(redirected from Spells)
This list includes new spells written for Beyond Ragnarok, and modified versions of published spells (that is, every spell with a spell description page on this wiki is listed here).
Naturally, the versions of these spells given here supersede any other versions found anywhere else.
- abrasive blast
- alter self
- arcane disjunction
- ashes of eternity
- blood of the earth
- chain dispel
- Chernovsky’s impregnable fortress
- circle of death
- commanding voice of Nessus
- cone of cold
- corrosive blast
- crimson skies of Avernus
- dancing lights
- darkness
- daylight
- death ward
- deeper darkness
- delay poison
- desert fire
- desert firestorm
- diamond fortress
- dictum
- dimension door
- dimension jump
- dimension jump, mass
- embrace of Malbolge
- entangling touch
- fist of Cocytus
- freedom of movement
- frostbite
- frost crystal
- gate
- grim revenge
- heal
- heroes’ feast
- howling winds of Cocytus
- ice avalanche
- iceberg
- ice burst
- ice sheet
- iron citadel
- Jotunheim’s clutch
- keen edge
- Koschei’s corrosive lance
- light
- light crystal
- mind blank
- mire of Minauros
- mirror image
- Mjolnir’s wrath
- neutralize poison
- Nikolai’s curse of insignificance
- numbing sphere
- pall of twilight
- phantasmal terror
- poison
- polar ray
- polymorph
- portcullis
- prismatic eye
- radiant assault
- rapture of rupture
- remove disease
- resist energy
- restoration
- restoration, greater
- restoration, lesser
- Said’s greater lightning bolt
- shapechange
- shriveling
- summon swarm, greater
- thunderclap
- thundermaul
- touch of Malbolge
- utterdark
- Vasily’s careful conjuration consumer
- Vasily’s utilitarian conjuration
- weird
- wrack earth
- wrathful castigation