if that is the case. Nikolai: But it's a possibility. Siran: That's all? Nikolai: Also Nikolai: On our way here Nikolai: H,m Nikolai: Actually Nikolai: Do your guards have any descriptions of this thing? Siran: They saw him - it - briefly. *** Nikolai nods Siran: Humanoid, looks about like a human. Siran: All black leather armor. Siran: Mask. Nikolai: Size of a human? Siran: Yes. Nikolai: //hm Nikolai: //how good a look did we get at the thing that murdered our horses Albrecht: // well, we saw nothing of whatever killed that ranger Nikolai: oh nm DM of Da: //you saw nothing, and your horses weren't killed, just the ranger Taras Nikolai: right Nikolai: I got conufsed Nikolai: so we saw nothing Nikolai: Hm Albrecht: // but something caused darkness and killed Taras Nikolai: Well that doesn't sound familiar. Nikolai: But... Siran: Hm. Nikolai: We did encounter someone who used stealth Nikolai: And killed someone who attacked us. *** Siran steps closer to you Nikolai: We were going to question this... man I suppose. Nikolai: And suddenly were overcome with darkness. Nikolai: Anything like that? Nikolai: The magical kind Nikolai: That hid our illumination Siran: Not that my minions have seen. Albrecht: darkness and silence. Nikolai: Yes, silence as well *** Siran steps closer to you, drops her hands to her sides, and narrows her eyes Nikolai: Hm. Siran: I think... that you're not telling me something. Nikolai: Probably not the same thing. Albrecht: And by the time it faded, the man we planned to question was dead. *** Nikolai raises an eyebrow Nikolai: I'm trying to get the salient details out Albrecht: Granted, we probably would have killed him after questioning... but still Nikolai: What more do you wish to know about? Siran: Let's say whoever this is... wants something from you. Siran: What could it be? *** Nikolai nods Nikolai: Most likely, if he's working for the merchants that hired us... Nikolai: They gave us a magically sealed box Nikolai: Which was amongst our posessions that your guards took. Siran: And in this box is...? Nikolai: We didn't find it in the storage room you showed us. Nikolai: A letter to... Nikolai: //remind me Albrecht: // supposed to be the Khan of Crimea? DM of Da: //yep Albrecht: As far as we know, a letter and some money. Nikolai: A letter to the Khan of Crimea, and some gold pieces. Nikolai: We were to deliver it. Nikolai: I don't know what the letter says. Siran: Interesting. Nikolai: We were on our way to Kiev to obtain some resources and open the box without given any evidence of tampering, when your men stopped us. DM of Da: Though Siran's voice indicates that it is, in fact, not interesting. Siran: So if this intruder got this box, he would want nothing else? Nikolai: Well it's a possibility Nikolai: I don't know if he's actually related to these merchants. Nikolai: It's just a guess DM of Da: Very well. Nikolai: An educated one Albrecht: If the intruder was after the box, I can't think of anything else he'd want. *** Siran snaps her fingers DM of Da: Two guards show up from a side door Siran: You'll be led back to your quarters. When I come for you, we will go and retrieve your companions. Siran: Though your combat skills are not the least bit impressive, I think I've figured out a good use for you. *** Nikolai sighs Albrecht: // gee, I'm sorry she expected the combat skills of people with about 10 more HD than we have Siran: And I suspect, more and more, that the Iron Triad sees quite far ahead indeed. Nikolai: //srsly DM of Da: //well how the hell should she know your abilities to begin with DM of Da: //you're some random guys *** Siran walks over to her throne and sits, appearing lost in thought DM of Da: You're led back to the spartan quarters you were housed in before DM of Da: And left there DM of Da: Anything in particular you want to do for now? Albrecht: rest, I guess Nikolai: mourn my lost spell slots? DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: mourn my pointlessly lost hps? DM of Da: Roll Spot and Listen checks. Nikolai: yes, pointlessly should have been in my sentecen as well Albrecht: /try 0;spot 0;listen *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM (spot) 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 0 = 11 *** DM (listen) 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 0 = 5 WtfSven: /try 3;spot 3;listen *** DM rolls attempts for WtfSven : *** DM (spot) 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 3 = 22 *** DM (listen) 1d20 < 10 = 10 > + 3 = 13 DM of Da: Nikolai? WtfSven: er WtfSven: wrong client WtfSven: I want to keep the roll though :P DM of Da: Sure sure <<< has joined >>> <<< 09:08:31 PM >>> Nikolai: ... : /try 18 13 *** DM rolls attempts for : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 18 = 31 *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 13 = 22 Nikolai: well fuck you Boris: lol DM of Da: Ok Vasily: hehe Nikolai: you know I feel like randomly glitterdusting this room for no particular reason Boris: you should have told Siran it's bonuses Boris: its* DM of Da: Glitterdusting the room eh DM of Da: Sure why not Nikolai: because that would be metagaming. DM of Da: Yep Nikolai: and I don't have the slot for it ;P DM of Da: Now then DM of Da: You hear a clattering noise DM of Da: And look down Boris: dont you know he has an ion stone of continual glitterdust Vasily: Hmm.. Vasily: //HMM! DM of Da: To see that a small, somewhat smooth, somewhat round greenish rock has tumbled into the room from the hall outside DM of Da: It quickly begins to release a faint, greenish vapor which spreads throughout the room DM of Da: Roll Will saves Nikolai: omfg. Nikolai: /try 9 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 9 = 13 Albrecht: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 3 = 12 Nikolai: ... Nikolai: fuck you Albrecht: wow DM of Da: Pass and pass Albrecht: ... wow Vasily: L1 spell. Albrecht: I was about to say "looks like we're dead." Albrecht: so do we get to do anything? DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: You get to do whatever you want DM of Da: There's no init yet DM of Da: Or anything DM of Da: So DM of Da: What do you do? Albrecht: so a rock went into the room, yes? DM of Da: Yep Albrecht: from the door? DM of Da: There's no *door* per se DM of Da: But doorway, yes Nikolai: where did it come from. DM of Da: From the hall Nikolai: I'ma looking DM of Da: k Albrecht: aye Albrecht: looking DM of Da: You look around DM of Da: And see nothing DM of Da: Nobody's there Albrecht: were there guards before? Nikolai: out the door? DM of Da: Looks pretty empty DM of Da: Nope DM of Da: No guards DM of Da: They left you there and walked off Albrecht: hmm Albrecht: we could go and tell Siran what just happened... DM of Da: You see movement out of the corner of your eye... Nikolai: Let's start searching. Nikolai: or react to that Albrecht: react! DM of Da: A black, volcanic rock tumbles to the floor from inside the room DM of Da: As it hits the floor, you are immediately surrounded by darkness Albrecht: // obviously the mission is to recover the box and kill us for not following the rules Albrecht: yay darkness DM of Da: And all sounds cease Albrecht: what about silen... yep Nikolai: son of a bitch DM of Da: Roll Init Albrecht: i say we get out of the radius Albrecht: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 5 = 18 Nikolai: /try 1 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 1 = 2 : /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for : *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 2 = 3 Albrecht: ... Albrecht: well then Nikolai: hatred DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Albrecht Albrecht: so we're in the hall right now DM of Da: You are. DM of Da: It's a 5ft wide hallway DM of Da: As is the doorway DM of Da: It extends straight in both directions Albrecht: i'm going to grab Nikolai's shoulder and pull to the left, in an attempt to communicate "go left" Nikolai: hey you know if fucking siran hadn't forced me to use my fucking spell slots DM of Da: The room's about 10x10 DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: (and I'm low on HP" Nikolai: quick, bull rush me out of the way Nikolai: that'll totally work. Albrecht: well... i could try DM of Da: It's true it will DM of Da: Especially if Nikolai doesn't resist Nikolai: well Albrecht: well, i can try that Nikolai: I know where he was Nikolai: so yes DM of Da: Yep Albrecht: its either that or indicat "go left" then go left and hope Albrecht: so ok, i push him right Nikolai: I can justify that Nikolai: well going left is fine DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: but it requires my turn Nikolai: to happen DM of Da: Yes Nikolai: so Nikolai: yeah Albrecht: well i push ihm whichever way he is compared to me Nikolai: bull rush Boris: // clearly this is all Viktor's work Albrecht: ideally, far enough nthat both of us are outside of the darkness/silence with at least a 5-ft between us and the edge Nikolai: // clearly Nikolai: // waiyt DM of Da: Albrecht, you push Nikolai for a bit, and in 20 feet, the darness and silence ends DM of Da: So you push him 10ft more let's say Albrecht: yes Nikolai: k Albrecht: and then if possible I ready my shield and draw the warhammer DM of Da: You have a move action left Albrecht: warhammer is free via quick draw DM of Da: k Albrecht: also DM of Da: You do those things Albrecht: how far from where Siran was are we? Albrecht: roughly DM of Da: Like 5 minutes of corridors Albrecht: in terms of "how loud would I need to yell to have a reaction?" DM of Da: Very loud Albrecht: eh, I'll yell. Maybe a goblin will hear at least DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: The something's turn. Albrecht: given that they don't seem to know russian, the words are irrelevant DM of Da: The something does something DM of Da: Which you cannot see DM of Da: Nikolai. Nikolai: I ready to, say, magic missile some sort of enemy that makes itself shown through the darkness Boris: perhaps the darkenss itself? DM of Da: Haha DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: PERHAPS DM of Da: Albrecht again. Albrecht: hmm Albrecht: i dig out one of my potions and chug myself some hit points Albrecht: becuase I have 3. DM of Da: Ok. Nikolai: you have 3? Nikolai: didn't she cure serious you? Albrecht: yeah, she didn't do anytihng but save me from dying DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: /roll 2d8+3 *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 2d8 < 2 1 = 3 > + 3 = 6 Nikolai: really? Albrecht: ... Albrecht: I hate these dice. Nikolai: I thought I remember like 20 hp of healing DM of Da: Haha owned wtf DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: I had been at -9 Boris: most of it spills DM of Da: SOmething's turn Albrecht: she hit me up for 12 I guess Albrecht: but nothing else DM of Da: Nikolai how wounded are you Albrecht: unless Siran had cast more than one healing spell, which I highly doubt DM of Da: She didn't Nikolai: Yes she did. Nikolai: Before the fight. Nikolai: I took 0 damage during. Nikolai: I am at full hp. DM of Da: Ok. Albrecht: well, before the fight I was fine, so yeah, I'm gonna die again DM of Da: Albrecht has a shield... DM of Da: And is wearing... what? DM of Da: Armor type I mean Albrecht: banded mail DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Nikolai's AC? Nikolai: How long have we been waiting DM of Da: Nothing, this is the next round Nikolai: and tell me why your monster should know my AC. :P Nikolai: No I mean total DM of Da: Total what Nikolai: since last enocunter DM of Da: From when Boris: is amge armor from the big skeleton still up DM of Da: Ohh Nikolai: thank you boris DM of Da: What's duration on that? Nikolai: 1 hour Boris: hr/lv DM of Da: It hasn't been that long Albrecht: and he scrolled it, as I recall DM of Da: It's still up Nikolai: it was from a wand that I have Nikolai: so my AC is 15 DM of Da: Ok. Albrecht: ah, wand DM of Da: And my monster doesn't know your AC, it's for the sake of description. : /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for : *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 6 = 26 Nikolai: ... DM of Da: roflwaffles : /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for : *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 6 = 18 Boris: you due Boris: yay assasins Nikolai: yeah, I probably die Nikolai: gg DM of Da: You feel a sharp pain in your left kidney Nikolai: hah Albrecht: ... brilliant, it got behind us somehow DM of Da: You turn around to see that behind you is what appears to be a human, dressed in all black leather armor and facemask Boris: at elast it wasn't your right kidney Nikolai: rofl Boris: i have dibs on that one DM of Da: The leather that makes up the armor is some sort of strange material that seems to absorb light DM of Da: Your glance just kind of slides off it : /roll 2d4-2+3d6 *** DM rolls dice for : 2d4 < 3 2 = 5 > - 2 + 3d6 < 6 3 4 = 13 > = 16 Nikolai: HAH not dead Nikolai: sucker <<< is now known as Assassin >>> Nikolai: I want my readied action now DM of Da: Yep DM of Da: Go for it Boris: i donno, he could have been studying you for 3 rounds Nikolai: /roll 2d4+2 *** DM rolls dice for Nikolai: 2d4 < 3 2 = 5 > + 2 = 7 DM of Da: And that was a dagger that he sunk into your back, btw Nikolai: BUT I'M NOT DEAD Nikolai: SO THERE DM of Da: It's true you're not Nikolai: I am at 4. DM of Da: The magic missiles strike the humanoid, and its eyes express slight pain DM of Da: He retreats back 30 feet down the hallway, provoking an AoO from Albrecht. Albrecht: ... i'm not sure how I was in position to get that AoO. DM of Da: Hm it's true you're not Albrecht: unless he retreated through us DM of Da: Never mind DM of Da: 5ft hallway you're right DM of Da: Ok so he retreats down the hallway DM of Da: At this point DM of Da: Directly behind him DM of Da: There is a disturbance in the air Nikolai: wtf. DM of Da: A shimmering DM of Da: A human-sized cloud of faint, wispy gas becomes visible DM of Da: It begins to solidify DM of Da: Coming together into a demonic form DM of Da: And transforms into... *** Siran Nikolai: kthx Albrecht: good. DM of Da: She is in full gear, helmet on DM of Da: And in a deep, satisfied voice, she says... Siran: Got you. DM of Da: //and Master has failed again brb <<< DM has left >>> <<< 09:35:01 PM >>> <<< Siran has left >>> <<< 09:35:01 PM >>> <<< Assassin has left >>> <<< 09:35:01 PM >>> <<< DM has joined >>> <<< 09:35:06 PM >>> Nikolai: //ANTICLIMACTIC <<< Assassin has joined >>> <<< 09:35:10 PM >>> <<< Siran has joined >>> <<< 09:35:13 PM >>> DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Albrecht's turn. Albrecht: hmm Albrecht: already blew my curse DM of Da: Reminder, the hallway currently looks like: Nikolai: pwn him in the face with flanksing DM of Da: A N x S DM of Da: (not to scale) Albrecht: is Siran actually adjacent or no? Nikolai: yeah are those spaces like Nikolai: spaces Nikolai: or not DM of Da: She is adjacent Albrecht: excellent Albrecht: now... I can charge through Nikolai, right? DM of Da: No Albrecht: ah well DM of Da: You can move through him DM of Da: But not charge Nikolai: wait. Nikolai: question. Nikolai: when did my turn happen. DM of Da: ? DM of Da: Crap DM of Da: You're right! Albrecht: it got skipped, in fact DM of Da: It's your turn DM of Da: zomg. Nikolai: k DM of Da: gogogo. Nikolai: I move back behind albrecht DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: And? Nikolai: and position a sleep in the middle of the hallway DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: DC? Nikolai: hitting only the thing Nikolai: 14 Assassin: /try 2 *** DM rolls attempts for Assassin : *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 2 = 8 DM of Da: Too bad it doesn't affect it DM of Da: Due to HD limit Nikolai: k Nikolai: worth a shot. DM of Da: Albrecht. Albrecht: ok... Albrecht: hmm Albrecht: is removing a shield a free action? Albrecht: eh, I need the AC right now Albrecht: I will in fact just move up and attack. DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Roll. Albrecht: /try 6 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 6 = 17 DM of Da: A hit! Albrecht: /roll 1d8+3 *** DM rolls dice for Albrecht: 1d8 < 8 = 8 > + 3 = 11 Albrecht: ooh max damage. DM of Da: Really DM of Da: Well then DM of Da: You land a crushing strike, sending the assassin reeling Albrecht: well yeah, 11 is the max of 1d8+3 DM of Da: He is staggered (0 hp) DM of Da: Siran's turn Nikolai: ooh ooh Nikolai: backhand him Nikolai: for his insolence Albrecht: don't kill him so we can torture him for information Boris: siran literally rips his still beating heart out? DM of Da: She could DM of Da: But that would be unnecessary effort <<< Vasily o/ Couch has joined >>> <<< 09:41:40 PM >>> *** Siran stabs him in the stomach with the massive claws protruding from her armor's gauntlets Siran: /try shehitshim *** DM rolls attempts for Siran : *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 0 = 16 *** Vasily o/ Couch rolls attempts for Siran : *** Vasily o/ Couch 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 0 = 4 Siran: /roll 1d10 *** DM rolls dice for Siran: 1d10 < 1 = 1 > = 1 *** Vasily o/ Couch rolls dice for Siran : 1d10 < 3 = 3 > = 3 Vasily o/ Cou: /diebot disable *** Assassin collapses to the floor Vasily o/ Cou: /disable-diebot *** Vasily o/ Couch is disabled *** Siran takes off her helm, shaking her long hair loose *** Siran looks down at the assassin's prone body with mild interest and reproach Nikolai: Ow. Nikolai: My kidney. Siran: Nobody comes to Nightscree without my leave. Siran: Come. *** Siran beckons to Nikolai Nikolai: Search him... he might have gotten to the box. *** Nikolai moves forward *** Nikolai bleeding *** Siran CSW Siran: /roll 3d8+6 *** DM rolls dice for Siran: 3d8 < 3 2 1 = 6 > + 6 = 12 Nikolai: Thank you Albrecht: watch him a minute. *** Albrecht goes back to the room *** Albrecht gets rope Siran: Bring him. *** Nikolai helps Albrecht: preliminary tying up of the guy. Albrecht: then the carrying *** Siran leads the way to her throne chamber Albrecht: then we strip all his stuff away DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: Unmasking the mysterious assassin, you see that he is indeed human Albrecht: // I think Boris will appreciate this stuff DM of Da: He has short blond hair, and his features indicate him to be of Nordic origin, or perhaps from Novgorod somewhere. Nikolai: does he have our box on him anywhere Albrecht: hmm... Nikolai: serachy searchy DM of Da: In a small pocket of his armor, there is a silken pouch which appears empty Nikolai: takin the 20 here DM of Da: But looking inside reveals that its inner space is far larger than it should be Nikolai: o rly! DM of Da: It is, in fact, an extradimensional container Albrecht: Probably an agent provided for them by Isidor... Nikolai: good for us DM of Da: And inside is the box. Nikolai: fantacular Nikolai: yoink Nikolai: double yoink on the bag DM of Da: Yep Albrecht: yep Albrecht: we take everything that isn't clearly normal clothes from him Albrecht: if you have a detect free we use that to guarantee such Nikolai: sure Nikolai: I have plenty of detects Albrecht: that should guarantee any magical stuff DM of Da: Ok Albrecht: then we just need to look for daggers and such Albrecht: which the take 20 covers DM of Da: In addition to the box DM of Da: Inside this pouch is several potions DM of Da: Some smokesticks, sunrounds, and tindertwigs DM of Da: And several rocks DM of Da: Of both of the kinds you've seen DM of Da: The black volcanic rock that causes darkness and silence, and the greenish rock that releases the vapor Boris: whats the vapor do? or do we not know DM of Da: The dagger he stabbed you with is masterwork but nonmagical DM of Da: YOu don't know DM of Da: You'll have to Identify DM of Da: The armor itself radiates faint transmutation and illusion Siran: Who's this Isidor you mentioned? Nikolai: The merchant that hired us Albrecht: no Nikolai: oh Nikolai: I suck at names Albrecht: Isidor is the patron of Danil and Anastas. Albrecht: who are the merchants we're not really working for. Nikolai: right Nikolai: so Nikolai: the merchant that hired us indirectly Siran: That's confusing and I find myself not caring. Albrecht: (and who we're ripping off) Nikolai: //her int is like 9 DM of Da: //your face's int is like 9 Nikolai: //no it's 16 kthx Siran: I suppose I'll have someone interrogate him later. Siran: Come, we should go get your companions. *** Nikolai nods Siran: If they're not already dead or driven insane by that old crone's torturers. *** Albrecht nods as well Siran: Well, I suppose we'll see in a minute. Siran: On the way there, I'll tell you what I think you... DM of Da: She is interrupted mid-sentence DM of Da: By a goblin warrior that runs into the throne hall, escorted by two guards DM of Da: He is short of breath and takes a few seconds to recover before speaking DM of Da: He says something in Goblin to Siran, who nods and sends him away Siran: Turns out the King is returning here. Siran: His expedition has been successful, I'm told. Siran: We should get you out of here before he arrives... he doesn't much like humans. Nikolai: Care to explain anything to us about him? *** Siran looks faintly amused Nikolai: And the chain of command here? Nikolai: I'm a little confused about who's in charge. Siran: The Goblin King, Korelek, leads the One Tribe, who are all the myriad goblins of this forest. Siran: I serve him. DM of Da: Roll some Sense Motive Nikolai: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 5 = 18 Albrecht: /try 3 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 3 = 12 DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Nikolai you detect that Siran is not speaking entirely sincerely *** Nikolai nods Nikolai: I see. DM of Da: You detect a hint of... sarcasm, perhaps? In her voice Nikolai: I sense that this is alliance of convenience on your part. *** Siran fixes Nikolai with a penetrating gaze for a moment, but says nothing Nikolai: Sorry, didn't mean to pry. Siran: Anyway, while I'm glad to hear of Korelek's return, and his success, it wouldn't be very good for you if you were here when he arrived. Nikolai: Right. Nikolai: Let's go. Siran: Though I do so look forward to seeing this interesting find he's bringing back... Siran: Well, let's go. Albrecht: Indeed. Nikolai: //can I ask her something while we walk DM of Da: //sure Nikolai: //or fly Nikolai: //or whatever Albrecht: If it's possible, I would appreciate being there for the interrogation of this man DM of Da: //you're going to Shadow Walk Nikolai: //uh DM of Da: //and yes you can speak to her while this is happening Nikolai: I was also wondering, if you don't mind sharing... *** Siran glances at Albrecht *** Nikolai lets Albrecht tlak first Siran: Well, if you'd like to stay here, you'll have the pleasure of meeting the King in person... *** Nikolai shakes his head Nikolai: Albrecht, we have to get out of here. Albrecht: I know Nikolai: And the assassin is better off in Siran's care than ours Nikolai: Besides I'm sure she wants to punish him herself *** Siran smirks Siran: His punishment will be most appropriate, I can tell you that. Boris: kinky Nikolai: I'm sure. Albrecht: And I would appreciate both the information he has, and any pointers I could pick up. Albrecht: Anyway... Siran: Anyway, if he manages to reveal something useful that I think you should know, I'll inform you. Siran: Come. Nikolai: Thank you. *** Albrecht talking and walking *** Nikolai is still following her *** Siran pulls a wand of darkened petrified wood out of her armor *** Siran spell trigger *** Siran Shadow Walk DM of Da: You proceed at an unfathomable speed across the edge of the Shadow Realm Nikolai: //why does she know shadow walk Nikolai: //what is she Nikolai: //jesus DM of Da: //powerful Nikolai: //apparently Albrecht: Anyway, earlier you suggested, perhaps only insultingly, that I become undead. Albrecht: I am open to investigating any avenue of power. *** Siran turns around raises her eyebrows, looking rather patronizing Siran: Oh, don't take it too personally... the boneclaw is a work of necromantic art, after all. Siran: That it took you down so easily... anyway, I don't think that'll be a very good idea. Siran: Not given the work I've got for you. Boris: ah well Albrecht: Undeath is not an avenue I had previously considered. But tell me what might be viable, and I will consider it. Siran: Speaking of which, I should tell you about... oh, Nikolai, were you going to ask me something? Nikolai: I was curious Nikolai: If you don't mind. Nikolai: How such a lovely young lady such as yourself became a servant of the Iron Triad *** Siran laughs Nikolai: Not to mention working for a goblin king... DM of Da: Have you ever heard of a Cuman leader named Kotian? DM of Da: er *** Siran said that Nikolai: Hmm Albrecht: // Khan Kotian... I think he's the one who conquered Hungary Nikolai: //have i? DM of Da: //knowledge: history? Nikolai: //shall I roll? DM of Da: //yes Nikolai: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 4 = 7 Nikolai: lol@me DM of Da: //you don't know shit Nikolai: I can't say I have. Albrecht: // I rely on knowledge: remembering campaign documents and last campaign Nikolai: There are so many Cuman leaders nowadays... Nikolai: We ran into soldiers from at least 3 on our way here. Siran: Oh yes. It's a mess. Siran: No, I'm talking about past history. Nikolai: My knowledge of history outside Russia is limited, apologies. Siran: Decades ago, Kotian brought the Cuman warbands together into one horde, naming himself Khan. Nikolai: s/Russia/Novgorod Siran: He allied himself with the Russians of Galicia, and together conquered Hungary and established their rule over a wide region of the southern steppes and beyond. Siran: He was a great leader... DM of Da: (This last part said with a definite hint of sarcasm) Siran: And he was also my father. Siran: Father tried to train me to be a warrior like the sons he wanted. Siran: But fighting didn't interest me. Siran: I was more interested in magic. Boris: // goth teen? Siran: Father wasn't very happy about it, but he couldn't do much about it... Nikolai: //this is like that OotS comic Siran: I realized when I was young that - as I'm sure you'll agree - the shortest paths to power are the best. *** Nikolai doesn't agree necessarily, but says nothing Siran: I looked for the kind of magic that could provide that... Siran: Anyway, to make a long story short, when father died, one of the Iron Triad came to me in a dream and showed me... a shortcut. Siran: I ran away and wandered for a while. Siran: I was captured by Korelek... back then he was just a minor warlord of a minor goblin tribe. Siran: Warring with the many other tribes in this forest. Siran: He told me about a... *** Siran coughs and looks back at you Siran: He... made a deal with me. Siran: I helped him become the powerful leader he is now, the Goblin King... Siran: And I got something out of the bargain too. Siran: And that more or less brings us to the present. Nikolai: //and on the way she killed a bunch of things, gaining lots of xp Boris: nah, the shortcut was a tome of XP *** Nikolai nods Nikolai: A fascinating tale. *** Siran shrugs Siran: Not really. Siran: Anyway, why don't we talk about what I want you to do for me. Nikolai: Tell us. Siran: Let me ask you this first. Siran: Are either of you loyal to Kiev? Nikolai: No. Siran: Albrecht? Nikolai: Kiev is rather useful though as a source of knowledge. *** Siran chuckles Nikolai: And knowledge is power for one such as myself. Albrecht: Never even been there. Albrecht: My ship was sunk before it arrived. Siran: Oh, we'll have that knowledge, and more, Nikolai. Siran: Kiev... will be our first target. Albrecht: And I suspect any sources of power I might find in Kiev as it stands I could also find in the smoking ruins. *** Siran smiles Nikolai: Books and scrolls burn. Nikolai: Let's lay off the flaming wreckage for now Siran: I like both of your attitudes! Siran: And I agree with both of you. Siran: Don't worry, I'm not interested in destruction for its own sake. Nikolai: I should hope not. Nikolai: It's not worth destroying what you can take. Siran: Anyway, two major problems stand in the way of my... our conquest of Kiev. Siran: The first is the fact that I've spent many years away from civilization, and even before that, knew of Kiev only from what my father's warriors and his Russian friends told me. *** Nikolai nods Siran: I know next to nothing about their political situation, their military strength... Siran: Which of their allies they can count on for support... Siran: And one of the many things that Father pounded into my head while trying to make me into a warrior was that fighting an enemy you don't know is suicide. Albrecht: Information much more easily garnered by allies than from torturing whoever you might find in the woods. *** Siran nods, smiling slightly Siran: That's where you come in. Siran: You're the first humans I've come across that I can work with. Siran: Most people... well, it doesn't matter. Siran: What I want you to do is find out everything you possibly can about Kiev's power and resources. Nikolai: Albrecht is right, the goblins' methods of capturing and torturing random people are kind of... wrong. Siran: Political. Military. Magical. Everything. All that's obvious and all that's hidden. Nikolai: It will be much easier for us to gather that sort of information while there. *** Siran waves the comments away Albrecht: inefficient, more than anything else. Siran: The methods used aren't mine - I work with what I have. Siran: No matter. Nikolai: Right. Nikolai: Once we get our companions, we will set off straight for Kiev. Siran: So, as I said, find out everything you can... and don't try to contact me - I'll find my own means of getting in touch with you. Siran: As for the other problem... Siran: As you've seen... Siran: My powers of necromancy are formidable. Siran: I can, and will, raise an army of undead that could crush the Kievan Guard... Siran: But... Siran: From what I hear, the clergy of Svarog is very powerful, influential, and numerous in Kiev right now. Siran: And the sun-priests are much too adept at fighting necromantic power. Siran: So I want you to look especially for any weaknesses in Svarog's followers... any ways their power can be subverted, or... well, I don't know. Siran: Find out everything you can. Nikolai: Hm. Nikolai: Understood. Siran: And one more thing... Siran: I'm not in any hurry. Siran: The preparations for this may take some time. Nikolai: //well if you give me the time to kill a bunch of monsters I'll jhust conquer Kiev myself Siran: So don't be careless. DM of Da: //lolsauce Siran: And we're almost there. Nikolai: Then you should know that we will be doing other things to maintain ourselves as we gather information. Siran: Sure. DM of Da: Looking out across the shadow landscape, you see a tall, solitary mountain rising up from the dark forest DM of Da: The shadow-path is taking you directly at it Nikolai: We have contacts in Kiev's underworld who have a job we're working on... if it's successful... we could have quite the amount of resources. Nikolai: That will aid us. Siran: Your day to day affairs are not interesting to me. Nikolai: Don't worry about the details then. Siran: Do whatever you have to do. Nikolai: Just know that we're working on many avenues of obtaining power. *** Siran chuckles Siran: Would you be of any interest to the Iron Triad if you were not? Albrecht: Doubtful. *** Nikolai nods Nikolai: Well said. DM of Da: The path takes you directly into the heart of the mountain DM of Da: Cramped tunnels, corridors, chambers and cells flash past your vision DM of Da: And then you see the colossal amphitheater-shaped cave Boris: i rmeember that cave DM of Da: The spell ends abruptly DM of Da: And you are tossed back into the Material Plane DM of Da: One of the middle tiers of the cave DM of Da: Siran has put her helm back on DM of Da: And her appearance causes quite a stir DM of Da: You hear gasps and whispered speech DM of Da: Looking around, you see a multitude of goblins, all of whom are retreating into their tents, shrinking away from Siran DM of Da: Ignoring them, she looks around, getting her bearings Albrecht: // is the heart of the mountain smoking? DM of Da: //Don't make me bust out the wandering damage Siran: Not as precise as I wanted, but... <<< Albrecht has joined >>> <<< 10:41:55 PM >>> Siran: Let's go. Albrecht: ugh *** Nikolai looks around Nikolai: Bleh. *** Nikolai follows close Albrecht: I appar to have missed some stuff Nikolai: Albrecht: // is the heart of the mountain smoking? Nikolai: DM of Da: //Don't make me bust out the wandering damage Nikolai: Siran: Not as precise as I wanted, but... Nikolai: <<< Albrecht has joined >>> Nikolai: <<< 10:41:24 PM >>> Nikolai: Siran: Let's go. Nikolai: Albrecht: ugh Nikolai: *** Nikolai looks around Nikolai: Albrecht: though since I haven't been disconnected yet I might... yeah it'll catch up *** Siran leads the way around the circumference of the ledge until she comes to a set of narrow stone steps leading down to the next tier <<< Albrecht has left >>> <<< 10:42:05 PM >>> Albrecht: and there it goes *** Siran descends *** Siran repeats this, navigating a zigzagging path down into the pit at the center of the cavern DM of Da: After about ten minutes of walking, you finally arrive DM of Da: There are a number of bonfires around the edges of the central pit, ringing a massive firepit in the middle Albrecht: // did we bring gear with us, or will we need to go back to get the party's gear? DM of Da: //gear's with you DM of Da: The smoke from the central fire twists and coils, forming strange, serpentine shapes Boris: // brb, food DM of Da: Sitting around the edge of it are goblin clerics, obviously high in rank and importance if the quality of their robes and golden holy symbols of Volos is any indication DM of Da: One of them is the old high cleric <<< Assassin has left >>> <<< 10:44:45 PM >>> <<< Old Cleric has joined >>> <<< 10:44:51 PM >>> DM of Da: She is staring intently into the fire, or more accurately the shapes in the smoke DM of Da: The other clerics are quietly chanting something in Infernal DM of Da: Albrecht roll Knowledge: Arcana if you have it *** Albrecht // understands Albrecht: /try 5 *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht : *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 5 = 14 Nikolai: // APPARENTLY I SHOULD LEARN INFERNAL THEN DM of Da: Nah you don't know what they're chanting Nikolai: //what with my HUGE knowledge arcana that I can't use Albrecht: bunches of words that don't mean anything to me. DM of Da: //you can use it on actual spell effects even if they're in Infernal but this is not a spell DM of Da: //it's just a chant DM of Da: //anyways Siran: Old one! Rise and greet me. *** Old Cleric looks up from her study of the fire Old Cleric: Oh, you're here... Old Cleric: Come to give up the prisoners you owe me? Nikolai: //brb *** Siran scoffs Siran: It's you who'll be doing the giving up here. The three that were captured along with these two aren't your prisoners anymore. Siran: They're my servants and you'll give them to me immediately. Old Cleric: Oh, I don't think so, girl. Old Cleric: Who do you think you are, anyway? Vasily o/ Cou: ... Vasily o/ Cou: MAL Vasily o/ Cou: Malcom Reynolds on Lost. DM of Da: k Vasily o/ Cou: (sorry) Old Cleric: I've served our King long before you were born! Old Cleric: You can't just come to my house and make demands! Give me what I'd owed or begone with you. *** Siran smirks Siran: Yes, yes, you're very old. No need to remind me - anyone can see it plain as day. Siran: And speaking of the King, he returns even now. Would you like to tell him you've personally obstructed my plans in the service of his grand vision, or should I? *** Old Cleric scowls, but says nothing Siran: Oh, don't worry. I'm sure there'll be a part in it for you. Besides - I'm sure you've already extracted a lot of useful information from your prisoners, right? *** Old Cleric scowls harder Siran: Oh, you don't have a thing, do you. Siran: Well, too bad for you. Now, do you want to have your lackeys bring me what I want, or do I have to go and find them myself? Old Cleric: You'll not have free run of Tarpeian Rock, human! Not while I live! *** Old Cleric snaps her fingers and barks orders to her retinue Old Cleric: You can have your prisoners. They won't do you any good... human weaklings, good for nothing but fodder for your foolish experiments. *** Old Cleric sits back down by the fire and begins studying the smoke again, ignoring Siran DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: After about fifteen minutes or so, Vasily, Sven, and Boris, looking haggard and dirty but alive, are brought to you. Siran: Alright, let's get out of here. This place is once again useless to me. Vasily o/ Cou: I see y'all had a nice time Boris: // yay, kernel! Albrecht: Not now, Vasily. *** Vasily o/ Couch tips his hat to the goblins *** Siran wand *** Siran spell trigger *** Siran Shadow Walk Vasily o/ Cou: It's been a pleasure. <<< Old Cleric has left >>> <<< 10:58:20 PM >>> DM of Da: The cavern around you darkens and wavers, and you're pulled again into the Shadow Realm Nikolai: One of these days Vasily, I'll have to ask you how you manage to stay so calm even after being tortured DM of Da: A twilight path stretches out ahead of you, and you walk along it Siran: Now... WtfSven: I don't know how he does it WtfSven: I'm scared shitless *** WtfSven worst druid ever DM of Da: //lol Vasily o/ Cou: The secret's tranquilizers. Vasily o/ Cou: Apples have a remarkably calming effect on the nervous system. Boris: apples....Apples... *** Nikolai pssht Boris: ALL HE TALKS ABOTU IS APPLES Nikolai: rofl Siran: Since I just saved you from what I'm sure would have been a horrible fate, I'm sure the three of you will be just as agreeable to my proposal as your two friends were. Vasily o/ Cou: So, who's your lovely friend here? Nikolai: //oliver for the record Boris: jsut stop him from talkingabout apples Nikolai: //you've met Vasily o/ Cou: //we have? oh. DM of Da: //totally met Nikolai: //furthermore Vasily o/ Cou: A proposal eh? Nikolai: //what you know of her is that she's the leader of the goblins Vasily o/ Cou: I'm listening. Siran: Oh, it's simple enough. Go about your business, which I'm told is both lucrative and fascinating, while gathering information for me. Siran: In Kiev. Nikolai: Comrades, fear not. It will be lucrative for all of us. Vasily o/ Cou: They say the gloved hand is better than the dagger. Vasily o/ Cou: I am forced to agree. Siran: In return, you'll benefit from the power I can share with you, and, of course... Siran: The benefit of being on the winning side in the upcoming war. Siran: The other alternative is not so great. Nikolai: Siran, please, let's not talking about alternatives. *** Siran looks amused *** Nikolai turns to Vasily and Boris and Sven Nikolai: We're all on the same side here. *** Boris raises an eyebrow Vasily o/ Cou: Well, you seem to have convinced Nikolai here (sense motiving up the wazoo) *** Boris hasnt seen any huge skelingtons recently Nikolai: /sincere DM of Da: //your sense motive bonus is what Nikolai: //you can't use social skills on pcs :P DM of Da: //YOUR SENSE MOTIVE BONUS IS WHAT Vasily o/ Cou: // +lots DM of Da: //he could use it on Siran Nikolai: true Boris: // you can totally use sense motive on PCs Vasily o/ Cou: // +7, and you can use it if the PC is being MCed (which isn't the case, but he wouldn't know that0 DM of Da: Ok whatever you don't get any feeling of anything being wrong Vasily o/ Cou: Well, it seems we have an arrangement. Siran: Good. Siran: I can take you to the outskirts of Kiev. *** Nikolai nods Nikolai: Good. DM of Da: INSERT A BUNCH OF SHADOW WALKING Vasily o/ Cou: (I have all of my gear, yes?) *** Nikolai hands Vasily his gear DM of Da: MONTAGE! <South Park montage song> DM of Da: Shadowy forest DM of Da: More of the same DM of Da: Plains DM of Da: Wheat fields and other crops DM of Da: Farms DM of Da: Finally, you spot the shadowy form of a great city in the distance DM of Da: It is the unmistakable skyline of Kiev Nikolai: so uh Nikolai: no shadowy death Nikolai: right? DM of Da: Nope Nikolai: no like Nikolai: ghost cities with shadow creatures Nikolai: or possibly like DM of Da: Not even a little bit of shadowy death Nikolai: Mirrors Nikolai: into the past Nikolai: maybe like Nikolai: Voidwalkers DM of Da: Nope Nikolai: or whatever they were called DM of Da: Totally not Boris: embodiments of law? DM of Da: Yes there were voidwalkers definitely DM of Da: Nightshades too DM of Da: But no you don't encounter any of that Boris: embodiments of chaos DM of Da: Or perhaps you do but they're hiding DM of Da: But you get there safely DM of Da: As the city looms closer, the shadowy reality around suddenly pulls back Nikolai: No groups of heroes with Mind Blank on to prevent insanity as they look into manifestations of chaos? Nikolai: Someone perhaps chanting at an ancient artifact? DM of Da: LOL Nikolai: Someone who is now an aspect of history? Nikolai: dunno just wondering DM of Da: You don't encounter aspects of history DM of Da: In Soviet Russia, aspects of history encounter you Boris: the future? DM of Da: IN THE FACE Albrecht: Moving along. DM of Da: Anyway Nikolai: That's good because he'd probably own us Nikolai: if he could remember his spells DM of Da: The city looms close now Albrecht: Chances are he could own us with some of his granted powers Nikolai: sure why npt Boris: nah Albrecht: whatever they may be DM of Da: And you're unceremoniously dumped into... the middle of a field of wheat Boris: hed have us own us Albrecht: he would indeed. Albrecht: He'd just use Wages of Sin. DM of Da: No no DM of Da: Viktor in his current form if he were for some reason to want to own someone Albrecht: if he was using spells, that would be his first choice. DM of Da: Would already have owned them DM of Da: In the past Nikolai: HE'S RIGHT Albrecht: go Viktor. DM of Da: And they'd be pre-owned before they even knew what happened Nikolai: TIIIIIIME TRAVEL Boris: wages, then teleport everyone else in to watch and point and laugh Vasily o/ Cou: Like the anti-pun pun? Albrecht: anyway, we're in a field of wheat. *** Siran gets up and shakes the dirt off her armor Nikolai: kthx Albrecht: hah! Viktor could beat Pun-Pun. Siran: Not nearly as precise this time. DM of Da: IT'S TRUE HE COULD Siran: Well, here you are. Nikolai: Thanks. Siran: Remember - don't find me - I'll find you. Nikolai: We'll take it from here. *** Siran wand *** Siran Shadow Walk <<< Siran has left >>> <<< 11:13:54 PM >>> *** Nikolai waves DM of Da: Ok. DM of Da: So, there's wheat all around you *** Albrecht explicates. DM of Da: You're on some farmer's land Boris: we fabricate bread DM of Da: Kiev's several miles away Boris: or soemthing DM of Da: Anything you want to do before you enter the city? Albrecht: I suggest we walk. Boris: well comrades, do we need horses? Albrecht: no Vasily o/ Cou: Burninate the countryside? Albrecht: here is why: Albrecht: before we left Kiev initially, we had horses Albrecht: which we left behind since we went via seas Vasily o/ Cou: My cart! Nikolai: ... Nikolai: shut up Albrecht: also we're going to some armorer. Nikolai: you had no cart DM of Da: Ok so Albrecht: And we're telling him Pericles is dead but we want the armor anyway. DM of Da: To Kiev Albrecht: For this german guy. Nikolai: Yep DM of Da: What's your plan here Nikolai: Well Nikolai: Step 1. DM of Da: k. Nikolai: Liquidate all new loot DM of Da: Ok Vasily o/ Cou: Step 2. Gather XP Nikolai: oliver have you been keeping track? Albrecht: Step 0: Identify new loot. Nikolai: we need to identify the shit we got off that assassin Nikolai: yes DM of Da: Mundane loot is SOP'd away, for magical/rare loot you have to go through Arkadiy's contacts, but that can also be SOP'd Vasily o/ Cou: We haven't gotten jack since I've been around. Nikolai: well Nikolai: ok so DM of Da: Remember, Small items (goblin sized) are sold for 1/4th the market price instead of 1/2 Nikolai: let me go back in times Albrecht: we need to ID the stuff the assassin had. DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: hm DM of Da: That's the first step? Nikolai: Sandy do you recall if we got anything Nikolai: while Oliver wasn't around Albrecht: Boris might like some of it DM of Da: Not since you had the battle with the dragon and Taras DM of Da: And that stuff's been entered Nikolai: did we get anything from that battle DM of Da: Into the loots Nikolai: it has? DM of Da: Yeah Nikolai: oliver wasn't here Nikolai: and I may not have taken it down DM of Da: It was distributed DM of Da: To people Nikolai: oh DM of Da: Trust me Nikolai: potions? Nikolai: ok we can deal with this later DM of Da: He had some CLWs Boris: yeah, I'm told there was cool armor involved Nikolai: via email DM of Da: It was all distributed DM of Da: I remember DM of Da: So Nikolai: let's go talk with Arkadiy DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: You head up to Norkin's Knickknacks DM of Da: And are told by his wife that Arkadiy's currently in the middle of a business meeting DM of Da: But will be done shortly DM of Da: And to wait please DM of Da: Arkadiy's wife, Alla, stares at all of you disapprovingly while you wait Albrecht: any reason not to SOP armor upgrade? DM of Da: None at all Albrecht: yay AC upgrade *** Nikolai smiles at her Boris: did you guys ID the assasin's armor yet? DM of Da: And after a bit of waiting, Arkadiy comes out front Nikolai: not yet Albrecht: Oliver, add 125 GP to the pool. Albrecht: my banded armor goes awawy Nikolai: Sandy will email us about that afterwards <<< Arkadiy has joined >>> <<< 11:21:32 PM >>> Boris: oh, ok *** Arkadiy smiles and rubs his hands Arkadiy: Well, now, that went well... better than I expected, even... finally catching a break perhaps... *** Arkadiy looks up and sees all of you Arkadiy: Oh! You're back! Well?? Good news? Eh? What? Come on back and tell me all about it, come on! *** Arkadiy leads the way to the back room of the shop, looking excited *** Nikolai follows *** Arkadiy sits down behind his cluttered desk Nikolai: So. Arkadiy: What've you got for me? Nikolai: We've been through a lot. *** Nikolai introduces Albrecht *** Arkadiy nods Nikolai: So Nikolai: We got some info Nikolai: From the two merchants that worked with Isildor Nikolai: Apparently the gems came from... Nikolai: //insert place and person Nikolai: //help me out here guys DM of Da: //The Crimean Khan? DM of Da: //in Crimea? Nikolai: //sure DM of Da: //:P Nikolai: //i forgot ;P Albrecht: that's the contact, at least. Nikolai: We basically used the plot back on them Nikolai: Told them that their caravan with the gems had been attacked Nikolai: As they planned... but for real. Nikolai: And the gems were lost. Albrecht: We put the blame on the goblins. Arkadiy: Hmm... and they fell for that? Nikolai: So they gave us this box... it contains a letter and payment Nikolai: Ostensibly for new gems. Arkadiy: A letter? To whom? To the Khan? Nikolai: Yes. Arkadiy: Well, let's see it! Nikolai: He said they'd know if we tampered with it Arkadiy: Hmm Nikolai: So instead of trying to open it we kept it and came back here Nikolai: Hoping you'd have some better resources Arkadiy: Good, good plan, very smart. Arkadiy: I... hm. Nikolai: //i know i am teh genius *** Nikolai shows Vasily o/ Cou: (we have the box, yes?) Nikolai: (we do) Albrecht: // yeah, recovered from the assassin *** Arkadiy looks at the box, turning it around in his hands Nikolai: (we also have a bag of holding) Albrecht: // and some leather armor Nikolai: From my inspection, it is Arcane Locked. *** Arkadiy shakes it Nikolai: There were two other spells on it I couldn't guess. Nikolai: In addition to the Arcane Lock and the Arcane Mark. DM of Da: //in it DM of Da: //the other two auras were from inside Nikolai: in it* *** Arkadiy puts the box down and walks over to one of his many shelves, rummaging through various trinkets *** Arkadiy retrieves a worn, simple wooden wand *** Arkadiy coughs and narrows his brows, concentrating *** Arkadiy waves the wand *** Arkadiy puts it down and peers at the box intently Nikolai: //use magic deviiiiiice! Arkadiy: Hmm, yes, looks like it... arcane... locked... marked... what's this symbol? Arkadiy: These, uh... lines? Square? What... Arkadiy: You know what it means? Or what? Nikolai: hm Nikolai: //you had an image? DM of Da: Nikolai: All of their guards had the same symbol on their shield Albrecht: // Kirill knows, but I don't think we know yet in this campaign Nikolai: //hax Nikolai: //also sploits Arkadiy: Oh... well, that's the Arcane Mark... could be Isidor's symbol? Well, it doesn't matter Arkadiy: Arcane Lock's not hard to beat. We'll lock it back up when we're done, and if we see that we can't put it back the way we found it, that's not a big deal, right? Arkadiy: The important part is - we have a lead! Arkadiy: The Khan of Crimea... hmm... it makes sense. Arkadiy: Alright, let's crack it open. *** Arkadiy pulls out another wand from a box on his desk *** Arkadiy concentrates and waves it at the box, which pops open DM of Da: Inside is a stuffed velvet pouch and a rolled up piece parchment, sealed with wax DM of Da: The seal is the same geometrical shape as the Arcane Mark *** Arkadiy unties the pouch and looks inside *** Arkadiy whistles Arkadiy: Well wouldja look at that! *** Arkadiy shakes out a few coins onto the table Arkadiy: Don't see this every day, now do you? DM of Da: And indeed, before you is a relatively rare sight - the coins are platinum *** Nikolai soft whistle Albrecht: impressive. DM of Da: They're also obviously old *** Arkadiy picks up a coin and squints at it, turning it around in his hand Arkadiy: Wow! Arkadiy: These date back to the time of Vsevolod III! They're over half a century old... maybe more... Arkadiy: Not a common thing, I'll tell you that much. Arkadiy: Alright, let Arkadiy: let's see that letter... *** Arkadiy inspects the seal carefully Arkadiy: The Arcane Mark's on the seal itself... interesting... interesting... Arkadiy: And the letter's enchanted with... something... Arkadiy: Could be some sort of trap... I've heard of this... Arkadiy: Say... Arkadiy: I've got some scrolls here Arkadiy: Now I save them for special occasions Arkadiy: And this looks like it could be one Arkadiy: Here... *** Arkadiy rummages in a large wooden crate in the corner *** Arkadiy pulls out a scroll and hands it to Nikolai DM of Da: It is a scroll of Arcane Sight. Nikolai: Oooh Albrecht: yummy *** Nikolai forgets the spellcraft check for that shit Albrecht: read magic skips spellcraft Albrecht: then you need a caster level check DM of Da: It does Nikolai: because I totally have that prepared Albrecht: DC 5+CL of scroll Nikolai: ok CL of arcane sight is... Nikolai: 5? DM of Da: Yep Nikolai: Ok. Nikolai: Give me 15 minutes. Nikolai: To prepare Read Magic DM of Da: Or just roll the damn check :P Nikolai: yes well Nikolai: I was roleplaying Nikolai: jackass Nikolai: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 4 = 22 DM of Da: There you go *** Arkadiy not a patient man DM of Da: I meant Spellcraft, btw Nikolai: ... DM of Da: To read the scroll without Read Magic Nikolai: can I use that for my spellcraft check :P DM of Da: Thus rendering said spell unnecessary DM of Da: Sure why not Nikolai: my spellcraft bonus is actually like 8 DM of Da: Ok that's fine Nikolai: or actually *** Nikolai counts Nikolai: 10 DM of Da: Now roll the CL check Nikolai: /try 4 *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai : *** DM 1d20 < 11 = 11 > + 4 = 15 DM of Da: Victory DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: k DM of Da: You cast Arcane Sight DM of Da: Surrounding magic is revealed to you DM of Da: Oh this won't even do it DM of Da: You need Greater Arcane Sight to reveal the specific identity of spell effects you see DM of Da: Well DM of Da: Anyway DM of Da: The scroll itself (not the seal) is affected by DM of Da: Faint transmutation Albrecht: yeah for this purpose I don't see the advantage of Arcane Sight... Nikolai: yeeeah Boris: indeed Nikolai: I didn't go read the spell DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Anyway Nikolai: I remember one is like instant Detetc Magic Albrecht: the main advantage of arcane sight over detect magic is that it doesn't involve concentration Nikolai: then there's another higher level one DM of Da: Yeah DM of Da: Ok Nikolai: that actually tells you what the spells are DM of Da: Yes Greater DM of Da: Ok so Albrecht: whereas greater also lets you know stuff about spells DM of Da: You tell Arkadiy that this won't help I assume? Nikolai: Had I thought of it beforehand DM of Da: . Nikolai: I would have told him before I read the damn thing. Nikolai: So in any case, I don't cast the spell DM of Da: Yeah Nikolai: I look at the scroll Nikolai: and tell him: Nikolai: This won't tell me anything I don't already know. Arkadiy: Oh. Arkadiy: Well, that's no good. *** Arkadiy inspects the seal some more Nikolai: Sandy remind me what the auras are DM of Da: On the seal, which is stamped with that symbol, is an Arcane Mark of the same shape DM of Da: So that has the aura of whatever Arcane Mark is DM of Da: AND DM of Da: Faint trans on the letter itself Arkadiy: Now, this seal, we could forge that... Nikolai: arcane mark is univ Arkadiy: I know this man... well, it won't be a problem Arkadiy: The mark... you could duplicate that, can't you? Nikolai: faint trans eh Nikolai: Hm DM of Da: //yes Nikolai: There's a forgery check of some sort Nikolai: right? DM of Da: Not that I can see Nikolai: I forget which Nikolai: Oh Nikolai: Ok then sure Nikolai: we can make whatever mark Arkadiy: Now what concerns me is this spell on the letter... Arkadiy: Could be a trap... *** Arkadiy takes a small knife Arkadiy: carefully, meticulously separates the stamp from the paper *** Arkadiy *** Arkadiy looks at his handiwork Arkadiy: You can see it was tampered with, but that'll be covered by the new seal we put on... Arkadiy: Now... *** Arkadiy inspects the still-rolled-up letter Arkadiy: /try 9;Search *** DM rolls attempts for Arkadiy : *** DM (Search) 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 9 = 29 Boris: winner Nikolai: hax Arkadiy: Well, I don't think it's trapped. Arkadiy: But just in case, I'd stand back if I were you... *** Arkadiy closes his eyes and slowly unrolls the parchment DM of Da: And suddenly... DM of Da: Nothing happens. Boris: we have an open piece of parchment *** Arkadiy opens one eye carefully *** Arkadiy opens the other eye and looks at the letter Arkadiy: Hm. *** Arkadiy scans it *** Arkadiy peers at it again Arkadiy: Magic's still there... Arkadiy: Take a look. Vasily o/ Cou: (I prepared arcane runes this morning...) *** Arkadiy places the letter on the table, turning it such that you all can see it, and holds it down DM of Da: It is in Russian DM of Da: And says: DM of Gaia: To His Most Exalted and Surpassing Supremeness, Nogai Khan, the Son of the Sky, the Chosen of Tengri and Great Ruler of All Crimea and the Lands Beyond, we, his unworthy servants, humbly address this letter. DM of Gaia: DM of Gaia: It is our most fervent wish that you accept our expression of admiration for your resourcefulness and power, for news has reached even to these lands of your singular achievement in securing that which has eluded all seekers for three and a half decades, the treasure of the fearsome and legendary beast whose name, we trust, needs not be set down here. DM of Gaia: DM of Gaia: We have also been made aware that Your Exalted Supremeness, in your limitless wisdom and expansive foresight, has seen fit to part with but a small sample of this treasure, this being surely a demonstration of the nigh-infinite nature of your wealth and material holdings. DM of Gaia: DM of Gaia: It is also our devout hope that you will not consider it taxing of your sufferance to allow us to approach Your Exalted Supremeness, in the person of the messenger that we beseech you to receive with your renowned and unparalleled magnanimity; for we desire to ask that you extend your beneficence also to us, and wish to attempt most humbly to convince you to part with several more of the same gems, an undoubtedly insignificant portion of your infinite wealth, before the thought of which all kings and rulers tremble. DM of Gaia: Nikolai: lols DM of Gaia: Your Exalted Supremeness will forgive us, we vehemently hope, for having enclosed what is surely a paltry gift, yet we most contritely beg to apologize that our limited means prevents us from properly honoring you in the fashion we know is due your divine station. DM of Gaia: Boris: wow Albrecht: ah hyperbole. DM of Gaia: Signed, DM of Gaia: Your Surpassing Supremeness' humble and unworthy servants, DM of Gaia: Danil Semyonovich Sidorov of Oleshie DM of Gaia: Anastas Fedorovich Andropov of Oleshie DM of Gaia: Albrecht: hmm Albrecht: so we still don't know what the spell on there is. Albrecht: Would Identify tell us? Nikolai: I don't think so DM of Da: Negative Nikolai: Identify tells all properties of a magic item Albrecht: right Nikolai: not a mundane item with a spell cast on it Nikolai: Well, that scares me Albrecht: ok what's within our means to find out? Albrecht: I mean, we see text on there Albrecht: and this was an illusion spell, yes? Nikolai: ehhhh any way of getting a Greater Arcane Sight cast? DM of Da: Transmutation Nikolai: transmutation Albrecht: ok, trans Albrecht: Greater Arcane Sight is too far up... Albrecht: that's 7th level Nikolai: yep Nikolai: I dunno Albrecht: analyze dweomer? Nikolai: thought it might be somehow possible Nikolai: hm Albrecht: that's not as high up Albrecht: clearly we're not dealing with explosive runes since we didn't get blown up Nikolai: sor/wiz6 DM of Da: Also Brd6! lolol Nikolai: Analyze Dweomer would work. Albrecht: and if it's something like secret page... then there'd be another message under it Nikolai: True seeing would foil that DM of Da: Truth Boris: is that trans or illus though? DM of Da: Well, Secret Page is explicitly foiled by True Seeing DM of Da: Says so in the spell desc Boris: fair enough Nikolai: transmutation *** Boris has his PHB somewhere else inthe apartment Arkadiy: Well? Your thoughts? Nikolai: Ok well Nikolai: I don't know what the spell is, and magic to reveal such information is more powerful than I have access to. *** Arkadiy scratches his beard thoughtfully Boris: I doubt we could dspell whatever it is and then replicate the effect Nikolai: One possible thing it could be is a Secret Page Boris: agreed Nikolai: which would not take such powerful magic to foil Nikolai: But Arkadiy: And that is? Oh, I've heard of that sort of thing... Nikolai: I have no guarantee that is what it is. Arkadiy: Hidden message? That sort of thing? Arkadiy: Well. Nikolai: //wait Nikolai: //I lied DM of Da: //about what Nikolai: //True Seeing is Sor/Wiz 6 DM of Da: //yes Nikolai: //I was thinking of the clr level Nikolai: so it would be equally hard to find that Nikolai: as analyze dweomer Nikolai: We'd need a spellcaster much more powerful than myself to truly know what we're getting ourselves into. Arkadiy: If there's some sort of message there, or something, we'd better know about it. Nikolai: Right, I don't want to walk into a trap. Arkadiy: Now, let me think here... Nikolai: Have any powerful wizard friends? Boris: // doesnt the power of hte aura give you an idea of the spell level? Nikolai: //it's in line with secret page's level Nikolai: //let me look Albrecht: // i did a skim a while ago and secret page was the most likely Arkadiy: Well now, I don't know any powerful wizards or sorcerers in Kiev, or anywhere ar... Arkadiy: Wait... Boris: // do we have a full wizard in the party? Arkadiy: Would a sorcerer do? I'm not all that familiar with magic, and all that... Nikolai: If he knows the spell. *** Arkadiy sits down Nikolai: Going from my knowledge of spellcraft, this is most likely Secret Page at work. Arkadiy: Well, I've got an idea, but I don't know if it's wise... Nikolai: Which would mean there is a message written here with some sort of password. Nikolai: Likely known to the Khan and Danil and Anastas Boris: // the name of the demon? Arkadiy: Now, you could go north, to Novgorod... find a wizard there, perhaps... then again, you'd run the risk of Isidor hearing about this... Arkadiy: Or... Arkadiy: The nearest powerful sorcerer's right here in Kiev Arkadiy: The Cherkess ambassador, Said Boris: would it hurt to guess at the password? *** Arkadiy shrugs Nikolai: My only concern is that I wouldn't want him reading this message and learning of our activities. Arkadiy: Yes... we're in a situation here, no doubt... Nikolai: Also.. if he is the ambassador, is he really going to cast a spell for us? Nikolai: I can't see that... *** Arkadiy leans forward and lowers his voice, looking around nervously Arkadiy: Now, you didn't hear this from me... Arkadiy: But word on the street is, this ambassador of theirs has been doing some business... on the side, as it were. Boris: // who appointed this loser? Nikolai: // good question! DM of Da: //CLEARLY AMIR DID!! HAHA Nikolai: //rofl Albrecht: // yeah he hired Kirill to do stuff for him. Boris: // what an ass Arkadiy: I mean, he's the most powerful sorcerer for a hundred miles... his skills must be in demand... I mean, if I were him... Arkadiy: Well, why don't we leave that option for a bit Nikolai: Ok, let's see what we can find out about him. Arkadiy: I'll ask around... you can do the same... in the meantime, could we guess the password? Nikolai: Uh Vasily o/ Cou: 1 2 3 4 5 Nikolai: Chances of that seem low to me Arkadiy: If it's this Secret Letter spell you say it could be Nikolai: Secret Page. Arkadiy: Yes. Well, you're probably right. Not much chance of that. Arkadiy: I'll try and see what I can find out about this ambassador. Boris: What's the name of that beast he's writing about again? Arkadiy: See if I can tell whether he's a man to deal with. Albrecht: we can try that Albrecht: Zmei Gromovoi Nikolai: Hm Arkadiy: Ah, that'd be the Demon of Fire and Storm, whose true name was... yes, that's the one. Nikolai: That didn't do it did it? *** Nikolai looks at the letter DM of Da: Nope. Nikolai: Oh well DM of Da: No change. DM of Da: Alright Boris: // ah well, that was my guess DM of Da: Here's where we end for the night DM of Da: We'll handle loot and XP in email DM of Da: Any questions or comments? Vasily o/ Cou: can you send us the text of the letter? Nikolai: I has a shopping list Nikolai: also send us the identified stuff we procured. Albrecht: we should all have shopping lists Nikolai: from that assassin Albrecht: i'll go over mine, though it's probably just enchanting the sword DM of Da: Ok DM of Da: Will do DM of Da: To all of that Vasily o/ Cou: some tasty tasty int would be nice Vasily o/ Cou: and some scrolls. Nikolai: we don't actually have that kind of money Nikolai: do we? Boris: nothing I can't solve with more dex Vasily o/ Cou: not really. Nikolai: for like, wondrous items Albrecht: we'll find out, I guess Boris: but I kNOW we dont have that money Vasily o/ Cou: Hmm... Nikolai: Ok Sandy, question Vasily o/ Cou: Definitely scrolls. Nikolai: We fought some kobolds Vasily o/ Cou: And some spell copying. DM of Gaia: Yo Nikolai: When the sandstorm picked up Nikolai: did we get any loot there Nikolai: also something before that I think DM of Gaia: From like DM of Gaia: The gnolls? Nikolai: oh Nikolai: gnolls Nikolai: right Nikolai: same thing DM of Gaia: Yeah I sent you all of that in a previous email didn't I Nikolai: No Nikolai: I looked through my past emails from you Nikolai: and don't see anything besides xp DM of Gaia: Ok DM of Gaia: Will do Boris: no xp since the ship�