Session Logs» Session 2007-10-28

The party determines that Danil & Anastas were killed by magic, and theorizes that Ambassador Said may have been involved. They return to Kiev, and speak with Arkadiy Norkin. He reveals that The Orthodox Church appears interested in the party, and that he has been working for Yegor Dolgorukiy, who is a follower of the Iron Triad. They meet with him. Albrecht and Nikolai share a vision of the Iron Triad.

 <<<  root has joined  >>>
 <<< 07:57:11 PM >>>
    DM of Gaia:  Yo
    DM of Gaia:  We're missing 2
    DM of Gaia:  Or are we
    DM of Gaia:  Oliver is connected from before
    DM of Gaia:  Is he actually here
          root:  no idea
          root:  where'a granger?
 <<<  Nikolai has joined  >>>
 <<< 08:00:37 PM >>>
       Nikolai:  shoryuken
    DM of Gaia:  Dunno
    DM of Gaia:  Chris and Oliver aren't accounted for
       Nikolai:  well chris is around
       Nikolai:  I don't know about oliver
    DM of Gaia:  Yeah but not here
        Vasily:  I'm here.
 <<<  Sven has joined  >>>
 <<< 08:01:03 PM >>>
    DM of Gaia:  And that's what counts :P
    DM of Gaia:  Awesome
       Nikolai:  well
       Nikolai:  there you go
    DM of Gaia:  Perfect attendance
    DM of Gaia:  Ok guys
    DM of Gaia:  ROLL CALL
          Sven:  getting that hair spray out was harded than first
          Sven:  harder, eve
          Sven:  n
          Sven:  . . .
          Sven:  I'm here.
       Nikolai:  what was ytour costume
       Nikolai:  also here
          Sven:  oompa loompa
          root:  I dont want to know about anything involving you and the
 word hard
          root:  here
          root:  also fuck Fox sports
        Vasily:  not here.  I'm over there. 
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  Adam?
    DM of Gaia:  Ok I think he's making dinner
    DM of Gaia:  Or wait
    DM of Gaia:  His computer...
    DM of Gaia:  Is fucked
    DM of Gaia:  Crap
        Vasily:  He's on his laptop.  I'll poke him.
    DM of Gaia:  I got it
      Albrecht:  yeah i'm here
      Albrecht:  the computer issues are not coming
      Albrecht:  the computer issues are looking like I'm going to be
 carrying this to tekserve tomorrow
    DM of Gaia:  Lame
    DM of Gaia:  But are you good to play?
       Nikolai:  that blows
      Albrecht:  well i'm hungry and I want to stab things
    DM of Gaia:  Heh
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  I'll take that as a yes
    DM of Gaia:  So
       Nikolai:  well we can semi npc you
    DM of Gaia:  For now
    DM of Gaia:  Let's get a summary of what happened last time
      Albrecht:  why?
          root:  last time....
      Albrecht:  there's no reason to NPC me, because whatever is wrong
 is beyond my capabilities to do a goddamn thing other than throw cats
          Sven:  so what exactly did they do?
          root:  did who do
      Albrecht:  well, joey knocked one of my satellite speakers down
 onto the plugs coming out the back of the tower
      Albrecht:  it immediately froze
      Albrecht:  and now I get bong and fan but no nothing else ever
    DM of Gaia:  Hm
    DM of Gaia:  That sounds terrible
    DM of Gaia:  Well, alright
    DM of Gaia:  So
      Albrecht:  i want to pull the vid card out
      Albrecht:  see if it'll boot and let me access via network to see
 it booted
    DM of Gaia:  Dude just leave it alone for now :P
      Albrecht:  but of course between how tight the screw is in and how
 bad the angle for the screwdriver is, that's impossible
      Albrecht:  don't worry, it's left alone
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  Good
    DM of Gaia:  Tekserve is the correct response
    DM of Gaia:  So
    DM of Gaia:  Summary of last time
    DM of Gaia:  Anyone?
      Albrecht:  i'm in another room and the bastard cat who is probably
 to blame for me needing to waste a week and a bunch of money is on my
          root:  actually, last time there wasn'ta khan.  There was a
 mystery cave
          root:  there's a link to a map somewhere
    DM of Gaia:  There was indeed a mystery cave
    DM of Gaia:  But
          Sven:  there was a mine . . . and then we got to oleshie and
 the inn got fucked
          root:  there was some smiting of lava golem type things, and
 then some weird bridge over  what should have been a chasm but was
 instead worked stone
    DM of Gaia:  To clarify
    DM of Gaia:  The inn got fucked a while ago
    DM of Gaia:  Like a month ago
          root:  we know it was likely worked due to stone shape failing
          Sven:  yeah
    DM of Gaia:  And Danil & Anastas were killed
    DM of Gaia:  Killed so much that their bodies were charred beyond
    DM of Gaia:  And scorched bones were all that remained
    DM of Gaia:  So
    DM of Gaia:  The question is...
       Nikolai:  "killed"
    DM of Gaia:  What're you guys going to do now?
       Nikolai:  first of all
       Nikolai:  Oliver's going to write down the 2.500g we made from
 selling all that crap in Tmutawhatever
       Nikolai:  secondly
       Nikolai:  we have some choices
       Nikolai:  we could...
       Nikolai:  1. try to find isidor in novgorod
       Nikolai:  2. go back to the khan and tell him what happened
       Nikolai:  3. fuck it
       Nikolai:  what do you guys think
      Albrecht:  we could also follow up on my suspicion of said in kiev
       Nikolai:  yes
       Nikolai:  4. go back to kiev
          root:  ...hang on
       Nikolai:  talk to whatshisface
    DM of Gaia:  Yep those all definitely sound like possible options
          root:  well, as much as I like the option "interrogate said", I
 don't think we're capable of it at this venture
          root:  not without help.  Even then, Im not sure we'd get any
 new information out of it
      Albrecht:  well, I wouldn't count on it either
          Sven:  word.
       Nikolai:  i meant
       Nikolai:  go talk to our contact
       Nikolai:  whose name i forgot
          root:  Arkadi or something?
    DM of Gaia:  Arkadiy yep
      Albrecht:  Arkadiy
          root:  ...Im surprised at how close I was
       Nikolai:  yes
          root:  ...I believe visiting him would only bring said down
 upon him
       Nikolai:  or maybe that's already happened
       Nikolai:  who knows
          Sven:  fucking said
        Vasily:  But we didn't visit these two. 
          root:  ...well...what did we have to deliver from teh Khan?
          root:  seeing as they're dead, I don't see why we shouldn't
 open it.  I forget if we have already
       Nikolai:  a letter
          root:  we ar ein their employ after all
      Albrecht:  we had a note intended for the two people who are
 assumed dead
       Nikolai:  well
       Nikolai:  we know what it says.
       Nikolai:  the khan told us.
        Vasily:  Might be some hidden message as before.
        Vasily:  They're already dead... 
      Albrecht:  may as well check it out
       Nikolai:  if we can put it back together
       Nikolai:  the same way we did for the other letter
       Nikolai:  the way I see it
       Nikolai:  we still have the possibility
       Nikolai:  of going to their boss
        Vasily:  They have a boss?
       Nikolai:  yes
       Nikolai:  pay attention
        Vasily:  We know this? 
       Nikolai:  Sandy?
    DM of Gaia:  Totally
        Vasily:  I thought they were working for themselves.
    DM of Gaia:  No
    DM of Gaia:  Absolutely not
       Nikolai:  see
          root:  I think the impression we got was these guys were middle
          root:  or there was at least someone else involved
          root:  assuming the Khan told the truth
        Vasily:  I thought they were middlemen, aye... 
    DM of Gaia:  They are in the employ of Isidor, a wealthy merchant in
 Novgorod (though he is not originally from there)
        Vasily:  Hmm.
    DM of Gaia:  He controls a large trading empire based in said city
        Vasily:  Said city? 
    DM of Gaia:  (Novgorod)
       Nikolai:  Novgorod.
        Vasily:  I thought Said lived in Kiev.
    DM of Gaia:  Not quite as large as that of Dmitriy Dolgorukiy's
 Kiev-based trade company
    DM of Gaia:  But still pretty big
          root:  ....if I knew it wasn't sucha  bad idea, I'd say lets
 just tell said everything we know and offer to work with  him on this,
 and off him when the time comes.  Odds are he'd just kill us though
        Vasily:  Going up the chain of command seems like the wise thing
 to do at this point. 
        Vasily:  We can even stop over in Kiev.
      Albrecht:  we don't know much, though
        Vasily:  We know his employees were killed. 
          root:  Hi Isodor, we attacked your caravan where you thought he
 goblins did
        Vasily:  We should do our best to figure out what happened.
          root:  that's how we knew to go to you when these guys died
        Vasily:  Well, I suppose I should have known who Isidor is... 
        Vasily:  I have been working for them for a while.
    DM of Gaia:  You all know who Isidor is
    DM of Gaia:  You knew this as far back as the very first session
    DM of Gaia:  When Arkadiy said
    DM of Gaia:  "A caravan owned by Isidor of Novgorod blah blah blah"
        Vasily:  That's why I don't know it... I wasn't there :P 
          root:  we knew who he was.  I'm asking there a
 reason outside of stealing from him, that we know who he is
       Nikolai:  Ok
       Nikolai:  let's stop in Kiev
    DM of Gaia:  And then when you got to Oleshie "some merchants working
 for Isidor named blah and blah"
    DM of Gaia:  Etc.
       Nikolai:  gather info there
          Sven:  makes sense to me.
       Nikolai:  see what we can see
       Nikolai:  about said
       Nikolai:  and talk to Arkadiy if possible
        Vasily:  Sandy: Do I know about Isidor through legitimate
       Nikolai:  dude
       Nikolai:  he said we all know about him
       Nikolai:  it is public knowledge
      DM of Da:  He's one of the wealthiest merchants in Novgorod
        Vasily:  Do I know he was the one who hired these two :P 
      DM of Da:  Yes
      DM of Da:  Absolutely
          root:  through those two
       Nikolai:  Everyone does
        Vasily:  And not because Arcadiy told me.
       Nikolai:  I'm sure they liked to throw that around
      DM of Da:  You know it through them, they mentioned his name a
 couple times while you guys met with them...
      DM of Da:  Yeah
          root:  cool
        Vasily:  Ok, good.  Then we should look around here and see what
 we can figure out. 
      DM of Da:  HEre=where?
       Nikolai:  yes
      DM of Da:  Oleshie?
        Vasily:  Yes.
       Nikolai:  if there is any extra info
       Nikolai:  we want it
      DM of Da:  You want to see if anyone knows anything more about what
      DM of Da:  Is that it?
        Vasily:  That's the gist of it, aye. 
      DM of Da:  k.
      DM of Da:  Well, let's start by rolling some Gather Info for some
 generic listening to convos and casually asking questions
       Nikolai:  /try 2
  *** Vasily rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** Vasily 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 2 = 18
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 9 = 9 > + 2 = 11 
          root:  /try -1
  *** DM rolls attempts for root :
  *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 0 - 1 = 15
  *** Vasily rolls attempts for root :
  *** Vasily 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 0 - 1 = 15 
        Vasily:  /try 9
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 9 = 22 
  *** Vasily rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** Vasily 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 9 = 16 
       Nikolai:  /disable-diebot
  *** Vasily is disabled
        Vasily:  thanks 
       Nikolai:  np
          root: I get to roll again because I got doubles?
      DM of Da:  No :P
      DM of Da:  Ok so
       Nikolai:  free parking
          Sven:  /try 0
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 0 = 5
  *** root rolls doubles two more times, and is thrown into jail
       Nikolai:  hax; jail for you
      DM of Da:  Everything you hear is first or second-hand accounts of
 people who were staying at the expensive inn that night, a month ago
      DM of Da:  Everyone's story is pretty much the same
      DM of Da:  In the middle of the night, a massive roar/blast kind of
      DM of Da:  Windows destroyed
      DM of Da:  Flames
      DM of Da:  On one side of the top floor of the inn
      DM of Da:  No one saw anything or anyone else
      DM of Da:  No one saw anyone go up to the suite of rooms where
 Danil and Anastas were staying
      DM of Da:  To everyone's knowledge they'd had no visitors that
      DM of Da:  The only lead you have
       Nikolai:  Not even that guy over there with the unnaturally high
 Will save?
      DM of Da:  lol
       Nikolai:  <_<
      Albrecht:  but all indications make that the center of the blast?
       Nikolai:  or maybe Spot check
      DM of Da:  Yeah
        Vasily:  So a really good assassination attempt.
      DM of Da:  That was pretty definitely the center of the blast
      DM of Da:  Anyway the only lead you have
      DM of Da:  Is something the innkeeper said
       Nikolai:  sandy, does the description of the sound + other effects
 give me any clue if that was a spell effect I know
          Sven:  maybe somebody prepared explosive runes today
      DM of Da:  one sec
          Sven:  and widened and twinned and maximized and empowered it.
      DM of Da:  The innkeeper told you that he asked the woman who runs
 the small magic shop on the other side of town
      DM of Da:  Who told him that the description of the sound and the
 nature of the damage (she came and took a look) looked like magical fire
      DM of Da:  And that dovetails with your assessment
      DM of Da:  Sounds like a really powerful fireball-type spell
      DM of Da:  Probably not your everyday Fireball... maybe some
 Empowered and/or otherwise enhanced fireball... or some variant
      Albrecht:  except fireballs don't produce any pressure
      DM of Da:  Who said anything about pressure?
      Albrecht:  which would normally be required for the windows blowing
      DM of Da:  Read what I said carefully
      DM of Da:  Not "windows smashed"
      DM of Da:  They were melted
      Albrecht:  just generically destroyed, ok
          root:  (if it was, energy andimixed sonic fireball)
          Sven:  proper fucked, perhaps
       Nikolai:  enough fire damage to melt glass
          Sven:  I would hate to think that King Amir paid a visit.
          Sven:  sounds like shit he'd do.
      DM of Da:  Well
      Albrecht:  ok, all indications continue to point to there being
 someone capable of a big damn fireball
          root:  nah
          root:  no girls present
      DM of Da:  If King Amir is paying visits to your contacts
      DM of Da:  You just may be fucked
          Sven:  it's true.
       Nikolai:  yep
       Nikolai:  no question
      DM of Da:  Might want to retire while you're ahead
       Nikolai:  alive*
       Nikolai:  fixd that for ya
      DM of Da:  Heh
      DM of Da:  So yeah
          root:  that's ahead of where we'd end up
      DM of Da:  That's the info you've got from folks around here
      DM of Da:  What now?
       Nikolai:  to kiev
      DM of Da:  k.
      DM of Da:  Boat?
      Albrecht:  well I say we do check the letter we were given
       Nikolai:  eh sure why not?
        Vasily:  Why not. 
      DM of Da:  Alright
       Nikolai:  check the letter eh
       Nikolai:  first of all
      Albrecht:  and then head to kiev, make a couple discreet inquiries
       Nikolai:  before we open it
       Nikolai:  detect magic.
      Albrecht:  and potentially head up to novgorod next
       Nikolai:  (of which I have 100000)
      Albrecht:  well
      Albrecht:  that was part of the "check the letter" I figured
       Nikolai:  yes
       Nikolai:  the first part
      DM of Da:  Ok.
          root:  check the letter for magic, check it for traps
 otherwise, then outright check it
      DM of Da:  YOu were given a simple velvet pouch, freely openable,
 with the letter itself inside, which is sealed
      DM of Da:  Detecting magic on all of these things reveals no auras
      Albrecht:  hmm
      Albrecht:  even if we had the charred bones, we don't have the
 spells to talk to the corpses yet
       Nikolai:  2 levels
      Albrecht:  right, but that's not now
       Nikolai:  also
       Nikolai:  wouldn't work
       Nikolai:  they aren't corpses
       Nikolai:  they are bones
       Nikolai:  the corpses have to be intact to speak
      DM of Da:  It's true.
       Nikolai:  aka working jaw
      DM of Da:  Ok
       Nikolai:  let's wait until we're in kiev
       Nikolai:  to open the letter
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  You wait a day for a merchant ship to arrive in Oleshie
      DM of Da:  And it takes you 8 days to sail up the Dnieper, as
      DM of Da:  On the way, your vessel is attacked
      DM of Da:  From shore
      DM of Da:  From an encampment consisting of a tall wooden tower and
 a pair of catapults
      DM of Da:  The vessel is pelted with fire arrows and large rocks
      Albrecht:  too bad we didn't smash that
        Vasily:  Toss a few Scorching Rays and Magic Missiles at em.
      DM of Da:  Alright
      Albrecht:  scorching ray will be too short
      Albrecht:  but yeah, try and kill a couple of the bastards for that
          root:  whatsherface should have also given us a letter of
      DM of Da:  A few Magic Missiles and some arrow fire is sufficient
 to repel the attack
      DM of Da:  This is a Cuman encampment
      DM of Da:  Not a goblin one
      DM of Da:  You passed by it while traveling south
      DM of Da:  It belongs to one Ataman Serkan
       Nikolai:  lol
          Sven:  yeah.
      DM of Da:  Anyways
      Albrecht:  yeah, if we ride by again we might just have to break it
       Nikolai:  noobs
      DM of Da:  As the river passes through the forest zone south of
 Kiev, you see some goblin bat riders pass overhead at night, but they do
 not attack
      DM of Da:  You arrive in Kiev unscathed
      DM of Da:  It is... June 1st
      DM of Da:  Where to?
       Nikolai:  Norkin's Knicknacks.
          root:  ?
        Vasily:  Shouldn't we be staying away from him? 
          root:  see if Isodor's mansion is now Isodor's hole in teh
       Nikolai:  It's been
       Nikolai:  how long?
       Nikolai:  We should check in discreetly
      DM of Da:  A month and a half almost
          root:  probably also a month now
        Vasily:  Fair 'nuff.
          Sven:  discrizzle.
       Nikolai:  we need to check in w/ him
      DM of Da:  Alright
      Albrecht:  among other things I want to see if anyone knows if said
 was out of town at the appropriate times
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Roll Gather Info for that
          root:  ...I doubt anyone would know
       Nikolai:  /try 2
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 2 = 6 
      Albrecht:  /try 2
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 2 = 19
          root:  /try -1
  *** DM rolls attempts for root :
  *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 0 - 1 = 13 
        Vasily:  /try 11 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 11 = 15
          root:  he likely poofed and went down there
      DM of Da:  I'm afraid the comings and goings of the Cherkess
 ambassador are not widely known
        Vasily:  Can't poof quite as effectively in this world.
          root:  ?
      DM of Da:  He does not make public appearances... and so you're not
 really able to conclusively discover whether he was or was not in Kiev
      DM of Da:  In any case
          root:  can still shadow walk and such
      DM of Da:  After making your way over to the merchant district
      DM of Da:  You turn down the avenue on which Arkadiy's shop stands
      DM of Da:  And find... that it is closed, dark, and boarded up.
          root:  we go there discretely...
      DM of Da:  So.
       Nikolai:  gather info, what happened here.
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  Roll again
          root:  /try -1
  *** DM rolls attempts for root :
  *** DM 1d20 < 17 = 17 > + 0 - 1 = 16 
       Nikolai:  /try 2
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 3 = 3 > + 2 = 5
          Sven:  /try blah
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 0 = 18 
       Nikolai:  lol at me
        Vasily:  /try 11 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 16 = 16 > + 11 = 27
      Albrecht:  /try 2
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 2 = 17 
      DM of Da:  Alright
      DM of Da:  Asking around, you find out from the owners and
 customers of surrounding shops and businesses that Norkin's Knicknacks
 has been like that for about two weeks, now
       Nikolai:  Anyone talk to him? DId he tell anyone why he was
 closing up?
      DM of Da:  Indeed so
      DM of Da:  Arkadiy stopped by one of his friends' gambling
 establishments and compained about poor business
      DM of Da:  Vasily manages to engage said friend in conversation and
 learns from him that this complaint came as a surprise
      DM of Da:  Since just recently Arkadiy had been saying that he's in
 the process of making some pretty nice deals
      DM of Da:  The owner of the gambling house speculates that they all
 fell through
      Albrecht:  ok, sounds like we should look for Arkadiy at his home
      DM of Da:  Pretty tough luck
       Nikolai:  Any idea where he is now?
      DM of Da:  Nobody's seen him much since then
      DM of Da:  Though you guys do know where Arkadiy lives, you've had
 lunch at his house at least once
       Nikolai:  Ok we go there
      DM of Da:  Alright
 <<< Innkeeper has left >>>
 <<< 08:53:14 PM >>>
      DM of Da:  You knock on the front door of the Norkin residence
      DM of Da:  And his wife, Alla, answers the door.
 <<<  Alla has joined  >>>
 <<< 08:53:57 PM >>>
          Alla:  Who is it? You people? What do you want?
  *** Nikolai nudges Vasily
        Vasily:  We were hoping to speak with Mr Norkin.
        Vasily:  Is he home? 
          Alla:  My husband's not here. Anything else? 
        Vasily:  Do you know where he might be?
       Nikolai:  Or when he'll be back?
          Alla:  And what business is it of yours? Hm?
       Nikolai:  Well we are business associates of his.
        Vasily:  We were just passing through and wanted to catch up on
 happenings and whatnot. 
          Alla:  No, I don't know where Arkadiy is, when he's coming
 back, or anything else, and I don't think he'd want to see you even if
 he were here. Now I think you should all get going. 
       Nikolai:  (well then)
        Vasily:  o.O
          root:  (sense motive?  +2 assuming she's human)
  *** Sven :(
  *** DM of Da rolls Sense Motive for people
      Albrecht:  +5 for me
      DM of Da:  What's everyone else's bonus
          Sven:  +#
        Vasily:  +11 
          Sven:  +3, even
        Vasily:  err, +9
      DM of Da:  Ok
       Nikolai:  +5
      DM of Da:  Vasily, you sense that she is agitated
      DM of Da:  And nervous
      DM of Da:  And that she probably knows more than she's letting on
       Nikolai:  lol
       Nikolai:  Oh really
       Nikolai:  (anyone have charm person prepped?)
 <<< DM has left >>>
 <<< 09:01:42 PM >>>
 <<< Alla has left >>>
 <<< 09:01:42 PM >>>
      Albrecht:  prepped no, but I have a scroll
 <<<  DM has joined  >>>
 <<< 09:01:50 PM >>>
 <<<  Alla has joined  >>>
 <<< 09:01:52 PM >>>
       Nikolai:  //you know I suddenly realize its not in my book
          Alla:  Well? Are you still here? Go on, get out of here! I'm
 very busy, I got a lot of housework to do here!
        Vasily:  I try to sneak something into the conversation that
 suggests that she can tell us if she's being coerced.   
        Vasily:  Of course... though one last question.
        Vasily:  Why would you say he doesn't wish to see us?  We parted
 on good terms. 
        Vasily:  *wouldn't want to.
          Alla:  Because Arkadiy shouldn't be dealing with people like
 you, that's why! Now go on before I start screaming! I'll have the
 Kievan Guard here faster than you can run, and then you can ask them
 your questions! Go! 
       Nikolai:  That kinda hurts.
        Vasily:  (any chance for a diplomacy check here?) 
       Nikolai:  ok let's go.
       Nikolai:  (haha you're funny)
      DM of Da:  Absolutely no chance
  *** Alla slams the door in your face
  *** Sven :(
      Albrecht:  you could make one... it'll work if you get a 400 or so
 <<< Alla has left >>>
 <<< 09:05:34 PM >>>
            DM:  . 
      DM of Da:  CHAT BUG AGAIN
 <<< DM has left >>>
 <<< 09:05:52 PM >>>
 <<<  DM has joined  >>>
 <<< 09:06:04 PM >>>
            DM:  .
      DM of Da:  k.
      DM of Da:  So anyways
      DM of Da:  Now what?
      Albrecht:  well.
      Albrecht:  all our contacts are gone
      Albrecht:  we could try to locate Arkadiy...
      Albrecht:  last we spoke to him he was scared and aiming to lie low
 on our area
       Nikolai:  well
       Nikolai:  do we need him?
      Albrecht:  we could walk into the lion's den on Said
      Albrecht:  we could head to Novgorod to take the proposal to Isidor
       Nikolai:  well
        Vasily:  Novgorod seems like a good place to be.
       Nikolai:  I think that's our only option at the moment
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      DM of Da:  Directly to Novgorod then, eh?
      DM of Da:  Are you heading out on that very day?
          Sven:  well
          Sven:  unless someone has some other means of locating what's
 his face
       Nikolai:  I got nothin
          Sven:  like maybe some sort of stake-out on his house
          Sven:  then I would be fine with up and bouncing nowe
      DM of Da:  Alright.
        Vasily:  We could also try some sort of charm person. 
       Nikolai:  We could
       Nikolai:  You guys want to do that?
      Albrecht:  i'm up for it
          Sven:  sure
          root:  why not
      Albrecht:  want my scroll?
          root:  bring more than one, she might have a wisdom score worth
        Vasily:  Hmm...
      Albrecht:  well I possess one scroll
        Vasily:  Why isn't charm on my spell list? 
      Albrecht:  Nikolai apparently doesn't have the s... haha both of
      Albrecht:  well, one of you could scribe it to cast
        Vasily:  Let's scribe it.
      Albrecht:  or you can just use the scroll and pray
       Nikolai:  yeah we should probably do that
        Vasily:  Spend a day or so. 
       Nikolai:  let's come back tomorrow
       Nikolai:  and be like
  *** Vasily buys 200gp worth of dust
          Sven:  can't do shit
       Nikolai:  is he home yet?
       Nikolai:  no?
       Nikolai:  CHARM'D
      Albrecht:  ok, the scroll is out of my inventory
    DM of Gaia:  Alright so you spend a day scribing it and go back
 tomorrow eh
    DM of Gaia:  Now
    DM of Gaia:  While the casters are scribing
    DM of Gaia:  Or caster rather
    DM of Gaia:  Which of you is doing it btw
        Vasily:  I'll do it.  I'm specced Ench. 
       Nikolai:  k
       Nikolai:  go for it
        Vasily:  Ian: you've got your choice of Darkness, Hasan's Magic
 Aura, Resist Energy, Fox's Cunning
    DM of Gaia:  Ok.
    DM of Gaia:  Now while Vasily is scribing
    DM of Gaia:  Any of the rest of you going to do anything meaningful?
    DM of Gaia:  Or just kinda hang out
          root:  Hmm...I could fle Boris' knowledge of Kiev...but that
 would likely draw Said's attention...let's hang out
      Albrecht:  i'm a fighter.  not much else I can do
      Albrecht:  unless there's some way I can try to fade out and
 commune with arakel or some such
      Albrecht:  i should see about getting a nifty iron triad medallion
       Nikolai:  Uhm, I have RE already
       Nikolai:  wait
       Nikolai:  no I don't.
       Nikolai:  k
       Nikolai:  RE it is
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  So
          root:  Nikolai shoudl cast comune
          root:  just to see what diety answers
          root:  (yes i know its a higher level)
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
      Albrecht:  I assume there's no way for me to solicit a vision that
 isn't purely a hunger/drug delusion
  *** Sven will chill
    DM of Gaia:  Albrecht
    DM of Gaia:  Roll a Wisdom check
      Albrecht:  /try 0
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 7 = 7 > + 0 = 7 
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  Nothing comes to you
      Albrecht:  I'm a fighter type, why would I have wisdom?
    DM of Gaia:  No vision of any sort
    DM of Gaia:  Meanwhile
    DM of Gaia:  That night
    DM of Gaia:  As you're preparing to go to sleep
    DM of Gaia:  There is a knock on the door of your room at the inn
 where you're staying
          root:  (I suppose someone should get that)
  *** Sven is not it
      Albrecht:  guess i'll get my sword ready
      Albrecht:  and ask who's there
       Nikolai:  brb
      Albrecht:  note:  not opening the door yet
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  You hear a whisper through the door... "It's me! Open
    DM of Gaia:  The voice is unmistakably Arkadiy's.
          root:  if the door opens indward, I'll stand on behind it when
 it opens
      Albrecht:  i want to open just enough to look, still with sword in
    DM of Gaia:  "Let me in before someone sees me!"
          Sven:  let his ass in
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  Opening the door a crack, you see before you a rather
 pudgy and tall serving girl, as would be employed in any average tavern
          Sven:  rofl
      Albrecht:  hmm scratch that
      Albrecht:  open door, drag inside, close door
    DM of Gaia:  Ok.
          root:  I always said Arkadiy didn't have the balls for tough
      Albrecht:  keeping a grip on shoulder or collar or something
    DM of Gaia:  She breathes a sigh of relief and, incongruously, says
 with Arkadiy's voice: "Took you long enough! I thought I had the wrong
 room for a minute there..."
    DM of Gaia:  Reaches up to her head, and pulls off the ribbon tying
 her hair back...
    DM of Gaia:  Which immediately transforms into a wide-brimmed hat...
 and the serving girl transforms into Arkadiy.
 <<<  Arkadiy has joined  >>>
 <<< 09:28:12 PM >>>
        Vasily:  Nice... hat. 
          root:  brb
       Arkadiy:  Yeah, it's come in handy before... now listen, I'
       Arkadiy:  I'm pretty sure nobody knows I'm here, but I don't know
 if I can pull this off again. 
       Nikolai:  Impressive.
       Arkadiy:  I shouldn't even be here, but I figure, you boys should
 at least know what's going on.
       Nikolai:  Yeah, what's happened?
       Arkadiy:  Now when'd you get back? Just today? 
  *** Nikolai nods
       Arkadiy:  Alright, well...
       Arkadiy:  A couple days after you all left... 
       Arkadiy:  I'm having a chat with one of my buyers, now he deals in
 merchandise of the magic kind... well, he's a weapons dealer, really,
 battle wands, that sort of thing.
       Arkadiy:  Now he says to me, Arkadiy, you can't trust those damn
 foreigners. You just can't, he says. I had a meeting today, with the
 Cherkess ambassador of all people, and he doesn't show! 
        Vasily:  o.O
       Arkadiy:  I've got buyers waiting, he says to me, and my
 supplier's gone off who-knows-where.
      Albrecht:  brb
       Arkadiy:  Now I don't say a thing... but I think to myself, this
 can't be a coincidence, right? 
       Arkadiy:  I do some checking, sure enough, the Ambassador's
 nowhere to be found. No one knows where he went; of course the Council
 denies everything, they say he's just busy, but they don't know anything
      Albrecht:  yay food
       Arkadiy:  Near as I can figure out, wherever the Ambassador went,
 he was gone a couple days, then came back, went back about his business
 like nothing happened. 
       Arkadiy:  So I'm puzzling over what this could mean. Meanwhile...
 a couple weeks later...
       Arkadiy:  A man shows up at the store. 
       Arkadiy:  Looked a bit sketchy, but then, who comes into my store
 that doesn't, eh?
       Arkadiy:  Present company excluded... of course... 
        Vasily:  Nah, we're sketchy. 
  *** root frowns at not being called sketchy
      DM of Da:  Arkadiy's face adopts a slightly pained expression at
 Vasily's comment, but he continues.
       Arkadiy:  So he says to me he's got a business proposal.
       Arkadiy:  Sure, why not, right? I take him to the back, tell him
 to lay it out for me, whatever it is, and I'll consider it. 
       Arkadiy:  Now that's when he starts asking questions.
       Arkadiy:  What do I know about what happened in Oleshie? How much
 do I know about magic? 
       Arkadiy:  Strange questions... and he asks about you.
       Nikolai:  Huh.
       Arkadiy:  All of you... do I know you, what do I know about you...
 what business do I have with you... 
        Vasily:  ominous.
  *** Sven boggles
       Arkadiy:  Now I say to him, look, friend. You said you had a
 proposal for me? Well, tell me about it and we'll talk, otherwise... the
 store's not called Norkin's Oracle... I don't exactly have time for all
 this questioning.
       Arkadiy:  That's when he got a little upset. 
       Arkadiy:  Now, like I said, this guy... didn't really have
 anything about him that made me wary, or anything.
       Arkadiy:  Didn't even look armed. 
       Arkadiy:  But when I say that to him...
       Arkadiy:  Well, I'll describe it exactly as I saw it, I suppose. 
       Arkadiy:  He reaches behind his back... and out of nowhere, pulls
 out a sword, almost tall as he is, broad gleaming blade, and it shone
 with this light... like a pale gold, almost.
       Nikolai:  oof
       Arkadiy:  He pulls out this sword, and I have no idea where he got
 it from, and he holds it about an inch from my face. 
          Sven:  //fucking sephiroth.
       Nikolai:  //srsly
       Arkadiy:  He tells me if I talk to him like that again he'd be
 very angry. He'd be angry, he says, because he'd have to clean my blood
 off that nice clean blade of his, and he doesn't like doing that.
       Nikolai:  //though, gleaming blade, disguised as a person...
 sounds like a celestial of some sort maybe
       Arkadiy:  Well, I told him all I knew, which was nothing,
          Sven:  //I would hate to think of a celestial looking into our
       Arkadiy:  I don't know a damn thing about what's going on in
 Oleshie, what do I look like? And I'm no wizard either, I told him that.
          root:  //nah, a celestial wouldnt be resorting to violence yet.
  We havent really done anythign wrong yet...
       Nikolai:  //might not be about us, but about what we're after
       Arkadiy:  Told him you boys were occasional customers of mine and
 that's about it. 
       Arkadiy:  I think he believed me.
          root:  // yeah, but hte sword wouldnt have factored into things
 I think if it was at least a lawful celestial
      Albrecht:  // well it's not likely to be said... worth looking for
 anyone who meets the physical description?
       Arkadiy:  At least, it seemed like he did, because he put that
 sword away - and when he did, it looked like he wasn't carrying any
 sword - and left. 
       Arkadiy:  Didn't say a word.
       Nikolai:  Ok... can you describe him or his sword in any more
       Arkadiy:  Well, sure. 
      Albrecht:  hmm
      Albrecht:  Albrecht missed this... but the rest of you were
 there... when the description is complete, compare that against the
 people at the announcement of the reopening of the orthodox church
       Arkadiy:  About my height... not quite so broad... wore a hood...
 kind of stringy longish hair... maybe middle-aged... sword...
      Albrecht:  that'd be the last of "someone we've seen", though it
 could easily be someone we haven't seen at all
      DM of Da:  Arkadiy describes the sword to you
          Sven:  // . . .
        Vasily:  // some sort of knowledge checks on him and the sword
      DM of Da:  Knowledge: geography?
      DM of Da:  Anyone?
          Sven:  hah.
        Vasily:  Nope.
          root:  // history?  kiev?  I have those
       Nikolai:  I can do history
      DM of Da:  Roll
       Nikolai:  but not geography
      Albrecht:  definitely don't have those things
       Nikolai:  /try 4;history
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM (history)  1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 4 = 9 
          root:  /try 3;history
  *** DM rolls attempts for root :
  *** DM (history)  1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 3 = 16
      DM of Da:  Ok
      Albrecht:  I have knowledge (swinging swords)
        Vasily:  /try 8;history 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM (history)  1d20 < 15 = 15 > + 8 = 23 
      DM of Da:  It sounds like a fairly ordinary greatsword, possibly of
 Byzantine design
      DM of Da:  The description of the person doesn't ring any bells
      DM of Da:  BUT
      DM of Da:  The description of the sword DOES.
       Nikolai:  oh yeah?
        Vasily:  oh?
      DM of Da:  When the opening of the new Cathedral of St. Sophia was
      Albrecht:  oho!
      Albrecht:  see, Albrecht can't reference this because he didn't
 exist yet
          root:  // boris can because it is history
       Nikolai:  but we can.
      DM of Da:  Archbishop Satyros, the head of said cathedral, had two
 people standing by his side on the front steps as he gave his speech
      DM of Da:  On his right was a powerfully built warrior in shining
 plate armor
      DM of Da:  On his back... was just such a greatsword.
      Albrecht:  so that implies that the church is involved as well
      DM of Da:  The description of the man who threatened Arkadiy does
 not match that warrior in terms of facial features, but the height and
 build do correspond
       Nikolai:  Well
          Sven:  . . .
       Nikolai:  Arkadiy said he was hooded
      Albrecht:  the other semi-likely possibility is that it's an agent
 if isidor
      DM of Da:  He could see the guy's face
       Nikolai:  ok
       Nikolai:  so it's no tthe same guy then
      Albrecht:  or there was a disguise
       Arkadiy:  Well, anyway, as I was going to say before.
       Arkadiy:  Now you boys don't get angry at what I'm going to tell
 you, alright? 
      Albrecht:  I might be angry, but I won't take it out on you
       Arkadiy:  Well, good. And don't go spreading it around, either.
 I'm going to tell you this because I figure, you all have taken some
 risks for our plan here, so you deserve to know.
       Arkadiy:  See, the thing is, I'm not exactly a free agent,
       Arkadiy:  Well, that is... I work for myself, I surely do, but
 there's some people who can offer you enough that you put their
 interests higher than those of your normal customers, you know what I'm
        Vasily:  Of course. 
       Arkadiy:  I guess what I'm saying is... this whole thing, with the
 treasure of the Demon of Fire and Storm, and all that, wasn't...
 entirely... my idea. 
          root:  orly?
       Arkadiy:  Now I'm sure you all know of Dmitriy Dolgorukiy.
       Nikolai:  Hah
       Nikolai:  Sure
        Vasily:  Who doesn't?
       Nikolai:  Oh I get it... is this some sort of petty war between
 big businessmen?
       Arkadiy:  Now hear me out. 
       Nikolai:  Dolgorukiy wanted to sabotage Isidor or something?
       Arkadiy:  Not quite so simple as all that, no...
       Arkadiy:  Old Dolgorukiy's getting on in years, well past seventy,
 been in business all his life... and everyone knows he's not long for
 this world. 
       Arkadiy:  Well, he's got a son, Yegor. Only son. Now by rights
 when the old man goes, the whole business, all the lands and the mines
 and ships and all of that, should go to Yegor.
       Arkadiy:  Turns out, though, old Dmitriy's not too fond of his
 son, and it's anyone's guess if he'll actually leave all he has to Yegor
 or not. 
       Arkadiy:  Well, the younger Dolgorukiy wants to make sure things
 go the way he wants them to.
       Arkadiy:  And I, well... let's just say he's been making use of my
 services to, uh... acquire some things for him... get things done for
 him, for his plans. 
       Arkadiy:  This was part of those plans.
       Arkadiy:  A big part. 
       Arkadiy:  Now, if it all worked out, if Yegor Dolgorukiy got the
 whole trading empire, I... wouldn't have to spend my days working a pawn
 shop, if you get my drift.
       Arkadiy:  Anyway, when this sword-carrying maniac came by and
 started snooping around, Yegor called me in and had a good long talk
 with me. 
       Arkadiy:  We both agreed it'd be best if I lay low for a while.
        Vasily:  How'd he know? 
       Arkadiy:  That's why I closed up the shop. 
  *** Arkadiy chuckles
       Arkadiy:  Oh, you can blame my lovely wife for that, I'd wager. 
       Nikolai:  Does she know about all this?
       Arkadiy:  She was in the front of the store when this all
 happened, I'd not be surprised if she was listening in... no, no, she
 doesn't know half as much as she thinks she does.
       Arkadiy:  But enough to start gossip with her so-called friends
 down at the market, like she always does... now I've told her to keep
 her damn mouth shut, but... 
  *** Arkadiy shrugs
       Arkadiy:  Women... 
       Arkadiy:  Anyway, Dolgorukiy the younger called me in, and I
 didn't think it wise to lie to him, then.
       Arkadiy:  Now I've got to get going. I'm sorry to tell you this,
 boys, but for now, you're on your own. 
        Vasily:  Fair enough.
       Arkadiy:  You want to contact me, if you really need some help, or
 something, come on down to the store and slip a note under the door. I
 come down there every couple days, sneak in the back door, check things
 out. Most of my stuff's there anyhow.
       Nikolai:  Haven't heard anything new?
       Nikolai:  Anything about Said?
       Nikolai:  We're still trying to figure out what happened at
       Arkadiy:  Nope, can't say as I have. He's back now, I know that...
 been seen in City Council meetings and such. 
       Arkadiy:  So something did happen? I've been wondering about what
 that meant!
        Vasily:  How do the dates match up with the Oleshie murders? 
       Arkadiy:  Murders? 
      DM of Da:  //Or are you asking me that
      DM of Da:  //ooc
       Nikolai:  Ok
        Vasily:  //ooc, sorry
      DM of Da:  //Dates roughly match
  *** Nikolai fills in Arkadiy
  *** Nikolai with all the details
  *** Arkadiy scratches his beard
      DM of Da:  //As I was saying, though exactly how long Said was gone
 isn't known, the period of time includes the day when Danil and Anastas
 were killed
       Arkadiy:  Sounds like even more reason for me to lay low, I'll say
       Nikolai:  Involving Said in this was a mistake on our parts...
       Arkadiy:  Sure seems like it now.
      DM of Da:  //Did you tell Arkadiy all about your meeting with the
 Khan? or no
       Nikolai:  //sure
        Vasily:  hmm... 
       Arkadiy:  So do you think the Khan really knows where this
 treasure is, hmm? 
        Vasily:  //should we really tell him about the demon thing?
       Nikolai:  //which
        Vasily:  //hmm, nm, said knows about the fact that Isidor can
 translate it. 
       Nikolai:  //he already knew anyway
      DM of Da:  //respond to Arkadiy
        Vasily:  Seems like he might.
        Vasily:  It does look like he has a steady supply of gems. 
        Vasily:  And he certainly has the manpower to find it and defend
       Arkadiy:  Yes, hm...
       Nikolai:  However
       Nikolai:  He seems very interested by that piece of paper we
        Vasily:  Also true. 
       Nikolai:  And the whole thing about translating the words of the
 demon was very interesting to him.
       Arkadiy:  The paper? Wasn't it blank? 
       Nikolai:  Yes.
       Nikolai:  //sandy did we ever use Detect Magic on that
      DM of Da:  //yes
      DM of Da:  //faint illusion
       Nikolai:  But then again
       Nikolai:  it radiates magic
       Nikolai:  it could have some hidden meaning
       Arkadiy:  Well, I'll tell you what, boys.
       Arkadiy:  It occurs to me now that this treasure, and whatever
 this paper is, may be more valuable than I, or my employer, first
       Arkadiy:  Since it sounds now like the Ambassador killed those two
 merchants over it, and the visit I got from that man with the shiny
 sword? Can't be a coincidence.
        Vasily:  Decidedly not.
       Nikolai:  Yep
       Arkadiy:  Now I still think we shouldn't be seen together, and I'm
 not really comfortable with showing my face anywhere too public just
       Arkadiy:  But Yegor Dolgorukiy might want to have a chat with you,
 if you're willing.
       Arkadiy:  I could set up an introduction. 
       Arkadiy:  Now he might not go for it ... he normally doesn't like
 to meet with my contacts, he's got a reputation to maintain, you see.
       Arkadiy:  But everything you've found out? He might see that
 you're capable enough to warrant his attention. 
      Albrecht:  might be worthwhile
          Sven:  fair enough
       Arkadiy:  I'll tell you this, boys, if Yegor gets his hands on his
 old man's business, he'll be a good deal grateful to whoever helped him
 get there.
       Nikolai:  Ok let's do that
        Vasily:  Agreed. 
          root:  its as good as anything right now
          Sven:  forrizzle
       Arkadiy:  Good! Now, you all stay around here for a couple days,
 and I'll see what I can arrange. 
       Arkadiy:  Now, I best get going.
  *** Arkadiy puts his hat back on, whereupon it promptly turns back into
 a hair ribbon 
  *** Arkadiy changes and transforms in apparent age and gender
  *** Arkadiy laughs 
       Arkadiy:  I only wonder what people'll think I was doing here...
  *** Sven chuckles
       Nikolai:  Heh
  *** Arkadiy walks out 
 <<< Arkadiy has left >>>
 <<< 10:35:08 PM >>>
      DM of Da:  Alright
      DM of Da:  You've apparently got an unspecified quantity of days to
 spend in Kiev
      DM of Da:  Anything you want to try and accomplish?
        Vasily:  Scribing seems in order.
       Nikolai:  Ok so
       Nikolai:  I want some information on the Church
       Nikolai:  and the armored knight dude
       Nikolai:  anything we can find out
      DM of Da:  Alright
      DM of Da:  Gather Info!
          root:  somehow I dont think a 2 man exbidition into the caves
 beneath the church can end well at alll
        Vasily:  /try 11 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 11 = 12
       Nikolai:  I also get Charm Person scribed into my book
      DM of Da:  Ok
       Nikolai:  /try 2
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 12 = 12 > + 2 = 14 
          root:  /try -1
  *** DM rolls attempts for root :
  *** DM 1d20 < 19 = 19 > + 0 - 1 = 18
          Sven:  /try 0
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 6 = 6 > + 0 = 6 
        Vasily:  Scribing is busy work it seems.
  *** Sven flexes
      DM of Da:  Would anyone like to not suck
      Albrecht:  well it oculd be more than 2 of us
      DM of Da:  Please
      Albrecht:  /try 2
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 2 = 22
      DM of Da:  Thank you
      Albrecht:  huzzah.
          root:  hey, I rolled a 19, not much else boris can do here
      Albrecht:  i would like to ask the DM if it would be sensible to
 get an iron triad medallion made
       Nikolai:  that sounds irrelevant to me
      DM of Da:  I'll get back to you on that
       Nikolai:  but on that topic
      Albrecht:  or if this sort of thing would be meaningless if done by
 random person X... or if it would be a good way to go get killed
       Nikolai:  after the session
      DM of Da:  Yes...?
      DM of Da:  Ok anyway
      DM of Da:  The person in question
      DM of Da:  Is a warrior named Yanos the Holy
      DM of Da:  He is the older son of Archbishop Satyros
       Nikolai:  o rly.
      DM of Da:  Yanos has served the Orthodox Church all his life as a
 templar, in essence, being tasked with the protection of cathedrals,
 churches, and important Church expeditions and missions, most often
 serving at his father's side
      DM of Da:  He now commands the military resources of the Cathedral
 of St. Sophia, limited though they yet are
      DM of Da:  The shining sword was a gift from his father
        Vasily:  (brb) 
          root:  ...who was his father?
      DM of Da:       DM of Da:  Is a warrior named Yanos the Holy
      DM of Da:       DM of Da:  He is the older son of Archbishop
      DM of Da:  
       Nikolai:  Tell me about the Orthodox church a bit
      Albrecht:  is Archbishop Satyros the guy in charge of St. Sophia,
 or somewhere else?
      DM of Da:  Archbishop Satyros is the cleric assigned to head the
 Orthodox Church in Kiev, to be the head clergyman of the
 newly-reconstructed Cathedral of St. Sophia
      DM of Da:  He gave the speech at the cathedral's opening
      DM of Da:  So yes, the Archbishop is right here in Kiev
      DM of Da:  He is, currently, the official spiritual leader of
 Orthodox Christianity in all the Russian lands
      DM of Da:  Appointed directly by the Patriarch Methodius
       Nikolai:  Methodius is from...?
       Nikolai:  The Vatican?
       Nikolai:  <_<
      DM of Da:  The Vatican is Catholic
       Nikolai:  yes
       Nikolai:  humor
       Nikolai:  anyway
      DM of Da:  The Orthodox Church is based in Constantinople
      DM of Da:  aka Byzantium
       Nikolai:  ok
      DM of Da:  Methodius is the head of the entire Church
       Nikolai:  ok then
       Nikolai:  so we've got a guy that doesn't look like Yanos
       Nikolai:  but has the same height/build
       Nikolai:  wielding the same sword
       Nikolai:  asking questions
       Nikolai:  Hmmmmmmm
        Vasily:  Can we find out anything about the sword?
      DM of Da:  You don't find out much... it's magic, obviously, and
 Yanos has used it in many battles with enemies of the Church... there
 are many vague tales of Yanos smiting people and monsters with divine
 power, but whether that has anything to do with the sword, or some
 abilities of his own, you don't really get a clear impression of
        Vasily:  ... a Paladin? 
      DM of Da:  //obviously not
      DM of Da:  //paladins don't exist
        Vasily:  // thus the confusion.
       Nikolai:  //a cleric probably
        Vasily:  So...  
          root:  / monks also "sont exist"
        Vasily:  Yanos... is he a "nice guy"?
        Vasily:  I mean... he's a defender of the faith and all that... 
        Vasily:  But does he do what he does because he believes in
 helping people, or because he thinks he's superior to everyone else?
       Nikolai:  that's beyond the scope of a gather info :p
       Nikolai:  go interview the guy if you like
      DM of Da:  Is he a nice guy? You don't really find out too much
 about his personality since he hasn't been in Kiev all that long - a
 couple months
      DM of Da:  And yeah
        Vasily:  Fair enough. 
        Vasily:  I'm mostly looking for general observations from the
      DM of Da:  Yeah the public hasn't interacted with him all that much
        Vasily:  Has he helped any old ladies cross the street, or has he
 run around demanding people follow his code. 
        Vasily:  Indeed.
      DM of Da:  He has not done either of those things
        Vasily:  k. 
      DM of Da:  Alright
      DM of Da:  Sven
      DM of Da:  Where are you
          Sven:  right here
      DM of Da:  Ok.
       Nikolai:  hm
      DM of Da:  On the second day
      DM of Da:  Of you staying in Kiev
      DM of Da:  Hm hang on going to type a PM.
      Albrecht:  so guys, anything useful for us to do?
       Nikolai:  well
       Nikolai:  I think confronting either this dude or Said
       Nikolai:  would be bad
       Nikolai:  so we have nothing more to go on
          root:  learn spells so we can start making scrolls?
          Sven:  I got nothing
      Albrecht:  we could try those catacombs if we have time
      Albrecht:  we were supposed to get more info for siran as well
          root:  i dont like the odds there...
      DM of Da:  Bam sent
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Anyone got any ideas?
          Sven:  hey guys.
          Sven:  I think I want to go investigating this ring we haven't
 dealt with yet
       Nikolai:  oh yeah?
       Nikolai:  how so
          Sven:  well
          Sven:  I seem to remember something about the realm of the deep
          Sven:  I think we could do some research on the ring, at least
          Sven:  you see, I had a strange dream
          Sven:  something about a forest and a swamp
          Sven:  and a hole in water, if that makes any sense
      Albrecht:  ah I did want to do some research of my own
        Vasily:  A hole under water?
          Sven:  a hole in water
        Vasily:  // I attack it with my knowledge 
          Sven:  maybe we could start at that swamp that used to be a
          Sven:  until some guy came along and flooded the bitch?
          Sven:  //is this a relatively well-known event in history or am
 I making things up?
      DM of Da:  //Oh it's pretty well-known
          Sven:  in any event, I think it's about time we looked into
 this ring.
       Nikolai:  ok well we have to stay here to deal with whatshisface
      DM of Da:  //To clarify, the waters from the Realm of the Deep that
 Aros used to drown the Mongol army flooded a huge expanse of forest and
 caused the Pripet Marshes to expand greatly
          Sven:  //there we go
       Nikolai:  the pripet marshes, unless I've forgotten, are on the
 way to Novgorod
       Nikolai:  from Kiev.
        Vasily:  That they are.
       Nikolai:  So when we go there
      DM of Da:  They sure are
       Nikolai:  we can pass through
       Nikolai:  and see
      DM of Da:  //lol who names a creature the Monstrous Toebiter
          Sven:  //umm what
          root:  ???
      DM of Da:  //nothing
          Sven:  //k.
      DM of Da:  Anyway
      DM of Da:  On the third day
          Sven:  in the meantime, I would like to do some research around
          Sven:  if that's at all possible
      DM of Da:  k
      DM of Da:  No one knows a damn thing
          Sven:  not that my book-learning is all that great.
          Sven:  yeah.
      DM of Da:  About any ring
      DM of Da:  Or anything related
      DM of Da:  This knowledge seems to be extremely obscure, if it's to
 be found at all
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Now
      DM of Da:  On the third day
      Albrecht:  as long as we're researching
      DM of Da:  k?
      Albrecht:  I should be looking for anything about that sword I have
      Albrecht:  Akhmet, the Blade of Allah... any jihads originating in
 Anatolia... weapons blessed by the Imams in general and Anatolia
      DM of Da:  Alright
      DM of Da:  Gather Info plz k thx
      Albrecht:  anyone want to help me?
       Nikolai:  uh
       Nikolai:  k
       Nikolai:  /try 2
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM 1d20 < 18 = 18 > + 2 = 20 
      Albrecht:  /try 2
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 2 = 16
      DM of Da:  Ok
          root:  /try -1
  *** DM rolls attempts for root :
  *** DM 1d20 < 20 = 20 > + 0 - 1 = 19 
      DM of Da:  Anatolia is the region (modern-day Turkey) which is the
 heart of the Seljuk Sultanate
      DM of Da:  The Seljuks are Muslims, fairly powerful militarily, and
 conduct extensive trade all around the Black Sea
      DM of Da:  Their trading ships visit Oleshie with reasonable
      DM of Da:  Nobody knows anything specific about Akhmet or the
 sword, but it is suggested to you that if you want such information, you
 probably want to speak with a scholar or sage from the Byzantine Empire,
 as Byzantium has had much more interaction with the Seljuks than Kiev
      Albrecht:  any of those accessible, not counting the church?
        Vasily:  (sorry, was pulled away a sec there) 
        Vasily:  /try 9
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM 1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 9 = 23
      DM of Da:  Only the Church... there apparently WAS supposed to be a
 diplomatic mission from the Emperor that was to have arrived in Kiev
 weeks ago, which would've included a number of scholars from the
 imperial court, from but it now seems their ship was attacked by
 goblins, and its passengers are MIA.
      Albrecht:  yeah, we met some of them.  I think they're dead now
       Nikolai:  oh teh irony
      Albrecht:  and I currently want to avoid the church
      DM of Da:  Go to Tarpeian Rock and see if the goblins will let you
 have a chat with the prisoners :x
      DM of Da:  Assuming they're still alive of course
      DM of Da:  "We're just here on an academic mission, don't mind
      DM of Da:  Anyway
      DM of Da:  As I keep trying to say
      DM of Da:  On the third day of your stay in Kiev
          Sven:  fucking tarpeian rock.
      DM of Da:  When you wake up in the morning and go to the inn's
 common area to have some breakfast
      DM of Da:  The innkeeper hands you a note
      DM of Da:  Says a rather well-dressed messenger was by earlier to
 deliver it
      DM of Da:  The note states:
      DM of Da:  "To <list of your names>: The respected Yegor Dolgorukiy
 has chosen your bid for the construction contract involving the
 expansion of his residence. You are invited to inspect the location at
 midday, June 3rd."
      DM of Da:  (which is today)
      DM of Da:  Signed, Yegor Dolgorukiy.
  *** root cracks his knuckles
          root:  I've always wanted to build something
      DM of Da:  Alright
      DM of Da:  What's teh plan
       Nikolai:  so uh
          Sven:  unless anyone has any reason to believe this a bad idea,
 I feel like the plan is to go inspect his home at midday
          root:  we all get tonka hard hats and go build shit
       Nikolai:  it's saying we should go to his home
       Nikolai:  so we do
      DM of Da:  Ok.
      Albrecht:  guess we dress decently and head over
      DM of Da:  When you arrive at the extravagant residence, standing
 apart from the surrounding houses, you find that you are expected
      DM of Da:  A servant opens the door for you and calls out, "Sir!
 The laborers you hired are here!"
      DM of Da:  You are led into a central hall with tall ceilings,
 decorated expensively but tastelessly with a variety of tapestries and
 religious paintings
          root:  //well, we are here to see the soon as I
 remember what movie that's from...
      Albrecht:  Indy & the Last Crusader
      Albrecht:  -r
      DM of Da:  A man, probably in his late 30s from the looks of him,
 dressed in the latest style of fancy clothing, of medium height and
 build, comes out to meet you
      DM of Da:  He wears what appears to be a perpetual frown on his
 <<<  Yegor Dolgorukiy has joined  >>>
 <<< 11:30:58 PM >>>
  *** Yegor Dolgorukiy looks you over 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Alright, come, I
 Yegor Dolgoru:  I'll show you where I want you to start working. 
  *** Yegor Dolgorukiy leads the way
 Yegor Dolgoru:  I want a larger set of guest rooms, you see. I'm about
 to start dealing with a number of... visitors... and I'll need... 
  *** Yegor Dolgorukiy looks around and trails off once he sees that
 you're all out of earshot of any servants
          root:  of course mister Dolgorukiy
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Alright, come, to my private chambers. 
          Sven:  and to private chambers we go
       Nikolai:  we sure do
      DM of Da:  He leads you into a room at the back of the house that
 appears to serve as a combination storeroom/study. There are some stools
 around the edges of the room, and a large chair behind an even larger
 oak desk.
      DM of Da:  One wall is dominated by a large array of bookcases and
 shelves; upon closer inspection, many of the tomes here are books of
 arcane lore, some of which are of a rather... shady nature.
          Sven:  //oof, brb
      DM of Da:  A thick volume titled "Styx And Other Paths Through
 Shadow" catches your notice
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Alright.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Arkadiy tells me you've got something for me? 
  *** Yegor Dolgorukiy sits down behind the massive desk
        Vasily:  It would appear so. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Well? 
       Nikolai:  //I suppose we tell him about the meeting we had with
 the Khan
        Vasily:  Let us then begin with the basics.  //fill him in about
 mr Khan and the gems and whatnot.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Aha!
 Yegor Dolgoru:  So I was right! 
        Vasily:  The plan certainly appears to be bearing fruit. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  The gems did come from the treasure of the Demon of Fire
 and Storm... and you say... that Isidor's cronies claimed they could
 decipher? What? The demon's words?
       Nikolai:  That's all the note said.
       Nikolai:  The Khan seemed to know what it meant.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Some sort of secrets he wrote down, maybe? Powerful
 lore? Spells? Hmm... But how would a merchant from Novgorod know about
        Vasily:  Your guess is as good as ours.
       Nikolai:  I think it has something to do with the ripped page we
 have that was stolen from the Khan's shipment
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Show me.
  *** Nikolai shows him
        Vasily:  The same way any merchant would know...  I presume he
 purchased the knowledge. 
       Nikolai:  It radiates faint illusion magic.
  *** DM of Da looks
      DM of Da:  whoops
  *** Yegor Dolgorukiy looks 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Alright, I'll tell you this straight out.
  *** Sven is back
 Yegor Dolgoru:  The treasure of the Demon of Fire and Storm is supposed
 to be more valuable than... than anything. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Whoever gets his hands on it, if he can make use of it,
 he can get whatever he wants.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Now what I want is my father's trading empire. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Whatever power's hidden in that hoard, I can make use of
 Yegor Dolgoru:  I've got the resources, I've got the contacts, I know
 all the right people. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  You probably don't and it'd be useless to you.
       Nikolai:  //eyeroll
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Now, if you can help me find it, I promise you that once
 my father's dead and I'm in control, I'll make you all very rich. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Richer than you can dream of.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  You'll be set for the rest of your lives. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  How's that sound to you?
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Interested? 
       Nikolai:  We're interested.
          root:  I can dream quite a bit...I would like to see this hoard
 for myself
 Yegor Dolgoru:  I warn you, if you cross me, I'll see to it you can
 never step foot in Kiev again.
          Sven:  o.O
 Yegor Dolgoru:  My father's on the City Council, as I'm sure you know,
 and I can make a good bit of trouble for you. 
       Nikolai:  Whoa, Mr. Dolgorukiy... you have no reason or need to
 threaten us.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  I'm just laying the cards on the table.
        Vasily:  Indeed.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  I like people to know what they're dealing with. 
      DM of Da:  As he's saying all this, Yegor frowns a little deeper
 and raises his hand to his chest, rubbing his shirt absent-mindedly
      DM of Da:  As he does this, he looks down, looking a bit surprised,
 his hand touching the middle of his chest
        Vasily:  ... 
  *** Vasily prepares to cast an invisibility.
      DM of Da:  He looks over all of you, narrowing his eyes
 suspiciously, as he pulls out a drawer of his table, extracting a quill
 and a black sheet of parchment
          Sven:  o.O
      DM of Da:  He dips the quill in an inkwell, and, saying nothing,
 begins to draw lines on the parchment
      Albrecht:  black, or blank?
      DM of Da:  Uh
      DM of Da:  Sorry blank
      DM of Da:  When he's done, he holds it up, turning the sheet such
 that you all can see it
      Albrecht:  iron triad?
 Yegor Dolgoru:  This mean anything to any of you?
      DM of Da:
       Nikolai:  uhm.
       Nikolai:  well shit?
  *** Nikolai starts
        Vasily:  Why do you ask? 
  *** Sven frowns
  *** Albrecht nods
       Nikolai:  I think a more important question is: what does that
 mean to YOU?
  *** Nikolai suspicion
  *** Yegor Dolgorukiy reaches behind the collar of his shirt and pulls
 out an iron pendant hanging around his neck 
       Nikolai:  I see.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Well?
       Nikolai:  //jesus christ how many are there
       Nikolai:  We follow the same path then.
      Albrecht:  // this makes 4 including us
  *** Sven continues to frown
  *** Nikolai nods his understanding
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Well, this changes some things, but not everything. 
       Nikolai:  Hopefully this means you can trust us... and we can
 trust you... a little better, yes?
 Yegor Dolgoru:  All I know now is that you're worth my while, for sure.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Now, listen, we can't meet like this again. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  I'll make it seem like I wasn't satisfied with your work
 and fired you.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  I'd say it's wise for you all not to be seen around Kiev
 too much. 
        Vasily:  We're leaving soon.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Good.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  If you've earned the notice of the Triad, you should
 know the value results, and so do I. 
       Nikolai:  //...
       Nikolai:  what does that mean
       Nikolai:  like, in english
      DM of Da:  *they
      DM of Da:  they value
       Nikolai:  thanks
 Yegor Dolgoru:  I've got my own plans that I'm exploring, so don't think
 that you can come to me if you're in trouble.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Someone's already threatened Arkadiy, asking him
 questions, and I won't allow any of this to be traced back to me. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  You come back with results, I'll reward you. I'm a fair
       Nikolai:  So inversely, we're free to carry out this plan any way
 we see fit.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Just remember what I said. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  This...
  *** Yegor Dolgorukiy points at the pendant 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Doesn't change that.
      Albrecht:  // we need to get ourselves some official pendants
       Nikolai:  //yeah I want some info ont hat
  *** Nikolai narrows his eyes
       Nikolai:  Understood.
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Good. 
 Yegor Dolgoru:  Now, you should get going.
  *** Nikolai we get going
 <<< Yegor Dolgorukiy has left >>>
 <<< 12:08:50 AM >>>
      DM of Da:  Ok
      DM of Da:  Throughout this entire conversation
      DM of Da:  Sven
      DM of Da:  You have been more and more distracted by that feeling
 that you have forgotten something important
      DM of Da:  Like something is in your subconscious, just out of
 reach, that is the key to a train of thought you'd been having but lost
       Nikolai:  wtfcharles.
      DM of Da:  And as you're walking down the street after leaving
 Yegor Dolgorukiy's residence...
      DM of Da:  Roll a Will save.
          Sven:  /try 7
  *** DM rolls attempts for Sven :
  *** DM 1d20 < 5 = 5 > + 7 = 12 
      Albrecht:  br
       Nikolai:  also wtfcharles.
  *** Sven is a rolling hero
       Nikolai:  you're an rolling here.
       Nikolai:  hero
      DM of Da:  You have a sudden, momentary feeling like you are
 falling into a whirlpool, drowning, trying to save yourself, but failing
          root:  should have rolled wild empathy instead
          Sven:  //rofl
          root:  if anyone cares - Red Sox just won
      DM of Da:  You black out, but just before you do so, you have a
 sensation of... imbalance... like you're looking at something that is
 somehow incredible wrong
      DM of Da:  You come to in a minute or so, and the feeling is no
 longer there
       Nikolai:  wtf
          Sven:  can I go meditate on this or something/
          Sven:  ?
      DM of Da:  You will find meditation ultimately unfruitful if
 conducted in an environment such as a city
          Sven:  well of course
      DM of Da:  Any meaningful meditation or similar activity you wish
 to undertake will be of use to you only if you do it somewhere
 sufficiently far from civilization
      DM of Da:  And this is where we end this session
       Nikolai:  hey now
       Nikolai:  I want to meditate too.
      DM of Da:  k
      DM of Da:  About what
       Nikolai:  And my meditation should not be restrained in the same
       Nikolai:  because loldruids
    DM of Gaia:  k well you can meditate
       Nikolai:  Ok I want to know something both specific and broad
    DM of Gaia:  Both specific AND broad
    DM of Gaia:  Wow
    DM of Gaia:  That's... broad
       Nikolai:  What unifies us as servants of the Iron Triad
      Albrecht:  see, it's something specific about a broad.
          Sven:  simultaneously?
    DM of Gaia:  While at the same time being specific
       Nikolai:  yes
       Nikolai:  Indeed
       Nikolai:  So
    DM of Gaia:  So um
    DM of Gaia:  I guess I should give you answer that is broad
       Nikolai:  As of now, we've encountered two people who have the
 pendant around their neck
    DM of Gaia:  And specific at the same time
       Nikolai:  What does that mean and why should we care.
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  Well
       Nikolai:  Also I want one too.
    DM of Gaia:  Why don't you
       Nikolai:  So does Albrecht.
       Nikolai:  they're kewl.
    DM of Gaia:  Roll Knowledge: The Planes followed by Knowledge: Arcana
       Nikolai:  /try 10;planes 10;arcana
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM (planes)  1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 10 = 11
  *** DM (arcana)  1d20 < 1 = 1 > + 10 = 11
       Nikolai:  ...
       Nikolai:  bullshit
       Nikolai:  I want a do over.
      Albrecht:  yeah I want a necklace
          root:  he did roll doubles
      Albrecht:  I can do arcana only
      Albrecht:  /try 5;arcana
  *** DM rolls attempts for Albrecht :
  *** DM (arcana)  1d20 < 8 = 8 > + 5 = 13 
       Nikolai:  seriously
       Nikolai:  double ones?
       Nikolai:  that's crap
    DM of Gaia:  lols
       Nikolai:  /try 10;planes 10;arcana
  *** DM rolls attempts for Nikolai :
  *** DM (planes)  1d20 < 4 = 4 > + 10 = 14
  *** DM (arcana)  1d20 < 13 = 13 > + 10 = 23
       Nikolai:  use those.
        Vasily:  /try 8;arcana 
  *** DM rolls attempts for Vasily :
  *** DM (arcana)  1d20 < 14 = 14 > + 8 = 22 
    DM of Gaia:  How about
    DM of Gaia:  I use the ones you rolled
       Nikolai:  No
       Nikolai:  :p
    DM of Gaia:  Wtf is "doever"
    DM of Gaia:  *do over
    DM of Gaia:  Seriously
       Nikolai:  arrrrr
          root:  luck domain
          Sven:  didn't you hear
          root:  he stole that too
       Nikolai:  doubles!
          Sven:  this shit is monopoly.
       Nikolai:  free parking!
    DM of Gaia:  Yes well
    DM of Gaia:  You can go park for free
          Sven:  also
    DM of Gaia:  In the Suck section of the parking lot
          root:  no he cant, hes in brooklyn or something
          Sven:  I may show up late next weekend if at all
    DM of Gaia:  It's where people who suck go.
    DM of Gaia:  Oh?
          Sven:  and I won't be here for the weekend after that.
       Nikolai:  is that going to california
          Sven:  the second one is
       Nikolai:  what's the first
          Sven:  pgh
    DM of Gaia:  pgh...
       Nikolai:  oh really
    DM of Gaia:  What's pgh
       Nikolai:  pittsburgh
    DM of Gaia:  Wow
    DM of Gaia:  Ok
    DM of Gaia:  Anyways
    DM of Gaia:  Turns out you don't know shit
       Nikolai:  well
       Nikolai:  I know I don't know shit
    DM of Gaia:  But Vasily does!
       Nikolai:  what the fuck
       Nikolai:  does he?
    DM of Gaia:  He does.
       Nikolai:  ok
    DM of Gaia:  Here's what he knows
        Vasily:  Seems like I do.
    DM of Gaia:  Regarding the pendants and people wearing them:
    DM of Gaia:  To the question of "what does it mean", Vasily can't
 answer you, because he has no unique knowledge of the Iron Triad.
    DM of Gaia:  To the question of "why should we care", Vasily can't
 answer you either.
       Nikolai:  no shit
       Nikolai:  see when I said meditate
       Nikolai:  I meant, look for an answer from a higher power
       Nikolai:  like Zorayan
    DM of Gaia:  Yes I know exactly what you meant
       Nikolai:  not try to dig the knowledge out of my brain
    DM of Gaia:  But what Vasily can answer you is a question you didn't
 ask, namely, "what do they do".
    DM of Gaia:  (i.e. the pendants)
       Nikolai:  o rly
       Nikolai:  ...
    DM of Gaia:  Hang on looking stuff up
       Nikolai:  ok
    DM of Gaia:  So as to phrase it in a precise manner
    DM of Gaia:  Vasily informs you that the means by which the pendants
 work is, essentially, a function of planar interaction
    DM of Gaia:  What they identify is the presence of a specific link
 from a specific nexus (or nexi) of power to the focus of that link
    DM of Gaia:  That link follows (or, you might say, is) a path through
 the Shadow Realm to the focus
    DM of Gaia:  To put it in specific terms
       Nikolai:  ok
       Nikolai:  I think I get it
    DM of Gaia:  Right
    DM of Gaia:  Good
      Albrecht:  basically it lets the wearer detect people who draw
 power from the triad
    DM of Gaia:  Well, no, Nikolai for example doesn't draw power from
 them as such
      Albrecht:  and nor do I
    DM of Gaia:  Zorayan has merely shown him how to draw on remnant
 divine energy
      Albrecht:  so ok, people who have a link
    DM of Gaia:  The pendants are simply able to unmistakably identify
 mortals who have a specific spiritual link to the Triad
       Nikolai:  k
       Nikolai:  so 1. can I has my meditation
       Nikolai:  2. I have another sort of related question
       Nikolai:  but I'd like an answer to 1. first
      Albrecht:  basically the pendants are an always-on "Detect Iron
 Triad Follower" spell
          Sven:  I want my meditation too :(
    DM of Gaia:  Sven you will get it next session
    DM of Gaia:  Or whenever you're not in a city
    DM of Gaia:  You have to be close to nature
    DM of Gaia:  Nikolai
    DM of Gaia:  1. No
       Nikolai:  sigh
    DM of Gaia:  1a. Maybe
       Nikolai:  you suck
       Nikolai:  1a?
       Nikolai:  lol
       Nikolai:  ok so
          Sven:  hah.
       Nikolai:  next question
       Nikolai:  as an Ur-Priest, what do I use as my Divine Focus
       Nikolai:  if anything
    DM of Gaia:  That Is A Good Question(tm).
    DM of Gaia:  One sec
    DM of Gaia:  As your divine focus you can use any single object you
       Nikolai:  question 2a. Where do I get one of those pendants
    DM of Gaia:  Bah
    DM of Gaia:  Fine
    DM of Gaia:  You can have your meditation
          Sven:  hahaha
      Albrecht:  2a is something I am also asking
       Nikolai:  hahaha
          Sven:  comedizzle.
  *** Nikolai wins via nagging
    DM of Gaia:  Alright
  *** Nikolai also loopholes
    DM of Gaia:  You asked for it
       Nikolai:  that I did.
    DM of Gaia:  You're getting more than you asked for
    DM of Gaia:  So's Albrecht
       Nikolai:  uh oh
       Nikolai:  <_<
       Nikolai:  >_>
      Albrecht:  doom.
       Nikolai:  luckily we're in this together!
       Nikolai:  right pal?
          Sven:  haHA.
    DM of Gaia:  You both go to sleep that night
    DM of Gaia:  And you find yourselves dreaming
    DM of Gaia:  //and hold on switching comps
    DM of Gaia:  //make me get up off the couch...
      Albrecht:  // at least you can switch comps
      DM of Da:  To the surprise of both of you, you find that you are in
 the same dream
       Nikolai:  Huh.
       Nikolai:  Imagine that.
      DM of Da:  And somehow, you are both aware of this
       Nikolai:  What do you know.
      Albrecht:  This is no dream... this is a space station.
       Nikolai:  <_<
       Nikolai:  >_>
        Vasily:  No, you're all on a giant hampster. 
      DM of Da:  You are in an infinite expanse, a black void, stretching
 out in all directions.
      DM of Da:  You are floating, motionless.
      DM of Da:  As you look around, you feel your perception expanding,
 to encompass more and more of the void surrounding you; you can see into
 the vast distance, and you see no edge, no horizon; but you realize that
 it is not mere empty space.
      DM of Da:  Hurtling through this void are myriads of immense iron
      Albrecht:  // hey it's acheron
      DM of Da:  This is, indeed, the plane of Acheron.
      Albrecht:  // can we see any particles of azrashak or ivan
          root:  // you see a wizard
      DM of Da:  Suddenly, you are aware that you are not alone; floating
 in space, surrounding you in a perfect triangle, are three tall, winged
          Sven:  how many of them are kerenskies
      Albrecht:  0
          root:  dragons can be wild...empesize with them
          Sven:  :
          Sven:  /
          Sven:  :/
      DM of Da:  One, with dark skin, a powerfully muscled build, and
 immense black wings; one, with pale green skin, lean and wiry, with
 dust-grey wings; and one, with the same greenish skin and wings and hair
 of a fiery crimson.
      DM of Da:  They gaze at you impassively from three directions.
 <<<  Arakel has joined  >>>
 <<< 12:45:41 AM >>>
 <<<  Karayan has joined  >>>
 <<< 12:45:46 AM >>>
 <<<  Zorayan has joined  >>>
 <<< 12:45:50 AM >>>
       Karayan:  How unusual.
       Zorayan:  That two mortals whose destinies are so close should see
 the path we lay out? 
  *** Albrecht bows
  *** Nikolai raises an eyebrow
        Arakel:  That those who follow our path should have such close
       Nikolai:  A triviality of causality.
  *** Karayan inclines his head slightly 
       Zorayan:  Tell us, you who seek power...
       Karayan:  Do we now appear in your dreams... 
        Arakel:  Or you in ours?
  *** Nikolai blink
          Sven:  that's that philosophical bullshit again.
      Albrecht:  That is beyond my ken.
       Nikolai:  Perhaps... both?
       Nikolai:  But... Do any of us truly dream?
          Sven:  //wtf does that even mean
  *** Zorayan stretches out her arm, pointing into the vast expanse 
       Nikolai:  Or maybe we're always dreaming.
      DM of Da:  Suddenly, the entirety of the surrounding space seems to
 stretch, and you find that you, still surrounded by the Triad, are
 floating above an immense grey plane.
      DM of Da:  It is perfectly level, and extends in all directions.
      Albrecht:  brb
  *** Arakel clenches his fist, holds his arm out, and unclenches it,
 revealing in his palm a triangular iron pendant
       Zorayan:  Forged from a piece of this realm itself... 
       Karayan:  Tempered with one drop of blood from each of three.
       Zorayan:  The paths through Shadow are closed. 
       Karayan:  The symbol marks one as our instrument.
       Zorayan:  There are only as many as existed in Midgard... 
      Albrecht:  back
       Karayan:  In the first days after the cataclysm.
       Zorayan:  There can be no more. 
      DM of Da:  Karayan's mouth curls up in a slight smile...
       Karayan:  To receive a mark...
  *** Arakel clenches his fist again 
        Arakel:  You must rise above one who holds it.
          Sven:  bahaha
       Zorayan:  Power cannot be shared. 
          Sven:  it's like old-school druidism
       Nikolai:  //ah now this is classic evil shit
      Albrecht:  // damn, I actually remember that stuff
      Albrecht:  // except yeah this is evil
          Sven:  //old-school druidism was totally evil
      Albrecht:  // ok siran is beyond us for now, and Yegor is useful
      Albrecht:  // it was strict hierarchy of power, but it wasn't Evil
       Nikolai:  //well we'll get one of them eventually.
       Nikolai:  //or both
      Albrecht:  // "to become a level 16 druid you must beat up the
 existing heirophant because only the head of the druidic orders can
 advance past 15."
      Albrecht:  // presumably there's more than two total
       Karayan:  Your choice is the path of ascension.
       Nikolai:  //right
  *** Karayan folds his wings on his back and bows 
  *** Arakel does the same
        Vasily:  // well, the other option was for the existing L15 druid
 to gain a level.
       Nikolai:  My lords... are we expected to obey those that hold this
       Nikolai:  Or anything of the sort?
      DM of Da:  Zorayan's mouth twists into a sneer.
       Zorayan:  Obedience is the province of slaves. 
       Zorayan:  The path of ascension is yours alone.
       Nikolai:  I like the sound of that.
      Albrecht:  How many marks are there in Midgard?
       Karayan:  As many marks as there are paths. 
      Albrecht:  // 3 then
  *** Nikolai bows
       Nikolai:  //so perhaps
       Nikolai:  //you need to find Arakel's mark
       Nikolai:  //and I need Zorayan's
  *** Zorayan inclines her head
      DM of Da:  And you both wake up.
 <<< Zorayan has left >>>
 <<< 01:01:34 AM >>>
      Albrecht:  // that would be ideal in many ways, though the marks
 appear identical
 <<< Karayan has left >>>
 <<< 01:01:35 AM >>>
 <<< Arakel has left >>>
 <<< 01:01:36 AM >>>
      Albrecht:  the three paths were...
      Albrecht:  strength, information, and...
       Nikolai:  power, courage, wisdom. Lol.
       Nikolai:  zomg teh triforce
      Albrecht:  ain't no zelda here
       Nikolai:  oh come on!
       Nikolai:  last game he did Mega Man X
       Nikolai:  this time it's Zelda
      Albrecht:  though we could do with a hot princess.  doubt she'd be
 happy with her rescue though
       Nikolai:  I swear
          root:  dude
          root:  we're evil
      DM of Da:  Force of arms and martial superiority
       Nikolai:  whatever, Zelda can take care of herself
          root:  i doubt we could weild the master sword
       Nikolai:  I always used the Biggoron's sword anyhow
      Albrecht:  i could
      DM of Da:  Deception, treachery, superior knowledge
      DM of Da:  Domination, tyranny, subjugation
       Nikolai:  which one corresponds to which
       Nikolai:  force of arms is Arakel
      Albrecht:  Yegor would appear to follow the second
      DM of Da:  Arakel, Karayan, Zorayan, respectively
       Nikolai:  k
      Albrecht:  Siran... could be either of the other two
       Nikolai:  yeah
       Nikolai:  not sure
      Albrecht:  yeah we don't know enough
       Nikolai:  I'd say Arakel though
       Nikolai:  because she has sort of a dumb brute air to her
      Albrecht:  that'll disappoint you
      Albrecht:  she tortured you more than anyone else
      Albrecht:  and I'd be beating her up for her necklace
       Nikolai:  meh!
       Nikolai:  go for it imo
      Albrecht:  not yet, I think
       Nikolai:  Right.
      Albrecht:  while I didn't take advantage of a chance to sneak a
 peek at the char sheet
      Albrecht:  I strongly suspect she's still beyond us
       Nikolai:  easily agreed
       Nikolai:  when I have like
       Nikolai:  L6 cleric spells
       Nikolai:  we'll talk
      Albrecht:  hmm, and we don't have anyone to take the last of those
      Albrecht:  that's 5 levels?
      Albrecht:  no, 6, you want wiz5
       Nikolai:  right
       Nikolai:  L11
      Albrecht:  so 11
      Albrecht:  i'll be good and beefy by then
      Albrecht:  divine might and 1/day spell reflect
       Nikolai:  those are both good things to have
       Nikolai:  ok past my bedtime officially
      Albrecht:  should be for me
       Nikolai:  I suppose i'll need to designate a divine focus
      Albrecht:  but i'm obviously not making it to work at 9 tomorrow
      Albrecht:  because I get to carry theoden to tekserve
       Nikolai:  yeah, that blows
      Albrecht:  i wish i could get the damn video card out
      Albrecht:  i strongly suspect that's what's wrong, but i'm too
 <<< Sven has left >>>
 <<< 01:08:56 AM >>>
    DM of Gaia:  Too scrawny?
          root: Nikolai Wix 4 right now?
    DM of Gaia:  Explain
    DM of Gaia:  I think so yeah
      Albrecht:  you know how both my father and machines horribly
 overtighten screws such that nobody can unscrew them?
       Nikolai:  yes
      Albrecht:  also how computers are sometimes laid out stupidly so
 you can't get a normal screwdriver into a screwhead properly?
       Nikolai:  well if you could get the video card out
       Nikolai:  what would you replace it with
      Albrecht:  i'd still need a new one
      Albrecht:  but if i could get it out and it was the bottleneck
    DM of Gaia:  Well
    DM of Gaia:  If you can get a screwhead in
      Albrecht:  then the machine would boot, presumably
       Nikolai:  not necessarily
    DM of Gaia:  You could use a set of pliers
    DM of Gaia:  For leveragwe
    DM of Gaia:  -w
      Albrecht:  and I could go on the laptop and connect to server to
 see it
       Nikolai:  ok so
       Nikolai:  a fucked up vid card
       Nikolai:  would not cause the machine to not power on
      Albrecht:  it powers
       Nikolai:  is that's what's happening?
       Nikolai:  ok
      Albrecht:  bong, fan, no video
       Nikolai:  so the assumption here
       Nikolai:  is that it would boot without a video card
      Albrecht:  reset pram doesn't happen
       Nikolai:  which I don't think is the case
    DM of Gaia:  It actually doesn't boot?
    DM of Gaia:  Did you try pinging it?
      Albrecht:  i left it on for around 10 minutes and tried connecting
 rather than pinging
          root:  okay...i need sleep
      Albrecht:  i mean, i can go hit the button again and try
          root:  night folks
 <<< root has left >>>
 <<< 01:12:11 AM >>>
      Albrecht:  router shows only one wired connection
      Albrecht:  which, given karen's machine being off and the printer
 being plugged in, would be that
      Albrecht:  yeah, IP matches the printer
      Albrecht:  so it's definitely not getting far enough to get pinged
      Albrecht:  trying to target disk mode it