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Beyond Ragnarok : Nevermore (adventure log)
Darklands» Nevermore (adventure log)

Sandy15 September 2018, 18:10
  • 5th — (DC 17) — arc of lightning, cloudkill, cone of cold, fist of Cocytus, lightning leap, prismatic ray, stop heart
  • 4th — (DC 17) — burning blood, channeled pyroburst, damning darkness, fire shield, Koschei’s corrosive lance, lesser globe of invulnerability, Said’s greater lightning bolt, slashing dispel, wrack
  • 3rd — (DC 17) — dispel magic, fireball, fly, haste, lightning bolt, resonating bolt, phantom steed, protection from energy, tiny hut
  • 2nd — (DC 16) — blast of force, blinding color surge, darkbolt, pyrotechnics, resist energy, scorching ray, shatter, shriveling
  • 1st — (DC 16) — burning hands, color spray, enlarge person, feather fall, mage armor, magic missile, shield, shocking grasp, unseen servant
  • 0th — (DC 16) — all.

Sandy15 September 2018, 18:17
L5: 5 * 9 * 25 = 1125 * 6 = 6750
L4: 4 * 7 * 25 = 700 * 9 = 6300
L3: 3 * 5 * 25 = 375 * 9 = 3375
L2: 2 * 3 * 25 = 150 * 8 = 1200
L1: 1 * 1 * 25 = 25 * 9 = 375

6750 + 6300 + 3375 + 1200 + 375 = 18,000
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